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I often experience thoughts that I'd like to create a youtube or any social media and make videos about spirituality etc.


I see others doing that and I experience thoughts that they're not as intelligent or wise or insightful as I am and that I'd do better, more insightful content and they'd lose to my unmatched wisdom and insight and maturity. And I'd be adored and respected and loved and interesting.


Sometimes I plan actually doing that, sometimes even creating an account. But (thankfully?) I'm just too lazy to actually pull it through.


Those thoughts come and go.


And sometimes way better feeling thoughts come. Or a Paul Hedderman type hand that smacks the living shit out of it.


Edited by Blessed2

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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3 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

I often experience thoughts that I'd like to create a youtube or any social media and make videos about spirituality etc.


I see others doing that and I experience thoughts that they're not as intelligent or wise or insightful as I am and that I'd do better, more insightful content and they'd lose to my unmatched wisdom and insight and maturity. And I'd be adored and respected and loved and interesting.


Sometimes I plan actually doing that, sometimes even creating an account. But (thankfully?) I'm just too lazy to actually pull it through.


Those thoughts come and go.


And sometimes way better feeling thoughts come.


If you did one with those motivations in mind it would be pure garbage.  Like robbed my sticks will surely be, assuming it happens.

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2 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

No it doesn't does it. 




It's my laptop, i tend to type really fast so somtimes my fingers fly over the keys.

Nice excuse, but you did it twice.  I for the most part have given up on calling out your constant atrocious grammar and spelling, but that one is a gem.  

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