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Why some people that apparently everything IS going well and cool suddenly throw energetic arrows of negativity?


Is It because of Envy?


Literally this is all that has happened in my Life. I was always a being vibrating quite high close to the frecuencies of Love, Truth, and Light (enlightment), but since most of the rest of the people were vibrating much lower they projected their lack of Love in to me, projecting energies of judgment towards me, if im the "bad one". My mistake was believing that, after that ego developed so called "social anxiety" and so on, but It was actually that i believed their judgements and i did not trust/stablished myself in my own luminary Love. Instead i fell down to their energies.


This is what the whole Game is. reality is boundless Love and most beings vibrate in fear and separation, when they see a being like me vibrating very high, they get scared and envious and try to make me fall into their level.


Im telling this because yesterday i went on a hiking trip with the psychedelic community of my City. That first morning i had done my yoga kriya process and i had clearly Awaken i am in an Empty boundless Dream that is made of me. When i went to the hiking trip this was being the best days of my Life, talking to everybody and connection deeply, being in Truth, knowing i am them, 0 traits of separation or so called social anxiety.


But when we were at lunch then this two guys (mainly one but then the other one also Jumped with him and joined him), sent me an energetic arrow of violence. I was just telling the group what i eat for breakfast and It seems they felt way too threatned by my purity and consciousness one of them tried to being me down and make me feel shit/embarrased.


Quite dissappointing this happens in a psychedelic group, some people not even with psychedelics can let go of the barriers. 



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7 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

Why some people that apparently everything IS going well and cool suddenly throw energetic arrows of negativity?


Is It because of Envy?


Literally this is all that has happened in my Life. I was always a being vibrating quite high close to the frecuencies of Love, Truth, and Light (enlightment), but since most of the rest of the people were vibrating much lower they projected their lack of Love in to me, projecting energies of judgment towards me, if im the "bad one". My mistake was believing that, after that ego developed so called "social anxiety" and so on, but It was actually that i believed their judgements and i did not trust/stablished myself in my own luminary Love. Instead i fell down to their energies.


This is what the whole Game is. reality is boundless Love and most beings vibrate in fear and separation, when they see a being like me vibrating very high, they get scared and envious and try to make me fall into their level.


Im telling this because yesterday i went on a hiking trip with the psychedelic community of my City. That first morning i had done my yoga kriya process and i had clearly Awaken i am in an Empty boundless Dream that is made of me. When i went to the hiking trip this was being the best days of my Life, talking to everybody and connection deeply, being in Truth, knowing i am them, 0 traits of separation or so called social anxiety.


But when we were at lunch then this two guys (mainly one but then the other one also Jumped with him and joined him), sent me an energetic arrow of violence. I was just telling the group what i eat for breakfast and It seems they felt way too threatned by my purity and consciousness one of them tried to being me down and make me feel shit/embarrased.


Quite dissappointing this happens in a psychedelic group, some people not even with psychedelics can let go of the barriers. 



This is the inevitable fallout of Being lied to. Listening to & believing “a teacher’s” “teachings” which are self-conceptualizations on behalf of the separate self of thought, indicative of suppressed trauma & emotion(s), therein conceptualizing emotion(s), the real guidance. The concepts of energetic violence, energetic arrows of negativity, envy, lack, ego development, social anxiety, their judgments, their energies, the whole game, a being like me, scared, envious… it’s all essentially mental gymnastics / attempts to compensate. There is also the aspect of psychedelics baked into the underlying “teaching” and apparent ‘personal’ experiences deeply confused with reality or the truth. 


“The aggrandizing of the separate self as a teacher and the message therein of becoming enlightened is not without pitfalls, as the ‘becoming’ is the aversion. 

This “message” ignores that the self which is teaching, and the self which could, would or will become enlightened - is the separate self of thoughts. This aversion from emotions reinforces the separate self of thought / idea of a self / a future and is spiritual bypassing…” 



Also (if interested) see Misnomers; Teachers, Meditation & Nonduality for the discernibly specific difference in terms of vibration / frequency. https://www.actualityofbeing.com/blog/2024/3/22/misnomers-meditation-nonduality

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They created a bit of a laugh at your expense which actually strengthened their bond.  It sucks that people do this, but it helps to understand systemically why it happens.  Think about this one, a group can only exist once a scapegoat is fashioned.  The group then emerges and survives to spite the scapegoat.  This gets deep into relationship dynamics.  So they were trying to bond, but they chose them at your expense, and kind of used attacking you as the catalyst to do it.  They weren't trying to include you in the group of bonding nodes (in this case dudes).

