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17 minutes ago, Devin said:

Well I'm not saying that you're delusional, I don't know, but especially since you find it important to call others delusional I feel I should point out that you either don't know what delusional means or are yourself delusional.


I never said that you are calling me to delusional. If you can find an example of me stating a fantasy as absolute fact, and then reacting it it in a way which indicates I completely believe this fantasy is objective fact, and then referring back to it on multiple occasions even when it has been debunked as fantasy, then I think it would be fair to call that delusional.


What I have stated here, and the context within which I have used it is completely in line with the dictionary definition of the word. I have made detailed descriptions of delusional behaviour and it matches this definition. So yes I know the definition of the word, and if you wish to provide evidence to the contrary then feel free. Here is that definition again



"characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument"


24 minutes ago, Devin said:

you cannot conclude, a psychiatrist could not conclude Robed or I are delusional by what we've said here, I don't even really see where we even spoke about reality, we spoke about spirituality, a person, and opinions. Delusion is about reality, being wrong does not mean delusional.


That's not correct. Firstly I am not providing a psychiatric diagnosis, I am describing a behaviour based upon text based conversation here in this thread. The fact of the existence of that text based conversation is itself an object within reality, and if one person is fantasizing events that did not happen within that written record, to such a scale that it falls outside of the bounds of error or confusion, then delusion is a reasonable assessment. Its got nothing to do with being wrong, he is acting upon fantasy.


Granted he is also acting upon poor comprehension, and emotional impulse, and those were called out accordingly.


30 minutes ago, Devin said:

Thinking Robed and I are delusional because you've spoken with us about these subjects we have and for such a limited time, I hope you can see is delusional. It's not like we've said we can fly or turn water into wine.


Both you and he have made delusional statements within this thread, and to describe them as such is entirely accurate. Delusion does not require belief in miracles such as turning water into wine, the delusion can be fairly mundane. If I state a sincere belief that the largest landmass in the world is the UK, and refuse to change that belief in the face of reality, then that would be delusional. No biblical miracles necessary.

Again, this indicates that it is you who does not fully comprehend the meaning of this word.


35 minutes ago, Devin said:

It's like you automatically dismiss anyone you disagree with as delusional, which is common in casual conversation, but they don't actually mean delusional, that's why I asked if you truly mean delusional, which I'm still not sure you do.


Thats not accurate. I have called out each event for what it is - poor comprehension, confusion, misunderstanding, lack of knowledge. You imply that every disagreement is met with a blanket answer, but again we have a record of events - go read it.


I hope this clarifies things for you Devin, but I'm happy to keep working through it with you if you remain confused. 

My YouTube channel - Adeptus Psychonautica

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On 11/14/2022 at 4:09 PM, Devin said:

Yeah, what we're saying could be delusional, I don't mean it has to be as ridiculous as flying, but what we're saying isn't as ridiculous flying, therefore it would require much more conversation to determine delusion rather than miscommunication or ignorance.

He's got nothing- that's the only reason he's playing this ridiculous card.   Or maybe I shouldn't even give him that much credit 

@Lester Retsel chess is a game that requires rational and strategic thinking and a decent level of intellect to play it well - as you must be able to play as many moves ahead as you are able .  Do you play?  Ide be happy to enjoy a game with you.  It's been a while but I do enjoy a good game now and again.  

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1 minute ago, Robed Mystic said:

He's got nothing- that's the only reason he's playing this redoculous card.   Or maybe I shouldn't even give him that much credit 

@Lester Retsel chess is a game that requires rational and strategic thinking and a decent level of intellect to play it well - as you must be able to play many moves ahead.  Do you play?  Ide be happy to enjoy a game with you.   

Ok.  Your posts are riddled with spelling and grammatical errors, metaphors that don't make sense, random odds and and ends that have nothing to do with the price of tea in China, boasts about things you could do but don't do, an overall wonky sense of syntax, parroting things that were said by someone and clearly having no grasp of their meanings... I feel like I am talking to a child.  if you think you have bested @Adeptus Psychonauticaintellectually here, you ARE by definition, delusional.  Anyone with sense reading this will see that.  I'm not going to engage with you further.

