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Where to find and exhaustive list of emotions and body sensations?

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Why are you looking for one? To understand your own emotions better or? If that's the case would it be more effective to really look at your own emotions and really discover how they truly FEEL in your own body? Where in your body do you feel them? Is there energy? How does that feel? Is there tingling, hotness, pressure? What kind of sensations are they? How close to them can you lean? What happens when you truly acknowledge them and lean into them?

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5 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I’m not even sure what an emotion is honestly.  I see emotions as generated by the mind as a kind of thought. 

Feeling emotions is “another level”, yet not higher, prior. How thoughts feel, as opposed to generated by thoughts, including the thought mind or thoughts about mind. It’s more about resonance between thought and feeling, relative to what’s actually wanted. This could be said to require some self-honesty regarding what’s wanted, yet not to any extent it’s a doing or an efforting.  


GPT is initially not a reliable ‘source’. If one is surface ‘level’ input wise, GPT is surface level output wise. It can certainly be used for egocentric gratification, essentially validation of circular mental masturbation. For example, were you to type in, “now remove any which are really just purely conceptual”, it would. Or, “remove any which are on behalf of an illusory sep self”. It will. Or even, “Remove any which aren’t really guidance, or informative in terms of aligning thought with feeling, and, it will. If you ask, “what emotions are actually guidance, which you neglected to list” - it will tell you. More significantly, a request such as, “most relevantly - what I want is x, and an emotion I seem to be experiencing is y - help me receive the guidance to align”… it totally will. One great inquiry might be, “is consciously creating, as awakened consciousness, even ‘a thing’ so to speak at all? Compared to desires & cravings, which are on behalf of a sep self?”

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44 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:


Got it.  I'm not sure thoughts and feelings are separate.  But what is wanted and by whom?  I don't have a separate self.  I don't think reality can be manipulated in such a way.  What is being Witnessed just is good, and I don't have the free will to change anything.

‘Twisting’, which is deflection & projection, is an obvious sign of emotional suppression & spiritual bypassing, and is not indicative of self-realization.



These questions, like all prior questions approaching the topic of emotions being acknowledged & felt will not be answered. Nonetheless, the moment is ever-anew with the possibility of self-honesty:


Does it seem like what’s being said is thought and feeling are separate, or, again in all self-honesty, is that a misinterpretation of what’s being said? 


Does it seem like what’s being said is feeling is plural, such as feelings? 


Or that there is a separate self, separate of reality, which even could, let alone should manipulate reality?


Does it seem like there is other-than-good, or that what’s being said is good is dualistic or limited?


That there is a witness?


Free will?



Could this be unacknowledged emotions playing out as actions & behaviors?


How does this emotionally defensive wall dynamic play out in your relationship(s)?


Self-care & self-love?


The true abundance and potentiality of you, “in the flesh”? 





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@Joseph Maynor

If the those questions were answered & that conversation were engaged in, emotions would actually be felt. The isolating facade of defection & projection on behalf of the separate self of thoughts, the protecting & upholding of the idea of a self which is happy, would begin to be seen through, by true happiness. ☺️

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@Joseph Maynor

Why the twisting & disengagement then?


11 hours ago, Phil said:

‘Twisting’, which is deflection & projection, is an obvious sign of emotional suppression & spiritual bypassing, and is not indicative of self-realization.



These questions, like all prior questions approaching the topic of emotions being acknowledged & felt will not be answered. Nonetheless, the moment is ever-anew with the possibility of self-honesty:


Does it seem like what’s being said is thought and feeling are separate, or, again in all self-honesty, is that a misinterpretation of what’s being said? 


Does it seem like what’s being said is feeling is plural, such as feelings? 


Or that there is a separate self, separate of reality, which even could, let alone should manipulate reality?


Does it seem like there is other-than-good, or that what’s being said is good is dualistic or limited?


That there is a witness?


Free will?



Could this be unacknowledged emotions playing out as actions & behaviors?


How does this emotionally defensive wall dynamic play out in your relationship(s)?


Self-care & self-love?


The true abundance and potentiality of you, “in the flesh”? 









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20 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:


I’m not even sure what an emotion is honestly.  I see emotions as generated by the mind as a kind of thought.  So, I don't really see emotions as entirely different than thoughts.  if you look at the list of 200 emotions ChatGPT generated, a lot of those appear to be packed with thought in one way or another.  They're distinctions pertaining to feeling, but distinctions nonetheless.  To me there's really two emotions: pleasure and pain, and both are of the mind and of the body.  I don't really deal in carving up emotions finely.  Emotions for me are part of the illusion, part of Maya, just as thoughts are.  "When Turiya is realised as the Self, it leads to the cessation of craving for the non-Self." -- Adi Shankara, Commentary on Gaudapada Karika

“Emotions for me are part”, vs being, as claimed & purported. 

There’s nothing wrong per se with emotional suppression and spiritual bypassing. 





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1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

That’s a fake ChatGPT response.  

Fake? If I’m not mistaken you can click on that link and engage in conversation, asking GPT about its answer. 


1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

You’re too attached to winning and spiritual kung fu Phil.

“Spiritual kung fu” would be contingent on being a separate self, as in experiencing kung fu with another self. It’s emotional suppression & spiritual bypassing, not introspective self-discovery.


1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

 I could run your posts through AI as well.  

Feel free to, I don’t mind.


1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

You asked me to leave the community by PM and I grant that request.  Good luck to you.  There’s no need to argue with me or try to defeat me.   Carry on doing you.  I wish you well.  Happy 4th of July too.

