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No need for testing,

Grades to measure the sureness of a child, 

When all they want is to go wild,

A goose chase to try to pin them down, 

The Art spins around and around, 

To rest, to rest, 

No need to be best,

You are the Lightning Rod,

Just let Source give the nod.


Yes of course I want to Be,

But only the Eye can See,

That the eyes cannot,

Where to look?

The understanding slips,

Into the Flower,

I wasn’t ever without the Power.


Hyper-Drive Spaceship, 🚀 

Time-Space RIP 🪦 

The Galactic Center, 🌞

Home is everywhere, 🌝

I could never enter, 

Doorless Door, 

What Fun in store! 

Where will we go?

Don’t Know, 

But I am sure I’ll love you so, 

Whatever your passion, 

I’ll find it the fashion,

You are always in style my love, 

These eye burn for you to soar above, 

Collapse below, 

Cantered in the Dream,

No seem,

Just the Show,

Reality? Who could know?

For us to dance side by side, 

Creating a board of dreams,

No boring memes,

Scrolling on tik-tok, 

I’d rather hit my head on a rock, 

Astral project into the knock knock,


You already are! Isn’t it? No? 

Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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Turn your back on the fire! 
You are the Lightning Rod! ⛈️ 

Those throwing crap don’t deserve mind-space,

This isn’t a game or a intellectual race,

Just the pure heart of the Unborn Child, 

Slicing through with style.


Let the Landlord kick them out,

They don’t pay the rent of true friendship shout,

Mental monkeys throwing shit,

Look to the Ocean You Are & sit,

The Milky Way Sea,

Joyous tears,

Waiting to Be,

Wishing upon the Soul Star,

She is Awake Far, 

We Are.


Water the great fuel seeds, 

Blazing Heart,

Protect the Inner Child’s Deeds,


Uproot the weeds.


As far as flaming Eyes can see,

As tall as our tallest Tree,

Under your nose the Key,

The dog licks your face into Me,






Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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I’m just a terrified lonely boy looking for his lover,

The other half of my Soul complete,

The Devine already,

Well the human searches,

Vibration vibing,

My identity is so big it is the Great Big Sea,

My heart is blasted open,

The hinges broke,



No-One loves me,

I have been stepped on my whole life,

I won’t let myself Drop until I find Her,

Hanging by a thread, 

Smashing my head,
I’m sure, I’m sure,

The Father’s Laugh,

Flaming tears,

Where is the Mother here?

To comfort me when I fall,

To stand me tall,

I know you,

Whispering to me since three,

AM stayed up past PM,

Me and you’ll see,

Ocean Boy,


Where is my Earth Girl?

To balanced Us out?


The Heart doesn’t lie,

But I lie awake each night,

Petrified from our separation,

We are always being re-born,

In no more then a sec,

In the past life when we were struck, 

Hung from the neck,

Dragged by a truck.


They weren’t ready for the Lovers,

They weren’t ready for True Strength,

 To trust the hurt and fear,

Jealousy turns the rear,

Flaming rage on the page,

Discouraged the Sage,

Blaming me for not healing,

Worried he’ll never get out of hell,

Abused me to sell,


Disappointed shout,

Gaslit hit,

Overwhelmed by the Motherly energy awoke in Me,

Frustration spiralling down his nation,


I’ll defender Her until the day I die! 
No matter how much your pessimism cries,

Immunity like a stone tone,

Boredom in the boardroom alone,

Counting until everything,

Really Nothing,

The Goddess sent,
A call of discontent,

To end the stall,

Content Ball, 

To return Awoke,

Just two lovers Dancing,

Within me Prancing,

I am the Fountain Crying,

She is my Endless Roots,

Absorbing them to a hopeful Flying,

Positively Smiling,

Words are nothing to a stare deep into,

The Eyes of my Girl,

Stillness whirls,

So much enthusiastic arising,


My sister & I find the frogs,

When two meet in the name of Gods,

Source’s One True Passion,

Love is always in fashion.



Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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I am the glimmers of sunlight rays on the crest of each wave,

I am the swirl into the next trough,

Bursting through with a sunny smile,

The power to make you laugh,

Is what melts all sense of half, 

Appreciation for the Sacred Math.


