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There is no way to simply stop experiencing...


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I would like to simply stop experiencing life. I don't want to feel this body. It's very itchy, and can't get any sleep.. and overall unsatisfactory..


and there is no way to do self inquiry or meditation to stop experiencing anything.. i know psychedelics might help temporarily.. but i havent used it and does not intent to use them..


sometimes i wish these denial statements in scriptures like ribhu gita and all like... "nothing ever existed.." is actually true.. i feel that i exist in a body and i cant stop it until i jump off the building or something..

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First of all never harm your body or try to commit suicide...its gonna create negative karma and you will reincarnate into a world filled with even more suffering  .

Meditation. Breathing. Some time with your family or friends.  Anything that can get you out of this depressed mood .

Also try to understand that this is a temporary low .life has highs and lows. Both are temporary. You will make it to the other side .Trust that the universe is your friend not your enemy. 

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3 hours ago, Ceejay said:

I would like to simply stop experiencing life. I don't want to feel this body. It's very itchy, and can't get any sleep.. and overall unsatisfactory..


and there is no way to do self inquiry or meditation to stop experiencing anything.. i know psychedelics might help temporarily.. but i havent used it and does not intent to use them..


sometimes i wish these denial statements in scriptures like ribhu gita and all like... "nothing ever existed.." is actually true.. i feel that i exist in a body and i cant stop it until i jump off the building or something..

Nope lol, you just gotta feel all the shitty-ness of life. 


The good thing is that the body/sensation is far more efficient when unhindered by thought. See for yourself, if you just chill out a bit and let the mental stuff slow down, the itchiness/irritation will go away faster, way faster.


It happened to me a few hours ago, I ate a bunch of food and my belly was making noises and I felt bloated. I was super annoyed but chilled out, it went away in like 10 mins.

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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8 hours ago, Someone here said:

First of all never harm your body or try to commit suicide...its gonna create negative karma and you will reincarnate into a world filled with even more suffering  .

Meditation. Breathing. Some time with your family or friends.  Anything that can get you out of this depressed mood .

Also try to understand that this is a temporary low .life has highs and lows. Both are temporary. You will make it to the other side .Trust that the universe is your friend not your enemy. 

Thank you. Yes, I need to work on trusting that the universe is my friend and my enemy.

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8 hours ago, Mandy said:

Are you eating a healthy diet and exercising? 

I am eating a relatively good diet, but I still have major improvements to make like stop with the processed sugar, deep fried snacking in the evening and tea after 6 PM. Yesternight I drank tea (with sugar and milk) after 8 PM which might have contributed to my difficulty falling asleep.


My body was in a wretched condition for years, with severe addiction to tobacco and alcohol. However I am staying sober for the entirety of this month, started doing 40 mins of daily sitting and 20 of vinyasa yoga (for 20+ days now without missing a day). 

Edited by Ceejay
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6 hours ago, Orb said:

Nope lol, you just gotta feel all the shitty-ness of life. 



 It is strangely comforting to know that this is not just the case with me and some other folk. People like Bentinho Massaro whom I used to follow in the past, often says things that makes me think that this possibility of "escaping everything and stopping experiencing" is somehow possible.


It is the message that everyone would like to believe is true, but isn't.

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1 hour ago, Ceejay said:

 It is strangely comforting to know that this is not just the case with me and some other folk. People like Bentinho Massaro whom I used to follow in the past, often says things that makes me think that this possibility of "escaping everything and stopping experiencing" is somehow possible.


It is the message that everyone would like to believe is true, but isn't.

Did the discomfort go away? 😉

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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11 hours ago, Ceejay said:

I would like to simply stop experiencing life. I don't want to feel this body. It's very itchy, and can't get any sleep.. and overall unsatisfactory..


and there is no way to do self inquiry or meditation to stop experiencing anything.. i know psychedelics might help temporarily.. but i havent used it and does not intent to use them..


sometimes i wish these denial statements in scriptures like ribhu gita and all like... "nothing ever existed.." is actually true.. i feel that i exist in a body and i cant stop it until i jump off the building or something..

Just go to sleep. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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8 hours ago, Ceejay said:

I am eating a relatively good diet, but I still have major improvements to make like stop with the processed sugar, deep fried snacking in the evening and tea after 6 PM. Yesternight I drank tea (with sugar and milk) after 8 PM which might have contributed to my difficulty falling asleep.

