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Posts posted by Phil

  1. 13 minutes ago, noomii said:

    I don't know what to reply sorry

    There’s no suggestion anyone knows what to reply. 


    Are you aware of the thought, “I don’t know what to reply sorry”?


  2. @James123



    QM’s is nice for dispelling the knower too. Apparently if you stick a cat in a box with an unpredictable radioactive substance, it’s not possible to know if the cat is alive or dead at any given time because the observer doesn’t know if the radioactive substance was triggered or not, thus killing the cat. It is said one would have to open the box to know. The experiment highlights the assumptions of there being an observer which knows, time, life & death.  

  3. 7 minutes ago, noomii said:

    No it doesn't seem like it?

    Now the thought, “it doesn’t seem like” has appeared. 


    Are you aware of the thought, “it doesn’t seem like it”?

  4. @James123


    One that can know anything would be a knower (subject) of things (objects). A knower would inherently be finite, as if there is a finite thing (known), by default there is no infinite, and therein I (as the knower) would be finite. 


    But that doesn’t account for the awareness of subject-object & self-referential thoughts. One aware must be prior to these thoughts, as one is aware of thoughts. 


    What is prior to & aware of thoughts? I am



    Sometimes it seems it is said, “form = formless & formless = form”. That isn’t true, as I am appearing as thoughts. Nothing (me), appearing as something (thoughts). That which is apparent is not equal to that which is appearing, as that which is appearance… isn’t. 


    Another thought, ‘relative truth’ could seem to account for this discrepancy, yet ‘relative truth’ is another object of thought, an apparent concept. It’s like saying there is nothing (formless) & something (form) and these two are one, or, oneness. It’s also like saying ‘becoming’, as in formless is becoming or becomes form. None of that is true either. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, noomii said:

    I guess no because "you" or "I" are just more thoughts? I don't know

    Let’s say you and I are more thoughts. Let’s say you and I are not more thoughts. 


    In either case, are you aware of the thoughts? 


    You can add whatever thoughts. Doesn’t matter. 


    I’m a dinosaur. 

    Robots are cool.

    The sun orbits around earth.

    2 + 2 = Cheesecake. 


    I’m not asking about thoughts.


    I’m asking if you’re aware. 


  6. 12 hours ago, Reena said:

    Is an interpretation necessary? Ask yourself. 


    That an interpretation is or isn’t necessary and that one could ask oneself are interpretations. 


    Individuals is interpretational, like unicorns. Neither have ever actually been experienced. Only the interpretation is experienced. 


    Though the cognitive dissonance is felt and is experientially (life, relationships, etc) limiting… there is no assertion. 


    The rejection of Truth is no more and no less than Self-rejection. 


    The life, relationships, etc are no more and no less than Self. 


    It can seem like unicorns are being rejected. 


    Life, relationships, etc are Being, rejected. 


    Why aren’t they really though?

  7. @Joseph Maynor

    There’s an experience of this being said…

    13 hours ago, Phil said:

    emotions aren’t seen, level is a thought, there is no ego there is attachment to, emotions aren’t things which thoughts could be pulled out of, nor are emotions someone’s or not someone’s. 


    And an experience of it seeming like this was said…

    25 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    the focus on emotions as some kind of guidance mechanism.


    And then there is an experience of confusion… of what’s said, not jiving with what it seems like was said… 


    … and so then this arises…

    12 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:


    I'm somewhat suspect of emotions just as I am of thoughts.  If I were restricting myself to the human, I would say of course any sane person would prefer to have constructive thoughts and harmonious and positive emotions.  But I also see too, alternatively, that attachment to anything positive can lead to suffering because things aren't always going to go that way, and it's not clear how much control we have over basically being happy all the time.  There's gotta be a way to be Happy that goes beyond happiness.  This means no matter what the thoughts and emotions are doing, or what the body is doing, what the mind is doing, what the ego is doing -- I'm Happy regardless.  My Happiness goes beyond happiness in other words.  You can pull the I-thought out of emotions as you can thoughts.  This is a complex issue, I'm not trying to overly challenge your view.  I agree with it.  I'm huge on emotions for guidance as I've said on here.  But I also realize too the trap of attaching to positive and harmonious emotions.  It can lead to unnecessary suffering because emotions are a mixed bag and not always the singular or best thing to be focused on because often they're passions that come from ego.  Of course ego(s) wants to be happy, young, beautiful, strong, rich, pain free, etc.  But that is a thought and an attachment.  

    So, what is… this ⬆️ experientially, most fundamentally?  What is the actuality, the direct experience of this ⬆️?


  8. 18 minutes ago, noomii said:

    Yes. So maybe one true thing is that I am aware.

    If I say, “you are not aware”, or in your direct experience the thought were to arise, “I am not aware”… are you aware of perception as in the hearing of what’s said (or reading in this literal case), and aware of thoughts, such as “I am not aware”? 


  9. 11 minutes ago, Isagi Yoichi said:


    Yeah it's because I compare myself to other people my age and my fucking family do this to me they always criticize me and compare

    It’s not that different over ‘here’. But the difference is, in being aware, in allowing / feeling fully… when that suff is heard, the ‘sweetness’ is only more pronounced. Everybody’s always comparing everybody. It simply points to the reality of your incomparableness.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Isagi Yoichi said:


    Idk I just like how I am feeling now, I am not sure that I was experiencing frustration 

    Yes, cause you’re awesome. It was the thoughts which weren’t resonating. 


    Just like how thought obscures & meditation is an allowing of un-obscuring, and therefore the ‘sweetness’ seems to not have been present, and seems to be more pronounced… 

    … there is no you of a past, which was experiencing frustration. Same now. Same present. Same presence. Appearing as thoughts… some being about ‘other times’. 

    It’s ’the sweetness’ which is appearing as the thoughts. 🤷‍♂️ 


    Peace (contentment) is great. It is a lil boring though. Creating would be exciting. Co-creating with the guidance is total awesomeness. You. The Big Idea. Reality. This. 🙂


    Maybe you’re much more free and open than it ‘seemed’. Finishing this class / semester out to the tune of receiving credits might resonate, and studying might be worthwhile. Wether you or anyone does or doesn’t deserve might not have anything to do with anything at all. Maybe you even change your major, to align with recent clarity in regard to preferences. Frustration & pessimism can seem to be a false sense of urgency, no? A discordant feeling hurriedness. Empowerment & enthusiasm, not so much, yeah?



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