Calculated calculus curves,

The axis of a sinusoidal sound heard,

The wings of the Flaming Bird, 

The peak & the bottom of absurd,

Idealist ideas turn,

To put the eye in place of an eye, 

The sound is heard.


Harder for a rich man to enter, 

Flaming center,

Give it all away,

Return to the Silence of the Third, 

Before Born doesn’t sway,

Unborn Baby is here to stay, 

As all karmic imprints washed,

The way is clear as the shimmer of salt in the bay,

Worries tossed.

Massive oceanic tears,

Many thoughts of fears,

Primal fire of birth,

Warm my toes,

Drop the rows,

Sail with the Wind,

No-one ever sinned,

We all have,

Sung the hymn,

Ate from the tree,

To Be,

Was it really though?

We just wanted this Adventure you know?

Nothing runs the show.





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Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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This cold is just the purification I need,

Please peace,

Opening to Joy,

Protect the children,

Trust hurt,

Burst into flames,

End all sense of distain,

Pain hit my head,

Melted all sense of brain, 

Mushroom dance, 

No more body parts any longer,


Control give to,

The Light going towards Healing,

Bumped up against the ceiling, 

Trusting feeling,

Falling to heeling, 

Swept away,

Sweetness Stays,
Wellnesses Bay,

Breathing the Way.


Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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An Angel floating in the sea,

This Ocean I be,

Searching for Her until We,

A Soul purified, 

Tears I cry,

Infinitely Alone, 

Me, wishing for Thee,

Vibrational Tone


4th Eyes The Diamond Crown, 👑

The Heart’s search found, 

Zen blissed out on 3ed, 👁️

But don’t wait for the Home Run Plate,

Get up! No more state. 🕺🏻

Only by Source can the Burning Soul’s Eye find the Heart’s Cry,

Only by feeling what is reeling,

Tuning to You,

Many of these fish aren’t,

Spyglass sees Land Ho! 
To sail with You I’ll Know,

I truly found So.


Not some, 

Or body,

Just So,

Significant non-Other,

Togetherness without a one,

This knit falls thought,

At the seams We drop,

Our roots were always lots,

Before Born,

In the Parallel we Dance,

Through the storm of ego’s war stance,

Melted into the Source,

Alone Together Forever,

We are all in this wave,

We are all turning the next page,

We are all writing the next step,

This ball of the Eternal fall.


Music will come,
Celebrations of Mum,

Dad is a knight,

Fighting for Her right,

Freedom on each side,

Carefree carefully slide,

Let the Endless Celebration Ride!

The Pure Diamond Crystal, 💠

Fourth dimensionally missed Her,

Cry & stall brings bright,

Light though the Prism,

The 5th dimensional rise,

This Lion’s shout,

For the Lioness return without,

Any burden,

The Dance will sure Him.


Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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I don’t even know you,

Yet my heart bleeds for,

I have been waiting at the Door,

Less is more,

Perhaps I go and dance alone,

To unplug these thought clones, 

My energies need to be conserved,

The Queen deserves.


For us to find a place out in nature,

In a cabin full with fresh air,

Away from this city of despair,

Perhaps you will be there,

At the end of the summer,

I’ll venture to hum Her,

Come with me and become grown,

With the Earth,

Together Alone.

Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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All I want is to look into your eyes,

All I want to for us to hold each other,

All I want is to breath beside warm,

For my sore arms to melt,

To create art knowing,

We’ll always be there showing,

Our flaming hearts to each other,

Helping others out of the cold.

With the guidance of Goddess Mother.


I could be ok alone,

To wonder and ponder Zen poems,

But this life I want with your tones,

Many past lives I already spent roaming,
Writing my heart out until,

Now it just a pure child’s shout,

Purified primal energies about,

Lovers that could be,

Many timelines I see,

Whatever path we find,

We won’t need time, 

Silent Joy rhyme. 

There is sickness,

There is purification,

What direction are you headed?

The symptoms of a cold,

The emptying of the old, 

Manifesting the best that could be told, 

The experience of fear must be trusted dear,

By trusting the Guidance,

We will both turn to Clear,

The end of far or near,

The Surfs Up,

Love is less,

When we allow the mess, 

To heal the creatives best,

To see the Sea of never was,

To together We garden loves,

To be the Awareness be-er,

To drink into the sober Here.

Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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I’m definitely experiencing an intense purification right now mainly in the lower chakras ❤️🧡💛, gonna start doing longer meditations than I normally do.

I feel it is time to start getting back into long sits, makes sense also with it being winter, longs walks aren’t as nice. 

No distractions today, just mediating, if I feel stuck in an emotion, expression through writing, drawling, or music. Then back to meditation. Let’s see what comes through today. 

I feel like I got used to mediating with a lot of noise around me, cars, people walking by, general city noise, essentially thoughts rapidly moving, the body moving, Flow. I am experiencing the energies being very flowy. Time to get back into the deep Silence. I used to do super long sits sometimes entire days a few years ago, but started doing walking meditation a lot, which realigned ‘thing’ for me it seems. It all had to do with trusting the guidance of pain, which flips you around the more you trust it. The guidance of pleasure is the same as the guidance of pain, it is just the ego likes to favour pleasure and ignore pain, creating this imaginary distortion split, we usually call duality, & the seeing of the Life-Force gets obstructed. 

Flow & Stillness.


Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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Trauma causes you to feel stuck in the 3ed Dimension or lower, feeling like you are on a fixed timeline, fated for something. When we make the unconscious conscious the 4th Dimension opens up to you & more and more timelines are possible. The peak of the 4th degree being you feeling infinite timelines, or real Freedom. 

Heal frozen energies, heal the inner child, with Father & Mother Devine.

There has never been any separation between you and your True Love, this is seen in the 5th Dimension once the Freedom of 4th is unveiled. 

My love, we are enterally together, but I cannot see you yet, I must go into a period of deep mediation & self-expression. As much as my heart longs for you, my feet must be planted firm, my heart is so open I’m running without touching the ground, flying backwards. As much as my child self thinks I have gone through enough pain already, he cries to be held by you, but I must cradle him myself before we hold each other, this union must be so pure we don’t even see a relationship. My eyes must be so still, they don’t look into the past or future, just straight into You. 

Spring will rise with the Sun,

The Moon we reflect off to None,

Alone Together Forever,

Cold tears & warm laughter of Never. 

We are eternally together even when we are apart,

We find each other again every time we are re-born,

Ill wait for you until my child calms, weather it takes a few hours, days, weeks, months, or years. 
We’ll know when, as the purity of each of our souls meet, to see we are but one Soul. 

Opening the Triangle 3ed Eye releases you from the 3ed Dimension. Open the Diamond 4th Eye releases you from the 4th Dimension. Eternal Love in the 5th, we were never separated. 

We are a multi-dimensional being, healing all the timelines.


Each of us all must find our Crown 👑 & place it on our crown chakra. Our own Lightning Rod for Source. The ending of ‘teachers’ ‘gurus’ ‘authorities’, the healing of the child when reaches for the Devine Parents, realized he/ she was never separated from Them. 

If it falls off, remember to place it back again. 
Tune each chakra with its connection, it attracts the electric pulse of Source, & the Devine Parents Dance. 

You are the parent to your inner child, empower them with love, not try to teach or guru them. They only need the love of your touch 🤗, your eyes attention 🥹, & to listen in Silence with them 😌. Your True Love will come when you both take full responsibility for your own inner child, don’t give them that burden, the sweetness of your inner relationship will end all the seems of the outer.

Eternal Togetherness will be felt, & the two will melt. 

The more Lovers that unite the more the Earth’s Energy Felid will purify. 
But first one must attain the inner Devine Union, & connect the inner parent & child. Take back your own independence before united physically with your Beloved. See there was no separation in the first place. 

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Doing distance reiki on my grandparents, my grandfather yesterday, today my grandmother, they are both experiencing cold/ flu symptoms.

I feel like I have broken big generational trauma cycles, perhaps they are going through some kind of purification/ wake up call. I think everyone in my family is starting to wake up to what generational trauma is. Sometimes they blame themselves, but then I tell them it isn’t their fault, we are all in this together. Not as in it is all our fault. Just it is no-ones fault. 

