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How to change negative impressions of people?

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I have been a very competitive person throughout my life, always sizing people up. Wanting to be better than other people and caring about status. I think this is a big hinderance to where i want to go with my life, and i frequently have competitive/negative/judgemental thoughts about other people. I have a big bunch of people that i have a "negative" impression of, and thoughts about them don't feel good. How do i change such a dynamic around? Loving the people that i don't have good associations with? I was thinking about writing a letter to each person (big task), apologising and forgiving them, or something a like, to really try to let them go. (not giving them the letter, just for myself.


Anyone done something similar or have advice? I am tired of being small and hurt and negative

Edited by WhiteOwl
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4 hours ago, WhiteOwl said:

How do i change such a dynamic around? Loving the people that i don't have good associations with? I was thinking about writing a letter to each person (big task), apologising and forgiving them, or something a like, to really try to let them go. (not giving them the letter, just for myself.

Writing letters is really effective. Lists too. These can be life changing exercises. 

4 hours ago, WhiteOwl said:

Anyone done something similar or have advice?

I am tired of being small and hurt and negative

I’ve done this and it worked completely. I found it humbling, releasing, clarifying and peacefully comforting.  I also didn’t mail them, just wrote em. 


The desire to be, be thought of, or be seen as higher than others is usually an over swing, from conditioning that we are lower than, accompanied by the emotional suffering of insecurity. Like all suffering it get’s tiresome and gets in the way of our manifesting. Insecurity is only perpetuated by an unwillingness to express jealousy. 


Negative and positive are only found in thought. This becomes a framing of how we experience others. Others, impressions, and associations, aren’t actually negative and or positive… but thinking this way makes it seem so. Thinking this way also makes jealousy seem negative. 


Jealousy is guidance, in regard to these thoughts, this way of thinking. If you can make a list in this light, expressing even two or three aspects or things for each person which you experience the emotion of jealousy towards, jealousy stands to be a powerful new feeling of security in the recognition you are the creator of your reality. Jealousy let’s you know what you want to have, be, do and experience, and to create, by focusing upon, and not doubting that it can be so for you. 


Unwillingness to express jealousy can also be isolating, whereas the willingness to express all emotions is most connective, as it is soon realized everyone experiences emotions, and truly we are all in this together. In the ‘bursting your bubbles’ sense, the natural result is more ease of focus & concentration, and a lot of ideas and insights to write on your dreamboard. 

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