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Guys after suffering days due to my child condition, MDD and anxiety hit me, I couldn't sit in the chair. I had very bad feelings for days. I had lived terrible days, hours, minutes and seconds. And last hit, which is the pacemaker surgery of mine came to the surface and I had a surgery. I had no choice left but surrendering. It was the point that I lost my all hope, literally all hope. 


Now I surrender, I have no expectations, pleasure, pain, questions ( which is created me). Now, I am just free, because I am death. I don't give a fuck whatever happens to me anymore. That's all. 


I accepted fundamentally, deeply that nothing is under my control and therefore surrender. Fucking everything is in my head. I felt like I just shot my head like movie fight club. Now I am done. Whatever happens let it happens.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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7 hours ago, James123 said:

I accepted fundamentally, deeply that nothing is under my control and therefore surrender. Fucking everything is in my head. I felt like I just shot my head like movie fight club. Now I am done. Whatever happens let it happens.

It’s weird when you lose that I-Thought and you see that everything still happens without a you in the driver’s seat.  That always surprises me even now.

💬 🗯️🤍

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33 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

It’s weird when you lose that I-Thought and you see that everything still happens without a you in the driver’s seat.  That always surprises me even now.

Me too brother. Me too. 


Much love. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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1 hour ago, Mandy said:

Sounds like a lot, I'm sorry. Hope your baby is ok. How's older sister and mom doing? 

Thank you. Baby is doing little better ( I hope, he will recover asap). They are normal, everyone is sad in the family for the whole situation. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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I'm sorry you're going through this. Thanks for sharing. What you said in this post you need to remember it forever. 

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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19 hours ago, Reena said:

I'm sorry you're going through this. Thanks for sharing. What you said in this post you need to remember it forever. 

Definitely. Thank you very much. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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The Self already being omnipotent omnipresent omniscient birthless deathless infinity, it is not attached to the idea of birth and death., which is within the dream of separation, duality.

This is true absolute awakening. 

After awakening, it is realised that although feelings of fear may or may not still arise, there is no one to whom these feelings arise to. There is nowhere for these feelings to land or take root, they are simply seen as illusions of that which is never harmed, since that one is birthless deathless, infinitely here now, and never not here.


I think that’s what James means by losing the fear of death. My point is, once the awakening happens, becomes known, the sense of fear may or may not still arise, and although this fear still arises, there is no more fear of that fear, for reasons I’ve just explained.


But what do I know, who is writing these words, I have no idea because I am the idea. I am the invisible visible. The image of the imageless, infinity itself.

Edited by Jane
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24 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Stop fooling yourself about not fearing death . Death terrifies the living shit out of you . You would piss your pants if a bear or a  wild dog is attacking you. 

Yes, we get it, the thought of dying, is terrifying to the human being, the one who knows the implications of death. And yet has never actually known death in actual fact. 


Fear is fear, no one is doubting that, and yes, if you accidently fall off a tall cliff,  yes,  fear may well flood your nervous system. But at the same time, what if there is also a sensation of bliss, a complete calm, and peaceful surrendering flooding through you as well?


You simply can't know until the actual time comes, when the experience is actual and direct.


I've heard that soldiers lying on the battle field, dying from their horrific injuries, have also felt a sublime sense of calm and peace, and harmony, during the dying. But that's obviously an experiential event that only the dying person can truly know, it's not something everyone can know until it actually happens to them.

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2 hours ago, Phil said:


So beautiful! ♥️

Once the bottom of the bucket falls away, it simple no longer holds water”. 

Love it.


Lets all be Smart Alec's as if we know everything. Wait! 😉We do know everything, we are everything. ♾️Love.


“It is beautiful to be alone, it is also beautiful to be in love, to be with people. And they are complementary, not contradictory.”

“Life begins where fear ends.”



To be alone with others who are also alone in their own aloneness. That's LOVE ❤️



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19 minutes ago, Jane said:

Yes, we get it, the thought of dying, is terrifying to the human being, the one who knows the implications of death. And yet has never actually known death in actual fact. 

What do you mean" has never known death in actual fact "? Do you mean you should experience death to know that it's terribly terrifying?  Animals don't have the same frontal cortex in the brain unlike human beings and yet they recognise what death is and that its something to feared . Why does a gazelle run away from a tiger ?