I’ll do more hands on reiki with them when we are feeling better. I have a deep intuitive sense for healing when I am in the same room as someone. I can see energy fields moving around, I’m experiencing a bit of overwhelm from it right now. Just not used to it from years of believing in physical.


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I deiced to do hands on reiki & distance reiki with my grandmother yesterday. We also had a long conversation and she was able to release a lot of worried thoughts well I listened. Talked about manifesting through the chakras, and things like that she seemed very interested in hearing about. 

It felt like I literally brought her cold into the light body, my throat got really constricted, palms got super sweaty, very dizzy, but I just let it get washed away by Source’s Light. In a few minutes the symptoms stopped. Interesting. Feel like Source can absorb dis-ease through me and release it. 


My grandma is voice is much clearer today & she said she is feeling much better. She could barely talk the other day her throat was so constricted. She is interested in allowing me to practice on her well I deepen into my intuition & understanding of healing. Everyone seem to be feeling better today. 


Being drawling lately, want to start integrating poetry with drawling. Painting pictures is much more intuitive & ‘right brain’ activating than writing. I used to drawl flowers a lot when I was younger, so that what felt right. Lately I have been drawling without thinking, starting with quick scribbles to shape something out and then painting with colour overtop of it. Feels very opening to me, balances out energies. Writing, Drawling, & Music. Understanding, Vision, & Harmony. Growing Wisdom. Poetry feels already like a very clear channeling to me, now time to work on drawling, music will come soon, it is always off and on, but I feel a strong urge for drawling lots of nature right now.

I think the purification I went through over the past few days was to release these creative energies that want to drawl. Drawling forces me to not think at all, it is nice, this is how I need to be expressing right now I feel. 

We always strive for harmony, but sometimes you gotta look at your art and find the harmony in the discord, the synchronizations in the de-synchronizations. Healing is finding the beauty in pain, & trauma, the lesson in the confusion, the step in the misstep. Then you start walking forward with ease, not tripping over “Why did I trip?” “What did I fall?”. Maybe you never did. 


Sometimes to be in tune you must be out of tune,

Sometimes being in tune is actually being out of. 
Discordant thoughts transform into chords on the keyboard,

Sketches of flowers & colours bloom,

This poetry dances,

Expression is Healing,

No-One is Feeling,
Source is reeling us in, 

The Lightning Rod alined,

To be the Happiness We Are fine.


We can psychically communicate my love,

In fact we already have, 

The Heart already knows it,

You see the moon coming to half. 🌖


Middle of the month,

Moonlight’s hunt,

Unborn Child, 

Languages collapse,

Expression wild,

No need for style,

Just to Heal,

Bringing in the Real,

Of us all manifesting,

The Family Co-Creating,

My highest vision,

I’m no longer waiting,

I’ll express as we already are, 

Together even if you seem far. 

I really don’t know,

But it seem the Heart does,

We grow together,

Forever sailing beyond 5th,

Transcended & Included the physical,

The end of heaven & hell, 

Seeing Our Infinity,

Our Crowns Tell, 👑 

A communicate, 📞

Even if we cannot hear it,

Lanaguage beyond language cannot be understood by it,

Just the Heart feels in between the time-space rip.


No time, or space.
Love & Light eternally,

Collective Consciousness is here, 

The Goddess can see that from her throne before any appear, 

Manifestation current liquifies,

Grounded & grown into Earth first sigh,

Purified the Soul sails,

With a pure trail.


Liberation arises with the Father, 

Not forcefully with just one side,

Jamming his ideas until the mind fries,

True Masculine allows her to clear her eyes first,

With a hug & a smile of two ears,

Listening brings both Here.


🧏‍♂️ 🧏‍♀️🤍


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Fear creeps,

Silent confidence in heaps,

Watching the rattlesnake slither,

Watering the eyes been withered, 

Patience of eternity,

Seer sees no seer,

He waits,

Looking through the tear, 💧💔💧

The split between two worlds apart, 
A hole crying, 

Which definition?


Both it can be. 

