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Most difficult mission in the world is Completely Surrendering

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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, James123 said:


I was thinking about what you’ve said here, and I agree with you. For the sense of “me” the finite self, it’s difficult to give that up.


But then that also made me realise the opposite must also be true. There is no finite “me” to give up. There is only infinite “me” which are the many forms of the infinite one. Then once that shift occurs, to itself, the surrendering of the finite,  is effortless.



Edited by Jane
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5 hours ago, Phil said:


If there’s no one here to surrender “a world”, then how can it be said to be difficult or transpire in a world? 

As it’s thoughts, can meditation really be said to be difficult?

Not when there’s no one meditating. 🫢

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@James123 I liked your last post. It's very enlightening. Truly nothing is certain in life. So you have to go with the flow and surrender to this flow.

You'll always get your greatest message in your deepest hour. 



Guys after suffering days due to my child condition, MDD and anxiety hit me, I couldn't sit in the chair. I had very bad feelings for days. I had lived terrible days, hours, minutes and seconds. And last hit, which is the pacemaker surgery of mine came to the surface and I had a surgery. I had no choice left but surrendering. It was the point that I lost my all hope, literally all hope. 


Now I surrender, I have no expectations, pleasure, pain, questions ( which is created me). Now, I am just free, because I am death. I don't give a fuck whatever happens to me anymore. That's all. 


I accepted fundamentally, deeply that nothing is under my control and therefore surrender. Fucking everything is in my head. I felt like I just shot my head like movie fight club. Now I am done. Whatever happens let it happens.



So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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11 hours ago, Reena said:

@James123 I liked your last post. It's very enlightening. Truly nothing is certain in life. So you have to go with the flow and surrender to this flow.

You'll always get your greatest message in your deepest hour. 



Guys after suffering days due to my child condition, MDD and anxiety hit me, I couldn't sit in the chair. I had very bad feelings for days. I had lived terrible days, hours, minutes and seconds. And last hit, which is the pacemaker surgery of mine came to the surface and I had a surgery. I had no choice left but surrendering. It was the point that I lost my all hope, literally all hope. 


Now I surrender, I have no expectations, pleasure, pain, questions ( which is created me). Now, I am just free, because I am death. I don't give a fuck whatever happens to me anymore. That's all. 


I accepted fundamentally, deeply that nothing is under my control and therefore surrender. Fucking everything is in my head. I felt like I just shot my head like movie fight club. Now I am done. Whatever happens let it happens.



Definitely correct 💯.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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7 hours ago, James123 said:

Letting go everything, including yourself.


What do you mean by letting go?


7 hours ago, James123 said:

Accepting anything


What do you mean by accepting?



Did you learn about surrendering, letting go and accepting from humans?


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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For example imagine how light the load would be, how effortless life would be, without the belief there is a finite mind which create, conceives, solves, figures out, is responsibly, etc. 


Imagine being without the belief things need to make sense, to receive what’s wanted. 


Complete abundance in abiding & trusting in the guidance of yourSelf. 

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