Yeah, you want to cut off caffeine at noon or very early afternoon ideally if you have any issues sleeping. Try herbal teas late at night, lemon balm is really relaxing one and also helps your immune system as well, maybe with a little raw honey. Stopping eating early in the evening can contribute to good sleep and more energetic mornings too. 


Hormone levels make you itch more late at night when you're trying to fall asleep, if you have slightly irritated or dry skin it will make itself known then. Try a shea butter soap and cutting out any bodywashes or soaps with fragrances and harsh chemical ingredients. https://www.vitacost.com/peet-bros-shea-butter-bar-soap-unscented

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8 hours ago, Ceejay said:

My body was in a wretched condition for years, with severe addiction to tobacco and alcohol. However I am staying sober for the entirety of this month, started doing 40 mins of daily sitting and 20 of vinyasa yoga (for 20+ days now without missing a day). 

Awesome! Congrats! 

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18 hours ago, Ceejay said:

I would like to simply stop experiencing life. I don't want to feel this body. It's very itchy, and can't get any sleep.. and overall unsatisfactory..


and there is no way to do self inquiry or meditation to stop experiencing anything.. i know psychedelics might help temporarily.. but i havent used it and does not intent to use them..


sometimes i wish these denial statements in scriptures like ribhu gita and all like... "nothing ever existed.." is actually true.. i feel that i exist in a body and i cant stop it until i jump off the building or something..

Word / text communicates about 5% in comparison to the group zoom calls. I don’t know if you’ve been on one yet, but there is one today at noon eastern. If you haven’t and are interested, just pm me your email address for the invite. They’re free, and the format is Q&A, yet it’s not a ‘teacher and students’ environment. There’s no artificial (fake) teacher or leader horseshit deception. It’s about getting in touch with the real teacher, guidance & leader within yourself.  Ourself, or you might say Source. 


A lot of what you’re experiencing is of course likely symptomatic of withdrawal, if I’m hearing you accurately here. While that can be rough, it does pass, and it’s most worthwhile. Good for you and congrats on addressing changes you want! 



Aside, or in the ‘bigger picture’… that nothing’s happening is not denial. That something’s happening is actually denial of self & reality as is. In a way it might sound too good to be true, or maybe even horrifying, idk, but again, what transpires on the monthly group calls can’t really be communicated the same in text, and you’re always welcomed to partake. 


In all fairness, ‘the message’, or in large part what the calls center around, is non-aversion, non-resistance, non-denial. That something is happening is conditioning. Innocence, being in the verb sense, and therein, overlooking the true nature of self… it seems like something’s happening, for someone as some thing. I’m not a thing. You’re not a thing. We aren’t things. We do not exist inside of bodies. There aren’t finite separate things, and that is ‘the confusion’, ‘the ignore-ance’, the discord, the suffering, the ‘getting in one’s own way’. In the orientation of alignment which is indicative of well-being, truth & creating and experiencing more of what you actually want to… that’s really what the calls (and forum & videos) are about. 


Attempting to ‘stop experiencing’ is attempting to bend the spoon. It’s not possible. 


Realizing there isn’t the separation ‘experience’ implies, is entirely possible as it is what’s already the case. 

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I just want to second this…


17 hours ago, Someone here said:

its gonna create negative karma



Suicide does not resolve anything and actually creates more suffering.  


This is the second most clarifying information I’ve come across in that regard…



This is the clearest information I’ve ever come across…




You’ve got a community here. Friends. Love. Support. You are loved and you belong as much as me and anyone else my friend. In one way or another we can all relate. This too shall pass is very true. It will get better. Breathe slowly & deeply. Ground. Be where you are. Sometimes life is a shitshow and you gotta relax and ride it out. Sounds like you’re already doing pretty damn good. Better than just riding it out. Keep it up. ♥️ Keep expressing / letting go. Clarity & alignment (feeling better) naturally ensues. 

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5 hours ago, Mandy said:

you want to cut off caffeine at noon or very early afternoon ideally if you have any issues sleeping.

Yes I do (plus waking up issues). I have to cut this out. Since I started meditation, yoga, a specific kind of digital detox tailored to me, and sobriety... it's already a little too much... That's why I am not currently pressurizing myself with the necessary diet changes (like reducing caffeine/sugar intake and staving off deep fried and all purpose flour food items.


5 hours ago, Mandy said:

Try herbal teas late at night, lemon balm is really relaxing one and also helps your immune system as well, maybe with a little raw honey

Okay, I will try lemon balm.  Haven't seen in the super market near I live, but it's available online.


