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Jonas Long

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Everything posted by Jonas Long

  1. Yeah, I don't think it's true that race preference is something we come pre wired with...studies show children don't even recognize the difference between races until they are taught to. And oh yeah, Jesus was the most racist and sexist fictional character ever lol... I remember him talking about how girls will make a million excuses not to fuck you so you gotta just keep bugging them... but also most women are bad at sex anyway... pretty sure he was an antisemite too...
  2. In short he's saying shit like "I prefer to live in an all white neighborhood...having preferences for certain races doesn't make you racist..." It's like, if you're seeking enlightenment or whatever, shouldn't you be always striving to expand your experience and what you know, challenge your own prejudices? Am I going to use this as another opportunity to plug my channel? You bet yr ass...
  3. Have you kept up with this entire thread? It was quoted and linked to a few pages back or so...
  4. @DMT Elf and yeah,, it'd be one thing if he were just honest about that,, but he maintains the excuse to this day... meanwhile he feels free to be PLENTY honest about other gross shit, like his racism...
  5. My understanding is he had plenty of time for video games lmao guess that was part of his "strategy" and "life purpose"
  6. I'm 37... I saw pictures but not videos only before I was sexually activated.. For leo I simply don't believe his excuse for one second the he was too busy to "chase girls" before 26. I mean, then he wasted tons of time and money for something the average person does naturally and for free. And I simply don't believe that any teenage dude has priorities aligned to their "life purpose" that causes them to be indifferent to sex during their sexual prime lol
  7. Actually there's a common thread here, I think this goes back to the early abuse, since he didn't have sex until his late 20s he naturally watched a ton of porn first and so that's how he learned about sex. I've thought about how my generation is probably the last to ever have experienced real sex prior to seeing it on the internet, but he definitely isn't in that category even though we're the same age. So him crying over it could actually have more to do with his repressed shit than it being so "beautiful"... or not, really I have no idea, I just can't relate to him past a point. I feel like if I was having that level of spiritual awakening, jerking off would be the last thing on my mind, but, I guess, if you're nonual and all that there's no difference between your grossest lowest urges and your highest qualities...but still...it seems so trashy.
  8. I never felt compelled to watch it while tripping.. . Sex on them can be great, but also can be terrifying. I actually feel like I'd be grossed out by porn while I was tripping tbh
  9. @DMT Elf did you see the one where he cries about how beautiful his porn collection is lol
  10. Hearing leo talk about sex actually makes me never want to have sex again...i need to forget I ever watched this
  11. Now that I've heard it said in Leo's voice, yeah I'd have to lol
  12. If I was ever getting it on with someone who said the things leo is instructing here I would kick them out of bed, regardless of crackers.
  13. Well I would say resulting from no fixed outcome because it's not the "result" of anything.. There is a force which precedes all action. The emptiness precedes that force.
  14. To me, pure potential, the fool(0) of the tarot
  15. I absolutely agree. I'm not going to make any more videos on him, and this thread will be last I speak about him. My hope is eventually he'll be gone and I can remove the videos I've done about him. Yeah I've given him too much already, it's a flaw of mine that I've held on to it too long, I struggle with that for sure
  16. Good lord...I'd LOVE to see what would happen if you tried to hold Leo's feet to the fire the way you're doing with me...
  17. We will all be held responsible for whatever it is we do. Don't let the bedbugs BITE
  18. I don't believe I am doing harm, but, if I'm wrong, I will be held responsible for it, I'm willing to risk being wrong and taking whatever responsibility comes of it, but I do not agree with your assessment. Now. Good day sir.
  19. Ok, that's what you say I'm doing, but I explained very clearly how that isn't the case. Responsibility always goes both ways, but begins with the teacher. You are responsible for the teachings you consume.. the teacher is responsible for what they teach AND what people do under their influence, to a degree. Both. I have to insist on being through with this conversation. Voya con Dios or whatever
  20. In what way exactly do you think I am doing that?
  21. I don't "hate" that either, that's also your reading of it. I just see it as unfortunate and not necessarily, so I feel compelled to speak about it.
  22. No I don't hate them either. I never said or implied that remotely, that was your contribution
  23. I don't hate. I see a problem so I'm talking talking about it. People have thanked me for helping them decide to stop following leo. I don't wish him ill. Or his followers. If I did I'd just let it continue and not interfere. I hope they all decide to course-correct.
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