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9 minutes ago, Mandy said:

We aren't stuck if we take the time to really look at what's going on, instead of being manipulated by emotionally charged and uninspected talking point buttons. Building a wall is not going to help inflation. Fearing immigrants and strengthening US vs OTHERS is not going to help people afford to heat their homes.  Nothing addressed by Vance in that debate will help inflation or make childcare or housing more affordable. Liberals are as they say, voicing the liberal point of view, "spend on this, it'll be good". What even IS the conservative point of view anymore? It seems like it died with John McCain. 

Fearing immigrants doesn’t factor in for me. My dad’s an immigrant. It’s more about stopping illegal immigration.


Tbh I don’t really consider myself a strict republican. I believe it used to be that small government was the republican stance. Smaller government still makes sense to me.


Isn’t “spend on this it’ll be good” a huge reason for inflation. Don’t we need less spending?

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Smaller government means less spending on wars, military, walls and borders though.


43 minutes ago, Kevin said:

Isn’t “spend on this it’ll be good” a huge reason for inflation. Don’t we need less spending?

The recent inflation is due to the fact that rather than taking a huge hit to the economy, and ensuing recession or depression during the pandemic, we kept interest rates very low for a long time during the pandemic. This happened 12 years after the subprime mortgage crisis, and in those 12 years, there were very few homes being built, leading to low demand. Now suddenly, people want to work from home, and have freedom of where they live, and want to escape crowded cities. Interest rates are low, so they bought houses, and bought them fast and furiously. During the pandemic a barge got stuck in the Suez canal, electronic chips were very limited, people couldn't buy new vehicles anymore, so used vehicle prices went sky high, production of cars and other goods was limited due to lock downs, many people were afraid of being infected and therefore chose to retire or quit, making labor more expensive and so all those things drove inflation up. And yes, the government printed money and gave it out. Money isn't actually real, and it's healthy to have inflation at a slow pace, but you can't have all that stuff happen all at once and not end up with inflation getting out of control. 


I don't know if we need less spending, but cutting taxes for the richest Americans doesn't help the deficit, at least if you spend on things like education and childcare, you create jobs at the same time and invest in our future. 



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1 hour ago, Mandy said:


Smaller government means less spending on wars, military, walls and borders though.


Why do you mention wars here? Are you insinuating that I am a guy that supports war?

1 hour ago, Mandy said:

The recent inflation is due to the fact that rather than taking a huge hit to the economy, and ensuing recession or depression during the pandemic, we kept interest rates very low for a long time during the pandemic. This happened 12 years after the subprime mortgage crisis, and in those 12 years, there were very few homes being built, leading to low demand. Now suddenly, people want to work from home, and have freedom of where they live, and want to escape crowded cities. Interest rates are low, so they bought houses, and bought them fast and furiously. During the pandemic a barge got stuck in the Suez canal, electronic chips were very limited, people couldn't buy new vehicles anymore, so used vehicle prices went sky high, production of cars and other goods was limited due to lock downs, many people were afraid of being infected and therefore chose to retire or quit, making labor more expensive and so all those things drove inflation up. And yes, the government printed money and gave it out. Money isn't actually real, and it's healthy to have inflation at a slow pace, but you can't have all that stuff happen all at once and not end up with inflation getting out of control. 


I don't know if we need less spending, but cutting taxes for the richest Americans doesn't help the deficit, at least if you spend on things like education and childcare, you create jobs at the same time and invest in our future. 




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12 hours ago, Kevin said:

Al Jazeera bro? Come on.


I don't even know what Al Jazeera is. That document isn't created by them though, it's just free on their channel.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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13 hours ago, Kevin said:

Phil come on man that’s absolutely a ridiculous point to make. I could argue that Kamala is a communists and I could call her chairman Kamala. It’s accurate but it’s a stupid argument and the only reason certain people employ the hitler argument for trump is fear mongering. 

I’m referring to the tactic. 


13 hours ago, Kevin said:

Saying it’s accurate so it isn’t fear mongering is also kind of silly because it’s also completely accurate that illegals are raping and killing Americans. Yet you call that fear mongering.

Not as much as legals. If the interest in preventing murder & rape were sincere, the focus would obviously be on the legals. This could be insightful too - as you say, it’s all childhood drama playing out. Singling out the smaller group is all about someone from childhood being wrong & you being right. The shift to ‘the legals’, would be a small ‘step back to yourself’. Reality is seemingly skewed accordingly, filtered through the lens of mistaken identity - reinforcing the sep self, the “one who is right”. 


13 hours ago, Kevin said:

I understand. I am conflicted because while politics is largely a playing out of childhood trauma, sometimes people say things that I believe are counter to the truth in very obvious ways and I feel compelled to speak up.

