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Paranoia and Gore

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Hi everyone.

I am always paranoid about everything.

I am paranoid that someone could potentially leak my messages and take them out of context putting me in jail.

I am paranoid that if I go out with a girl she could potentially falsely accuse me of something and put me in jail.

I am paranoid about saying the wrong thing and being put in jail. 

I am paranoid of being at the wrong place at the wrong time and being put in jail.

It's paranoia and excessive worrying.


It's NOT SERVING ME IN ANY WAY yet I still ruminate about it. It feels unproductive. It feels like it's only making me worse. Yet I still keep doing it.

All of this stems from me watching and consuming content about people who have experienced those exact things above e.g. being falsely accused and put in jail. It's one of my biggest fears. 

Another fear I have is about gore videos and non-duality. 

In my youth I was exposed to a lot of gore content. This is stuff that you likely could not have even imagined were actually happening in the real world. I can almost guarantee it would cause some level of trauma for a large number of people. 

My mind keeps replaying the memories of the stuff I've seen in gore videos and it makes me feel very fearful and uneasy. I keep ruminating on me experiencing that at one point because of non-duality; we will experience every experience that there is. 

I am paranoid about saying or talking about certain things and the police going after me or something. Is there a logical explanation for why I should be fine?

People freely talk about psychedelics here which is illegal but people talk about it so freely. Aren't you guys scared that the cops could track you down and find who you are and see what you have written? Or is it protected by some amendment that gives us free speech? Do we have free speech? Can we say we're doing something publicly even though it's illegal and not be arrested for it simply on the basis that we said it? 

I even feel scared talking about psychedelics and gore here because I don't even know about the legality of gore I watched it when I was so young.

How can I stop being so paranoid and worrying so much? This is causing me immense suffering and I really want to get out of it. 

Edited by DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis
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You are focusing on what is not wanted, and not yet turning to what IS wanted. We think that by thinking we can exclude things, but we cannot.  Because we are only ever Now, and can only ever think now, if we think a lot about what we do not want, we are still thinking of it. Thinking of what we do not want directly includes it in our now rather than excluding it. Because our only point of power is now, we only ever attract, we don't push away with our thoughts. A thought of getting rid of my mice infestation is a thought of the mice infestation. If that thought feels bad, I'm not doing anything about going in the direction of what I want (a clean home). I can focus on my desire for a clean home and purchase and set mice traps and check them weekly. 


It is good to occasionally look at what we do not want and then use that to define what we do want, and give focus and attention to that. The Universe is like a waiter, and if you mumble to the waiter that comes to take your order, "I don't want the cordon bleu", he's either gonna bring you nothing and stand there looking confused or he'll bring you the cordon blue because he didn't hear you say "I don't want". 


What DO you want? There's a lot of stuff going on here, amazingly awesome stuff, awful stuff. You get to choose in your now what you give focus to. Again, now is your only point of power. There isn't a past you that looked at a whole lot of stuff, and there isn't a future you being held accountable for something you didn't even do. There's just now. There are thoughts that feel good to focus on now, and thoughts that feel bad and can be let go of now. 


1 hour ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

I keep ruminating on me experiencing that at one point because of non-duality; we will experience every experience that there is. 

This is not true, not does nonduality imply this. There is no limit to experience, nor is there an "every experience that is", nor is experience an actuality. Go to the very razor's edge of now. Are you actually experiencing? Or is that a thought judging what you think to be your now? You are prior to experience. If you are fearing an experience, you are lost in time (lost in thought) and it is eventually realized that the fear is worse than the experience itself, then there is a desire to get the experience over with. What's missed is that the experience is (only now) fear not the future experience. That future experience is not a given. It's being created now. Then it might be believed that enlightenment is the relief that comes in having this unwanted experience over with. But there is no end to you, there is only infinite, unconditional love. 


Not infinite unconditional fear. 


Love. Now. 


How is love known? Is love a thought? Love is only now, known by the way it feels. If we're afraid we missed the mark. It feels bad exactly because it is unconditional love guiding us back to what THAT, (our birthright) feels like. You are always feeling. You are always guided by feelings responding to your thoughts and beliefs, now. That's how Love(d) you really are. 


You cannot lose. 

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12 hours ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

me experiencing that   at one point   because of non-duality;   we will experience   every experience   that there is. 

That is duality.

That is not, non-duality.

This is the root, and means of perpetuating your suffering, and this is unequivocally false. 