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13 minutes ago, Lester Retsel said:

Ok.  Your posts are riddled with spelling and grammatical errors, metaphors that don't make sense, random odds and and ends that have nothing to do with the price of tea in China, boasts about things you could do but don't do, an overall wonky sense of syntax, parroting things that were said by someone and clearly having no grasp of their meanings... I feel like I am talking to a child.  if you think you have bested @Adeptus Psychonauticaintellectually here, you ARE by definition, delusional.  Anyone with sense reading this will see that.  I'm not going to engage with you further.

I'm typing on a smart phone - which apparently doesn't have spell check on - so I go back and catch the spelling mistakes and correct them.  If you go back and look at my replies you should not see many grammatical errors if at all...though when i initially post there may have been some.

I'm not going to engage you on the other points - you fall into the same bucket as he does.  You let your negative bias towards Actualized lead you astray from the very thing you claim you stand by.  Rationality.  

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5 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

Jesus - it really seems like you are coming undone here.   


I actually think the opposite is true, and I have demonstrated why.


6 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

You just said in your previous reply that you can't snapshot someone losing their grip on reality.  So what do you call that?  You didn't have to say psychosis- but that's basically what's going on with him.


The actual sentence was


"I cannot "screenshot" the corrosion of someone losing their grip on rational thought"


So no, not SNAPSHOT, and not REALITY. This is important because words have meanings, and you get very confused easily


This was in response to you asking for a screenshot of something you thought was being referred to on the Actualized forum,  which in itself was a misunderstanding of the conversation, because that was not what was being referenced. The topic at hand was RATIONALITY not REALITY, so no I would not call someone who was losing their grip on rationality as someone who is suffering psychosis, that is an absurd conflation - probably by someone who doesn't know what any of these words mean.

You see rationality doesn't mean "sane", thus suggesting that irrational equals "insane" or psychotic. I can only suggest that you spend some time to look what these words mean before you try and deploy them in meaningful conversation, because you are making a dogs dinner of it. Also just make the effort to actually read the events you are referencing from mere hours ago,  doing so will prevent these silly errors.


17 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

As far as the labeling, no, I did not make up a scenario.    You criticized me for being obsessed with labeling folks as enlightened or not awakened, or materialists,  but then you waste no time labeling me as delusional.


Yes you did, among many others. I will grant this is one of the less egregious ones but it is part of the overall picture of how skewed your sense of reality is, and lets not forget there was actually more to this scenario. Again I will do the heavy lifting for you with a quick reality recap and by providing the actual quote, but of yourse you could do this for yourself.


1. First you made the claim that I deem myself a rationalist - this wasn't correct. You made it up

2. Second you made the claim that I stated I do not label myself - this was not correct. You made it up

3. Third you made the claim that I had a major issue with the use of labels - this was not correct. I will grant that I mentioned it in this line below, but I think to view this as something that was overly critical would be a misreading

4. Based on the second claim you argued that there was a double standard at play - there wasn't 


Here is the actual line, its more of a criticism of that fact that your labels are made up bullshit rather than the labelling itself, but I get that context isn't your strong point.


"Now YOU might deem me to be a rationalist, but I think that's just because you seem to obsess over what labels you can assign to people - Person X is enlightened, person Y is awakened, person Z is materialist (that was something you previously declared me as, please make your mind up)"


33 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

So you are the one that is hilarious, to be frank.  I mean I guess when you have nothing else, start throwing stuff around like that hey - he's making scenarios up!!. I guess that might fool some folks eh?  Look at what Devin posted with regards to YOUR delusional thinking that I was delusional.   Let it sink in.

So all in all - for someone who - let's be clear- labels themselves as rational, but not a rationalist- (did I get that correct or am I making stuff up again?) you sure fall short when it comes to facts to back up your claims.  All you've got is "the mindset is corroding rationality" over there.   


I honestly don't know what to say to you. I think I have made a solid case that you have spent the day talking out of your arse, and getting very confused and overemotional in the process. I'm happy that you have found solace in Devins support, but I'm not sure anyone else reading this would agree with you, and Im not sure even Devin does entirely.


