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What is God? God realization?

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What's your definition of God? 

Is there such thing as "God realization?"

In my head, because of years of Christianity indoctrination, i still have this mental image of God as a person.

If God is pure consciousness, nothingness, love...

God realization would mean, that you become fully selfless. Like waveless existence, all-pervasive and formless, kinda like space. 

So there's none to get "God realization".  There's also none to reincarnate, to be trapped, or whatever.  

Are those all stories? Imaginary levels of imaginary path?

Edited by Forza21
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God most likely is way beyond any of our concepts of Her. 


My working definition for God (also for Brahmin, Rigpa, Buddha Nature, Emptiness) -- ultimate reality. 


6 minutes ago, Forza21 said:

Is there such thing as "God realization?"



Yes, the bad part of me thinks that there is such a thing "God Consciousness" that c*nts will proudly tell me they've realized at the Vegan cafe before pedantically lecturing me about the dangers of vaccines and 5G. 


I find such statements a bit on the reeky side. What do it even mean? Can they display any siddhis? Can they even change the color of a one hair on their head? Do they have any insights beyond Absolute nondual cliches? Are they parroting some Internet Arahant guru? 


Sometimes I help myself to their French fries to see what God Level Consciousness does. 


Do people have spiritual experiences. Absolutely. Can they be transformative? Yes. Can they lead to a new insight and relationship and perspective with themselves. Yes. 


What does a legit God Realization, Emptiness, Brahmin, Rigpa, Total Universal Primordial Consciousness, Buddha Nature Realized individual look like? What do they think? What do they believe? 


Is there a set of perennial foundational beliefs, or is it depends? Does a yoga awakening look the same as a zen one as an Advaita Vedanta one or a Neo Advaitin one? Would one system recognize an awakened master from a different system? Is it climbing up the same mountain using different paths or are they different mountains? Is it one crystal with many different facets? 


What's the Endgame? 


The Dalai Lama says he's a simple monk. Leo Gura says he's God and can cure all diseases. 


“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.” ― The Buddha

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6 minutes ago, Aware Wolf said:

the bad part of me thinks that there is such a thing "God Consciousness" that c*nts will proudly tell me they've realized at the Vegan cafe before pedantically lecturing me about the dangers of vaccines and 5G. 

6 minutes ago, Aware Wolf said:

Sometimes I help myself to their French fries to see what God Level Consciousness does. 



Nah, they're so extraordinarily ordinary you wouldn't even recognize it. 




10. Return to Society

Barefooted and naked of breast,
I mingle with the people of the world.
My clothes are ragged and dust-laden,
and I am ever blissful.
I use no magic to extend my life;
Now, before me, the dead trees
become alive.

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@Indisguise Funny I just went on a walk and was listening to Samaneri Jayasara Youtube channel and her audios of these oxherding pictures.


VIII. Forgetting Both Person and Ox

He has shed all worldly feelings and erased all thought of holiness. He does not
linger where the Buddha is; he hurries right past where the Buddha is not. As he does not cling to
either side, not even the thousand-eyed one can find him. Birds flocking around bearing flowers–
that would be a disgraceful scene.


I like the last line and find it kinda humorous. 

“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.” ― The Buddha

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59 minutes ago, Forza21 said:

What's your definition of God? 


The one who cant be touched, smelled, thought, seen, heard, tasted. But, can appear as all those things.


1 hour ago, Forza21 said:

Is there such thing as "God realization?"


Yes and no. God can be Real-ized as in the direct experience of Truth, but not realized as in held as knowledge "I have realized god, I have attained god realization!".


1 hour ago, Forza21 said:

Are those all stories? Imaginary levels of imaginary path?



"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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1 hour ago, Aware Wolf said:

God most likely is way beyond any of our concepts of Her. 


My working definition for God (also for Brahmin, Rigpa, Buddha Nature, Emptiness) -- ultimate reality. 



Yes, the bad part of me thinks that there is such a thing "God Consciousness" that c*nts will proudly tell me they've realized at the Vegan cafe before pedantically lecturing me about the dangers of vaccines and 5G. 


I find such statements a bit on the reeky side. What do it even mean? Can they display any siddhis? Can they even change the color of a one hair on their head? Do they have any insights beyond Absolute nondual cliches? Are they parroting some Internet Arahant guru? 


Sometimes I help myself to their French fries to see what God Level Consciousness does. 