To see through the falsity and bring an end to this suffering three things must be realized:

1. That is not your direct experience. 

2. That is conjecture. 

3. We are all parallel. No one is your authority. 


You did not experience this claim. You heard this claim, and you believe it. As you said (in all caps) this is not serving you. The insight you’re desiring will be found in the realization of how this does serve the whoever who said it. Accept that people do & say false things, because it serves them, not you. Understand they might not even be aware of this.  ‘Listen’ to the guidance. Nip. It. In. The. Bud. 


If there is repressed or suppressed anger or trauma, address that more directly (vs questioning the gore watching). 

If some of the content is in fact illegal, the experience might be more of conscience & projection than paranoia. Projection often happens unconsciously. Missing that what you are focusing on is very discordant… and believing that feeling of discord is somehow because of other people or the world at large. 


There are lots of helpful resources for relief, for understanding these experiences and seeing through them for good. Books, healing modalities, therapy, yoga, breathing exercises, reiki, expressive writing, etc. 


What have you tried or experienced so far?

How did it go?


The 12 steps of AA comes to mind… the first step is the admittance one is powerless over addiction, and one gets help. Not necessarily saying you are experiencing addiction, but it comes to mind as similar and potentially helpful in changing your orientation. 

This is a very powerful step imo. 

What do you think?

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12 hours ago, Mandy said:

This is not true, not does nonduality imply this. There is no limit to experience, nor is there an "every experience that is", nor is experience an actuality. Go to the very razor's edge of now. Are you actually experiencing? Or is that a thought judging what you think to be your now? You are prior to experience. If you are fearing an experience, you are lost in time (lost in thought) and it is eventually realized that the fear is worse than the experience itself, then there is a desire to get the experience over with. What's missed is that the experience is (only now) fear not the future experience. That future experience is not a given. It's being created now. Then it might be believed that enlightenment is the relief that comes in having this unwanted experience over with. But there is no end to you, there is only infinite, unconditional love.


4 hours ago, Phil said:

You did not experience this claim. You heard this claim, and you believe it. As you said (in all caps) this is not serving you. The insight you’re desiring will be found in the realization of how this does serve the whoever who said it. Accept that people do & say false things, because it serves them, not you. Understand they might not even be aware of this.  ‘Listen’ to the guidance. Nip. It. In. The. Bud. 

Exactly. I haven't actually experienced this claim. It's only an idea/concept in my mind that I got from hearing about it from a video. The video was The Radical Implications of Oneness video by Leo Gura, where he talks about how I (as in God and not the human ego) will experience every experience that there is. 

However, I don't really see how saying this would serve him in any way. In fact it's more of a disservice for him because most people would think he's gone crazy. 

I know that I need to actually experience Oneness for myself to truly understand it. I want to build my muscle of being able to simply drop ideas and thoughts at will. But I am not strong in that area yet. 



4 hours ago, Phil said:

If some of the content is in fact illegal, the experience might be more of conscience & projection than paranoia. Projection often happens unconsciously. Missing that what you are focusing on is very discordant… and believing that feeling of discord is somehow because of other people or the world at large. 

I don't understand what you mean by this. Can you please elaborate? 



4 hours ago, Phil said:

There are lots of helpful resources for relief, for understanding these experiences and seeing through them for good. Books, healing modalities, therapy, yoga, breathing exercises, reiki, expressive writing, etc. 


What have you tried or experienced so far?

Some of the resources you've mentioned I haven't even heard of.  Where should I start? 

I've tried contemplating for myself how this is serving my life and why my mind is engaging in this paranoia. I just keep on asking "why".



4 hours ago, Phil said:

How did it go?

I've gotten more awareness, but I am not satisfied with the results I've gotten. 



4 hours ago, Phil said:

The 12 steps of AA comes to mind… the first step is the admittance one is powerless over addiction, and one gets help. Not necessarily saying you are experiencing addiction, but it comes to mind as similar and potentially helpful in changing your orientation. 

This is a very powerful step imo. 

What do you think?

For me, it is addiction. Paranoia is a habitual pattern of thinking that seemingly has more power over me than I have of it. 

How does admitting one is powerless over addiction helpful? 

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4 hours ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

However, I don't really see how saying this would serve him in any way. In fact it's more of a disservice for him because most people would think he's gone crazy. 