Anyway back to my offer about a live battle of wits for all to see? Are you up to the challenge of taking down my "feeble mind" for the world to see ? I think we both know the answer from you, but the offer is genuine.


Do you accept my challenge? 😀

My YouTube channel - Adeptus Psychonautica

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26 minutes ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:


Do you accept my challenge? 😀

Lol.  Now whose ego appears bruised?   Did the feeble mind comment hurt your feelings?  I apologize.  No. I asked for a quiet game of Chess -  but wow - now it seems like you have a perspnal vendetta to publicly humiliate me and trash Actualized - (well, lets be honest, it would only be a feeble attempt)   what is the sudden need for that?  Could it be to seize some type of payback for getting your tail whipped on an online forum?   I'll pass - but thanks.   I prefer a quiet game of chess over global thermonuclear war 🙂

Okay - that was a reference to the movie War Games, but you're probably too young to remember 

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12 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

Lol.  Now whose ego appears bruised?   

Yours by the looks of it. Ego bruised, mind broken, in a place where the  only way can save face is today invent tall tales. Surely you aren’t a massive fucking mard arse as well?


come and ave a go you if you think your hard enough

My YouTube channel - Adeptus Psychonautica

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5 minutes ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

Yours by the looks of it. Ego bruised, mind broken, in a place where the  only way can save face is today invent tall tales. Surely you aren’t a massive fucking mard arse as well?


come and ave a go you if you think your hard enough

Are you feeling OK bud?  This post is all jumbled and jibberish......I can't even decipher it to be honest.

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3 hours ago, Lester Retsel said:

Also, come on man, grammar.

I know it's part of "nonduality" to (sometimes) talk like a weird robot or whatever, buy you could proof read.

Funny that in the post of you spouting  off to Phil to proof read, you didn't proof read yourself. 😅


You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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@Lester Retsel its okay, there is no one to proof read.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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4 hours ago, Robed Mystic said:

Are you feeling OK bud?  This post is all jumbled and jibberish......I can't even decipher it to be honest.

Oh I think you understand it just fine, but rather are deflecting  the question by trying that suggestible mimicry that @Lester Retsel highlighted earlier. I think I will do a post on this phenomenon later on so I can document your various character flips, its quite fascinating.


Anyway I’ll try and put the previous post in even simpler terms for you, to help with your comprehension. Do you want to have this debate in real time with me, or are you too much of a massive blustering coward?


You said earlier you COULD easily handle YouTube, lets put that claim to the test. I’m offering you a platform, an audience, and a chance for you to dismantle me with the unique intellect you have demonstrated today (🤣)

What say you?

My YouTube channel - Adeptus Psychonautica

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@Adeptus Psychonauticayou compared him to Biden but he is pulling straight from the trump handbook if you ask me, from statements like "I'm probably the most humble person you'll ever meet"(in between of course acting petty and childish as fuck, as well as empty bragging) to obvious mimicry and trying to turn your observations about him back at you, but sucking at it (I'm not delusional, you're delusional; no puppet, you're the puppet) to claiming victory that only exists in his warped little world (you "skinned your knee and everyone saw it, you got your tail whipped",(I won the debate/election easily and everyone knows it), to botching common everyday colloquilisms, not to mention being way too old for this type of behavior and lack of self awareness and reflection.  It doesn't get much trumpier if ya ask me. 

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7 hours ago, Devin said:

Yeah, what we're saying could be delusional, I don't mean it has to be as ridiculous as flying, but what we're saying isn't as ridiculous as flying, therefore it would require much more conversation to determine it is delusion rather than miscommunication or ignorance.

There is much more conversation just from today, of which the argument you singled out was just a tiny slice. Put together with the rest of his posts and there is quite a body of content upon which conclusions can be drawn.

This is the first post he makes which I actually define as delusional, and as you can see we are already far into the dialogue, again which dismisses as factually incorrect your previous claim that I simply brand anything I disagree with as delusional.


