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Letting Go vs. Losing Interest


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The term "letting go" (of thoughts, beliefs) can be quite misleading/confusing, because it doesn't quite address why you're holding on to begin with.


Like for example, if you're worrying about your looks or something... And feeling the discord... And someone gives the advice to "let the thought go", that isn't quite helpful is it? The interpretation easily goes to the direction that the letting go is something you must effort about, be fearless or become indifferent enough so that you no longer care about your looks. "Letting go" becomes of work, effort, bravery, something you must accomplish, succeed in.


But IMO there's a better way to go about it: seeing that the thought is not your thought, and is not about you. If that realization dawns, what is there to "let go"? The thought was never yours and never about you... You simply lose interest. There isn't even nothing to let go. They're just simply not your thoughts, and never was.



If (let's say) Clint Eastwood would be having self-referential discordant thoughts about Clint Eastwood, would it make sense for you to be like "I gotta let go Clint's thoughts and worries about Clint"?


No!!! You see that they are Clint's thoughts about Clint, and have nothing to do with you. You immediately lose interest, and "letting go" happens by itself, without any intention to even let go.



Rather than offering the advice: "Let that thought go", how about: "Lose interest in that thought by noticing it's not yours and not about you." ?


Much lighter, isn't it?


Edited by Blessed2

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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It's good. But in direct experience the notion "about you" IS also just a thought.


Let it all fizzle out. But I totally understand as a first step, it sure IS quite helpful.


You is not a doing. You is the only one that is here noticing thoughts. The only one that is. 


As you are the only one here, there is just you being able to choose what to believe. Can be quite challenging. 

Edited by Nadosa
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7 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

The term "letting go" (of thoughts, beliefs) can be quite misleading/confusing, because it doesn't quite address why you're holding on to begin with.


Like for example, if you're worrying about your looks or something... And feeling the discord... And someone gives the advice to "let the thought go", that isn't quite helpful is it? The interpretation easily goes to the direction that the letting go is something you must effort about, be fearless or become indifferent enough so that you no longer care about your looks. "Letting go" becomes of work, effort, bravery, something you must accomplish, succeed in.


But IMO there's a better way to go about it: seeing that the thought is not your thought, and is not about you. If that realization dawns, what is there to "let go"? The thought was never yours and never about you... You simply lose interest. There isn't even nothing to let go. They're just simply not your thoughts, and never was.



If (let's say) Clint Eastwood would be having self-referential discordant thoughts about Clint Eastwood, would it make sense for you to be like "I gotta let go Clint's thoughts and worries about Clint"?


No!!! You see that they are Clint's thoughts about Clint, and have nothing to do with you. You immediately lose interest, and "letting go" happens by itself, without any intention to even let go.



Rather than offering the advice: "Let that thought go", how about: "Lose interest in that thought by noticing it's not yours and not about you." ?


Much lighter, isn't it?


Of course!!! Letting go is much lighter. You do lose interest on everything, but you gain love. Love does not show itself so sudden. When everything is surrendered love becomes inevitable.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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7 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

The term "letting go" (of thoughts, beliefs) can be quite misleading/confusing, because it doesn't quite address why you're holding on to begin with.


Like for example, if you're worrying about your looks or something... And feeling the discord... And someone gives the advice to "let the thought go", that isn't quite helpful is it? The interpretation easily goes to the direction that the letting go is something you must effort about, be fearless or become indifferent enough so that you no longer care about your looks. "Letting go" becomes of work, effort, bravery, something you must accomplish, succeed in.


But IMO there's a better way to go about it: seeing that the thought is not your thought, and is not about you. If that realization dawns, what is there to "let go"? The thought was never yours and never about you... You simply lose interest. There isn't even nothing to let go. They're just simply not your thoughts, and never was.



If (let's say) Clint Eastwood would be having self-referential discordant thoughts about Clint Eastwood, would it make sense for you to be like "I gotta let go Clint's thoughts and worries about Clint"?


No!!! You see that they are Clint's thoughts about Clint, and have nothing to do with you. You immediately lose interest, and "letting go" happens by itself, without any intention to even let go.



Rather than offering the advice: "Let that thought go", how about: "Lose interest in that thought by noticing it's not yours and not about you." ?


Much lighter, isn't it?


By the way great topic!!!

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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