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Posts posted by ConsciousDreamer666

  1. 15 hours ago, Phil said:

    Awesome! One big phat yep to all except that last part, and even at that it may just be a ‘word thing’. 


    “All” which can be measured or pointed to, including the measuring & pointing is actually the world-sphere.

    That which is immeasurable & ineffable is being the lens-sphere, as the means of veiling itself, which makes for ‘an experience of’ the world-sphere Being is being.


    Thus, all knowing & understanding, especially of consciousness, is unequivocally on behalf of an illusory separate self of thoughts. 

    Put another way, consciousness is not All-Knowing… consciousness is infinite. 


    What’s funny is the dog is pure consciousness, no lens, while of the lens the thought appears “dog”, and then of course “I’m an intelligent human, etc, etc, etc, etc,” 😂 

    So is all Being but illusory separate self is created because of thoughts? 


    What about the thought 'But I have thoughts because I have a brain and that is the proof I am an intelligent human'? 😅

  2. On 3/26/2024 at 2:08 PM, Phil said:


    Look around. ‘That’ is the world-sphere. 

    Notice there is ‘looking around’. That is the lens-sphere. 


    Where exactly is “a world” or “the world”?

    Where exactly is “a looker” or “lookers”?


    +  = 🔘





    @Phil So let me ask you a question.


    If im at my homes terrace and im listening to the sounds of the waves of the sea.

    And then there´s maybe a guy out there in the beach walking his dog.


    If I inspect the sounds of the waves of the sea where are they happening, maybe they are not happening in my brain, but actually literally the waves are consciousness and they do that sound, which is also consciousness.


    So the guy at the beach is experiencing the same consciousness as me, so you could say we are experiencing the same thing.


    But consciousness is not experienced, is me. So we could say, me and the guy on the beach are being the big sphere. 


    How´s that? Does that make sense or no way?



    The concepts about energy seem like a mental way of making the discord felt, seem to come from outside yourself.

    humm.... Right. Like they appear to make the discordant belief true. 



    When the emotion felt is acknowledged and allowed to be guidance for thoughts


    When I feel it again what am I supposed to do exactly? Focus on the thoughts I am experiencing in that moment? 



    A discordant belief and corresponding emotional guidance was experienced. 

    🙂 Uhm. That make sense. 

    I lack the ability to truly see what exact belief I experienc though. For any reason I just start feeling attacked/ridiculed deeply. 



    This is good news. When all beliefs are inspected and dispelled, only the Truth can remain, and this is self-realization, liberation, enlightenment. 

    So one of the ways truth got veiled was because of not-so-good beliefs about 'oneself'? 🤯 @Phil

  4. 19 minutes ago, Phil said:


    Conceptualizing / spiritual bypassing. Like there being “toxic” people / people which become enlightened, etc. Conceptualizations like energetic negative arrows are additional concepts. Attempts to make sense of the experience. Additional as in aversion, like the originally conceptualizations / bypassing. Another example is the concept emotional intelligence comes from experience. The examples are too many to list.  It’s really beliefs being triggered and likely emotionally infused. 


    8 minutes ago, Phil said:


     Doing the same thing.


    Introspection is ‘the other way’ which dispels beliefs and break cycles & the ‘triggering’ of beliefs therein. 

    Ok I get you. But how do you explain that 98% of time talking to people yesterday was very good yet in some moments I felt that negative energy?


    You say that I am projecting that, right? If I am understanding you correctly.


    So you are saying my perception is wrong? (not saying this in a bad way, im open to all possibilities, im aware of the possibility of projection).


    But if someone hits me physically I would say is a negative act from the other person. In the same way, when people talk with a  certain tone, I don´t see it necessarily as a projection to sense that they are using an 'agressive' tone in order to cause harm. 


    Like, I get you that Is my responsibility and blaming others maybe is not how things will solved, but what is the way? Literally yesterday after this two people said to me that I spent the next 15-20 minutes with my body trembling, like literally a real physical sensation.