Here is the part which demonstrates delusion as there is nothing in the entire record of conversation that matches what he describes


” I,  however, quickly showed him that perhaps he has been getting ahead of his boots. This normally leads to one falling and scraping their knees, which he so nicely did - in front of everyone. I never insulted his intelligence or his ability to understand basic language- which is the depths he has to go to, because there ain't much ammo in the pack.”


Clearly he thinks something has happened which was effectively ended this argument in his favour, a “flawless victory” if you will, upon which he is not only convinced that this occurred as a real event, but is actually gloating on the swiftness and expertise with which he executed it.


… but the reality is it never happened. There is no post within this entire conversation which even vaguely resembles such a knock out blow. Its complete bullshit 🙂


In fact, every post prior by him had been thoroughly dismantled into the collection of poor comprehension, basic misunderstandings, and blustering that they clearly are. I even asked him to provide a source link to where he thinks this occurred, he didn’t. This is Donald Trump levels of dishonest buffoonery.


He continues fleshing out this non-event in a later post, doubling down on his precision takedown narrative with this…


”It's OK.  Sometimes the schoolyard bullies need to be brought down a notch.”


He is clearly demonstrating a belief that something happened which has defined him as the victor beyond any doubt, and that I am stunned into silence and left tending to my wounds. 

The only problem is thats its a total fantasy, none of this happened, and we have a complete record of the actual conversation which we can interrogate to find the truth. The truth is that EVERY post he made up until that point was filled with misinformation, basic misunderstandings of the terminology being used, incoherent arguments, and major flaws in basic comprehension. All this was plainly explained to him just as this is being explained to you, and I think its fairly obvious that, just as @Lester Retsel also identified, he was getting VERY emotionally triggered that his intellect was being challenged - clearly this is a very sore spot for him.


Perhaps you can fill in the blanks Devin? Can you identify the section in the conversation to which he has clearly earned this stunning victory to which he refers? The moment that he “quickly showed me” where i “scraped my knee in front of everyone” - can anyone here identify this moment to which he boasts?


No, it never happened. The guy is acting upon a fantasy, he is delusional.



Furthermore its worth pointing out that his latter statement that…


I never insulted his intelligence or his ability to understand basic language- which is the depths he has to go to, because there ain't much ammo in the pack.”


… is an outright lie. Now just to be clear I have zero problem with him insulting my intelligence,   It’s actually funny that he would go this route when he clearly lacks the necessary toolset. But for him to use a statement like this which is demonstrably FALSE as a way to appear virtuous is truly putrid. The guy is not right in the head. Here are the quotes…


”The fact that your feeble mind has put the two together is mind boggling.”

”When I actually attempt to expend any mental energy on having a conversation with you, it gets really messy for you very quickly.   I suggest you go back to the drawing board before you attempt to hold a dialogue with me”

”if you actually went back and watched the metaphysical episodes - which actually takes comprehension - something with you i have serious doubts about. But I shouldn't be surprised- your mind lacks the comprehension to even grasp the difference between relative and Absolute”


This is the guy who bold faced claimed he NEVER insulted my intelligence, and that my doing so is a depth I have to sink to . Is he delusional or is he simply a pathological liar?


Again given the context that this guy cannot string a basic argument together without it being peppered with elementary levels of comprehension mistakes, then this level of smugnorance is comical 😀


So as I have demonstrated he is a fantasist and a liar. From that we can either conclude that he is deliberately being dishonest and trying to gaslight, or that he cannot help but do it because he is delusional and genuinely believes he is telling the truth. I would prefer to give him the benefit of the doubt and suggest the latter.


I hope that helps clarify things Devin.

Edited by Adeptus Psychonautica

My YouTube channel - Adeptus Psychonautica

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1 hour ago, Lester Retsel said:

@Adeptus Psychonauticayou compared him to Biden but he is pulling straight from the trump handbook if you ask me, from statements like "I'm probably the most humble person you'll ever meet"(in between of course acting petty and childish as fuck, as well as empty bragging) to obvious mimicry and trying to turn your observations about him back at you, but sucking at it (I'm not delusional, you're delusional; no puppet, you're the puppet) to claiming victory that only exists in his warped little world (you "skinned your knee and everyone saw it, you got your tail whipped",(I won the debate/election easily and everyone knows it), to botching common everyday colloquilisms, not to mention being way too old for this type of behavior and lack of self awareness and reflection.  It doesn't get much trumpier if ya ask me. 

