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Jonas Long

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19 hours ago, Devin said:

Who do you all think could get such notoriety as Leo has, at any age let alone young Leos, and not have growing pains and stumbling blocks? Who?  No one carries what he carries. No ones done as much good as him.

I see later in this thread you seem confused that people are interpreting your comments as you making objective claims, and I think its fairly obvious that you are whether you realize it or not. When you start trying to use empirical data like YouTube views to validate what you are saying that this is an appeal to an objective truth rather than  opinion, and so can be countered with the same line of argument. So basically your case that Leo is the biggest and most far reaching  guru, is confirmation bias bordering on delusional bullshit.

So firstly I would absolutely agree that every human is flawed and will have stumbling blocks, that perfectly natural. I personally don’t expect perfection from anyone, but that doesn’t mean I am going to give them a free pass when they continually do something I disagree with.


Leo continually promises perfection, transcendence, bigger than human, a solution to all problems, and to be blunt - he has completely missed the point. We know he has missed the point because he himself throws his entire ideology out of the fucking window every six months or so. How many times have you heard him say some variation of “THIS overrides EVERYTHING else! This is the new absolute truth!”? I think the simple fact is that he has done the same shtick too many times and so people are calling him out on it - and rightfully so. 


Now in regard to your absurd claims that “no-one has done what Leo has done” then you sound utterly delusional. If your metric is YouTube views then Jordan Peterson wipes the floor with him for practical advice (videos clock 11 million views), and thats not even counting the multi-million book sales and sold out global tours he does.


Terence Mckenna and Alan Watts obliterate Leo in terms of reach (again 10 million views on some videos) and they are fucking dead. They don’t even have their own YouTube channels, but even decades after their demise they remain as spiritual juggernauts, constantly being reshared. Same could be said for many of the big spiritual figures - many of them didn’t even have any major presence in modern social media, but you think that gives Leo Gura greater reach and influence than Ram Das - are you insane?


Joe Rogan is a leviathan, and I think it can easily be argued that he has been a huge inspiration to many to bring them to a spiritual path, he was certainly part of mine, and yes Joe Rogan gives out practical advice, and exposes his audience to a staggering amount of worldviews. You want to talk about radical open mindedness - this guy kicks Leo’s ass. Again when it comes to views Leo is not even in the same league.


All of this you can look up for yourself, but if you need a hand just let me know. 

So there - you wanted numbers, you got numbers, and to be honest I think obsessing over view counts and subscibers as a means to validate an opinion is pretty ridiculous, but thats where your head seems to be at and I thought it might be useful to unpack why everyone is rolling their eyes at your comments. Its because they don’t correlate with reality, and because you (like Leo) are being too blinkered to look at the bigger picture.


People are  running live events, writing books, challenging their ideas in group discussions with their peers. Sam Harris has one of the biggest meditation platforms out there on mobile devices, and you think Leo is the front runner in any shape or form? Talk about drinking the koolade… holy shit.


So lets put your silly ideas about Leo being the number one spiritual guru to bed. Consider that debunked.


Edited by Adeptus Psychonautica

My YouTube channel - Adeptus Psychonautica

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You have claimed many times in this thread alone that Leo Gura is some kind of unique spiritual phenomenon that stands far above his peers. Here is the recent example to which Lester and I refer, but there are others.


”No one carries what he carries. No ones done as much good as him.”


Its hard to interpret this in any other way than as an objective claim that NO ONE (as in no other person on planet earth) has done greater good for the spiritual community, than Leo Gura. Now I would absolutely agree that such claims are indeed empty, but it is you who is making them, and so you shouldnt be surprised when people dismiss them as the obvious dog toffee that they are.


When asked for evidence of this claim YOU provided YouTube views as criteria for that validation. This is all coming from you Devin, so perhaps try putting a bit more effort into what you are trying to say, because its coming out as a contradictory mess. You put forth that particular yardstick, so thats what was used to debunk your nonsense.