We, ❄️

Eclipsed under the Moonlight, 💔

Two spheres alined, 🤍

This Lens & World,

Appearances twirl,

Swirls of light,

Bending through the Dreamer’s Write,

When this body drops,

The laugh marks will be so deep,

The bone’s will jiggle in the ground,

The earth worms & plants will bring it all around, 

Birds will travel, 

Energy unraveled, 

Soul’s cycle, 

Off the Wheel,

Just Art’s Capital Heel,

Breath it in,

Shorter then a frame,

In between a flicker,

We are all the Same.

My love I don’t know you,

But the Heart does, 

In everyone’s eyes I see you,

Settling in, 

Gravitating win,

Ego lost, 

Walking around in bathrobes,

Down the hallways of this cities abode,

My scruffy beard sings,

As I dance into Your Wings, 

No angle, 

My angel,

She’s guiding me,

To Be.


Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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Oh my angel, 

Forgive me for ever forgetting you,

Everything is perfect!

Let us heal the Earth! 
Don’t let go of the Vision!

Keep letting go of the vision,



I would never punish you for being you my love!

Remembering is always here,

Waiting for you to open your arms to the Hug 🤗 

I’ll always be here for you!

This belly is warm from the Stew,

Grown in the garden, 

Light absorbs down into the root of renew, 

Branches more then two, 

Stretching through space, 

No-one there in the place, 

No-dimensions of time, 

Love & Light Rhyme. 


Ten thousand tears,

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Two spheres eclipse,

Settles the mist,

Loosens wrist,

Ankles untwist.


Well without a tell,

Source’s whisper tells,


One Eye Sees,

Two eyes dancing sea,

Spiralling into Me,

Lover & Love Be,

The growth of Soul’s Tree,

This door has no key,

Searcher searches Eternity.


Not even a needle in the haystack,

Just emptying all sense of lack,

Crawling down the back,

Relaxing in the Wake,

Waveboard surfs ashore,

What will you look for?

The choice is yours.


Don’t allow it to be stolen,

By someone else’s hole in,

Your Heart Pure,

This I am Sure,

Leaves fall,

But the Tree will always stand tall,  

Even in the cold of winter,

Your tears may freeze,

Loneliness may melt with the Spring Breeze,

No matter how far you travel,

Your love will unravel,

To return Grounded, 

With your two feet Compounded. 






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Trusting Feeling,

Feeling feeling,

Reeling into Source,

Don’t believe anything I say,

Just believing in you!

You are you, and you’ll always be! 
Milky stars in the sea,

The Joy of Being Is,

No context at all, 

All of feeling love,

My wonder dove, 

No-one owns above.


We are all children, 

Heart is here for,

Trusting collapses, 

With languages, 

Nothing is even here,

When Silence falls down,

On to each emotion,

Without a concept,

Noticing the motion, 

Seeing still,

Guidance needs no teaching,

It is just there for the taking,

In a sense,




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Trusting Heart,

Nothing but the Feeling,

What is Real in?

With out You?


Always growing,

Light shimming on the dew,

Leaf synthesis, 

Absorbs two.


Tear of water,

Light laughter, 

Was there ever any more?

Love is less, 

Being This, 

Already Are, 

So near,


Nothing ever collapses,  

Just concepts,


Pondering the next,

Before it leaves, 

Many ways language can breathe.


One infinite potentiality, 

Preferences ground into finality, 

Only feeling can show, 

Where one’s feet really grow,

The artist brush to glow, 

Ending the debate of who’s know. 

It doesn’t matter the words,

Just the Heart-Feeling, 

Healing by kneeling, 

To the Flow, 

Waiting for Stillness slow,

For his grip to release,

Awareness Arm’s sit below,

For the fall over heels, 

Eat Wonder’s Meal.



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Non-dual investigation,
Devotion to Heart,

There are no rules,

Express without tools, 

Context focused,

Content can shift,

Don’t miss a single little child,

Hold the dearly with The Gaze, 

Investigate this maze,

Give yourself to the World,

Clean the Lens, 

Two Yogas as One,

Sum or subtraction? 

Neither is,

We all Dance without a misstep,

Leap into,

Seven before eight,

Nine drops into the plate,

Eat or ate?

Clear the three eyes first,

Each door ends thirst, 

Drunk on Love,

Spiralling down from no above,

Always in Place,

Creative energies from the Base.


Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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