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Everything posted by Dima

  1. You are the meditation, so there is only meditation, so can't self realise without it. πŸ˜‚ But yeah, meditation practice is only needed for realisation that you don't need it, just notice during the day that you are awareness and not just thinking... but also it's very helpful to have both: morning 1 hour spiritual routine and do the work of noticing by undoing during the day.
  2. @Orb pure magic, every path is unique, when you wake up depends only on you, just have to figure out who are you. πŸ™‚
  3. Yes and no. Surely if you truly want, but you know the only thing what you really want is just be, this fucking moment. But yes, dreamboard works since you are creation itself.
  4. Dima

    How do I Focus?

    Exactly, about observing observer πŸ™‚ sorry for the late reply
  5. The truth is you are everything, mind play a trick that there is separation where there is none. But yeah, maybe just a typo πŸ˜‚
  6. @Orb until there is no direct realization that you are Buddha and Jesus there is more to let go. It's not conceptual, have to really notice thinking and see that you are bigger than that, everything so to speak.
  7. @Phil πŸ™β™₯️
  8. It's very simple. Just notice the voice that always worried about something, comparing someone, putting labels on everything. Notice the impulse to react, to prove to someone something. Just notice the voice that always saying something is wrong. Notice it, don't push it away, don't try to stop it, but simply notice. See for what it is, it is not you, simply deep breath and relax, see that you are the source of this voice. You won't wait long and the voice disappears, worry disappears, you are just happy with everything, you are enjoying the situation, every little thing: birds song, wind, air, sun lights... congrats, the focus is on present moment, everything is clear now. Talk, act, live and notice that you are the source, one source of everything, meditate by noticing yourself.
  9. Dima

    How do I Focus?

    @Orb Forget about how, wonder about what is πŸ™‚ Yeah, focus is everything, meditation and dreamboard really help in this regard. Meditation is for building the space between thinking, so you can see a choice to focus on deep breathing rather than engaging in thinking and reacting. What is focus?
  10. @fopylo Yeah, it might happen that some desire is not resonating anymore, but that just means it is something you actually didn't want, so erasing is fine. Dreamboard is about inspiration, clarity, actual you. 😊
  11. Should be in front of your eyes as often as possible. When you are just day dreaming should see the board on the background 😊 Also as @fopylo mentioned, embracing showing up what you really want to everyone who is at your home also pretty cool. Also as @BlendingInfinite mentioned, easy removing and easy addition is very important.
  12. First version is the best, but most importantly how do you feel when you read it, should feel amazing.
  13. Just deep breath meditation? It's important to relax as deep as possible during meditation practice. Consistency is the key.
  14. Daily morning meditation, psychedelics (specially 5-MeO) & skype calls with Phil πŸ˜…
  15. Belief in 'me'. You are not just 'me', you are God-Love.
  16. It's realising that everything is one, it's love, there is no separation. It cannot be said because 'saying' is inside of 'it'. Yes, it is feeling. 😊
  17. You are the source, so your task is not to find the source but let go all the barriers that keep you believe otherwise.
  18. Enlightenment is realisation that there is nothing to accept. You don't accept that you have your arms you just have it, it's yours, it's you πŸ™‚ meditation, psychedelics, dreamboard to the rescue πŸ™
  19. @Orb nice share, it reminded me of pleasurable memory of 5-MeO pipe vaping some time ago. How do you push to break through is the same question as how do you jump with a parachute? Just jump, just push to break through, have to have faith in yourself that everything is all right now πŸ™‚
  20. I've been doing few of his exercises for a year every day. It helps to lift you up in emotional scales quickly. Nice stuff ☺️
  21. @Someone here It's all about letting limiting beliefs go. Focus is everything. Write what you don't want and invert it to what you actually want. Write on dreamboard. See it as often as possible. Meditate in the morning, read it and feel after meditating. Make sure it's "wanting" mindset instead of "needing". Put feelings first.
  22. @Adeptus Psychonautica yeah, we may see completely different images for LoA. Deep down the core of LoA and Non-Duality is the same, since we have only one core, "you" so to speak. Anyway, if you're keeping conversation just for fun it's fine. If you're arguing here and trying to get claims - it's pointless, have to discover by yourself. Just keep open mind, since the more you know, the farer you are from a self realization. I may be completely wrong but this is fine, put feelings first ☺️
  23. Wow! Didn't expect to see you here, welcome πŸ‘β˜ΊοΈ
  24. @Adeptus Psychonautica Only a self realization would shut you up 😁
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