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It's interesting to look at the US's debt, consider how inflation is the only way forward, and to consider how this situation when considered basically ends the illusion that money is "fixed" in any way and not just belief and emotional positive expectation. 


It's also interesting to consider the idea that we could build a wall, prevent immigration, to demonize those seeking asylum, and put that in perspective with the idea of open contact. 



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7 hours ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

What does he mean by termination?

Termination: The act of ending something or the end of something.


7 hours ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

What does he mean by responsibility lol? What is this clown talking about when asking a random woman to say yes?

Responsibility: Something that is your job or duty to deal with: 



In essence, deflection is ‘the mind's’ way of avoiding emotions, or simply put; the mind’s aversion from feeling.

It's a reflexive and habitual response stemming from a misunderstanding of the truth, true nature of identity and experience.

When discordant thoughts arise that bring discomfort or suffering, deflection occurs when emotions and feeling are pushed aside & ignored, in favor of ‘holding’ limiting beliefs - in spite of the discord felt.



An emotion is experienced, and believed to be caused by an exterior or external reality. It isn’t. Emotion is how thoughts feel.

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16 minutes ago, Mandy said:

It's also interesting to consider the idea that we could build a wall, prevent immigration, to demonize those seeking asylum, and put that in perspective with the idea of open contact. 


That's an interesting thought.


If we demonize simply seeking asylum, seeking safety, seeking for better life, seeking support and basically our desires to be fulfilled... How do we expect we'd be recieved if we'd ask for those things? Isn't how we answer how we expect we'd be answered?


Haven't we been asking for peace? For abundance? For wellbeing?


If we say "no" on the border, what is said to us, on the other border?


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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@Blessed2 Never considered maybe the aliens come from above. Guess the wall will have to be a box. 😂 Still not sure what we'll do with Canada. When I sit in line in my car crossing the border into the US I watch the birds flight from the US border patrol building roof to the Canadian one and back and forth like they're taunting me. 😂


Make the grass on the other side greener again? 

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Just now, Phil said:

Do you take responsibility for the responses?


Fuck responsibility wtf is that he is like a child clown talking I don't take him seriously clown talking about the responsibility to bunch of fat women in a new age hippy meeting and he is pretending to channel whatever fuck he is doing while closing his eyes like a clown


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8 minutes ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

Fuck responsibility wtf is that he is like a child clown talking I don't take him seriously clown talking about the responsibility to bunch of fat women in a new age hippy meeting and he is pretending to channel whatever fuck he is doing while closing his eyes like a clown

When you imagine, truly imagine, someone said that, word for word about you, publicly, online - is there any sense of it being appropriate for him to take at least some responsibility for his responses - let alone complete responsibility for all responses? 

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10 minutes ago, Phil said:

When you imagine, truly imagine, someone said that, word for word about you, publicly, online - is there any sense of it being appropriate for him to take at least some responsibility for his responses - let alone all responses? 


Only fools take him seriously to ask for whatever the fuck responsibility he is claiming to have lmao


Edited by Isagi Yoichi


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5 hours ago, Mandy said:

Never considered maybe the aliens come from above. Guess the wall will have to be a box. 😂


Didn't Trump actually talk about Iron Dome for the US too at some point? 🤷



I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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