Not largely - entirely & literally. Like there’s a light source ‘behind you’, and ‘in front of you’ is ‘showing you’ the filtration the light is filtered through. It’s not ‘counter to truth’, it’s counter to the beliefs held, the filter. That there is anything or anyone ‘counter to the truth’, is a belief. It’s like saying there is anyone or anything in a movie at the theater, which is not the light bulb of the projector. 


13 hours ago, Kevin said:

The rate of illegal immigrant crime is 100% actually. They are already breaking the law being here.


on a serious note though what is an acceptable number of murders and rapes before you think we should close the border?


I think that 1 is too many. I can’t believe I have to say this but obviously not all illegal immigrants kill and rape. My point is that even a couple is too many. The most tragic part of it is these deaths are that they are largely preventable. Many of them would not have happened under Trump because we had a stricter border policy.


Strawmanning this into Kevin hates all immigrants just seems disengenous.

The “strawman” is “the one who’s strawmanning me”. It’s the thought, and not another second entity or self. Such a one does not exist. It’s the same as “your ego” - that’s ego - the “not me” of your. The “not me” - which is strawmanning, gaslighting, etc - me. That “you of your” and therein that “me which is not you” - is the separate self of thoughts. Separate as in - not “that other one who is strawmanning me or gaslighting me”. It’s an apparent experience of rationalizing & justifying - the ego - the “separate self” - of thoughts. 


13 hours ago, Kevin said:

I agree, I think what you’re missing both sides are doing this

“Ego” is always - what you’re missing. (Lack, deflection, projection). One can’t miss both sides when there aren’t both sides. 

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9 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

Isn't Trump himself a rapist and a criminal?

All politicians are criminals. That doesn't at all excuse trump he is a criminal too. But are any of us really different from them? Don't we also lie, cheat, steal in our own ways? 


I find it weird how we try to pin two politicians against each other by making one out to be evil and the other to be a saint. 


If Kamala Harris is elected she won't be any different compared to the previous president's we've had. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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15 minutes ago, Orb said:

All politicians are criminals.


How so?


15 minutes ago, Orb said:

Don't we also lie, cheat, steal in our own ways? 


The thing is that we're talking here about "illegal aliens an their raping and crimes" which are supposed to be punished and banished by voting for Trump who is himself a rapist and a criminal.


Why is it punishment and banishment for others and the position of a president for others?


23 minutes ago, Orb said:

If Kamala Harris is elected she won't be any different compared to the previous president's we've had. 


Maybe. But Trump's the first one who tried to overturn a legitimate election by lying, incited an insurrection and is being charged with these crimes.


Or you know, it's just media bias, fake news and not just another of Trump's lies and deception.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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39 minutes ago, Orb said:

If Kamala Harris is elected she won't be any different compared to the previous president's we've had. 

Other than of course, being female. 


The ‘rule’, not the exception…


Male presidents typically lead through a lens of assertiveness, power dynamics, economic growth, hierarchy, personal legacy, decisiveness & taking action - often an overall confrontational approach to challenges with more clarity in hindsight than foresight.


A female president would -likely- naturally emphasize inclusivity, social welfare, collaboration, equality, cooperative solutions arising of appreciation for diversity.


It’d be tough to impossible to make a case that Carter, Ford & Obama were criminals. 

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7 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


I don't even know what Al Jazeera is. That document isn't created by them though, it's just free on their channel.


Al Jazeera is a Qatari news media company. It’s state funded and it’s well known for being incredibly charitable to terrorists and for being antisemetic. For example they reported on 9/11 that Jewish employees were warned about the attacks beforehand. They have no credibility.

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5 hours ago, Phil said:

I’m referring to the tactic. 


Not as much as legals. If the interest in preventing murder & rape were sincere, the focus would obviously be on the legals. This could be insightful too - as you say, it’s all childhood drama playing out. Singling out the smaller group is all about someone from childhood being wrong & you being right. The shift to ‘the legals’, would be a small ‘step back to yourself’. Reality is seemingly skewed accordingly, filtered through the lens of mistaken identity - reinforcing the sep self, the “one who is right”. 


Not largely - entirely & literally. Like there’s a light source ‘behind you’, and ‘in front of you’ is ‘showing you’ the filtration the light is filtered through. It’s not ‘counter to truth’, it’s counter to the beliefs held, the filter. That there is anything or anyone ‘counter to the truth’, is a belief. It’s like saying there is anyone or anything in a movie at the theater, which is not the light bulb of the projector. 


The “strawman” is “the one who’s strawmanning me”. It’s the thought, and not another second entity or self. Such a one does not exist. It’s the same as “your ego” - that’s ego - the “not me” of your. The “not me” - which is strawmanning, gaslighting, etc - me. That “you of your” and therein that “me which is not you” - is the separate self of thoughts. Separate as in - not “that other one who is strawmanning me or gaslighting me”. It’s an apparent experience of rationalizing & justifying - the ego - the “separate self” - of thoughts. 