I would pretty much agree. I don’t follow politics much and don’t have a stake in the US, so my opinions are purely from the outside as a casual observer. I tend to think of Biden as well meaning but incompetent, and showing clear signs of bumbling associated with old age - nothing wrong with that, and I can only hope I make it that far with still something in the gas tank.


Trump on the other hand is a buffoon who is full of hot air, emotionally fragile, petty, unintelligent, and has been demonstrated to be a pathological liar. That he was ever given a position of authority is a black mark on US history.

In short I think Biden is incompetent, Trump is a liar, and I will leave it to you to spot the similarities to the person we are discussing.


Edited by Adeptus Psychonautica

My YouTube channel - Adeptus Psychonautica

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21 minutes ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

There is much more conversation just from today, of which the argument you singled out was just a tiny slice. Put together with the rest of his posts and there is quite a body of content upon which conclusions can be drawn.

This is the first post he makes which I actually define as delusional, and as you can see we are already far into the dialogue, again which dismisses as factually incorrect your previous claim that I simply brand anything I disagree with as delusional.


Here is the part which demonstrates delusion as there is nothing in the entire record of conversation that matches what he describes


” I,  however, quickly showed him that perhaps he has been getting ahead of his boots. This normally leads to one falling and scraping their knees, which he so nicely did - in front of everyone. I never insulted his intelligence or his ability to understand basic language- which is the depths he has to go to, because there ain't much ammo in the pack.”


Clearly he thinks something has happened which was effectively ended this argument in his favour, a “flawless victory” if you will, upon which he not only convinced, but is actually gloating on the swiftness and expertise with which he did it.


… but it never happened. There is no post within this entire conversation which even vaguely resembles such a knock out blow. Its complete bullshit 🙂


In fact, every post prior by him had been thoroughly dismantled into the collection of poor comprehension, basic misunderstandings, and blustering that they clearly are. I even asked him to provide a source link to where he thinks this occurred, he didn’t. This is Donald Trump levels of dishonest buffoonery.


He continues fleshing out this non-event in a later post, doubling down on his precision takedown narrative with this…


”It's OK.  Sometimes the schoolyard bullies need to be brought down a notch.”


He is clearly demonstrating a belief that something happened which has defined him as the victor beyond any doubt, and that I am stunned into silence and left tending to my wounds. 

The only problem is thats its a total fantasy, none of this happened, and we have a complete record of the actual conversation which we can interrogate to find the truth. The truth is that EVERY post he made up until that point was filled with misinformation, basic misunderstandings of the terminology being used, incoherent arguments, and major flaws in basic comprehension. All this was plainly explained to him just as this is being explained to you, and I think its fairly obvious that, just as @Lester Retsel also identified, he was getting VERY emotionally triggered that his intellect was being challenged - clearly this is a very sore spot for him.


Perhaps you can fill in the blanks Devin? Can you identify the section in the conversation to which he has clearly earned this stunning victory to which he refers? The moment that he “quickly showed me” where i “scraped my knee in front of everyone” - can anyone here identify this moment to which he boasts?


No, it never happened. The guy is acting upon a fantasy, he is delusional.



Furthermore its worth pointing out that his latter statement that…


I never insulted his intelligence or his ability to understand basic language- which is the depths he has to go to, because there ain't much ammo in the pack.”


… is an outright lie. Now just to be clear I have zero problem with him insulting my intelligence,   It’s actually funny that he would go this route when he clearly lacks the necessary toolset. But for him to use a statement like this which is demonstrably FALSE as a way to appear virtuous is truly putrid. The guy is not right in the head. Here are the quotes…


”The fact that your feeble mind has put the two together is mind boggling.”

