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I accidentally stumbled upon this guy while on YouTube. 

I watched this video for a few minutes where he talks about being in his 40s and choosing a life of a bachelor. A few minutes into the video he mentions how his choice of staying a bachelor was due to him having a bad family growing up, and ever since he was a little child, he decided he doesn’t want a family for himself.  The way he mocks the word “family” is a strong indicator of how the trauma is still very present/unresolved.

He doesn’t have a huge following on YouTube, but still it’s crazy to me that this guy is giving advice to young men/men in general while having unresolved psychological trauma. 

Also, question - why do all these people with psychological trauma appear so confident and sure of themselves (e.g., this guy, Leo)? Why aren’t people picking up on their shitty vibes? Like this guy… does anybody else get strong negative vibes from him? Is it because people are very disconnected with their feelings?


Edited by Rose
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53 minutes ago, Rose said:

Why aren’t people picking up on their shitty vibes? Like this guy… does anybody else get strong negative vibes from him? Is it because people are very disconnected with their feelings?


Yeah... Birds of a feather flock together. It's a resonance / attraction thing.


Brings in mind nazi Germany. How millions of people were traumatized and fucked up after the first world war and all the economic and social troubles that followed. And then one charismatic enough dude comes with his "answers" and "solutions".


By the germans The Treaty of Versailles was literally called "shameful peace". I think one of the fundamental building blocks of fascism was/is a belief in inadequacy and a need to "show off", regain national/ethnic pride. Sort of a small dick energy thing you know.


Great thread 👍

Edited by Blessed2

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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9 hours ago, Rose said:

Also, question - why do all these people with psychological trauma appear so confident and sure of themselves (e.g., this guy, Leo)?

Awareness doesn’t know anything about itself, awareness is itself. 

Knowing is a coping mechanism, and is actually beliefs & assumptions. 

Thought attachment. ‘Monkey mind’. Delusion. Insanity. Suffering. 

With momentum… ‘bodily’ manifestation of dis-ease. 


9 hours ago, Rose said:

Why aren’t people picking up on their shitty vibes?

It’s not “shitty”, it’s attraction, vibration in kind. 


9 hours ago, Rose said:

Like this guy… does anybody else get strong negative vibes from him? Is it because people are very disconnected with their feelings?

No & no. 


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You also have unresolved psychological trauma.


The nature of the mind is to repress trauma. A primary tool for that is denial.


You and I tend to tell ourselves that we've resolved everything.

Our behaviour says otherwise.


Same as the youtube guy, he's not aware of it.

Edited by flowboy
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@Rose 😝 Me too...

I've had the experience of finding a whole new layer too many times though, that nowadays I know it's a pretty safe bet that I don't know the half of it.

Saying this as someone who healed some adhd symptoms after digging out birth memories.

It's a pretty safe bet that I don't even know the half of it.

But we get to feel better in the mean time ☺️

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They have the ability to influence and make easy money. 

There's more motivating them than just trauma. 

It's a movement designed to target lonely men who don't get women. Pickup is like makeup. Makeup feeds on women's insecurities regarding looks. Pickup feeds on men's insecurities around women and themselves. 

Not so coincidentally, both are billion dollar industries. 

It's all fake. Half of their testimonies are with paid women and heavy promotion. It's easy to hire IG models to do the job. They surround themselves with models and take pictures and act like they have several women waiting for them. All show no substance. 


Naive men fall for it and pay their services. With lackluster results. 

It's a popular field, a new trend of exploitation. 

Soon it will be outdated and men will discover it's a big sham. Right now it's the hottest trend. It will lose steam. It takes a decade for trends to lose grip on people. 


Many pickup artists have been busted for their scammy tricks. Some are even accused of rape and coercive tactics. 

It's one big exploitation scheme like pyramid schemes. 

Dealing with men is dealing with fire one way or another. It comes back to bite and hurt. 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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