“Ego” is always - what you’re missing. (Lack, deflection, projection). One can’t miss both sides when there aren’t both sides. 

Man I think you go from talking about facts then when I challenge you on them you start talking about spirituality. It seems kind of disengenous from where I’m



I agree that obviously legals commit more murders and that obviously needs to be addressed. However the reason I focus on illegals is that these rapes and murders are totally preventable. The governments number 1 job is the safety and security of the country. We have laws on the books preventing illegal immigration and these aren’t being enforced. If they were enforced then these murders and rapes wouldn’t have happened. I am talking about these murders specifically because they are 100% preventable. Unlike the many murders that legals commit.


The argument that “well legals kill people so let’s ignore illegals killing people” is silly and I can’t believe you would make that argument. We made laws that make people wear seatbelts. But that’s a stupid law because people will die in other ways and seatbelts don’t prevent that. So maybe we should get rid of that law. See what I mean?

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3 hours ago, Orb said:

All politicians are criminals. That doesn't at all excuse trump he is a criminal too. But are any of us really different from them? Don't we also lie, cheat, steal in our own ways? 


I find it weird how we try to pin two politicians against each other by making one out to be evil and the other to be a saint. 


If Kamala Harris is elected she won't be any different compared to the previous president's we've had. 

Facts. She’s an empty suit.

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44 minutes ago, Kevin said:

Man I think you go from talking about facts then when I challenge you on them you start talking about spirituality. It seems kind of disengenous from where I’m


I get it. I really, really do. It seems like the idea - the ‘better reality’ - would be that there is someone who’s being disingenuous. It seems like that would make more sense. It’s comprehendible & comprehensible.


The notion that there is no one here, points to the disingenuous felt or experienced - being of the inner, merely reflecting as an outer, and this notion can be confronting, uncomfortable, and challenging.


But neither the idea, nor the notion - are  better than This, as is - unconditional and without facts, merely appearing as. 


There is another idea, another notion - that of divesting the ‘mind’ of limitation, of belief in facts as true. Which is not to say, divesting of an apparent experience or appearance of facts.


Allowing you, consciousness, as well as what’s actually wanted to more readily, easily & effortlessly be, is paramount - isn’t it? Facts and properly met challenges or others being this way or that just aren’t going to keep you warm at night, nor bring about the truth and true nature. Isn’t it so? It’s a sort of heading to, perhaps even seemingly relying on, an external objective reality. I love you. I want the very best for you. If there were a way to do that - that’s what would be said. Un-obscuring yourself, consciousness, and the true nature of therein, is not a doing. It’s a letting go, and not as a doing. An allowing - without an allower. It’s challenging AF, yet for no one.


If it turns out I’m entirely deluded and completely and utterly off or wrong - you shouldn’t have listened to me. Listen to how ‘it’ - whatever ‘it’ is or seems to be - feels.  


44 minutes ago, Kevin said:


I agree that obviously legals commit more murders and that obviously needs to be addressed. However the reason I focus on illegals is that these rapes and murders are totally preventable.

They’re not preventable. Not one single murder or rape is preventable. This is absolute, and there is nothing you can or will ever be able to do to change that. This is perfection - as is. Every thought train about how this is imperfect and needs - to be changed, bettered, corrected, etc - leads right on back to the infinite perfection you already are - which this already is. Forgive me if I’m not the least bit apologetic about this - or - don’t. It’s perfection either way. Forgive and relinquish resentment - or don’t. It’s perfection either way. 


44 minutes ago, Kevin said:

The governments number 1 job is the safety and security of the country. We have laws on the books preventing illegal immigration and these aren’t being enforced.

What’s your number one job?

What are your ‘laws’?

Dispel em. Right?


44 minutes ago, Kevin said:

If they were enforced then these murders and rapes wouldn’t have happened.

And “that” would be better, since “that” is really happening - ?

Look around. 



44 minutes ago, Kevin said:

I am talking about these murders specifically because they are 100% preventable. Unlike the many murders that legals commit.

Witnessed any of this?


44 minutes ago, Kevin said:


The argument that “well legals kill people so let’s ignore illegals killing people” is silly and I can’t believe you would make that argument.

It is silly. it’s a pendulum swing. Not what’s been / being said. 


44 minutes ago, Kevin said:

We made laws that make people wear seatbelts. But that’s a stupid law because people will die in other ways and seatbelts don’t prevent that. So maybe we should get rid of that law. See what I mean?

Yes, pretty sure. Death is a stickler of a belief. 

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