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Awareness is not permanent


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Aware of itself, it has not object. Conciousness can be lost, it can seemingly come and go but Awareness is what doesn't change.  Continium or the fact that you don't die when you lose conciousness and regain it is as if a reflection of the changeless nature of Awareness.  Awareness is a word often used interchangeably with conciousness, that's not what's meant by it though.

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It’s the utter simplicity of the ‘situation’ which can seem elusive, but actually is not at all.


Sleep is exactly like solipsism, thinking, knowing, understanding, God or enlightenment. 


These are just thoughts™.


As awareness overlooks “thoughts” are a modulation of itself, it can seem as if there is a “thinker”, “knower”, “understander”; a “separate self”, which “knows & understands stuff” about…awareness… like that there is “sleep”… and this “separate self” “sleeps”… and awareness is “not permanent”. 





Meditation is self.

Meditation could be said to be the returning of awareness to awareness. Not as in awareness goes somewhere and returns, but as in awareness is believing interpretation, and this isn’t noticed. Meditation could also rightfully be said to be the non-overlooking, and therein the non-believing of arising interpretations.




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@Phil when I first watched that video I read "Nonduality, Unspeakable Infinite Horror" 😄

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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"Awareness is not permanent" is a very important and high level insight.  This is gonna tee a lot of you off, but I'll say it:  You don't need consciousness or awareness to be.  Those are stepping-stones on the path.  You don't need mindfulness to be.  You don't need infinity to be.  You don't need God to be.  You don't need Love to be.  You don't need alien consciousness to be.  You don't need anything to be.  You don't need Being to be.  You don't need solipsism to be.  You don't need no self to be.  You don't need human being to be.  Those are all ideas/constructs/pointers/meanings.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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20 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

"Awareness is not permanent" is a very important and high level insight.  This is gonna tee a lot of you off, but I'll say it:  You don't need consciousness or awareness to be.  Those are stepping-stones on the path.  You don't need mindfulness to be.  You don't need infinity to be.  You don't need God to be.  You don't need love to be.  You don't need alien consciousness to be.  You don't need anything to be.  You don't need being to be.  Those are all ideas/constructs/pointers/meanings.

That's assuming awareness is something you do.  You don't do it though, you are it, whether you realize it or not.  You don't need self awareness.  You don't need conscientiousness.  But to be is to have awareness, I think, technically. 

Edited by Jonas Long
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