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Actually Manifesting & Actually Getting Out Of Your Own Way. The Reality Of Self-love; Allowing & Receiving.

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6 hours ago, Phil said:

If there’s an experience of effort & wanting to connect but an underlying vibration of misogynistic objectification, the experience will unfold as rejection & isolation (the underlying vibration in terms of alignment). 

I like and support women. However I would say there is probably an underlying vibration of objectification and misogyny going on. How to move past this? Is being aware truly enough?

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Yes being aware is truly enough.


Being aware of it is not attempting to move past it. It’s just being aware of it. 


You do not like and support women. That’s still objectification. You are appearing as two spheres, and appearance can be whatever you want it to be. 


Alignment is significant. Not beliefs rooted in separation. Imagine & feel what you want This to be instead, and it will. 

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4 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:


I caught you using the word I Phil.  It's hard to resist.  "I wouldn't wish on the devil ".  This is a key signal to me.  I would say being Aware is not statable in words, but that's just Me.  Pun intended.  😇

Beliefs are only directly experienced. Once again, Phil = unicorn. The belief that there are others, doing, trying, believing… is a belief. 

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4 minutes ago, Phil said:

Beliefs are only directly experienced. Once again, Phil = unicorn. 


🤍 Two enlightenment teachers walk into a bar, one teaches the other listens, then the other teaches and the other listens .. Then both come to the Same Realization at once -- nobody's here.

💬 🗯️🤍

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8 hours ago, Kevin said:

I like and support women. However I would say there is probably an underlying vibration of objectification and misogyny going on. How to move past this? Is being aware truly enough?

I think it's also understanding the root cause of misogyny and then inspecting the beliefs underneath. 

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Just now, Phil said:

Not at all. I actually want you to have what you want. 


I read somewhere that to truly teach spiritual enlightenment you would have to sign up to be a glutton for punishment because nobody really wants a true spiritual enlightenment teacher around.

💬 🗯️🤍

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9 hours ago, Kevin said:

I like and support women. However I would say there is probably an underlying vibration of objectification and misogyny going on. How to move past this? Is being aware truly enough?

When we are wrapped up in needing someone to like us, we forget to enjoy their company when it's happening, and then after the interaction they might feel like we don't like them. It's kind of like how shyness is often mistaken as snobbery. It's a standoff. Show you enjoy being around me, and I'll relax and show that I enjoy your company back. 


My guess is that you're attracting women that feel the need to be liked by you, but you aren't making them feel like you actually like them because you're too worried about them liking you to  enjoy the interaction. It doesn't matter if you follow up after, for her that's so proof you enjoy her company, she'll just assume you're after one thing. And you are. You need her acceptance. You could get into reading about love languages and all that, but really it's just focusing on thoughts of appreciation. If you recognize that there's misunderstanding on both ends, it makes it a lot easier to see the attraction at play rather than thinking it's you and your fault. And it's also a lot easier for a rejection to be water off a ducks back, "thanks universe for letting me know what beliefs I got going on". 

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1 minute ago, Phil said:

Yeah, it’s like a graveyard. 


You'd be watching a movie about you teaching spiritual enlightenment to nobody.  I don't know if that would be good or bad for Self-abidance.  Digging ditches might be better for Self-abidance because you're not blatantly teaching separate selves to awaken.

💬 🗯️🤍

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1 minute ago, Joseph Maynor said:


You'd be watching a movie about you teaching spiritual enlightenment to nobody.  I don't know if that would be good or bad for Self-abidance.  Digging ditches might be better for Self-abidance because you're not blatantly teaching separate selves to awaken.

I just mean people are dying to get in. 

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9 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:


You'd be watching a movie about you teaching spiritual enlightenment to nobody.  I don't know if that would be good or bad for Self-abidance.  Digging ditches might be better for Self-abidance because you're not blatantly teaching separate selves to awaken.

There's no good or bad for this. 

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Quote from Ramana Maharshi ("Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi", Pg. 12):

"Q: Is work an obstruction to Self-realization?

A: Maharshi's Answer:

No.  For a realized being the Self alone is the Reality, and actions are only phenomenal, not affecting the Self.  Even when he acts he has no sense of being an agent.  His actions are only involuntary and he remains a witness to them without any attachment.  There is no aim for this action."

💬 🗯️🤍

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