5 hours ago, Mandy said:

Stopping eating early in the evening can contribute to good sleep and more energetic mornings too. 

I have to do this - stop eating by sun down. Every Sunday me and friend goes out together and he insists that I dine alongside him which is usually after 9 PM. After habituating myself the rest of the days of the week, I may have to tell him that "I'm sorry, I can wait outside the hotel or beside you, but I won't be eating late night with you"!


5 hours ago, Mandy said:

Hormone levels make you itch more late at night when you're trying to fall asleep

Thanks for the info.


5 hours ago, Mandy said:

Try a shea butter soap

Will try.

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5 hours ago, Phil said:

Word / text communicates about 5% in comparison to the group zoom calls. I don’t know if you’ve been on one yet, but there is one today at noon eastern. If you haven’t and are interested, just pm me your email address for the invite

No I haven't been in any meeting, and only recently have I begun frequently viewing/posting stuff in this forum you created, although I joined as a member a while ago. I won't be available today. But I will try to join next time. My laptop webcam quality is very poor.. I may need to use my phone for better video quality.. it's a video session right? 


5 hours ago, Phil said:

A lot of what you’re experiencing is of course likely symptomatic of withdrawal

That's a keen observation, and very likely true, as I have intitated lots of changes in my life. I have to push myself to do yoga these days, and meditation seems hard too some days.. but I am plodding on.. and doing it anyway... Also I'm a detoxing from video/audio content from the start of this month...


5 hours ago, Phil said:

Good for you and congrats on addressing changes you want! 



5 hours ago, Phil said:

but again, what transpires on the monthly group calls can’t really be communicated the same in text, and you’re always welcomed to partake. 

I see. Thanks for pointing this out.


5 hours ago, Phil said:

In all fairness, ‘the message’, or in large part what the calls center around, is non-aversion, non-resistance, non-denial. That something is happening is conditioning. Innocence, being in the verb sense, and therein, overlooking the true nature of self… it seems like something’s happening, for someone as some thing. I’m not a thing. You’re not a thing. We aren’t things. We do not exist inside of bodies. There aren’t finite separate things, and that is ‘the confusion’, ‘the ignore-ance’, the discord, the suffering, the ‘getting in one’s own way’. In the orientation of alignment which is indicative of well-being, truth & creating and experiencing more of what you actually want to… that’s really what the calls (and forum & videos) are about. 


Attempting to ‘stop experiencing’ is attempting to bend the spoon. It’s not possible. 


Realizing there isn’t the separation ‘experience’ implies, is entirely possible as it is what’s already the case. 



4 hours ago, Phil said:

Suicide does not resolve anything and actually creates more suffering.  


This is the second most clarifying information I’ve come across in that regard…


I don't want to do it. Sometimes, I tend to imagine very dire situations, or extremely violent thoughts happen or something like that... or sink into a general sense of despair after reading too much about war (outside me and inside me)... and that's when I imagine. But I never actually want to kick the pail... I used to think about how to do it.. if a truly hopeless situation comes up and there is no escape from it other than bucket-kicking.. 


you got the point.


Thanks for the concern... even though I just alluded to it rather indirectly..  I feel like commiting suicide when I tend to get so disillusioned to the point that I'm like a total atheist, who thinks there is no meaning in life and it's all darwinian selection and unutterable moanings of pain and terror, as creatures are getting eaten alive... you know -- who wouldn't want to kick the pail in that situation? 

5 hours ago, Phil said:

You’ve got a community here. Friends. Love. Support. You are loved and you belong as much as me and anyone else my friend. In one way or another we can all relate. This too shall pass is very true. It will get better. Breathe slowly & deeply. Ground. Be where you are. Sometimes life is a shitshow and you gotta relax and ride it out. Sounds like you’re already doing pretty damn good. Better than just riding it out. Keep it up. ♥️ Keep expressing / letting go. Clarity & alignment (feeling better) naturally ensues. 

Thanks for all this.

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5 hours ago, Ceejay said:

Thanks for the concern... even though I just alluded to it rather indirectly..  I feel like commiting suicide when I tend to get so disillusioned to the point that I'm like a total atheist, who thinks there is no meaning in life and it's all darwinian selection and unutterable moanings of pain and terror, as creatures are getting eaten alive... you know -- who wouldn't want to kick the pail in that situation? 

Sounds like limbo, or void. In between letting meaning go and realizing the true nature. It’s a rough stretch. I would be feeling as much as possible. 

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