Sometimes people feel unworthy. They might have internalized that for example, having a small penis is shameful, not enough for sexually pleasing others, and generally unworthy, not masculine and powerful enough. Sometimes rather than allowing oneself to feel the guidance of how unworthiness and shame feels like (discord), the emotional guidance is averted. This is thought-attachment. Thought-attachment might look like depression, addiction, even psychosis. Or it might look like ideology, philosophical, conceptual jungle of beliefs and narratives.


In regard of believing small penises are unworthy and shameful, one might really go deep into all kinds of philosophies and ideologies about how dicks need constant measuring and how one needs to prove everyone how big their dick is. Dick measuring contests. And of course, in order to avert the guidance of feeling unworthiness or shame, and to uphold the thought-attachment, judgement and projection, one often kind of has to get others to play the same game, with the same rules. There needs to be others (smaller) dicks to be measured in order to have the biggest dick.


The thing is with these dick-measuring contests, that one will never have a dick big enough. The contest never satisfies because it's rooted in duality and projection. So one constantly takes all sorts of penis-growth pills, and then declares their dick has once again grown an inch or two. Though this is completely irrelevant. Eventually true peace and 'light' is found in acknowledging the feeling of unworthiness and shame, authentic expression, letting go and healing.

Edited by Blessed2

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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How on earth is anyone supposed to live a life where you will eventually experience infinite amount of horrible, hellish things, and also be eternally alone (solipsism)? No-one could ever swallow that. It's impossible.


In other words, we aren't supposed to swallow it. It isn't true. If it was, we wouldn't feel like shit about it. This ideology is toxic and your feeling is saying "don't ingest it!". Though some people might want you to believe it's the truth, and shove it down your throat, because they want you to think you are a scared shitless little baby who can't handle truth, and they are big dick fearless ironman who eats it for breakfast.

Edited by Blessed2

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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8 hours ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

However, I don't really see how saying this would serve him in any way. In fact it's more of a disservice for him because most people would think he's gone crazy. 

If you believe that enlightenment is difficult and that conquering it or obtaining it is a heroic feat, only possible for those brave or smart enough or willing enough to suffer for it, you can sell yourself as a valuable and important solution or source of knowledge for others. If people think you're crazy you just use that as evidence of how unevolved they all are in comparison to you. 


If you're mortified that your house smells bad but aren't willing to investigate why, you'll buy a whole lot of chemical air fresheners rather than using your own senses and curiosity to locate the dead rat in the basement. Enlightenment is not an "add a product or special understanding and mask the core issue" solution, it's a "use your own senses and locate what is there that shouldn't be" kinda of thing. The smell in the analogy is suffering and the rat is belief making up the false sense of separation. Until our sense of smell is appreciated as guidance, and the odor recognized to be a natural by product of something else and not the problem itself, we don't look for the source, we look for a cover up. We instead look outside our own home for additional strong smells to mask it.  If someone sells their product as the one that has gone through years of rigorous development by the most talented and well educated scientist, who went sleepless for 30 years to make this product for us, we might be so impressed and so sold, we still don't think to go look in the basement. 


8 hours ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

For me, it is addiction. Paranoia is a habitual pattern of thinking that seemingly has more power over me than I have of it. 

Have you ever experienced the past outside a thought about it now? Have you ever experienced the future outside a thought about it now? Have you ever experienced a habitual pattern of thinking, other than a thought about it now? 



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16 hours ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

Exactly. I haven't actually experienced this claim. It's only an idea/concept in my mind that I got from hearing about it from a video.

How does the idea/concept feel, great or not great?

Which do you listen to, feeling, or someone’s idea/concept?

Which do you want - feeling great, or someone’s ideas & concepts?

16 hours ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

However, I don't really see how saying this would serve him in any way. In fact it's more of a disservice for him because most people would think he's gone crazy. 

Watch the movie Private Parts with Howard Stern.

16 hours ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

I know that I need to actually experience Oneness for myself to truly understand it. I want to build my muscle of being able to simply drop ideas and thoughts at will.


But I am not strong in that area yet. 

That is the idea to drop. 🙂

Obviously you’re saying that… so… who are you actually talking about when you say that?

Consider, what you desire is non-conflict, in relationships, mind, on earth, etc. 

Question, if “i know that I need” is a belief, can the conflict & the source of the conflict be readily seen, right now?

Perhaps it is as simple as not making false claims… only to later suffering the conflict?

