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Air trapped in the body / solar plexus contractions

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Anyone has experience with this? I'm sure you know what I mean.


It makes it nearly impossible to take a full breath and breathe through your entire body. It's like there is some air trapped in your body. Particularly the solar plexus and oblique area.

Lots of tension. It literally feels like the solar plexus is contracted. Inverted, even. 

If ignored, I don't only feel off, foggy and weak... but also quite literally hollow in the middle of my being. Like there's a part of me missing. Usually results in a pretty bad day.  It also tends to block other areas of the body, sooner or later. Chest is locked, lump in the throat, etc.


Pure meditation/yoga/stretching does not always do the trick.


What works, but is quite fucking painful, is pressing a thumb real hard into the solar plexus area and then breathing into it. It sends all kinds of shock/pain waves throughout the body. It's anything but pleasant. But it usually works. A few minutes of this exercize usually does the trick. I'm able to breathe into and through the belly fully. My sense of self is strong, I'm centred, focused, confident, alive.


What's up with all that? Why the contractions? And why does it feel so bad to walk around with your solar plexus 'shut down'? It's like, yes, you have no sense of self, but not in a good way. If you know what I mean.


I have a feeling diet/eating habits play a big role too. 


What say you?

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Another important and kinda funny thing to mention is, that when this happens, it feels like you really, really need to burp, but you just fucking can't haha! Super annoying.


Also; I'm sure being lost in thought is a massive factor too. But not necessarily. I can recall moments of breathing perfectly fine and feeling amazing, while being deep in imagination land. Perhaps it has to do more with the quality of thoughts?

Edited by ivankiss
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11 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

What works, but is quite fucking painful, is pressing a thumb real hard into the solar plexus area and then breathing into it. It sends all kinds of shock/pain waves throughout the body. It's anything but pleasant. But it usually works. A few minutes of this exercize usually does the trick. I'm able to breathe into and through the belly fully. My sense of self is strong, I'm centred, focused, confident, alive.


Could be a belief that inflicting and enduring pain on yourself, or sacrificing comfort, is a payment for assumed debt of 'sin', or unworthiness / guilt.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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4 hours ago, ivankiss said:

I'm sure you know what I mean.

That’s a separative take on the actuality of knowing & meaning identity wise, and the misinterpretation, misidentification & conflict therein is the symptoms manifesting. 


4 hours ago, ivankiss said:

It makes it nearly impossible to take a full breath and breathe through your entire body.

Look for what you’re taking in as it were, which is incongruent in terms of alignment, with what is as natural & fundamental for the body as breathing. Look to empty rather than ‘take in’, unfettering the truth of ease, effortlessness & clarity. 


4 hours ago, ivankiss said:

It's like there is some air trapped in your body. Particularly the solar plexus and oblique area.

Lots of tension. It literally feels like the solar plexus is contracted. Inverted, even. 

Emotional tension related to misidentification manifests in the solar plexus. Air represents the true self. Trapped represents what isn’t ‘seen’, yet is felt & ignored in this regard. The inversion of the solar plexus relates to truth (spirituality) & identity, being inverted, or; egocentric spirituality.


It’s like Pepsi. Tastes great, feels great, yet with momentum health issues can ensue. I’m sorry to hear of the extent of the momentum. Be sure to note and not to ignore contraction and the resolve of the contraction as emptying, as compared to ‘taking more in’, which is a blocking off of emptying (air).


If insightful… the word is re-lax, not lax. Lax: wide, spacious, roomy, free. To re-lax is to empty of the interpretations which bodily contraction is experienced alongside, as if a ‘returning to’ the natural, the lax.  You are naturally, eternally ‘wide, spacious, roomy & free’. What’s being consumed is discordant with what is natural. 


4 hours ago, ivankiss said:

If ignored, I don't only feel off, foggy and weak... but also quite literally hollow in the middle of my being.

Ignoring these conflicts leads to disorientation, highlighting the impact of reinforced separation. 


Emptiness of egocentrism is fullness of feeling, health & well-being. Fullness of egocentrism is emptiness of health & well-being.


Question what feels off, and why feeling is ignored. Question what you are trying to gain as it were, at the expense of well-being and otherwise naturally occurring harmonious bodily functions & self-discoveries. 


4 hours ago, ivankiss said:

Like there's a part of me missing. Usually results in a pretty bad day.  It also tends to block other areas of the body, sooner or later. Chest is locked, lump in the throat, etc.

Emotional tension spreads throughout the body, affecting other areas and reinforcing physical and psychological distress. The loop represented in manifestation is of thought and revolves around the separate self of thoughts.


The affect chest wise is actually more fundamental than the affects experienced breath wise and denotes much momentum in terms of thought / emotions / feeling ‘mis-wiring’ having occurred. 


4 hours ago, ivankiss said:

Pure meditation/yoga/stretching does not always do the trick.

Along with expression & emptying of what arises… yes it does / yes they do, as emptying is inherently un-obscuring Self, you. “Unifying” therein as it were, which is simply the absence of implied separation, or non-egocentrism. 


It’s the resuming of consuming what is discordant which isn’t doing the trick, because what’s being consumed is the trick. Most simply put albeit dualistically, you’re being tricked, duped most fundamentally and this is felt, and yet this is ignored, and the momentum of this is manifesting bodily, most fundamentally (breathing & solar plexus).


Listen to feeling & the body, not what people say which feels discordant. Utilize affirmations specific to lack & incompleteness to expedite alignment; the allowing of healing. 