22 minutes ago, Jane said:

Fear is fear, no one is doubting that, and yes, if you accidently fall off a tall cliff,  yes,  fear may well flood your nervous system. But at the same time, what if there is also a sensation of bliss, a complete calm, and peaceful surrendering flooding through you as well?

Not possible.  Try just standing on the edge of tall building and see how you feel (let alone actually falling off ).

23 minutes ago, Jane said:

You simply can't know until the actual time comes, when the experience is actual and direct.


Same point above .

24 minutes ago, Jane said:

I've heard that soldiers lying on the battle field, dying from their horrific injuries, have also felt a sublime sense of calm and peace, and harmony, during the dying. But that's obviously an experiential event that only the dying person can truly know, it's not something everyone can know until it actually happens to them.

No . You know right now that death is bad . That's why you look around before crossing a highway.  That's why you don't eat glass 

That's why when you suspect something is out of sorts with your body you see a doctor .etc

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@Someone here I mean death is an idea, a terrifying idea for the sense of self, it is an irrational fear of losing someone.


The fear is real enough, as  every sentient living organism with a nervous system will testify, except those who cannot talk. 


Death is never someone’s actual experience, death is an idea, in the human mind, and what is an idea? I’ve no idea. 😆



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1 minute ago, Jane said:

@Someone here I mean death is an idea, a terrifying idea for the sense of self, it is an irrational fear of losing someone.


The fear is real enough, as  every sentient living organism with a nervous system will testify, except those who cannot talk. 


Death is never someone’s actual experience, death is an idea, in the human mind, and what is an idea? I’ve no idea. 😆



So Death is an idea ? I'm kinda seeing where you are coming from ..that as long as one personally has not experienced death then it holds zero actuality by definition and therefore you can't draw a truthful conclusion based on something you've never experienced (yet).  But my point is that even though that that's true ..you still fear death (and you've acknowledged that )..so why that is ?(why everyone fear it even though they didn't experience it first hand )? Do you have an answer to this question? 

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Posted (edited)

@Someone here Fear is a sensation. A bad sensation that every person and animal alike will usually repel as opposed to being drawn to it. It’s all perfect in it’s design I guess. 


The sensation of fear is present in almost every creature with a nervous system. And I guess that’s just how evolution programmed it that way, so it could evolve and not devolve. 

The fear would also act as a deterrent to warn of future dangers, thus further assisting evolution to evolve rather than devolve.



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11 minutes ago, Jane said:

@Someone here Fear is a sensation. A bad sensation that every person and animal alike will usually repel as opposed to being drawn to it. It’s all perfect in it’s design I guess. 


The sensation of fear is present in almost every creature with a nervous system. And I guess that’s just how evolution programmed it that way, so it could evolve and not devolve. 

The fear would also act as a deterrent to warn of future dangers, thus further assisting evolution to evolve rather than devolve.



Yes but what are we afraid from exactly?  An idea ? 

You give fear more reality than the thing we are afraid from.

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3 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Yes but what are we afraid from exactly?  An idea ? 

You give fear more reality than the thing we are afraid from.

Yes, there is fear of an idea. 

There can also  be a fear of life, not just death, the fear of being alive for some people can be worse than the idea that is death, and is probably why death feels like a better place to be for the one who fears life. 

But these ideas only exit to the one who has the sense of being a separate self, the one who is able to tell itself it is born, and can die.


Those who don’t mind being alive, don’t want to die, because they don’t like to contemplate the unknown.

Then there’s those who would prefer the unknown death, to the known life.




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2 minutes ago, Jane said:

Yes, there is fear of an idea

Give an example . Like I'm afraid of what comes after death . Death itself doesn't "do it " for me more than the unknown that is after death. Because death is certain. So there is no point stressing over something inevitable. Whereas the phase(if any at all ) that follows death is what is truly terrifying because its 100% unknown. 

4 minutes ago, Jane said:

There can also  be a fear of life, not just death, the fear of being alive for some people can be worse than the idea that is death, and is probably why death feels like a better place to be for the one who fears life. 

But these ideas only exit to the one who has the sense of being a separate self, the one who is able to tell itself it is born, and can die.

Pardon me please..are you speaking indirectly about yourself here ?

5 minutes ago, Jane said:

Those who don’t mind being alive, don’t want to die, because they don’t like to contemplate the unknown.

Then there’s those who would prefer the unknown death, to the known life.

Like who ? Only someone who is terminally ill or disabled..have cancer etc 

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