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Cooper Swam

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  1. Some may? Its becoming the norm and there isn’t that much resistance to it because then you are deemed as transphobe and cancelled, no different to questioning what Israel does in Gaza and the West Bank labels you an antisemite. So many people i know are being reeducated via their jobs about gender and it’s widespread. “What are you preferred pronouns” is even a question on an internet forum i joined recently. I know lots of non binary people (all of them are emotionally unstable) and trans friends (who are not emotionally unstable, generally) and the consensus among all of them is that gender needs to be done away with. No gender. We will all be they/them soon enough. It is an interesting thing to witness. The dream loves to entertain. It is hard to not get emotionally attached to it and just step back. The dream also loves drama and the right/wrong, left/right, ebb and flow that it embodies.
  2. Stoned to death? Thats a bit extreme. Lol Gay men cant give birth. If they could they would happily do so, without complaining. A female to male trans person doesn’t have sperm. So not really their job, technically. If giving birth is a tiresome job for you and a hassle then don't give birth. Thats the beauty of life, you don't need to. Just be. Or as JD Vance would say, be a childless, cat lady. 🤠🤠 the world is your oyster.
  3. And to add, Expecting people to answer what’s your preferred pronouns, as the norm, is a big problem too. I just roll my eyes at that one.
  4. This topic is a hard one, trans in sports and the destruction of gender, thats playing out right now. Both sides get triggered, equally. Thats the point. The dream narrator loves division, it’s like another ego but from the “awakened” perspective, not true nature/the isness of existence. Is any of this real? No. Is having an opinion about any topic just a bit of entertainment? Yes. The human appearance loves to have an opinion. Taking away parental rights on their child’s transition is going to be a big problem. Men, especially recently transitioning men, competing against females in any sports, is going to be a problem. Being forced to accept non binary or even transgender is a big problem for most societies. Its needs baby steps, which is not what’s happening. It feels overly forced. When you overly force anything, the backlash is going to be big.
  5. Wow, i thought she had a penis judging by the media backlash. If she is coming up as having XY chromosomes, that does give her an unfair advantage over women. So i think she shouldn’t be able to fight against the women and has to box with the guys. Trans male to female cant compete against biological women. It’s unfair to women. Unless they didnt go through puberty. Im not PC or woke so i will probably offend easily on this topic. 🤠🤠🤠
  6. It’s really hard to adopt, there aren’t that many kids available and they are super strict on who can. Fostering is easier. My brother and his wife adopted a child from Korea and even that was difficult. They were willing to adopt a child with a mild disability so ended up adopting their son. The mild disability was his mother drank alcohol when she was pregnant and was unmarried. No Koreans wanted a child like that. 😳😳 My mother was adopted, my cousin was adopted, my uncle was too and my nephew. Besides the Korean nephew, we all look related. Adoption works, it is a good choice.
  7. Im all for surrogacy. It’s illegal in my country though. Just being a rich woman who doesn’t want the hassle of giving birth, that’s not cool. Shouldn’t be allowed. They would make shitty parents. I donated sperm to two friends years ago, one of them is trans, female to male and the other is female and carried the baby. You create a family anyway you can and thankfully we live in times where it’s accepted and possible.
  8. It’s crazy obvious, like a twink wearing eyeliner for the first time. 😂 but highly doubt he is, just looks that way.
  9. I wouldn’t say masochist. Suffering produces great beauty. Mother Theresa and her self flagellation, now she was a masochist. 👹
  10. Most food i cook is Indian style as i like spice. And i like it hot. I tend to eat out a lot, mostly Asian, Malaysian and Thai. I like to use the air fryer too. This is my chana dal, served with bok choy and diced tomato. I have a curry leaf tree in the yard, and the leaves are really aromatic, so i fry them up with the onion mix that i add at the end with black, mustard seeds, cumin seeds and ginger and garlic, a dash of turmeric at the end. With the dhal cooking, just the usual spices, cumin, coriander, turmeric, cinnamon and a cinnamon quill, hot chilli powder, a few fresh, whole, chilli’s in with it too, with finely diced onion, ginger and garlic to cook.
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