What if Oneness is the truth this whole time (so to speak)… and attention is on conflicting ideas & concepts (wether ‘yours’ or ‘others’ would be perfectly irrelevant, only the conflict would be relevant, in regard to the cessation of suffering)?

Can you see where this would be an interesting and highly effective marketing plan, if you position yourself as the resolver, the answer, the solution, to the very conflicts you created?

16 hours ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

I don't understand what you mean by this. Can you please elaborate? 

What feels terrible to you, is that you are watching it. Has nothing to do with anyone else. 

16 hours ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

For me, it is addiction. Paranoia is a habitual pattern of thinking that seemingly has more power over me than I have of it. 
How does admitting one is powerless over addiction helpful? 


Some of the resources you've mentioned I haven't even heard of.  Where should I start?  I've tried contemplating for myself how this is serving my life and why my mind is engaging in this paranoia. I just keep on asking "why".

The admittance one is powerless over an addiction = one getting help with it. I would first schedule therapy. I’d be most careful not to believe your ideas of therapy, but to just schedule it, and after a few months reflect on the direct experience of therapy. 

I’d meditate early every morning, followed by expressive writing. Just writing whatever arises to express it and let it out. 

Are you thinking you’re ‘strong’ or ‘not strong’ with letting go, or are you writing right now? 

I’d make a dreamboard full of what you do want, what actually does feel good to you to think about and see, and I’d use the emotional scale everyday.




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On 5/16/2022 at 8:42 AM, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

Hi everyone.

I am always paranoid about everything.

I am paranoid that someone could potentially leak my messages and take them out of context putting me in jail.

I am paranoid that if I go out with a girl she could potentially falsely accuse me of something and put me in jail.

I am paranoid about saying the wrong thing and being put in jail. 

I am paranoid of being at the wrong place at the wrong time and being put in jail.

It's paranoia and excessive worrying.


It's NOT SERVING ME IN ANY WAY yet I still ruminate about it. It feels unproductive. It feels like it's only making me worse. Yet I still keep doing it.


Those are thoughts. Beliefs. They aren’t making you worse - they feel terrible because they are believed to be true about you, but they aren’t true or not true - they’re thoughts. The experience of thoughts. 

On 5/16/2022 at 8:42 AM, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

All of this stems from me watching and consuming content about people who have experienced those exact things above e.g. being falsely accused and put in jail. It's one of my biggest fears. 


Fear isn’t plural. Fear isn’t things. Fears are not things you have. Fear is the emotion felt, what those thoughts ares believed. Anyone who focuses on and beliefs these thoughts, would feel the exact same emotional guidance. The emotion of fear is only felt while those thoughts are focused on. If fear(s) where things you had, you’d have them no matter what you’re thinking about. 

On 5/16/2022 at 8:42 AM, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

Another fear I have is about gore videos and non-duality. 

In my youth I was exposed to a lot of gore content. This is stuff that you likely could not have even imagined were actually happening in the real world. I can almost guarantee it would cause some level of trauma for a large number of people. 

My mind keeps replaying the memories of the stuff I've seen in gore videos and it makes me feel very fearful and uneasy. I keep ruminating on me experiencing that at one point because of non-duality; we will experience every experience that there is. 


It’s just how the thoughts feel. 

‘In my youth’ is another thought. 

‘My mind keeps’ is another thought. 

‘I keep ruminating’ is another thought. 

‘Because of nonduality’ is another thought. 

‘We will experience’ is another thought. 


None of these thoughts are true. 

When these thoughts are held to be true, then it is believed fear is indicative of you, something you have. 

The instant it is questioned, considered, that these thoughts are just thoughts, it is clear fear is descriptive of how these beliefs feel. 

Fear isn’t about you, it’s about how some thoughts feel, to you. 

On 5/16/2022 at 8:42 AM, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

I am paranoid about saying or talking about certain things and the police going after me or something. Is there a logical explanation for why I should be fine?

The truth is you are perfectly fine, and are experiencing thoughts - and these thoughts do not feel fine at all.  

On 5/16/2022 at 8:42 AM, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

People freely talk about psychedelics here which is illegal but people talk about it so freely. Aren't you guys scared that the cops could track you down and find who you are and see what you have written? Or is it protected by some amendment that gives us free speech? Do we have free speech? Can we say we're doing something publicly even though it's illegal and not be arrested for it simply on the basis that we said it? 

There aren’t laws about talking about psychedelics. 

