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Is evolution the ultimate universe's purpose

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For an "entity" (lol enterprise 😎) that has no beginning and no end.. this seems to be the ultimate purpose.. to create.. to try.. it's not seeking "results" it's just fully in the process.. 


It seems to be interested in different combinations.. in different variations.. in new things.. there is no "worse" or "better" 


In a way it's kind of limited.. or better to say it's growing "with me".. it knows all of what has happened.. but it is "learning" what could be..


Because it has no beginning and no end it can be fully in the process.. without any kind of anxiety.. without worrying about "surviving".. that it needs a house to live in.. food to remain alive.. some kind of social status..... it has none of that  because it's eternal and cannot be "destroyed"


Also I feel this is the reason anything requiring/demanding "results" out of us will feel misaligned if we are not enjoying the process to achieve those "results"..

Edited by Rose
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On 5/13/2024 at 2:14 AM, Rose said:

For an "entity" (lol enterprise 😎) that has no beginning and no end.. this seems to be the ultimate purpose.. to create.. to try.. it's not seeking "results" it's just fully in the process.. 


It seems to be interested in different combinations.. in different variations.. in new things.. there is no "worse" or "better" 


In a way it's kind of limited.. or better to say it's growing "with me".. it knows all of what has happened.. but it is "learning" what could be..


Because it has no beginning and no end it can be fully in the process.. without any kind of anxiety.. without worrying about "surviving".. that it needs a house to live in.. food to remain alive.. some kind of social status..... it has none of that  because it's eternal and cannot be "destroyed"


Also I feel this is the reason anything requiring/demanding "results" out of us will feel misaligned if we are not enjoying the process to achieve those "results"..

Rose, 🌹 it is LOVE. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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From what I've heard...


Nirvana, or "I am that I am" extends and expands forever. It's joy.


Samsara, or believing thoughts, thought-attachment, is kind of like a wheel or a circle or a loop. It does not evolve, it repeats the same over and over.


Now that I think of it, it's actually kind of interesting how everything in the physical universe is really just spinning around. From electrons to planets to stars to galaxies and probably clusters of galaxies. It's like no-one's going straight. Just round and round. 


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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