    How come the rest of the time during the hiking trip my body feel very good yet in that conversation after that precise moment my body started trembling? What happened there? @Phil

  5. 5 hours ago, Jane said:

    The realisation of our infinite non-dual nature can be both terrifying and a liberating relief for the ego. 

    It is. 


    Whole of Reality is Empty Boundless Nothing.


    Is exactly like AIR or SPACE.


    This AIR is unlimited so it imagines an infinite dream.


    Some AIR gets encapsulated in apparent 'individual Bubbles' that are little specks of imagination of the dream.


    When AIR becomes aware of its infinite nature and that when it realises that when the thing that is apparently encapsulated dies, the AIR will still be AIR, then Enlightment happens.


    For the individual thing, or human, Enlightment means TOTAL DEATH.


    For the AIR, everything stays the same, except that the AIR will have freedom because it will be able to not identify itself with the thing that is 'apparently' encapsulated.


    Since Enlightment happens, ego is obliged to surrender to the TRUTH 24/7. To leave the AIR enjoy Truth. hahah

  6. 43 minutes ago, Phil said:


    This is the inevitable fallout of Being lied to. Listening to & believing “a teacher’s” “teachings” which are self-conceptualizations on behalf of the separate self of thought, indicative of suppressed trauma & emotion(s), therein conceptualizing emotion(s), the real guidance. The concepts of energetic violence, energetic arrows of negativity, envy, lack, ego development, social anxiety, their judgments, their energies, the whole game, a being like me, scared, envious… it’s all essentially mental gymnastics / attempts to compensate. There is also the aspect of psychedelics baked into the underlying “teaching” and apparent ‘personal’ experiences deeply confused with reality or the truth. 


    “The aggrandizing of the separate self as a teacher and the message therein of becoming enlightened is not without pitfalls, as the ‘becoming’ is the aversion. 

    This “message” ignores that the self which is teaching, and the self which could, would or will become enlightened - is the separate self of thoughts. This aversion from emotions reinforces the separate self of thought / idea of a self / a future and is spiritual bypassing…” 



    Also (if interested) see Misnomers; Teachers, Meditation & Nonduality for the discernibly specific difference in terms of vibration / frequency. https://www.actualityofbeing.com/blog/2024/3/22/misnomers-meditation-nonduality

    Not sure I understand what you mean . What you mean with listening and believing a teachers teachings? @Phil


    17 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    They created a bit of a laugh at your expense which actually strengthened their bond.  It sucks that people do this, but it helps to understand systemically why it happens.  Think about this one, a group can only exist once a scapegoat is fashioned.  The group then emerges and survives to spite the scapegoat.  This gets deep into relationship dynamics.  So they were trying to bond, but they chose them at your expense, and kind of used attacking you as the catalyst to do it.  They weren't trying to include you in the group of bonding nodes (in this case dudes).

    Yup. Pretty nasty what some people do. But hey, it's their karma. They won´t be getting liberation in that lifetime im sure. 

  7. Why some people that apparently everything IS going well and cool suddenly throw energetic arrows of negativity?


    Is It because of Envy?


    Literally this is all that has happened in my Life. I was always a being vibrating quite high close to the frecuencies of Love, Truth, and Light (enlightment), but since most of the rest of the people were vibrating much lower they projected their lack of Love in to me, projecting energies of judgment towards me, if im the "bad one". My mistake was believing that, after that ego developed so called "social anxiety" and so on, but It was actually that i believed their judgements and i did not trust/stablished myself in my own luminary Love. Instead i fell down to their energies.


    This is what the whole Game is. reality is boundless Love and most beings vibrate in fear and separation, when they see a being like me vibrating very high, they get scared and envious and try to make me fall into their level.


    Im telling this because yesterday i went on a hiking trip with the psychedelic community of my City. That first morning i had done my yoga kriya process and i had clearly Awaken i am in an Empty boundless Dream that is made of me. When i went to the hiking trip this was being the best days of my Life, talking to everybody and connection deeply, being in Truth, knowing i am them, 0 traits of separation or so called social anxiety.