On 5/16/2022 at 8:42 AM, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

I even feel scared talking about psychedelics and gore here because I don't even know about the legality of gore I watched it when I was so young.

If what you’re saying doesn’t feel good to you, say something that does. 🙂  

Allow it to be that simple, that easy. 

On 5/16/2022 at 8:42 AM, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

How can I stop being so paranoid and worrying so much? This is causing me immense suffering and I really want to get out of it. 

When you acknowledge you don’t like how some thoughts and beliefs feel, you will naturally no longer project that discordant feeling onto others, as if it was somehow coming from someone else. 


One can not ‘get out of suffering’. You’re not ‘in’ suffering. Suffering is the experience of how these thoughts feel.

One must see that one is creating suffering, and choose otherwise. 

It’s not a doing something else, something new, something which fixes a problem.

It’s a letting go of what you’re already doing, a no longer doing what creates suffering. 

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Make a journal. 

Just type whatever thoughts come up. 

Then you are in a position to visually see this… as compared to believing thoughts and not noticing that you are. 




In a way it seems to all hinge on one at a time lives, vs not.

Question ‘is it true’. 


The activity of thought about other peoples’ experience, is veiling of the magic of your experience. 

Of direct experience. 

Of you. 

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On 5/16/2022 at 2:42 PM, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

People freely talk about psychedelics here which is illegal but people talk about it so freely. Aren't you guys scared that the cops could track you down and find who you are and see what you have written?

You're not that important. All eyes aren't on you.

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On 5/17/2022 at 11:09 PM, Mandy said:

Have you ever experienced the past outside a thought about it now? Have you ever experienced the future outside a thought about it now? Have you ever experienced a habitual pattern of thinking, other than a thought about it now? 

No, I haven't. It is true that I haven't. 

But don't we use thoughts to survive in this life? How will we make plans and strategies for our life without thoughts (e.g. strategizing about how to achieve Financial Freedom). 

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On 5/18/2022 at 1:11 AM, Phil said:

How does the idea/concept feel, great or not great?

Fucking terrible. It just makes me anxious and worrisome. I keep thinking "What if they say try to tarnish my reputation and go tell the cops I did something that I didn't actually do?"


I keep thinking this thought even though it is not serving me. My mind is making me think that the worst possible outcomes will happen. It's so neurotic. I really want to get rid of this and just let things go. 


On 5/18/2022 at 1:11 AM, Phil said:

Which do you listen to, feeling, or someone’s idea/concept?

I want to listen to feeling, but my mind comes up with some type of rationalization to think more e.g. "Wait, but you might go to prison if you're not cautious enough and you just let things go." 

I sometimes wish I never saw stories of people going to prison because their partner accused them of sexually abusing them or doing any other criminal activity that the person didn't actually do. It's implanted the seed in my mind and now my mind keeps on perpetuating the cycle of worrying about that.


On 5/18/2022 at 1:11 AM, Phil said:

Which do you want - feeling great, or someone’s ideas & concepts?

I want to feel great. But I am finding it so hard to let go of my thoughts. They just keep on coming back. 


On 5/19/2022 at 1:51 AM, Phil said:

Those are thoughts. Beliefs. They aren’t making you worse - they feel terrible because they are believed to be true about you, but they aren’t true or not true - they’re thoughts. The experience of thoughts. 

But we use thoughts to strategize and be cautious in our life right? Like we are careful about not doing certain things like certain things like going way above the speed limit with a car because of the thought of "If I go way above the speed limit then I will get a ticket and even go to jail if it is very much above the speed limit"

On 5/18/2022 at 1:11 AM, Phil said:

I’d make a dreamboard full of what you do want, what actually does feel good to you to think about and see, and I’d use the emotional scale everyday.

Thanks. So will focusing more on what I do want make me eventually forget about what I don't want? 

And I think that worrying so much about something doesn't make it any less likely for it to happen. It just makes me feel worse. If it happens, it happens. 

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5 hours ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

No, I haven't. It is true that I haven't. 

But don't we use thoughts to survive in this life? How will we make plans and strategies for our life without thoughts (e.g. strategizing about how to achieve Financial Freedom). 

Thoughts that feel good, that feel inspired are thoughts we receive and thoughts that we should act on. Intelligent planning always feels good, like moving forward. Thoughts that come out of fear and limitation, that might say we need to manipulate our way out of some insecurity, always bring more of the same. People who thrive aren't worried about survival, they are creating. People who are worried about survival find it a struggle exactly because they focus on it and believe it to be a struggle. 

