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My thoughts of Leo and actualize.org. What do you think?


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6 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Folks, stop abusing people. 

I think many ppl just were venting normal forum complaints in this thread, issues with the teachings or about being banned, then a few ppl had much deeper, darker grievances, it happens. 


Leo could potentially come here and defend himself, if he wanted, but he's an internet guru and I'm thinking it doesn't bother him as much as you think. He has ppl complain about him all the time. You have to develop a relatively thick skin after years of being on youtube and admin of the forum I would imagine.


Anyways, I wish Leo well and even though I disagree with him on certain things (including how he demoted Phil) and think he talks crudely at times. He did make me a mod and I did defend him alot when I was a mod. So, I don't really have ill will towards the guy. Also, one time I was having a rough time and he was overly nice to me. I won't forget that. 


For 5 years I have wished Leo Happy Birthday on Actualized. Since I'm banned I won't be able to on there, but it's Leo's birthday tomorrow 4/24. 


So, Happy birthday Leo! 🎂 






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5 minutes ago, Faith said:



So, Happy birthday Leo! 🎂 






He says himself he was never born, so it seems weird to wish him a happy birthday.

Especially weird since he banned you from his forum. 

Kinda sounds like you are being an apologist for someone who was not kind to you 

Especially when you say, "one time he was overly nice"

Wtf is "overly nice"?

Nobody says that

Unless they're being an apologist.  Like, by contrast, he had been, regularly, "overly mean" for example. 

Of course leo is a Taurus.  Geez

Even his name is a lie.  Lol.

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@Lester Retsel There's a rumor you are his brother? Is that true? Just curious 


Anyways, you seem to hate him, so I won't respond to your comments. Except to say, hopefully one day you will.... let it go. 

You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
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2 minutes ago, Faith said:

@Lester Retsel There's a rumor you are his brother? Is that true? Just curious 


Anyways, you seem to hate him, so I won't respond to your comments. Except to say, hopefully one day you will.... let it go. 

You asked me a question and then say you won't respond to my comments...mmmkay

And yes, I'm his brother.  As I have said. We are twins.  Same mother, different dads.  

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@Lester Retsel what the hell? Lol


How can you be twins with different dads lol. 



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@Lester Retsel Hate was the vibe I got from your posts.


Anyways, maybe the word "overly" seems inappropriate to you, because you don't and won't know the situation, but it is an appropriate word, regardless of what you think.


I'm assuming I was banned because I'm a mod here and I also PM'd a couple ppl about this forum. So, the punishment fit the crime, in my case. 😂



You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
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No. I don't know him.  But the only evidence I have of how he behaves(curated by him btw) is downright despicable if you ask me. So. There's that .

However, I actually do wish him well.  In that I sincerely hope he recognizes, acknowledges, and course corrects his errors, and goes forward in life as a decent respectable human being.  I truly would love to see this happen. 

Edited by Lester Retsel
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@Lester Retsel Cool, sounds good! I do understand the frustration too. I'm just choosing to let it go for the most part. 



You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
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13 minutes ago, Iesu said:

@Faith You and phil banned? Anyone else get banned? 

Yes, several

You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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1 minute ago, Iesu said:

@Lester Retsel Same here I don't hate the guy but holy shit the flames just get bigger

Were u banned for coming here ?

You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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