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Everything posted by Eternal

  1. @Phil I would be more interested if you further broke down Leo's mind. He seems so incredibly obsessed i getting to the 'highest' states of consciousness. Even accessing so called 'alien' consciousness. He even says that this is way beyond all of what buddhists know such as emptiness, void, etc. Even far beyond non-duality. So it is all apparently the believing of thoughts and thought stories. Can you give me a more detailed analysis on Leo. So you'd think after all this time, he would make an effort to inspect his own thoughts instead of plugging psychedelics every week and talking down to everyone about how he is the most conscious human alive accessing alien consciousness which no human has ever reached πŸ˜‚
  2. I notice people do activities to simply run away from being, getting lost in doing and concepts. Why can't they just be in a room all day without doing anything. What is so uncomfortable about that? T.V, alcohol, work, sex and many more activities to avoid facing what is going on inside. It keeps on going on in cycles it seems, because facing what goes on within seems far to uncomfortable for the seperate self so it is a constant process of avoidance of what is and getting lost in doing.
  3. Eternal

    No Self

    @Phil PHIL!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG
  4. Infinite self knows only of happiness and lasting peace. It knows and it does not believe, just knowingness..
  5. what spiritual texts and prophets? I don’t see any
  6. It’s an idea that the false self has, a belief
  7. For all you know, death may not even exist :). Well maybe death of the belief in a seperate self..
  8. @Phil Yes, but how does believing thoughts cause illness and disease and why does conceptualization happen? is it emotional supression?
  9. @Phil @Dima Love is all is there is. Just love and me being me. Love you guys!!!
  10. Stop it with your neo-advaita platitudes! I am so above you in god-realization that I don't need to talk to you anymore!
  11. I want to understand better what causes hair loss, heart attacks and many other illnesses. For example when someone gets told they have cancer and going to die soon, and people actually end up passing away after. It's like after someone hears something bad, then they get stuck in negative thought loops regarding the disease or. illness? For example, it is common that stress causes hairloss but why does believing a thought about something affect the physical body? What is the process behind it and how exactly does it happen?
  12. Nothing. She likes to express and talk about herself a lot so I just listen, but she does not change really.
  13. It seems that I don't really know how best to help my Mum. She seems to just be living in the same repetitive patterns without any change occuring and I want to help her but not sure what to say or best help her. She needs healing from childhood trauma most likely. She even says she wakes up most nights with nightmares and a racing heart. I just want what's best for her and don't really know how to go about doing it. I want to recommend her good sources but kinda seems she is in her own rhythm of life.
  14. In unconditional love everything is great because that is who I am. There is no better or worse in doing anything as it is all the same. I still don't get how do I go about what is wanted and what is not wanted? I know Phil mentions preferences, but I still can't seem to figure out how exactly I know what I want or what I don't want as I feel the same all the time.
  15. @Cupcake@Phil Yeah, I wasted a lot of time on that forum feeling extremely depressed but again I did learn a lot. narcissistic behaviour is so extremely subtle and I could not see clearly at all when I was on that forum. I would just be scrolling feeling bad like I am not living my life purpose or doing something meaningful etc.. It is in the past however and gave me valuable life-long lessons πŸ™‚. Also grateful for Phil because I dread to think where I would be without him!
  16. Eternal

    No Self

    Understanding that you are perfectly fine as the I am that you already are. Loving yourself as you are, for everything that you do, because that is just who you are. Realize the tension and unease that arises when there is a need to want to go somewhere else outside of who one actually is. Know yourself, look inwards into why suffering arises, look inwards into the experiences of joy and happiness, introspect as to why all of these experiences are so fleeting. Self inquire into the nature of 'I'. Develop utmost curiosity into the thoughts about oneself which may not be true. Most importantly.. love yourself.. bring awareness and attention back. Back in the awareness of the background of experience, not over-complicating things and keeping it simple. There never was a path to begin with because I am already me πŸ™‚
  17. @OrbThat's a good idea. That is what I did when I was very depressed. Made a wallpaper on my phone, set it to my computer wallpaper, printed it out and stuck it to my wall. Always keep the emotional scale in mind and whenever negative thoughts arise, just simply pull out a journal and self express. Use the negative thoughts as a tool for growth, self-expression and self-recognition πŸ™‚
  18. Curious to know peoples thoughts about this. So many different religions such as Christianity, Buddhis, Hinduisim etc.. and then there is @Phil who simply teaches it very basically using the emotional scale and self-expression while meditating in a simple manner without over complicating anything. Thent there is Rupert Spira, Eckhart Tolle and many different books all pointing to the same fundamental truth. Just simply using different language. Do religions over complicate things? such as Buddhism, teaching different jhanas, different awakenings etc.. giving the mind that the idea of enlightenment is such a far out goal.. why would the buddha teach that? There is also self-inquiry by Ramana Maharshi The point of this post is that I want have to discussion about all the different language used between different religions and spiritual teachers? Thoughts on this? How will non-duality be taught in the future is something that interests me. @Phil You have good teachings but at the same time I remember people finding you to cryptic on the actualized forum and to much out there in the 'absolute'. For a long time I could not even fully understand what you were trying to tell me, stuck in my own thought loops & suffering. But I suppose it was a belief in the seperate self all along.. I suppose it is a challenge using language to communicate something that is very much one as language uses duality.. Surely there must be a better way of communicating something so simple and profound.
  19. There is just you, the seeker does not exist and never has existed. You are perfect the way that you are. Suffering arises when thoughts about a seperate self arise, simply because those thoughts about who you are, are not true.
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