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I feel for ya man, it does sound like a rough experience. The good news is you can feel better and it doesn’t require effort, just some clarity. 


Overall… there is much suffering do to believing conceptualizations of direct experience.

The simple experience of arising thoughts has been unnecessarily over-complicated.  

The good feeling desired is fully present, but is covered up by concepts about good feeling which aren’t true or accurate. 


There is no ‘user’ or ‘thinker’ of thoughts. There is no ‘my mind’ which does. There is no doer.  

In your direct experience - user, thinker, mind and doer are thoughts. A user, thinker, mind & doer are never actual, and thus can not ever be found in perception & sensation.


You can ‘look’ and see this by actually attempting to point to a user, thinker, mind and or doer. Attempting to point results in “but it’s me! I’m talking about me!”. Then it can be realized what the term identified points to. That you awareness are identifying via thoughts / by beliving thoughts. Awareness is identifying with experience, or, what is experienced - thoughts. Then it can be realized what the term thought attachment points to.  


Then some relief can be felt, as it is realized more and more none of what you’re saying feels discordant because it’s true - these thoughts feel discordant (suffering) precisely because these are thoughts, and are not true. You are The Truth. Thoughts are, thoughts. You are not experience(d). Thoughts are experience(d). 


You’ve been judging, vilifying and fearing thoughts for a long time. It’s time to begin loving thoughts. All thoughts. Your true nature is unconditional love. You are the feeling you’re desiring. The love that you are is infinite. Thoughts, one thought at a time in direct experience, is a finite appearance. You are vastly bigger than thoughts. 


In direct experience there’s one thought at a time.

The suffering is simple and three fold:

- Believing thoughts. 

- Which don’t feel good to you. 

- Not checking to see if what’s believed is actually true. 


4 hours ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

Fucking terrible. It just makes me anxious and worrisome. I keep thinking

"What if they say try to tarnish my reputation and go tell the cops I did something that I didn't actually do?"

There isn’t an “it” which “makes you feel” anxious and worrisome. That thought feels discordant because it isn’t true. You don’t know what will happen next, or what anyone else is thinking. You are giving attention to the thought, and not to how you feel. Put how you feel first. Then more aligned thoughts start arising, and you feel better, and better, and better. Momentum builds, experience changes, you feel better, life experiences become better and more aligned as well. 


You are actually in control of how you feel, but are believing, insisting, you’re not. That’s hasn’t resonated and it’s not going to resonate.


Clarity is feeling. Saying feeling better is desired is the same as saying clarity is desired. The opposite of clarity is believing thoughts. Clarity, feeling, is you, appearing as, thoughts. 


When the thought is believed - it makes me anxious and worrisome - what’s missed is that thought is about a separate, or second self which hasn’t actual, doesn’t exist. “It” is just the thoughts, about a self, and isn’t a self. 


Using the emotional scale, it’s - when I’m focusing on this thought, I experience the emotion of worry. 

Now you’ve somewhere to go for resolve, for clarity, because you can continue using the scale by expressing that you do sometimes feel the next higher emotion on the scale. Finishing the scale results in feeling the way you want to feel. Then, you have this as a reference. You realize you’ve been in control of how you feel all along, but have been putting the focus on discordant thoughts about a separate self, instead of how you feel. If what you really want is to feel better, and you’ve suffered enough that you’re ready to humbly see this, you can. But expressing is the key. Thoughts about using the scale are thoughts. The direct experience of using the scale (daily) is the direct experience. What ‘set’s you free’ of suffering is direct experience. 


4 hours ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:


I keep thinking this thought even though it is not serving me. My mind is making me think that the worst possible outcomes will happen. It's so neurotic. I really want to get rid of this and just let things go. 

Using the scale, the emotion experienced here is blame. Blame is how it feels to believe ‘my mind is making me’. 

Then express the next emotion on the scale. 

4 hours ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:


I want to listen to feeling, but my mind comes up with some type of rationalization to think more e.g. "Wait, but you might go to prison if you're not cautious enough and you just let things go." 

“Rationalization” isn’t a thing in perception or feeling. It’s one thought. This is also the experience of the emotion blame. Blame is how you feel when you believe the thought ‘my mind comes up with’. 