Now in regard to what other guru’s say vs what Leo says, and that they are only offering regurgitated misleading woo woo, thats fine and of course you are welcome to your opinion. The fact remains they are operating in the same space as Leo, they are the heavyweights of that space, the argument can easily be made that any one of them has done more good in that space, and by your own criteria they are bigger - by orders of magnitude.


So to answer your fawning question of who can possibly match the lofty achievements of Leo Gura? Who else can carry what he carries? The answer is FUCKING LOADS OF PEOPLE, and they manage it without making a complete arse out of themselves every 3-6 months.


Yes no doubt Leo’s experience comes with crazy and confusing times, and I certainly feel some compassion for how Actualized is running Leo rather than Leo running Actualized, but that doesn’t give him a free pass for any of his verbal diarrhea. If he can’t handle it (and he can’t in my opinion) then he should have the self  awareness to stop and regroup, try something different, broaden his horizons etc.


Honestly mate I think people like you who run defense for him are part of the problem which is contributing to his ongoing delusions of grandeur. If you and the other Actualized faithful would just remove your tongues from his shit pipe for a day or two, then maybe he would get some respite and chill out a bit.

My YouTube channel - Adeptus Psychonautica

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3 minutes ago, Devin said:


It's funny how you all in the same breath speak on how little he is, yet say he is causing so much damage, and by what claiming to be alien super whatever😂😂😂😂 sorry, to me you all just plainly look like you're lost in hate and jealousy

😂😂😂😂😂 Yo this is one of the funniest answer ever ,😂😂😂😂😂 of course "my" personal opinion 😃 but still so funny 🤣🤣🤣

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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There is actually several big disconnects, and again I think its actually you who is the source of them. Allow me to highlight a few of them.


1. You claim you are not making objective claims directly after making objective claims


2. You define a metric for your claims then get pissy when that same metric is used to disprove them


3. You make strawman arguments with no basis in reality. Case in point - saying that Leo is not “the biggest” does not equate to him being “little”. I am firmly on the record as stating that I think what Leo has done with Actualized is very impressive. Go watch my first video on him where I praise what he has done operationally, and then feel free to come back and justify which arsehole you pulled this straw man out of.


4. Hate and jealousy. I can only assume you don’t know what these words mean, particularly in reference to these latest comments - because we are talking about YOU Devin. You are making claims, and people are challenging YOU on your (lack of) rationale for those claims. Are you suggesting that we are all filled with “hate and jealousy” of Leo just because you are talking bollocks?  Does that mean you are filled with “hate and jealousy” towards Jordan Peterson and Ram Das since you dismiss them in a similar manner? Under what conditions does “hate and jealousy” become a valid response?


There are some quite large cognitive gaps here Devin so my impression is that you are not quite as “high functioning” as you previously claimed, and if thats the “good things” that following Leo’s teachings has gotten you then you can keep it mate.

My YouTube channel - Adeptus Psychonautica

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1 hour ago, Devin said:

Sorry, to me criticize his teachings and bad behavior. But when you attack him personally it's you not him.

Anything say by me or you about “others”, it is not right or wrong it is just a personal opinion. Because literally no one is here, so called humans are robots. Nothing is inside of the so called body. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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On 11/10/2022 at 2:04 PM, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

Perhaps @Phil or @Mandy could comment on such things.

The downward spiral seems to have started with the self proclamation, or “manifesto” of God having confirmed Leo is a separate self, “the narcissist”, and therein the belief in separate selves like nondualists, Winterknight, Nahm, and Buddhist masters seems to have persisted…


“First of all many nondualists will even dare to deny the existence of God, or reduce it down to some notion like Nothingness. This is a travesty. Remeber that idiot WinterKnight? He was on this forum teaching enlightenment and self-inquiry and he had the gall to tell me that there is no such thing as God and that I am a narccist for insisting otherwise. He's far from the only one saying such things. Nahm also started saying such nonsense which is why I had to ultimately demote him. I once skyped with a Buddhist master with 30 years of meditation training and I asked him, Are you aware of God? And he asked me, What do you mean by God? Do you mean Emptiness? At which point I knew he was full of shit. He has no clue what God is. There is so much depth to realizing what God is. It's easy to access a bit of God. Very difficult to grasp all of it.”