”When I actually attempt to expend any mental energy on having a conversation with you, it gets really messy for you very quickly.   I suggest you go back to the drawing board before you attempt to hold a dialogue with me”

”if you actually went back and watched the metaphysical episodes - which actually takes comprehension - something with you i have serious doubts about. But I shouldn't be surprised- your mind lacks the comprehension to even grasp the difference between relative and Absolute”


This is the guy who bold faced claimed he NEVER insulted my intelligence, and that my doing so is a depth I have to sink to . Is he delusional or is he simply a pathological liar?


Again given the context that this guy cannot string a basic argument together without it being peppered with elementary levels of comprehension mistakes, then this level of smugnorance is comical 😀


So as I have demonstrated he is a fantasist and a liar. From that we can either conclude that he is deliberately being dishonest and trying to gaslight, or that he cannot help but do it because he is delusional and genuinely believes he is telling the truth. I would prefer to give him the benefit of the doubt and suggest the latter.


I hope that helps clarify things Devin.

Dude...one minute your posts are all jibberish - I'm not sure what that was all about -- either someone else (either high or just illiterate) in your household grabbed your phone or stole your computer and started typing- because it didn't seem like it came from you -- or your mind just needed a little rest from trying to think of smart comebacks against a superior adversary 🙂

Well, either way, im glad your back now - ready for me to wipe the floor with you again...  It's nice that you were able to allow your brain that much needed time to rest.   Maybe you too might want to slow down on the psychedelics?


No - let me be clear and break this down to you - I'll make a correction to that post because hey, I never claimed to be perfect.  I didn't start out by insulting your intelligence- that was a game you played almost out of the gate - which frankly, was quite a disappointment. I merely decided to throw your own garbage back at you - and apparently it worked.  I managed to rattle you up enough to where now you are starting to just plain sound lame and butthurt.  So much so that you are fumbling around going back through the dialogue and lamenting over how you got outwitted and whipped.   It's rather pathetic.   But hey, knock yourself out.  Spend all day going through the exchange, trying to catch little errors i made to prove my "delusion"..maybe it will aid you in doing better next time 😀

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15 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

Dude...one minute your posts are all jibberish - I'm not sure what that was all about -- either someone else (either high or just illiterate) in your household grabbed your phone or stole your computer and started typing- because it didn't seem like it came from you -- or your mind just needed a little rest from trying to think of smart comebacks against a superior adversary 🙂

Well, either way, im glad your back now - ready for me to wipe the floor with you again...  It's nice that you were able to allow your brain that much needed time to rest.   Maybe you too might want to slow down on the psychedelics?


No - let me be clear and break this down to you - I'll make a correction to that post because hey, I never claimed to be perfect.  I didn't start out by insulting your intelligence- that was a game you played almost out of the gate - which frankly, was quite a disappointment. I merely decided to throw your own garbage back at you - and apparently it worked.  I managed to rattle you up enough to where now you are starting to just plain sound lame and butthurt.  So much so that you are fumbling around going back through the dialogue and lamenting over how you got outwitted and whipped.   It's rather pathetic.   But hey, knock yourself out.  Spend all day going through the exchange, trying to catch little errors i made to prove my "delusion"..maybe it will aid you in doing better next time 😀

You are embarrassing yourself.  Nobody thinks you got the better of him but you.  Mr "humblest person you could ever meet"...literally a "humble brag"!

If you truly couldn't make sense of his one post with errors in it, that is much more concerning in regards to your comprehension.

You also claimed to have "outsmarted" me, you couldn't be making it more obvious that you are insecure about your intelligence.  Clearly you have some issues around that, and have probably been confronted with it often in your life.  I don't have that particular insecurity...I have other ones, but you'll need to be a little bit more clever and look outside of your own psychology to find them.

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@Robed Mystic


Yeah… but none of what you think happened actually happened. There is a written record so just blustering that “I OWNED YOU LOL” doesnt change the reality that you didn’t - it just bolsters my argument that you are delusional, which you clearly are 🙂


You are a liar, you are delusional, and you are not even very good at these things. You are a coward who is full of hot air and bullshit and I am having a fucking blast dismantling you, and unlike you I have evidence to back up everything I say - where is yours?

My YouTube channel - Adeptus Psychonautica

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