What I’m presently focusing on - is an inherently empowering approach. It’s clarity on how the discord of the emotion blame is being created.  

4 hours ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

I sometimes wish I never saw stories of people going to prison because their partner accused them of sexually abusing them or doing any other criminal activity that the person didn't actually do. It's implanted the seed in my mind and now my mind keeps on perpetuating the cycle of worrying about that.

There is the experience of the emotion blame. 

There is no my mind which keeps doing things.

There is the thought - ‘my mind keeps doing x, y or z’. 

4 hours ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:


I want to feel great. But I am finding it so hard to let go of my thoughts. They just keep on coming back. 

Love is power. Love all thoughts. Love the thought - “they keep coming back”. Love the clarity in admitting, that, ‘they just keep coming back’, is just another thought. Instead of believing that thought, bring attention to how that thought feels to you. Use the scale. 

4 hours ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:


But we use thoughts to strategize and be cautious in our life right? Like we are careful about not doing certain things like certain things like going way above the speed limit with a car because of the thought of "If I go way above the speed limit then I will get a ticket and even go to jail if it is very much above the speed limit"

“We” is a thought. There is no direct experience whatsoever of a “we” using thoughts, or a “we” are careful. Allow everyone else to drive the speed they are. 

Bring attention back to direct experience. Using the scale, recognize the experience of the emotions frustration, irritation and impatience. That is what’s felt. 

4 hours ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

Thanks. So will focusing more on what I do want make me eventually forget about what I don't want? 

Yes totally. But the point is for how you feel. Putting feeling first. Not forgetting. You’ve aced forgetting the love you are, there’s definitely no work to be done there. 😉 What I’m pointing to is the beginning of remembering, and the end of the suffering. I’m pointing to listening to feeling. 

4 hours ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

And I think that worrying so much about something doesn't make it any less likely for it to happen. It just makes me feel worse. If it happens, it happens. 

Yep. Very nice. There is the experience of the emotion, worry. There is the thought that there is someone worrying. 

Love is not worrying. This is why the thought, the framing, doesn’t resonate, with the love that you are. 


I don’t know if you’ve watched my videos. If you haven’t, funny at it is to say this, I recommend that you do. This is basically all I’m ever talking about. Not concepts per se, but love, ‘finding you’re way back’ so to speak, and creating the life you desire to experience. The last two videos might be particularly insightful with respect to transference and transmuting. 


There is truly great love here for you and I hope you feel it soon. It is here for you. Be here now, for it. 

(So to speak! 🙂 )




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On 5/31/2022 at 1:14 AM, Mandy said:

Intelligent planning always feels good, like moving forward.

@Mandy Okay I see. So if the planning and strategizing you're doing feels good to you, then you are on the right track, and you are aligned with Infinite Intelligence?


On 5/31/2022 at 1:14 AM, Mandy said:

Thoughts that come out of fear and limitation, that might say we need to manipulate our way out of some insecurity, always bring more of the same.

What do you mean by "always bring more of the same."?

On 5/31/2022 at 1:14 AM, Mandy said:

People who thrive aren't worried about survival, they are creating.

Would you say the ideal scenario is to be so engrossed in what you're creating that you lose yourself in your creating, such that you wouldn't even care if you died because your creativity transcends yourself (selfishness) and is more for the betterment of others (selflessness)?


On 5/31/2022 at 1:17 AM, Phil said:

- Not checking to see if what’s believed is actually true. 


But how can you check whether the thoughts you are having are actually true?

How do you check to see if your thoughts are true? 


On 5/31/2022 at 1:17 AM, Phil said:

Using the scale, the emotion experienced here is blame. Blame is how it feels to believe ‘my mind is making me’. 

Then express the next emotion on the scale. 

On 5/30/2022 at 8:08 PM, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

The next is worry and then it's doubt. 

What is doubt exactly? I don't really know what I doubt and what I am doubting. 

What questions can I ask to uncover what I am doubting? 

On 5/31/2022 at 1:17 AM, Phil said:

Allow everyone else to drive the speed they are. 

What does that mean?

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1 hour ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

But how can you check whether the thoughts you are having are actually true?

How do you check to see if your thoughts are true? 

The discord & alignment felt. More so, it’s about that, how you feel, not per se if thoughts are true or not. Ultimately there is no such thing as a or the ‘true thought’. 

1 hour ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

The next is worry and then it's doubt. 

What is doubt exactly? I don't really know what I doubt and what I am doubting. 

