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Very disturbing dreams.


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So last night I had some very disturbing dreams. 2 nights ago I didn’t sleep at all so last night I really wanted to sleep and I was worried that I would not be able to sleep again. So I go to take a shower right before bed but I decide to clean my toilet before I shower. I mixed Lysol and bleach because I didn’t know that you aren’t supposed to mix them. My room smelled super toxic so I got a room at a local casino for the night.


once I get to the casino I had a very hard time sleeping but eventually I fall asleep. I woke up after like an hour and almost had a panic attack. I don’t know why. I calm down and I go back to sleep. This is where the dream starts.

the dream was very reminiscent of the new movie evil dead rise.


In the dream I am in the casino that I am actually staying at but bad things start to happen. Demonic stuff. Slowly bad things start to happen and everyone’s body is being taken over by an evil force. I remember being there in the room with my friend and knowing something bad is happening. I start packing but he wants to check out what’s going on in the hallway. When he walks out into the hall the lights are on and he closed the door behind him. I immediately go open the door and all the lights in the hallway were off. It’s like straight out of a horror movie.


While this is happening, I wake up probably 4 separate times because it’s scary and then when I go back to sleep I’m right back where I left off in the same dream. Each time I go back to the dream it’s escalating in intensity and the whole time there’s this feeling of dread. Like I’ll never get out of the casino.


Finally the dream ends with me riding the elevator down like 13 floors with the doors open and on each floor I’m fighting off evil possessed body’s. I get to the ground floor and I’m running through the casino and I wake up.


I just thought I’d get it out and share because I’ve never had a dream like this and I’m not sure what to make of it.

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On 5/12/2023 at 4:54 PM, Kevin said:

So last night I had some very disturbing dreams. 2 nights ago I didn’t sleep at all so last night I really wanted to sleep and I was worried that I would not be able to sleep again. So I go to take a shower right before bed but I decide to clean my toilet before I shower. I mixed Lysol and bleach because I didn’t know that you aren’t supposed to mix them. My room smelled super toxic so I got a room at a local casino for the night.

Worry is an emotion directly experienced. That the worry is about or for a second self is a concept. The two don’t mix because one is an emotion (worry) & the other is a conceptualization of the emotion (worry). It’s a happiness gamble that can’t be won, same as the ultimate odds at a casino.


There’s discord, yet no toxicity. These are the same… the first is actually directly experienced (discord) the second is a conceptualization of the discord (toxic). 


On 5/12/2023 at 4:54 PM, Kevin said:


once I get to the casino I had a very hard time sleeping but eventually I fall asleep. I woke up after like an hour and almost had a panic attack. I don’t know why. I calm down and I go back to sleep. This is where the dream starts. the dream was very reminiscent of the new movie evil dead rise.

To believe one is the knower of good & evil, is the overlooking of nondual Goodness. 


On 5/12/2023 at 4:54 PM, Kevin said:


In the dream I am in the casino that I am actually staying at but bad things start to happen. Demonic stuff. Slowly bad things start to happen and everyone’s body is being taken over by an evil force. I remember being there in the room with my friend and knowing something bad is happening. I start packing but he wants to check out what’s going on in the hallway. When he walks out into the hall the lights are on and he closed the door behind him. I immediately go open the door and all the lights in the hallway were off. It’s like straight out of a horror movie.

Believing in knowing (that there is good & evil) is turning The Light (within) off. 

There’s the discord of perspectives, yet no horror (as in no outside object asserting / which is the cause of the discord). 

On 5/12/2023 at 4:54 PM, Kevin said:


While this is happening, I wake up probably 4 separate times because it’s scary and then when I go back to sleep I’m right back where I left off in the same dream. Each time I go back to the dream it’s escalating in intensity and the whole time there’s this feeling of dread. Like I’ll never get out of the casino.

The momentum of the discord of believing worry is about a second self. 


On 5/12/2023 at 4:54 PM, Kevin said:


Finally the dream ends with me riding the elevator down like 13 floors with the doors open and on each floor I’m fighting off evil possessed body’s. I get to the ground floor and I’m running through the casino and I wake up.

Letting conceptualizing (of emotion) go is like letting all the floors go, leaving just the basement, or we might say, that which is the foundation of all the “floors”. 


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@Kevin dreams serve as an indication of your inner state of mind. 

I surmise that your state might have been a bit anxious since you were sleeping at a place where you normally don't sleep. This creates temporary discomfort to the body. You might have even consumed some toxic fumes due to the mixing of bleach and lysol. If you aren't a good sleeper, you'll be prone to getting bad dreams more often. Existenting medical issues and mental illnesses can exacerbate the frequency of bad dreams. Not taking pills on time can also trigger this. Even dehydration and body temp fluctuations. 

Regarding the interpretation of the dream, the general interpretation seems like you are stressed. This may or may not me true. But high stress levels = anxious dreaming. The specific interpretation seems to be that you're paranoid about something you think is going to harm or is currently harming  you. Do you have a bad relationship? You could have also suffered sleep paralysis which is once again reflection of an anxious state. You're possibly trying to escape something. 