If nonetheless meditation, yoga, stretching isn’t emptying and therein relieving, the ‘psychological’ entanglement, or mis-wiring of thought, emotion & feeling is too deep already, too much has already ensued momentum wise. In this case enlist assistance such as a skilled therapist. Ideally one which specializes in misidentification, suppression & denial, one which you don’t know / have never met or talked to. Trust in yourself, as the universe, allow the change in orientation to well-being & alignment, and such a person will appear perfectly in-kind. 


4 hours ago, ivankiss said:

What works, but is quite fucking painful, is pressing a thumb real hard into the solar plexus area and then breathing into it.

Yes, at such a point of momentum, manipulation can work, yet is a perpetuating & suppressing of the underlying conflict of manipulation which is inherently discordant. Physical intervention highlights the intensity of the internal conflict and the deep inclination for a change of consumption. 


4 hours ago, ivankiss said:

It sends all kinds of shock/pain waves throughout the body. It's anything but pleasant.

Sorry to hear. Much to empty. Listen to the body, emotions, feeling subtlety. Like answering a phone on the first or second ring, vs letting it ring for years while only getting louder, only to have to answer it inevitably. The painful process of releasing the tension underscores the profound impact what’s been consumed has on well-being. 


4 hours ago, ivankiss said:

But it usually works. A few minutes of this exercize usually does the trick. I'm able to breathe into and through the belly fully. My sense of self is strong, I'm centred, focused, confident, alive.

Physical manipulation can relieve the discord of psychological and emotion manipulation, but is not a long term resolution as it is more manipulation. This is most unfortunately an adopting & supporting of the underlying fundamental identity manipulation, and not an addressing of the inner & outer conflict, not yet a seeing this clearly.


Exercise ‘works’ in that it’s direct. It’s healthy / of well-being in that appearing-disappearing is expedited, ‘sped up’, drawing directly upon that which is being the body as it were. It ‘works’, relative to, in comparison to, re-sourcing or what is indirect, which is being told & listening to, believing in, supporting and participating in, that which is discordant & could otherwise be received directly, like with exercise. 


Continue addressing the fundamental identity manipulation directly. As in of, from, as Source, as compared to from any re-sources, sans a therapist and consumption of what does resonate. 


4 hours ago, ivankiss said:

What's up with all that? Why the contractions? And why does it feel so bad to walk around with your solar plexus 'shut down'?


It's like, yes, you have no sense of self, but not in a good way. If you know what I mean.

The solar plexus tension symbolizes the struggle with identity and the reinforcement of separation / confusion. On a silver-lining note, temporary fleeting alignment suggests that addressing the core conflict stands to restore balance and well-being in a lasting true manor. 


The ‘clues’ are not so subtle anymore brother. Consider the difference in phrasing between ‘your solar plexus’, ‘my solar plexus’ and ‘the solar plexus’. Notice the projection onto an other, a you, with regard to the solar plexus, sense of self, knowing & meaning. Be most careful not to trivialize this or write it off as semantical as all of that is presumed and evidence of disassociation with emotional & bodily well-being. It’s quite literally what’s manifesting. 


4 hours ago, ivankiss said:

I have a feeling diet/eating habits play a big role too. 

Bodily health factors including diet may exacerbate or alleviate symptoms but are secondary to resolving the core discord / alignment emotional conflicts.


Feeling first is integrity with respect to all consuming. It’s alignment with, as, the natural order of reality, as feeling is being thought & perception. 



The movie Dark Waters stands to clarify and connect dots. 

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3 hours ago, Mandy said:

I would cut out dairy and gluten if those are in your diet at all. 


Plenty of those in my diet, yup 😅

3 hours ago, Mandy said:

Are you holding something against or withholding something from yourself? 

Absolutely. Usually I know exactly what's bugging me... I just rarely do anything about it 😄

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Another interpretation, which is really without-interpretation, is guilt is an emotion and is how the thought about negligence feels. The difference is guilt isn’t a thing, something, you have. It’s felt. 


Likewise, anger is how anger feels and fear is how fear feels. Emotions. 


Yet shame is a concept, as there is underlying emotion felt. 


Emotion could be considered as guidance for thoughts, and discord & alignment, and ‘ultimately’ self-realization therein. 

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7 hours ago, ivankiss said:

Hmm. Would not deny that I have something of that sort going on, but I'm not sure if it's related to this.


If there is an I, there is guilt. Separate self and guilt are synonymous.


4 hours ago, Phil said:

Bodily health factors including diet may exacerbate or alleviate symptoms but are secondary to resolving the core discord / alignment emotional conflicts.


YES, holy shit, yes, that makes so much sense. ACIM calls that "magic".


Pills and diet changes etc. only "work" when it's allowed to work. Right?!


That's why it's great to see doctors and try diet changes and stuff... And even Reiki?... Cause for 'most of us' it might be just too 'unexpected' to suddenly just 'heal outta nowhere'. Whatchu think?


1 hour ago, Someone here said:

i experience similar thing .its just that i know the reason ...look at my ciggies dumpster today 😂 

Do you smoke ?


I actually just today thought about how you mentioned that you quit smoking a few months back... Sorry to hear that it still continued. Nicotine is a bitch. I hope we will be free some day.


The stomach issue might not be the smoking itself though, but thoughts about a me being addicted. Or maybe not. Dunno.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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25 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

Pills and diet changes etc. only "work" when it's allowed to work. Right?!

They can work without knowing. 


25 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

That's why it's great to see doctors and try diet changes and stuff... And even Reiki?... Cause for 'most of us' it might be just too 'unexpected' to suddenly just 'heal outta nowhere'. Whatchu think?

Not sure what you’re saying about healing, as in how it’s being framed. Yes to doctors, diet changes & reiki. 

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