What questions can I ask to uncover what I am doubting? 

Out whatever comes to mind that you want to do, be have & experience on a dreamboard. Then when doubt arises, the dots will automatically connect. 

1 hour ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

What does that mean?

Bring attention back to ‘your business’. Let everyone else do everyone else, that’s ‘their business’. Again, this is bring attention back to how a thought feels. 

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18 minutes ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

@Mandy Okay I see. So if the planning and strategizing you're doing feels good to you, then you are on the right track, and you are aligned with Infinite Intelligence?

Yes... but if we try to impose our limited understanding of time and expectations you will know because it no longer feels good. However we may be used to planning this way. It feels good to write out the things I want to do for the day because that way I get them out of my head and onto paper, and then I can decide which are important to me, which I'd like to do first or which are less important, which are best done when, etc. But as soon as I start looking at that list and feeling overwhelmed or doubting my own ability to get them done I'm not longer focused on what I want. As soon as I get an unexpected opportunity or inspiration if I stick to that list as something I'm obligated to do because I previously decided it, I'm not feeling so good. So planning exists for the relief/joy of planning and for the focus it brings, it's not actually a means to an end. 


22 minutes ago, DefinitelyGettingOutOfThis said:

What do you mean by "always bring more of the same."?

When we try to manipulate our way of our feeling insecure, we feel more insecure. it was not the circumstance that was causing the insecurity, but the insecurity itself. For example if I am insecure about my looks, and I think that my nose is the cause, I won't heal the insecurity by getting a nose job, I'm going to transfer the insecurity to the new nose or some other part of my body or life. I have practiced thinking thoughts of insecurity and I will get more of the same. 

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12 hours ago, Eothasian said:

I mean, if it's going to happen then it already happened, so why bother, right?

@Eothasian What? I don't get it.


11 hours ago, Phil said:

The discord & alignment felt. More so, it’s about that, how you feel, not per se if thoughts are true or not. Ultimately there is no such thing as a or the ‘true thought’. 


Some thoughts or scenarios we have in our head might not be true right now, but they could be true in the future right? It could always happen.


For example the thought of getting "falsely accused" isn't true right now, but it could always happen in the future, making it true. I've seen it happen with my dad and uncle. It could happen to me too in the future. Just an accusation by itself, even if it's completely false and doesn't have any validity, can mess up your reputation and opportunities.


12 hours ago, Phil said:

Out whatever comes to mind that you want to do, be have & experience on a dreamboard. Then when doubt arises, the dots will automatically connect.

By "Out" you mean "Write out" right?

So doubt is me doubting whether I can actually get the things that are on my dreamboard?


12 hours ago, Phil said:

Bring attention back to ‘your business’. Let everyone else do everyone else, that’s ‘their business’. Again, this is bring attention back to how a thought feels. 

Okay, right. Focusing on what other people are doing with their lives and how their position seems to be better is an illusion and a distraction. 


10 hours ago, Mandy said:

Yes... but if we try to impose our limited understanding of time and expectations you will know because it no longer feels good. However we may be used to planning this way. It feels good to write out the things I want to do for the day because that way I get them out of my head and onto paper, and then I can decide which are important to me, which I'd like to do first or which are less important, which are best done when, etc. But as soon as I start looking at that list and feeling overwhelmed or doubting my own ability to get them done I'm not longer focused on what I want. As soon as I get an unexpected opportunity or inspiration if I stick to that list as something I'm obligated to do because I previously decided it, I'm not feeling so good. So planning exists for the relief/joy of planning and for the focus it brings, it's not actually a means to an end. 


@Mandy Thanks.

10 hours ago, Mandy said:

When we try to manipulate our way of our feeling insecure, we feel more insecure. it was not the circumstance that was causing the insecurity, but the insecurity itself. For example if I am insecure about my looks, and I think that my nose is the cause, I won't heal the insecurity by getting a nose job, I'm going to transfer the insecurity to the new nose or some other part of my body or life. I have practiced thinking thoughts of insecurity and I will get more of the same. 

Okay I see. For me it's paranoia. It's an endless cycle. As soon as I stop being paranoid about one particular thing my mind just moves onto being paranoid about another thing. Or what happens is that it starts getting paranoid about a new thing so it forgets about how it was paranoid about something else the previous week. 


So my mind has practiced thinking thoughts of paranoia. How do I stop thinking "more of the same"?

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