- Leo Gura





That is what narcissism playing out looks like, yet there is no narcissist. Nonduality doesn’t mean there is no infinite being, it means there is only infinite being; ‘not two’, infinite. When it is recognized by infinite being as infinite being that there is only infinite being, there is no longer the conceptualization of, “an infinite being”. There is quite simply just, me, and what seemed to be separate selves is readily recognized as the infinite unconditional love that I eternally am. 

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What was *just said.


2 hours ago, Devin said:

Let people talk trash about someone, wallowing in and spreading hate and jealousy, silence is complicity. Or try to be loving. I'm not promoting Leo, criticize his teaching and bad behavior all you want I appreciate it actually.

About this… 

3 hours ago, Phil said:



That is what narcissism playing out looks like, yet there is no narcissist. Nonduality doesn’t mean there is no infinite being, it means there is only infinite being; ‘not two’, infinite. When it is recognized by infinite being as infinite being that there is only infinite being, there is no longer the conceptualization of, “an infinite being”. There is quite simply just, me, and what seemed to be separate selves is readily recognized as the infinite unconditional love that I eternally am. 


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13 minutes ago, Devin said:

Im not trying to protect Leo, I know there's no separate person "Leo". What's happening in this thread, name calling and degrading, perpetuates suffering, period

YOU are keeping this thread alive lmao.  It would have been over with long ago without your constant objections.  

Objecting to the "suffering" being perpetuated is perpetuating suffering, for YOU.

Be the change

Edited by Lester Retsel
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17 minutes ago, Devin said:

Yeah right, page 66, two weeks passed then you all started again slinging hate. Yesterday I said I'll leave you all be, 6 hours later adeptus writes a book full of personal attacks at me. I bid adeptus adieu and Phil starts in on me


And you just keep on with your crap commenting to me trying to create a narrative


You all are clearly only on this thread to hate and harm, you're not trying to help anyone, you're being worse than what Leo is accused of


You all made anti Leo youtube videos, you're obsessed, obsessed with hating him.


You and adeptus both said he was small fish, yet you both did hit pieces, do you not see an obsession? You both have full on edited published videos made hating on him. Adeptus even convinced media outlets to do hit pieces on him, again you all's words a "small fish".😳


You all are just gaslighting, and deluding yourselves. I've never referred anyone to Leo in my life, I have zero attachment to him, I quit his forum, and don't follow his work

Oh my god dude, just stop responding.

You obviously want the conflict, or else you would just leave it alone. 

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57 minutes ago, Devin said:

Im not trying to protect Leo, I know there's no separate person "Leo". What's happening in this thread, name calling and degrading, perpetuates suffering, period

Suffering is just like emotion in that it’s directly experienced. The root of all suffering is ‘the separate self’ of thought. 


First of all many nondualists will even dare to deny the existence of God, or reduce it down to some notion like Nothingness. This is a travesty. Remeber that idiot WinterKnight? He was on this forum teaching enlightenment and self-inquiry and he had the gall to tell me that there is no such thing as God and that I am a narccist for insisting otherwise. He's far from the only one saying such things. Nahm also started saying such nonsense which is why I had to ultimately demote him. I once skyped with a Buddhist master with 30 years of meditation training and I asked him, Are you aware of God? And he asked me, What do you mean by God? Do you mean Emptiness? At which point I knew he was full of shit. He has no clue what God is. There is so much depth to realizing what God is. It's easy to access a bit of God. Very difficult to grasp all of it.” 

- Leo Gura

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5 minutes ago, Devin said:

I said " you obviously want conflict"



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Right...I'm NOT acting like I don't want it...

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5 minutes ago, Devin said:

Imagine having to have that personality in your head. People actually want to be with me, the problem is me judging and not wanting to be with them, I push everyone away, they actually resist it. I'm usually very loving

I get it.  Sucks to be you I guess. 

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