Do people have spiritual experiences. Absolutely. Can they be transformative? Yes. Can they lead to a new insight and relationship and perspective with themselves. Yes. 


What does a legit God Realization, Emptiness, Brahmin, Rigpa, Total Universal Primordial Consciousness, Buddha Nature Realized individual look like? What do they think? What do they believe? 


Is there a set of perennial foundational beliefs, or is it depends? Does a yoga awakening look the same as a zen one as an Advaita Vedanta one or a Neo Advaitin one? Would one system recognize an awakened master from a different system? Is it climbing up the same mountain using different paths or are they different mountains? Is it one crystal with many different facets? 


What's the Endgame? 


The Dalai Lama says he's a simple monk. Leo Gura says he's God and can cure all diseases. 


Yes, there might be subjectivity involved in describing truth. That is mentioned in latest TOE episode. Buddhist talks about emptiness. Vedanata, about pure conciosuness. Almost all of them, also about infinite love. I wonder if its just diffrent words, or experience.  🙂

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6 minutes ago, Phil said:



Is it weird that God tells God that meditation which is God isn’t ‘the way to’ God, so God can pretend God is not God, to sell God to God?


Funny, terrible, or terribly funny?



how would you describe realization you are God? Is there any sense of „i”? Do you feel like „its your creation”?  Or such words belong to imaginery person ?

Edited by Forza21
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2 minutes ago, Forza21 said:

how would you describe realization you are God?

Silence inevitably followed by laughter & love. 

2 minutes ago, Forza21 said:

Is there any sense of „i”?

Thought: Yes. 

Thought: No. 

2 minutes ago, Forza21 said:

Do you feel like „its your creation”?  

Thought: Yes. 

Thought: No. 

2 minutes ago, Forza21 said:

Or such words belong to imaginery person ?

Thought: Yes. 

Thought: No. 

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16 minutes ago, Phil said:



Is it weird that God tells God that meditation which is God isn’t ‘the way to’ God, so God can pretend God is not God, to sell God to God?


Funny, terrible, or terribly funny?




D. Hawkings in his book : „ there are some lunatics who really belive they are above Jesus or Budda. Their level of conciosuness belongs to hell roam. They also attract they followers, and sell them ways to find God.  So Business Man is higher than Jesus. Keep distance its clear sign of delusion „


he wrote this in his book „david r hawkins i reality and subjectivity”. ( diffrent words i have polish version). 

i was laughing. 🙉


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1 hour ago, Phil said:

Is it weird that God tells God that meditation which is God isn’t ‘the way’ to God so God can sell God to God?


Funny, terrible, terribly funny?




Yeah, I am bit concerned about the ungroundedness that is implied by that. As in, the people that will be influenced by that view and then ending up very ungrounded from doing things like psychedelics, or learning about all these spirtual topics but never getting any real traction with it becuase they don't see the value of sitting. One of the deepest shames I feel is going threw life without ever expirencing the Silence. Without ever expirencing that yes there can be conciousness without thought content, and it is Absolute Bliss. 


47 minutes ago, Phil said:

Silence inevitably followed by laughter & love. 


🙏 Yes! So beautiful. I love it in contemplation when the mind just breaks, or goes down these Infinite regress rabbit holes then there is this eruption of laughter. 


18 hours ago, Forza21 said:

What's your definition of God? 

Is there such thing as "God realization?"


Personally I reached my first deep awakening accidentally from a NDE, becoming Formless & realized that when you are Nothing one becomes Everything, Oneness, seemless flow. It felt like, and it still does to this day that I expirenced what happens when the body drops, Boundless Formless Love.


No true definition, one can point to It threw many different directions, but ultimately the many ways of getting to a Seeing collapse into Now. You'll be going down a line of contemplation and then hit up against some kind of usually paradoxical seeming wall & then the mind just dissolves into laughter, & flow with What Is, Love, that is what I usually call Seeing, or a Realization. One is noticing what is So, rather then being intangled with thought. 

Edited by Loop

Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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18 minutes ago, Forza21 said:

@Phil @Zeroguy @Loop

How after "God realization/experience" you didn't come up to conclusion, that you create your whole reality, alone as God, and everything  and everyone is your dream?

Sorry for questions, but i'm looking for different perspective than i was sucked into, lol.


I don't use psychedelics.Reality and my life remained the same.

All I realized is that everything is actual Love and that everything is God.

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