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Does the environment really not play a role in the way I feel?


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Yeah, I've heard many times that every time I feel bad it is not because of the environment but rather the thoughts that feel discordant. Alright alright... But then - Why is it recommended to eat healthy food rather than junk food? When I eat salad I feel better than having a bunch of gummy sweets, but is it still the thoughts? I've been wondering whether the environment has some kind of 'effect' of producing/bringing up certain vibrational thoughts... because then how is it the case that I have more discordant thoughts after eating junk food rather than healthy food?

Same with exercise - is it thoughts that arise during exercise that often feel good?

Same with having a conversation with a friend, although that may be more obvious.

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27 minutes ago, fopylo said:

Why is it recommended to eat healthy food rather than junk food?

A slightly different framing might be clarifying… food that grows from the earth just like the like the body does, and “food” which man makes to sell. 


27 minutes ago, fopylo said:

but is it still the thoughts?

There aren’t actually separate things. Thoughts appear as and for creator-creating-creation. Some thoughts, and some foods align with what you really are, and some don’t… because of what you really are. You can appear as a whole universe, but you can not actually be anything other than, what you are. 


30 minutes ago, fopylo said:

I've been wondering whether the environment has some kind of 'effect' of producing/bringing up certain vibrational thoughts... because then how is it the case that I have more discordant thoughts after eating junk food rather than healthy food?

Conditioning, thoughts attract thoughts, we all grew up thinkin, and eating, like those around us - who are asleep in the matrix. 


33 minutes ago, fopylo said:

Same with exercise - is it thoughts that arise during exercise that often feel good?

Calories are burned… nature abhors a vacuum… the body is replenished, filled up with what is. 

The thoughts, ‘good’ and ‘bad’, are made of, goodness. The ‘body’ too. 


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2 hours ago, Phil said:

There aren’t actually separate things.

2 hours ago, Phil said:

Some thoughts, and some foods align with what you really are

You just made a separation, as though foods are a special case, separate from thoughts yet similar in a way...

3 hours ago, Phil said:

Conditioning, thoughts attract thoughts, we all grew up thinkin, and eating, like those around us - who are asleep in the matrix. 

Yeah but this doesn't really answer what I'm asking. Fine, be it conditioning from repetitive thinking, but the question is why discordant thoughts arise as a result of eating junk food..

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2 hours ago, fopylo said:

You just made a separation, as though foods are a special case, separate from thoughts yet similar in a way...

Apparently, but it’s still actually the very same goodness. 

2 hours ago, fopylo said:

Yeah but this doesn't really answer what I'm asking. Fine, be it conditioning from repetitive thinking, but the question is why discordant thoughts arise as a result of eating junk food..

The thoughts, result and food are all vibration. Junk food and junk thoughts are a match. 

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13 minutes ago, Phil said:

Apparently, but it’s still actually the very same goodness.

Could you please elaborate? I didn't quite understand what you're saying.

14 minutes ago, Phil said:

Junk food and junk thoughts are a match.

Nah but you see, here's the thing - who are you to decide that a food is junk? The 'junkness' of thoughts I believe are referring to the discord of thoughts, whereas the 'junkness' of food is judgement. With no judgement, I might just try out some very deep fried food I've never eaten (so no upfront judgement), eat it, and then I might feel terrible. But why is there that 'terrible' feeling? What gives 'junk' food the authority to bring the discordant thoughts?


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12 hours ago, fopylo said:

Could you please elaborate? I didn't quite understand what you're saying.

Apparently, as in it seems like it, but there isn’t. Thoughts about different stuff are all made of the same ‘stuff’. 

12 hours ago, fopylo said:

Nah but you see, here's the thing - who are you to decide that a food is junk?

You said it was junk food. I don’t really know what you’re eating. 

12 hours ago, fopylo said:

The 'junkness' of thoughts I believe are referring to the discord of thoughts, whereas the 'junkness' of food is judgement. With no judgement, I might just try out some very deep fried food I've never eaten (so no upfront judgement), eat it, and then I might feel terrible. But why is there that 'terrible' feeling? What gives 'junk' food the authority to bring the discordant thoughts?

You. It’s more of a being the body, than it is an authority. Yet you’re the authority as well. The environment plays a role in identifying as the body and thoughts, in the conditioning sense. Society plays a role in making ‘junk food’. But you can eat and think what you want. 


A great contemplation is to bring to mind what you’d have done differently creation wise, what you’d change. And then think through the wave of changes that change would make. If the contemplation is carried out fully, it’ll go full circle back to yourself. 


Meditation, expression journaling, the emotional scale, the dreamboard… these are all about the environment playing less of a role and the true nature playing more of a role in how you feel. 

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@fopylo Even if thought is affected or influenced by an impaired brain (food, alcohol, drugs, etc) the awareness that is aware of the thought stays the same.


You might say, "if I  had not ate that junk food I would have had better thoughts". Well, it was thought that made you eat the food to begin with.... everything is cause and effect. 


You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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Sometimes when we feel less than stellar we reach for foods that match that vibration, and we feel less than stellar as a "result of" the food. If you're feeling great and you celebrate a birthday and have a piece of cake and you feel worthy of it and don't doubt yourself, you'll likely continue on feeling great. Often though, the food is attracted to us or attractive TO us because of the way we've been feeling, yet when we change our food out of a desire to feel better, we feel better.  When we change our thoughts we change the food or environment we are drawn to. 


Intending and envisioning how you want to feel before you go into a new environment or choose or eat food can be powerful. 

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