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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43 minutes ago, Phil said:


This is the inevitable fallout of Being lied to. Listening to & believing “a teacher’s” “teachings” which are self-conceptualizations on behalf of the separate self of thought, indicative of suppressed trauma & emotion(s), therein conceptualizing emotion(s), the real guidance. The concepts of energetic violence, energetic arrows of negativity, envy, lack, ego development, social anxiety, their judgments, their energies, the whole game, a being like me, scared, envious… it’s all essentially mental gymnastics / attempts to compensate. There is also the aspect of psychedelics baked into the underlying “teaching” and apparent ‘personal’ experiences deeply confused with reality or the truth. 


“The aggrandizing of the separate self as a teacher and the message therein of becoming enlightened is not without pitfalls, as the ‘becoming’ is the aversion. 

This “message” ignores that the self which is teaching, and the self which could, would or will become enlightened - is the separate self of thoughts. This aversion from emotions reinforces the separate self of thought / idea of a self / a future and is spiritual bypassing…” 



Also (if interested) see Misnomers; Teachers, Meditation & Nonduality for the discernibly specific difference in terms of vibration / frequency. https://www.actualityofbeing.com/blog/2024/3/22/misnomers-meditation-nonduality

Not sure I understand what you mean . What you mean with listening and believing a teachers teachings? @Phil


17 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

They created a bit of a laugh at your expense which actually strengthened their bond.  It sucks that people do this, but it helps to understand systemically why it happens.  Think about this one, a group can only exist once a scapegoat is fashioned.  The group then emerges and survives to spite the scapegoat.  This gets deep into relationship dynamics.  So they were trying to bond, but they chose them at your expense, and kind of used attacking you as the catalyst to do it.  They weren't trying to include you in the group of bonding nodes (in this case dudes).

Yup. Pretty nasty what some people do. But hey, it's their karma. They won´t be getting liberation in that lifetime im sure. 

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Conceptualizing / spiritual bypassing. Like there being “toxic” people / people which become enlightened, etc. Conceptualizations like energetic negative arrows are additional concepts. Attempts to make sense of the experience without addressing the underlying conceptualizations. Additional as in aversion, like the originally conceptualizations / bypassing. Another example is the concept emotional intelligence comes from experience. The examples are too many to list.  It’s really beliefs being triggered and likely emotionally infused. 

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52 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

one, a group can only exist once a scapegoat is fashioned


34 minutes ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

Pretty nasty what some people do. But hey, it's their karma. They won´t be getting liberation in that lifetime im sure

 Doing the same thing.


Introspection is ‘the other way’ which dispels beliefs and break cycles & the ‘triggering’ of beliefs therein. 


You are the creator of your reality. It doesn’t just “suck that people are like this”. You’re creating the experience. Introspection reveals how. 

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Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, Phil said:


Conceptualizing / spiritual bypassing. Like there being “toxic” people / people which become enlightened, etc. Conceptualizations like energetic negative arrows are additional concepts. Attempts to make sense of the experience. Additional as in aversion, like the originally conceptualizations / bypassing. Another example is the concept emotional intelligence comes from experience. The examples are too many to list.  It’s really beliefs being triggered and likely emotionally infused. 


8 minutes ago, Phil said:


 Doing the same thing.


Introspection is ‘the other way’ which dispels beliefs and break cycles & the ‘triggering’ of beliefs therein. 

Ok I get you. But how do you explain that 98% of time talking to people yesterday was very good yet in some moments I felt that negative energy?


You say that I am projecting that, right? If I am understanding you correctly.


So you are saying my perception is wrong? (not saying this in a bad way, im open to all possibilities, im aware of the possibility of projection).


But if someone hits me physically I would say is a negative act from the other person. In the same way, when people talk with a  certain tone, I don´t see it necessarily as a projection to sense that they are using an 'agressive' tone in order to cause harm. 


Like, I get you that Is my responsibility and blaming others maybe is not how things will solved, but what is the way? Literally yesterday after this two people said to me that I spent the next 15-20 minutes with my body trembling, like literally a real physical sensation.


How come the rest of the time during the hiking trip my body feel very good yet in that conversation after that precise moment my body started trembling? What happened there? @Phil

Edited by ConsciousDreamer666
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12 minutes ago, Phil said:

Doing the same thing.


