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Everything posted by BlendingInfinite

  1. Nope, how the current world-economy is structured and how it will change in the future is obviously more deep and complex. As the financial system nowadays has become very complex, as well as the company-structures behind it etc. All the content in your video one basically learns in high school.
  2. You said 'we are all slaves' and you most probably meant in terms of monetary means - as the thread suggests that. That is why my answer. Moreover, for answering the question 'what is money' you have to know how it behaves, how it is controlled it etc. Because it is a manmade concept. A better questions would be 'what is an asset?', because I bet it is more about [material survival/material or physical freedom in terms of material possibilities/opportunities] rather than just money. Value could also be intellectual value or emotional value etc. But material value is meant I suppose. And if something 'looks like' that way for you, I would not participate in revealing my opinion if I have not dealt with it properly. Because you see that too often and so the evil beds its way. Yes, if someone wants to sound smart or critical, then it is easy to dismiss things. One usually runs better by discarding things and it's easier. But that doesn't mean it's good or true.
  3. No, I didn't watched your video, it is a waste of time. The way you answered sounds pretty arrogant. I don't think you have a reason to be that way. And somehow I don't want to make the effort to list you everything out here as you don’t appear to be someone I want to do a favor. You yourself seem to have done almost no research. Wikipedia doesn’t count lol it is no reliable source as most people know. Of course you have to be able to analyse different articles neutrally, check the facts and in general display intelligence. It is not just about lazy search and Fast opinions or what your guru says. And of course they can shut down your Finances as they are Centralized. Have you ever heard of freezing accounts. Be more humble my friend. Let other people think I bet you have other strenghts👍
  4. The World Economic Forum wants to do that - built a better one. Which is basically enslaving us - currently we are no slaves. But if the WEF wants to continue its plan (you can read it on their website) to replace Shareholde Economy with Stakeholder Economy (stakeholders are members of the WEF), we will be slaves. Because only shareholder can own money and all other people have to borrow it. Moreover they want to implement a digital currency, which means they can shut down your whole finances with only a push of a button.
  5. It is plumb to say 'there is I so nobody has free will'. Of course we somehow are able to navigate in this world, to create things etc. But in a limited way contrained to predefined environments, conditions etc.
  6. If everybody had free will, everybody could levitate with his body immediately if he wants to.
  7. They are so provocative that you start acting like a teenager. Which is extremely humiliating.
  8. The only struggle I have is that assholes want to tell me all the time what I am, what I should do, what I am good at etc. Almost all the time it is bs what they are saying and I contemplated a lot. And it turns out it is because they want to be right. And actually only care about their worries etc.
  9. It is not about my 'struggles' which you are using as an excuse to dismiss the points I make.
  10. Are doing this on purpose? This is the thing that makes me upset. It is emotional abuse and gaslighting as well. I cannot believe I went down this road with you.
  11. I don't think you have the authority to decide what is right or wrong, garbage or not. And obviously you don't have the ability to retrace the thread properly and seem to be manipulated or have a distorted view in the direction of your guru. You can try to take it out on me and give me warning points or anything else. That still doesn't give you the authority or competence over what you are trying to teach or your assessments.
  12. @MandyYou can put it in these words, but what you are basically saying is 'you are spreading junk, stop it or I will ban you'. This is not projection. You are using using metaphors as a means to say something which sounds nice but has a not-nice message in it. This is e.g. hypocrisy. Shortly after I said that self-appointed psychologists always think they can make statements about behavior. Which of course is true, you can't just make assumptions about what's going on with a person and certainly not whether they're upset etc. in a text in a forum with someone you've never met in real life. Even though I didn't name you, you react aggressively. Now I could also argue that something triggers you there ; )
  13. @Mandy If you make assumptions about me without being able to justify them, then it is obviously valid to correct them. I don't have to agree with everyone. To say that what I write is garbage is as presumptuous as it is disrespectful. I am only responding to your responses and you are making discussions out of simple things. Maybe you should also rethink your behavior. It's not always the others. Basically, that's how it is: If you don't agree with certain aspects or question things or your belief system (of course for you it is not 😉 ), people deflect, blame it on you or say 'it is about something which has to do with you - I don't have to answer your quesiton' and discuss it to death. What kind of group dynamics does that remind you of? After it came out that it was obvious that Phil made remarks that were not true to distract from the real thing - even though it was in-topic he took the thread out of the forum index. I simply questioned a few points that had to do with 'pillars of success'. Instead of responding, he turns it into a discussion and then calls it off-topic.
  14. You just replied again. I didn't reanimate this conversation. And it was until Phil made a discussion out of it.
  15. Oh you reflection, beautiful, clear and great.
  16. No one can cause anyone else to feel bad. And just because you notice that someone is not behaving 'super', it does not always have to be the case that you are ignoring something in yourself. Sure, if you admit that you get upset, then that is quickly the reason for self-proclaimed psychologists to say that it has something to do with you. I don't ignore that I get upset and say exactly why. And 'negative' is also a perspective of you and gedanken believe.
  17. @MandyThe only thing I get a little bit upset is deflection, righteousness, hypocrisy etc. in general. One can exactly point these out. But in general the behaviour.
  18. This is nothing personal between me or anybody else. It is about the subject. You thinking there is a conflict or something else is believing thoughts.
  19. I continued drawing and this is my 5th face I have drawn so far Didn't need any guidelines etc. Just draw it from seeing. Appreciate the effortless progress I experience.
  20. @Phil Don't twist the words or make it more complicated than it really is. You made some arguments (or suggestions) and I questioned them. Then you replied, that has nothing to do with the topic. Even if it did (obviously). So you want to avoid questions because you may not be able to answer them or are unsure about your "suggestions" - even though you, like everyone else, have responsibilities by making suggestions or giving advice about life decisions. So it's uncomfortable for you. Now you want to twist every word and make it seem like I have a problem with myself so it's not about what you say anymore, so you don't have to answer questions about it or respond to it when someone questions something. Now this has become an unnecessary discussion instead of simply responding when someone questions things. And this often includes the experiences of others, which partly contradict what you are saying. What I also find strange is that this topic was kicked out of the forum index shortly after.
  21. If someone asks for suggestions, then it is obviously ok to question the suggestions given afterwards. Either to see if one can really do something with them or if they are valid or to find out what is really meant if not everything is clear from the text. That is common sense. I know, it is possibly unpleasant for you, if one questions what you express. But someone who makes suggestions should be able to handle it, and if the person is ligit, he or she is usually happy to respond. It is a red flag when the person you ask questions about their suggestions about life advices or similar presents questioning as inappropriate.
  22. @Phil I would advice you to carefully read replies and keep track of the conversation.
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