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Ok, let´s get real: What if there is actually NO DEATH?


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Of course, the human physical body will stop working. The heart will stop pumping blood. The body will become 'soil'. Earth stuff.


But I mean OUR BEING. What if this being is actually nothingness, and we exist nowhere, in this nothing love?

Sometimes I get that sweet feeling, yeah, that this is truly 'our' dream. Our love. Our nothing. 😩💙💙💙

Edited by ConsciousDreamer666
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What's the wobble between real and not real?  Are we forced into either side of this duality or is a third stream available too?  Both and neither and mu too.  That's magic.  There's a little bit of magic in truth and a little bit of truth in magic.  And poof that's gone too!  Wow.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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On 12/8/2023 at 8:14 PM, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

Of course, the human physical body will stop working. The heart will stop pumping blood. The body will become 'soil'. Earth stuff.


But I mean OUR BEING. What if this being is actually nothingness, and we exist nowhere, in this nothing love?

Sometimes I get that sweet feeling, yeah, that this is truly 'our' dream. Our love. Our nothing. 😩💙💙💙

Universal binary code 0 or 1.  Anything of form having shape is a combination of molecular content or ancestral combinations of chromosomes never duplicated the same combined results twice in ever changing total sum balances achieved universally here in this moment.


Time is duration of a cycle occupying time here now beginning as combined until eroded away or decomposed.  Things working the same way all the time create patterns of behavior between everything is constantly changing total sum left occupying space now.


Humans using English language call it evolving, intellectually it is called Theory of Evolution where there is the idea anything else is possible and there is the source of colonial idealisms conflicting with each other every generation gap within one species and all its ancestral lineages occupying time in this atmosphere.


Self generated for specific goals in promised tomorrows that won't happen beyond staged social behaviors from dawn of civilization to extinction of the species.


Unless the species changes what it mids possible and all realities accept how genetics works naturally eternally separating each reproduction native to this atmosphere.


Keeping it simple symmetry between  periodic elements combined eroding and compounding chromosomes conceived reach decomposition.   "Ashes to ashes and dust to dust.".

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On 12/9/2023 at 4:14 AM, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

Of course, the human physical body will stop working. The heart will stop pumping blood. The body will become 'soil'. Earth stuff.


But I mean OUR BEING. What if this being is actually nothingness, and we exist nowhere, in this nothing love?

Sometimes I get that sweet feeling, yeah, that this is truly 'our' dream. Our love. Our nothing. 😩💙💙💙

You have never born. Just nothing as always.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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