Introspection is ‘the other way’ which dispels beliefs and break cycles & the ‘triggering’ of beliefs therein. 


You are the creator of your reality. It doesn’t just “suck that people are like this”. You’re creating the experience. Introspection reveals how. 

There's 2 answers that can be given, a relative one and an absolute one.  The relative answer is not true, but it can be illuminating and useful.

💬 🗯️🤍

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3 minutes ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:


Ok I get you. But how do you explain that 98% of time talking to people yesterday was very good yet in some moments I felt that negative energy?

Time wise, there’s only the present. But in that sense, it’s belief-specific. Whatever was said triggered a discordant belief. One way to go is acknowledging the emotion and this shedding light on & dispelling the belief. While it might have been uncomfortable, it’s also like someone did you a favor by helping you to see there is a limiting belief. That doesn’t mean it’s not rude etc at the same time. 


3 minutes ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:


You say that I am projecting that, right? If I am understanding you correctly.

The concepts about energy seem like a mental way of making the discord felt, seem to come from outside yourself. A rationalizing which likely isn’t settling or truly satisfying. Addressing the underlying belief is alignment, and is truly satisfying. 


3 minutes ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:


So you are saying my perception is wrong? (not saying this in a bad way, im open to all possibilities, im aware of the possibility of projection).

No. Perception points to seeing hearing, etc, and therein can’t be wrong. ‘Wrong’ would be an interpretation experienced as thought. 

There might be a discordant interpretation / belief that was activated / ‘triggered’… but that doesn’t make the interpretation, or any interpretation ‘wrong’. 

It’s a matter of discord & alignment, not right & wrong. 


3 minutes ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:


But if someone hits me physically I would say is a negative act from the other person. In the same way, when people talk with a  certain tone, I don´t see it necessarily as a projection to sense that they are using an 'agressive' tone in order to cause harm. 

It’s easiest to dispel by sticking with & questioning what is / what actually happened and how you feel about it / what emotion(s) were or are felt.

Later if interested, question that hypothetical scenario. 


3 minutes ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:


Like, I get you that Is my responsibility and blaming others maybe is not how things will solved, but what is the way? Literally yesterday after this two people said to me that I spent the next 15-20 minutes with my body trembling, like literally a real physical sensation.

It’s an emotion. Blame is also an emotion. When the emotion felt is acknowledged and allowed to be guidance for thoughts, the belief is dispelled and if the same exact scenario were to happen again, there would be no experience like the trembling. Or at the very least, much less, and less more so as you go. 


3 minutes ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:


How come the rest of the time during the hiking trip my body feel very good yet in that conversation after that precise moment my body started trembling? What happened there? @Phil

A discordant belief and corresponding emotional guidance was experienced. 


This is good news. When all beliefs are inspected and dispelled, only the Truth can remain, and this is self-realization, liberation, enlightenment. 

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11 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

There's 2 answers that can be given, a relative one and an absolute one.  The relative answer is not true, but it can be illuminating and useful.

Seemed to result in co-miserating via a shared discordant suppressed belief and a reinforcing being right about others. Perhaps consider ‘collapsing’ the belief in a relative & an absolute. That is conjecture and indicative of what was shared previously in this thread. Remember to first let a reactionary response go. The more feeling / emotion is allowed, the clearer it is there’s nothing to remember. 

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35 minutes ago, Jonas Long said:

Is what's untrue ever really useful?  Or is that machiavellianism?   

Relative means the human (the world of ego and the finite self).  Absolute means the Divine (the Infinite Self).  You can get to the point on the path where you're not putting relative truth in the shadow. but you also realize it's not true.  Then you can embody the absolute while also playing around with the relative.  There's nothing that needs to be burned at the stake in this experience.  I understand what @Phil is teaching, but it's absolute only.  He doesn't acknowledge the relative as existing or worthy of discussion.  I've been at that place years ago now, but I kept that and then subsequently relaxed my attitude relating to taking the relative out of the shadow.  You can actually hold the relative and the absolute at the same time, there's no bright-line conflict there.  They are different too, everyone knows that.  I know I'm so stupid right?  Lol.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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2 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

You can get to the point on the path where you're not putting relative truth in the shadow. but you also realize it's not true.  Then you can embody the absolute while also playing around with the relative.  There's nothing that needs to be burned at the stake in this experience.  I understand what @Phil is teaching, but it's absolute only.  He doesn't acknowledge the relative as existing or worthy of discussion.  