    But when we were at lunch then this two guys (mainly one but then the other one also Jumped with him and joined him), sent me an energetic arrow of violence. I was just telling the group what i eat for breakfast and It seems they felt way too threatned by my purity and consciousness one of them tried to being me down and make me feel shit/embarrased.


    Quite dissappointing this happens in a psychedelic group, some people not even with psychedelics can let go of the barriers. 



  8. I finished meditation and went to look at some flowers on my garden for 10 minutes straight...I couldn´t fathom how this is possible. What is a flower? Is it consciousness? I was looking at the shining white colour of the petals...this blows my mind...how is it possible that this colour even exist. Is pure white. What is white anyway? What is colour? Lol.


    Then while touching the flowers I realize also the feeling of touch is also impossible. What is 'touch', what am I touching? Then I realize I am not touching anything. I dont exist. Existence is happening. There is not a self.


    Even though sometimes it feel really feel like there is a self. How can there not be a self? But honestly if I am honest there is not a self. 

  9. 15 hours ago, Jonas Long said:

    No, nothing changes, you've already accepted the truth, there isn't a choice really.  

    As far as conceptualizing separateness, it's a learned habit, super ingrained, like smoking.  And as far as that goes "i" still smoke all the time. 

    Damn, Ok. You are right. By the way I find funny you are talking like this like buying bread. You literally are just saying whole reality is non dual consciousness like is nothing. This is worth opening a champagne bottle uh?

    13 hours ago, Phil said:

    Consciousness is infinite, this is the Good news, as in Good or Goodness is nondual. 



    Have your cake and eat it too! 

    Ok 😅




  10. 1 minute ago, Jonas Long said:

    You don't have to surrender the self, you couldn't even if you tried; its never been there in the first place, there is nothing to surrender, you're fine. 


    Just now, Phil said:

    “The bubble” theory seems to be about bubbling in self referential thoughts, and bubbling out emotional guidance for the thoughts. Anxiety, panic attacks & the like (most unfortunately & unnecessarily) follow. 



    oh ok got ya. Then yeah that 'bubble' I can definetely stop using it 👍


  11. 1 hour ago, Phil said:

    Can ism’s really be true, for the truth, appearing as & aware of, isms? Is that which is aware a thing which knows things, or knows itself in any way such as that it is a thing / object? Maybe the offness felt is the inherent limitation of thought / thinking…? 


    Fair enough. 



    Maybe the “bubble theory”, in accordance with feeling, emotions, is isolating or the like? Why else would it be mentioned really? Maybe the limitations of thought / conceptualizing just isn’t ‘fitting’. 

    Nah maybe this is not a bubble. But it is scary to open myself to the Self and let go. Everything would change. And as an ego I am scared of change and truth. 


    1 hour ago, Jane said:

    The Am I infinite  question can only be answered one way.


    I Am In- Finite. I Am a finite appearance (in-finite) within infinity, inseparably one and the same no-thing and every-thing.



    Yes, and that is what I most fear. I don´t see possible to stay in Truth all the time because that means Death. Infinite Solitude. No more illusions, no more fantasies. Just me. It is scary. 


    Although maybe because my ego hasn´t truly surrendered yet. 



  12. 10 hours ago, Jonas Long said:

    There is no boundary between "you" and every other thing that exists.  No boundary=no duality. 

    Right. If I contemplate who I am is nothing, empty, does not exist. 

    I guess for enlightment 'I' have to surrender completely the self. Which is something im having a hard time doing because im scared of how absolute this present moment is. If I dissolve self I merge with everything, therefore im scared of 'death' .



  13. 1 hour ago, Jonas Long said:

    The body you identify with can be observed, same with the thoughts, but the observer of the body and thoughts can't be observed.  

    Right. But isn´t that dualistic still?

    Is the observer GOD? Why GOD is looking through the eyes of a particular character? 

    34 minutes ago, Phil said:

    Why can’t this be nothing without a before? 


