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Everything posted by MetaSage

  1. An activity done by you. It depends on the possibility of a future you're unwilling to experience, and the possibility of that thing happening in the future. Remove any of those components and fear can't occur.
  2. Spiritual circles, best place to hide some good passive-aggressive behavior. Let's pretend our shit is so wonderful and special!
  3. MetaSage


    where's that taken from? some study?
  4. Yes, a place that you go to very sparingly and occasionally. But you don't go there to get nutritional substance but some artificial pleasure.
  5. Pretty much. Some occasional sweet here and there.
  6. I'm not sure what you mean. But yeah, that work is misleading as it is accumulating "fingers" (as in fingers pointing to the moon) and it is very abstract, not really based on authentic experience but hearsay. On the other hand, regardless of this enlightenment stuff, one may be able to have fun in learning new concepts about other topics, just as an educational tool. I like that it incorporates diverse teachings, but don't hold it as work that is "real", or based on something other than intellect. I've noticed intellectual people find comfort in their minds as it is a safe place where no real confrontation happens with one's own experience, by way of, say, meditation and emotional healing, as you mention, among other things. In a sense, it might be a defence mechanism, a way of distracting oneself.
  7. Hey, I hear-tell that maybe one's nature isn't born, so can't die. But in the end what difference does it make what's said about this? Your job should be realizing what you are, your nature. Then come back and tell us.
  8. Keyword "making", a decision is created. Nice, enjoy.
  9. Be responsible for creating your life. Be willing to recognize you at the source of your thinking, feeling, and acting. Create afresh, standing on nothing. Creating is a function of self and other-than-self. To the degree that the creation is powerful is the degree both of those aspects are present. The creation is done by yourself and at the same time comes from not-self, from something outside of yourself.
  10. Go out, talk to people and be the kind of person that attracts the desired individual.
  11. Just intent to grasp you, whenever you get off track bring your mind back to the contemplation. You. You. You. What's that about? At some point you might conclude "I can't find myself", keep staring at the wall of uncertainty, wondering who am I? There are no "answers", this is about getting you directly.
  12. They don't. What's absolutely true regardless of importance, feeling, preference, belief, etc? But definitely investigate feeling itself too, although don't confuse it for the big banana (enlightenment).
  13. Is you a feeling? If it's already cognized as feeling then it's a feeling. Who are you? Who is feeling? Just keep intending to grasp you.
  14. Pursuing money is a limited goal, I recommend you make your pursuit about something else that's more empowering, like mastering a skill.
  15. Self-survival is the cause of suffering. We should acknowledge the fact that we actually want to suffer, and most importantly, that suffering is being done by you. We think it is needed as it serves a function. So there's no reason to not enjoy it. Of course, this shift would alter your relationship to suffering to the point where it might become a completely different experience. After all, suffering is considered to be putting up with an unwanted experience. If you didn't mind experiencing anything and everything suffering could not occur. This is what I suspect happened with individuals such as Gautama Buddha and Ramana Maharshi. They were free from self, life and death and therefore from the suffering inherent in them.
  16. What you say might be true, I don't know. I've heard that this "enlightenment" stuff isn't graspable and yet it's possible for one to get conscious of the absolute. If it is direct then only direct will do. It seems to me that anything that's relative is indirect, so even though focusing the mind and contemplating are useful, among other practices, they won't do it for you. The best we can do is contemplating and staying open. 😉😉 (can't delete the emojis)
  17. Nice, thank you. At this point those stages are fun intellectual considerations. It's a useful model, not to be taken seriously in the end in my estimation, as any other model.
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