Oh, so you get to the point where you are able to compassionately tell comforting untruths to those who "can't handle the 'absolute' truth"?  Like the government lying to its citizens so as "not to cause a panic"?  

Relative and absolute aren't separate things.  The ends don't justify the means, the ends are the means, the medium is the message.

You are not further along any path than anybody. 

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Posted (edited)



The concepts about energy seem like a mental way of making the discord felt, seem to come from outside yourself.

humm.... Right. Like they appear to make the discordant belief true. 



When the emotion felt is acknowledged and allowed to be guidance for thoughts


When I feel it again what am I supposed to do exactly? Focus on the thoughts I am experiencing in that moment? 



A discordant belief and corresponding emotional guidance was experienced. 

🙂 Uhm. That make sense. 

I lack the ability to truly see what exact belief I experienc though. For any reason I just start feeling attacked/ridiculed deeply. 



This is good news. When all beliefs are inspected and dispelled, only the Truth can remain, and this is self-realization, liberation, enlightenment. 

So one of the ways truth got veiled was because of not-so-good beliefs about 'oneself'? 🤯 @Phil

Edited by ConsciousDreamer666
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57 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Relative means the human (the world of ego and the finite self).  Absolute means the Divine (the Infinite Self). 

Those are actually beliefs. The duality implied is obvious, isn’t it so?

Absolute which is followed by anything (meaning, solipsism, love, me, etc) is a belief. 


57 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

You can get to the point on the path where you're not putting relative truth in the shadow.

Relative truth isn’t truth, it’s apparent belief(s) about there being a relative and an absolute, a belief based hijacking of truth therein. 

But Joesph will never acknowledge or admit there is suffering. 

So just make the best of it. Self sooth etc. 


57 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

but you also realize it's not true. 

The separate self in time is of thoughts. Proper meditation & questioning thoughts / beliefs reveals this. 


57 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Then you can embody the absolute while also playing around with the relative. 

Therein, that’s actually delusion. 


57 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

There's nothing that needs to be burned at the stake in this experience.  I understand what @Phil is teaching, but it's absolute only.

That’s the deflection & projection of the held beliefs. This has been mentioned so many times that it’s really beating a dead horse, and going forward there will just be restrictions and not comments in this regard, but if there are questions please always feel free. I trust it’s not taken personally, it’s just filling a forum dedicated to self-realization with completely unnecessary nonsense and confusion indicative or the separate self of thought purporting to be wakefulness. 


57 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

  He doesn't acknowledge the relative as existing or worthy of discussion.

Unicorns, Bigfoot & leprechauns too. 

“The relative” is a belief. 


57 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

  I've been at that place years ago now, but I kept that and then subsequently relaxed my attitude relating to taking the relative out of the shadow. 

That’s the separate self of thought(s), the “one in time”. “Taking the relative out of the shadow” reveals not having explored the truth of either yet. 


57 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

You can actually hold the relative and the absolute at the same time, there's no bright-line conflict there.  They are different too, everyone knows that.  I know I'm so stupid right?  Lol.

No. Those are thoughts. The “stupid one” is the separate self of thoughts. There’s nothing inherently ‘wrong’ with an all out refusal to introspect, acknowledge emotions, deflection & projection… it just isn’t conducive to a forum dedicated to self-realization, actual awakening & Truth. 

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4 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

@Phil What are your beliefs?

What’s being said is there aren’t separate selves which have beliefs, and the question is what are your beliefs.


What is being said doesn’t mean something else, like ‘what I’m saying’, ‘the truth is’, etc, it just very literally means what’s being said. 

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13 minutes ago, Phil said:

What’s being said is there aren’t separate selves which have beliefs, and the question is what are your beliefs.


What is being said doesn’t mean something else, like ‘what I’m saying’, ‘the truth is’, etc, it just very literally means what’s being said. 

Understood.  But what is this @Phil character saying what's what to other separate selves?  Let's dig a little deeper.  Give us a good answer here.  I know what you're gonna say but still.  Don't hold back.  Have fun.  Create.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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14 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Understood.  But what is this @Phil character saying what's what to other separate selves?  Let's dig a little deeper.  Give us a good answer here.  I know what you're gonna say but still.  Don't hold back.  Have fun.  Create.

Asking the same question...expecting a different answer.

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