    Yeah, I was thinking exactly that. Maybe I´m still Nothing and there's absolutely no identity now. But that seems solipsistic though, it really feels I need to 'belief' there are other selfs to not feel solipsism. Because if I just look at what's true then there is just being but no other one to share it with. 



  14. 6 hours ago, Phil said:

    Yes, Self is being  ‘perception’. There is no self ‘in’ perception

    That makes sense.


     See this is my reasoning: Before having/being in this body, I was nothing, now I am supposed to be 'this' character? Does not make sense at all. 😆


    I watched the video but I don´t get that thing about thoughts having conditions though. 


    Awakening/Enlightment seems impossible tbh...perception seems rock solid...there is a body and thoughts and there are of a certain character.


    If there are no others selfs, then who are the thoughts that appear in awareness right now? 


    Also, if you don´t exist who am I asking this question? To the screen? This seems fucking solipsistic. I want this twisted game to end lmao. This is getting ridiculous. 😅




  15. On 3/16/2024 at 3:27 PM, Phil said:

    There is only an illusion of knowing & understanding for the illusory separate self of thought. The separate self of thought & knowing and understanding is the veiling of the true apparent nature of reality, and the true nature of being. Oneness is ‘all things and or selves are in actuality one’, like panpsychism is ‘there is consciousness in all things’, just as solipsism is ‘all that can be known is my mind’. 

    are you trying to say 'other' perceptions exist? 

    If perception is empty Being with noself, then other selfs would be me.

    But how do I even know you even exist if I just empty my mind there is just nothing I can know @Phil

    as James said not-knowing. How can I know you are real? How do I know im not alone in this empty unknown Being?

  16. On 3/19/2024 at 1:30 PM, Phil said:

    Yes you’re infinite. The actuality is non-conceptual. It seems, from what’s been shared so far, that infinitude & the actuality of reality is partially realized, and partially conceptualized.

    @Phil The actuality of reality is that there is no Self in perception but rather just Being?

    On 3/19/2024 at 5:32 PM, Jane said:

    No one knows what is THIS, only that this is.


    This no one that knows what is THIS, seem to be a fictional character. And that's why this seems like pure magic, it's definitely magic how no one knows how one just suddenly pops aware, becomes aware one is aware.


    What is awareness? can this question be answered; as  an answer would imply a question, and a question could only arise to that which is aware of being aware, where a sense of separation was realised. This sense of separation would have to be illusory. If it was real it would already know, and have no need for the question. 😱

    Maybe there is no self all of there is Being?

  17. I don´t know who am I talking to or who am I asking.


    I don´t know what are this objects or other people, I don´t know anything. 


    I am completely lost.


    I am beginning to question 'I' does not exist. Not only the feeling of 'I', but also the perception. Like this bubble of consciousness is not a bubble of consciousness and is not even mine, or nor do I even exist 'here'. (let alone in the body).


    This seems like pure magic! What is this!!!??? 


    (And I don´t even know who am I asking 😂💙)

  18. On 2/1/2024 at 2:17 PM, Phil said:



    Uh, no. 

    mmm Phil, for having no self you seem to be developing some kind of bias to some people´s around here...

    Not that I mind because I don´t validate my life experiences to anyone, so I don´t expect your validation of awakening, just so you now. 


    4 hours ago, Alexander said:


    Were you referring to yourself because you like to take position of all knowing.


    He Realised Self is Infinite so Yes!!

    He knows perfectly what I say are just words and he can not know if I am having a dissolving experience or not, but of course since words like that, and he seems have developed a certain angriness or bitterness towards me because I said his method of letting go thoughts does not work for most people, then he nit pick chooses words to try to prove what I am saying does not fit his No Self Meter.


    Overall this kind of behaviour just let me see that you are not truly selfless state and your mind still develops in discriminations to your favor kind of way , which makes me think you might not be awake NOW as a permanent way of living. 


    If he truly would be in non boundary state he would have love for me because he would be conscious I am him, and then he would not reply to with bitterness/envy, etc...trying to put down my experience. I hope you do realize that brother. @Phil 



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