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Dream Symbolism Thread


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40 minutes ago, noomii said:

I was in complete darkness where some people or monsters were holding me completely stuck, they were touching and hurting my whole body and it felt very painful.


Sounds like symbolism to the experience of thought-attachment / discordant thoughts and beliefs.


The darkness sounds like the innocence of appearing as thoughts. The "forgetting".


People/monsters keeping you stuck sounds like thought attachment or conditioning. Were there any different kind of people/monsters, or were they all kind of similar?


That they were hurting your body sounds like the bodily reaction (such as tension) to thoughts, and the emotional response to thoughts.


44 minutes ago, noomii said:

In the beginning a scene from Snow white and the dwarfs appeared. I only saw the dwarfs but they were small wax figures shaped like eggs walking around. The scene only lasted for a short while and I was then back in the darkness stuck.


Could be symbolism to your desires and dreams. Eggs, like little seeds of what you dream of experiencing in this life.


45 minutes ago, noomii said:

I thought I would just surrender to it and be aware of every sensation and then it might disappear. Some kind of monster were biting my head. It felt like human hands on the rest of the body. Sometimes it was like painful tickles. Right before I woke up they were touching me around my navel.

It felt like it went on for very long and I felt worry about how long it could go on for, I seemed to be somewhat aware of it being a dream.


Like you're somewhat aware that thought-attachment is like but a dream? 🙂 And by being aware of sensation and what you're feeling might be the key to liberation?


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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The dwarfs symbolize neglected emotions, which is why they are dwarfed. Snow flees into the woods out of fear, but unbeknownst to her, to live with them, to tidy their home, to care for them. Eggs symbolize beginning, the call for nurturing, breaking through.

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On 10/5/2024 at 8:21 PM, Blessed2 said:


Sounds like symbolism to the experience of thought-attachment / discordant thoughts and beliefs.


The darkness sounds like the innocence of appearing as thoughts. The "forgetting".


People/monsters keeping you stuck sounds like thought attachment or conditioning. Were there any different kind of people/monsters, or were they all kind of similar?

Thanks a lot 🙂


It was just one kind of monster and human hands that I felt on the body. I didn't see anything.


On 10/5/2024 at 8:21 PM, Blessed2 said:

Like you're somewhat aware that thought-attachment is like but a dream? 🙂 And by being aware of sensation and what you're feeling might be the key to liberation?


What do you mean when you say thought-attachment is like a dream?

I'm wondering if everything I experience during the day is like a night dream?

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On 10/5/2024 at 8:26 PM, Mandy said:

The dwarfs symbolize neglected emotions, which is why they are dwarfed. Snow flees into the woods out of fear, but unbeknownst to her, to live with them, to tidy their home, to care for them. Eggs symbolize beginning, the call for nurturing, breaking through.

Thanks 🙂

Clearly it wasn't a scene from snow white but I think that was what I thought of after seeing it.

My room have been neglected too for a very long time, funny how it relates to the dwarfs home and neglected emotions.

How did you find out about this symbolism?

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Last night I saw a dream where I injected a new drug that has become very popular here and has basically replaced amphetamine in the market. There has been lots of news about it. I think it's been getting popular in the US too. Goes by the name flakka I think.


I don't know why I did it. I guess it was just curiosity. And the needle I injected it with was actually used by the guy I got the drug from. So I freaked out that I might have gotten infected with HIV or hepatitis.


And then I actually felt the effects of it. It was like a stimulant. I actually felt high in the dream. Felt lots of guilt and fear. And felt like I was too high, like a "bad trip".


Then I woke up and I was so relieved that it was a dream. Whew.


I have never injected drugs or even used stimulants like that. And would never actually do that. But in the dream it happened. I wonder how / why. What was the symbolism or point of attraction?


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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Drugs are often symbolic of the true nature, lots of hype about em it seems; flakka: elegant & charming.

The ‘real thing’ of course, isn’t coming from any substance - in-spite of the apparent hype, and no one knows why that is.

Nonetheless it’s like you gotta just let it in - “inject yourself” with ‘the real thing’.

Appearance & illusion - the effect - amazing as it is, just won’t do - it’s a dream. 

 Only this, this point of attraction & the true nature of, will do. 


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1 hour ago, Phil said:

Drugs are often symbolic of the true nature, lots of hype about em it seems; flakka: elegant & charming.

The ‘real thing’ of course, isn’t coming from any substance - in-spite of the apparent hype, and no one knows why that is.

Nonetheless it’s like you gotta just let it in - “inject yourself” with ‘the real thing’.

Appearance & illusion - the effect - amazing as it is, just won’t do - it’s a dream. 

 Only this, this point of attraction & the true nature of, will do. 



That makes PERFECT sense.


The "bad trip" with guilt and fear is interesting. Guilt is so obvious marker that there's separate selvery going on.


Something I've been wondering about. If I'd take psychedelics now, like choose to take them, there would be a lot of fear. But if my morning coffee was spiked with psychedelics without my consent, there wouldn't probably be fear in the same way. It wouldn't be "my fault" and I wouldn't be responsible. Without those thoughts, fear is diminished. Weird.



I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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