My strongest hunch is that the discomfort of the casino triggered this. That's why in the end you're running out of that place. 




So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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5 hours ago, Phil said:

Worry is an emotion directly experienced. That the worry is about or for a second self is a concept. The two don’t mix because one is an emotion (worry) & the other is a conceptualization of the emotion (worry). It’s a happiness gamble that can’t be won, same as the ultimate odds at a casino.


There’s discord, yet no toxicity. These are the same… the first is actually directly experienced (discord) the second is a conceptualization of the discord (toxic). 


not to get too literal but by mixing those two chemicals I made chlorine gas which is very toxic and can kill you if you are exposed to enough of it. I’m not sure if you’re making a comparison to emotion here. I was a little confused.


5 hours ago, Phil said:

To believe one is the knower of good & evil, is the overlooking of nondual Goodness. 


Believing in knowing (that there is good & evil) is turning The Light (within) off. 

There’s the discord of perspectives, yet no horror (as in no outside object asserting / which is the cause of the discord). 


I believe I was experience the remnants of a Xanax comedown and part of that was paranoia.

Before I fell asleep I was experiencing lots of irrational fears. Thinking someone is behind the curtains, or someone is in the closet, etc. that probably carried over into the dream.

5 hours ago, Phil said:

The momentum of the discord of believing worry is about a second self. 


so what is worry about? No one?

5 hours ago, Phil said:

Letting conceptualizing (of emotion) go is like letting all the floors go, leaving just the basement, or we might say, that which is the foundation of all the “floors”. 



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5 hours ago, Cupcake said:

@Kevin dreams serve as an indication of your inner state of mind. 

I surmise that your state might have been a bit anxious since you were sleeping at a place where you normally don't sleep. This creates temporary discomfort to the body. You might have even consumed some toxic fumes due to the mixing of bleach and lysol. If you aren't a good sleeper, you'll be prone to getting bad dreams more often. Existenting medical issues and mental illnesses can exacerbate the frequency of bad dreams. Not taking pills on time can also trigger this. Even dehydration and body temp fluctuations. 

Regarding the interpretation of the dream, the general interpretation seems like you are stressed. This may or may not me true. But high stress levels = anxious dreaming. The specific interpretation seems to be that you're paranoid about something you think is going to harm or is currently harming  you. Do you have a bad relationship? You could have also suffered sleep paralysis which is once again reflection of an anxious state. You're possibly trying to escape something. 

My strongest hunch is that the discomfort of the casino triggered this. That's why in the end you're running out of that place. 




Your analysis is pretty spot on. Almost all of that is exactly what was going on. No sleep paralysis though. Reading more into the dream, there was a feeling of being stuck and not being able to escape. In life I have experienced emotions day after day that I did not think I could resolve. I think the dream was related to that.


Also sleeping in the casino did make me uncomfortable which is strange because I like that casino. I’ve won a bunch of money there too.

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3 hours ago, Mandy said:

@Kevin Take a reiki class if you can. It really helps you get things in order vibrationally when you're not feeling good or about to fall asleep. It can also help you to see the real need met with food, alcohol and substances at times.

I‘ve taken 2 reiki classes and a bunch of reiki sessions. I wish it effected me like it seems to effect you and Phil. For me at most I’ll feel mildly pleasant after a reiki class.

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I’d reconsider the approach of escaping & the framing up of reiki not effecting “you”. 

“For me” = the separate self of thought, which isn’t a self, and is the discord behind sleep & dream issues. 

When you feel what you’re feeling, or, when there is no aversion… when the ‘separate self’ activity of thought is allowed awareness…. you sleep great, so to speak.  

When it’s readily seen as it is, that This is dreamt, nighttime dreams & the underlying resistance or discord basically just fizzle out and don’t happen anymore. It’s an unfettering, not an adding or resolving. 

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5 hours ago, Phil said:


I’d reconsider the approach of escaping & the framing up of reiki not effecting “you”. 

“For me” = the separate self of thought, which isn’t a self, and is the discord behind sleep & dream issues. 

When you feel what you’re feeling, or, when there is no aversion… when the ‘separate self’ activity of thought is allowed awareness…. you sleep great, so to speak.  

When it’s readily seen as it is, that This is dreamt, nighttime dreams & the underlying resistance or discord basically just fizzle out and don’t happen anymore. It’s an unfettering, not an adding or resolving. 

I feel what you’re saying. I recently got on antidepressants as well. I was very resistant to them for years. But so far things are better. The thoughts happen but I’m not latching onto them and making them into a problem. It’s too early to say I guess but things are lookin up.

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Another way you could see it is that you created a toxic environment and your dreams were reflecting the bodies processing of these toxins, so to speak. Sleeping at a casino only adds to that discord. The evil and evil force in your dream is just the toxic fumes you probably ingested pared with the dense energy of casino hotel rooms. There are many shamanic tools you can use to help cleanse and realign energies like rattles, palo santo or mapacho.


As above so below, as within so without. All is reflection.

Edited by Pluto

If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, then the meal was cooked a long time ago.

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