"That highest Bliss is located in one's own Self. It is quiescent, coexistent with liberation, beyond description, and birthless.  And since It is identical with the unborn knowable (Brahman), they call It the Omniscient (Brahman)." -- Gaudapada, Commentary on the Mandukya Upanishad

That is an outright lie. The forum at large serves by suggesting introspection, self-discovery, alignment & self-realization. You sent a message asking if you should take a break from the forum, and I said yes, take 30 days off and introspect as to the true nature, the feeling of being me and come back and share. If ever the question is asked, should I take a break from the forum and introspect, the answer is always going to be yes. 

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Posted (edited)
44 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I did a ChatGPT lookup on myself with respect to spirituality: Joseph Maynor. 



Your teachings, or any teachings for that matter, are, well, exactly that - only teachings. More concepts on the nature of something that cannot be boiled down to a concept. 

Teachings on spirituality is in a way a hilarious statement, kind of like spiritual knowledge.

Edited by ThePoint
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23 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

This is not love at all.  This kind of spiritual oneupsmanship.  Let’s not go this route..  It happened to you an Actualized, but you don’t need to perpetuate and project it.  Today is the anniversary of my dad’s death 3 years ago.  Let’s be a little more caring today and it’s also the 4th of July.   You can talk about Love all you want, but you’re nowhere near it.  You have the words down but you’re not here at all.   You’re in the mind.  Don’t do this stuff with me.  Stop shaming people by proxy.  

Let's be a little more caring today then 🙏

I don't know what love means to you, but much love from my side 💛

That is only an opinion on 'spiritual teachings', was not pointed at you or anything you publish personally, in any way whatsoever, I'm sorry if it made that impression🌞

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17 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I’m mourning my dad’s death today.  Exactly 3 years ago today. 


I imagine it must be a tough time for you then. Hopefully a little easier than it was three years ago. 

My condolences 🙏 and hang in there 💪

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8 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Emotional idealism is a trap in spiritual enlightenment work.  The idea that you need to experience happiness or any emotion is in the dream.  The false idea that the Self is Goodness, You are Goodness.  The Self is Bliss (Unchanging Underlying Peace) and Turiya.  Emotions, even positive ones are caused by the mind and by the Self being seated in the self/dream rather than seated in Itself.  Pains and pleasures will always be Witnessed in the dream but will be recognized as being within that realm.  Emotional guidance is not spiritual enlightenment. Changing emotions are Maya.  Sure, in the dream your character might play with emotions or self-help or whatever, but that doesn't go beyond the dream.  Attachment to emotions generated by the mind will lead to Samsara just like attaching to thoughts and imagination of the mind.  This thought vs./and emotion toggle, and the reaction of one to the other, is not spiritual enlightenment.  It's a position in the dream, a philosophy.  The Whole (Divine Feminine) and The Self (Divine Masculine) only use philosophy as pointers, but are not philosophies -- they're shifts in identity coming from a human identity initially.

And the idea a you needs to experience happiness seems to be coming from a Phil, as a Phil’s teaching?

Does it also seem like someone else is saying emotional guidance is spiritual enlightenment? 

Someone else has a character in a dream? 

That there’s any thing in a dream?

Someone else is suggesting attachment? 


Frankly it doesn’t seem like any of that is coming from anyone or anywhere but you. 


Allowing emotions to be felt doesn’t seem to be anything like emotional idealism. 

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@Joseph Maynor

When one makes false statements, lies as it were, it’s typically indicative of one being petrified of “being wrong” / “being seen as being wrong”.

But that’s just yet another conceptual route, all of which lead to the guidance for the very concepts. 

Pretending there are teachers, or more so that one is a teacher, can seem to circumvent (deceive, outwit) the guidance, making for a rough, rough ride. 


Unacknowledged emotions play out as actions & behaviors. What you say, as it were. 

With the cart before the horse, feeling / guidance first - alignment, consciously creating - there is no more second guessing etc. 


Imagine this in terms of relationships & how it plays out in terms of behaviors & actions.

Whole different ballgame. 🥰 

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23 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Do you think it’s a lie to suggest that you’re not a spiritual teacher?  That would be the first place I would look into the matter.  Let’s not get way out into fantasyland here. The nonduality trick (which is not nonduality BTW) can  be expanded and contracted depending on what argument one is attempting to create.  Your actions certainly suggest you are a spiritual teacher despite also saying you don’t exist and are not a teacher..  You actually suggest both at the same time.  I try not to throw around the word “lie” too casually.   So I don’t know if you’re directing your comments to me or to yourself here.  I’m gonna do that 30 day break from here though as you suggested.

No, that’d be true - I am not a thing, such as a teacher. There aren’t’ things, apparent (non-separate) thought can just seem to make it so, which is truly nothing more than a testament of my abundance and potentiality. 


Therein, there truly is no matter (to look into ‘here’), but thank you nonetheless. There’s just no interest in non-duality tricks, whatever that is, separate self identity based concepts with respect to actions & behaviors, nor concepts of expanding & contracting, arguments, believing in separation / separate selves such as teachers and students, any defending of any accusations duality is suggested, as in both are suggested to anyone separate, etc, etc, etc. Frankly - it’s all mind games, and… simply, no thanks. Alignment & consciously creating is just too delicious for any such nonsense to be appealing. 


I said ‘that is an outright lie’ because it was. Who cares?


I can’t direct comments to a you or a myself because I’m infinite. 



A month of introspection 🤯 - very exciting! 

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On 7/3/2024 at 6:04 PM, Phil said:

Is exhaustive really what you want? 

What is it you actually want?

What about emotions that are non-conceptual (felt) and informative with respect to, what you actually want?

I want what I always want, not to feel the constant anxiety, and everything that I do is centred around that 

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