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Lack of sleep and caffeine


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1 hour ago, Orb said:

@Kevin I use both, lately just the canned drinks. 


well, theres different strains based on the vein color. 


The first time I tried kratom I tried white vein, which is known to be the most energizing one. It felt like a nice boost to my coffee experience but it wasn't enough for me to be sold. 


Then I took I think red or green vein kratom and went to a Christmas dinner and when I went to the bathroom I realized I was experiencing euphoria. It felt very similar to a traditional opiate experience (pretty moderate/mild though).


I will say if you have am inclination to abuse substances, it really isn't worth it. 


I think for people like us who use substances as our "go to" whenever we experience healing/discordant thoughts, it's best to not use any substances at all, not even caffeine. But that's just me.

Yeah Kratom is really interesting. When I first tried it in college I loved it. It felt like a stimulant. But I took really low doses. When I tried the average recommended dosage it made me super tired and nauseous. So I think I’m probably really sensitive to it. 

it’s a weird drug though because I tried it again recently and I just didn’t get the same pleasure from it that I used to.


I agree on the last bit too. For me at this point staying away from all substances is probably the way to go.


Also I think we can outgrow these things. In college I had a love-hate relationship with weed. I liked it but it made me lazy and antisocial. Nowadays I’ve completely given it up and it wasn’t an effort. There’s just no desire anymore. Whatever hole that drug was filling has been healed.


I think that can happen with all substances and I’m sure it’ll happen for you with any habits you might want to give up.

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44 minutes ago, Reborn2 said:

Here's the thing about coffee/coffeine: to a degree it messes with your heart rate, blood pressure and consequently stress levels. And the only reason it's not a serious problem for most people is because over time of long time regular drinking they develop a tolerance and they don't drink dangerous ammounts, but let's say you stop drinking coffee for a while or only drink decaf versions, and then after couple of weeks or months you suddenly chug down a cup of a fairly strong double espresso, it would negatively influence the rest of your day and night probably


Coffeine take a very long time to leave your bloodstream, about 6-10 hours so it influences your sleep to a degree even if you're drinking low ammounts per day

Shoot you’re right. I just looked up a caffeine half life calculator and if you drink 200 mg of cafffeine it can take close to 40 hours to completely clear. I don’t drink coffee a lot and I have a sensitive system so that’s most definitely it.

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46 minutes ago, Orb said:

@Kevin also, just to sprinkle in some inspiration in here for us both or anyone dealing with a similar issue: 


There was a period of about 2 months where I quit every possible substance (caffeine being one of them). I would wake up every morning and eat a banana, then meditate for 30 minutes, then lift weights, then I would stretch, and then my day began. 


By the end of the 2 months my mind was clearer and more focused than ever, some mornings I'd jump out of bed with energy, and I started working on a business that was to coach people with meditation since it helped me so much. 


Then I entertained green tea....and little by little I began to go deeper into using substances. 


What ive learned is that everyone has their own way of "closing the gap" (as Abraham Hicks says), some people have this thing called "moderation" but truthfully: I have no clue what it is lol. I hear people talk about this moderation thing and it's just words for me, it doesn't exist in my experience, I'm not being sarcastic or joking I'm being dead serious lol. 


For myself (and maybe you as well), I've found that the best way to go is fully sober, and build a "natural" routine that doesn't involve substances to replace that coffee/kratom in the morning. 


Everyone's got their own way, some people experience moderate use of substances which is fine, some people will never know what moderation is (like myself). 


It's all about finding the way of life that closes your gap between you and your source/God. 


That's why some spiritual teachers or traditions will swear by 100% sober living and other teachers will smoke cigarettes and drink tea and stuff.

I’ve definitely felt that before. Periods where I worked out a lot and meditated and didn’t do drugs. You build a lot of momentum and it feels great.


On the moderation thing I think everyone’s different. For example some people break their leg and get perscribed opiates then they get hooked and start getting street stuff cuz there script runs out and they OD. Then there’s some people that take opiates and are fine. There’s a professor named Carl hart who is very public about how he uses heroin recreationally and he seems to be doing fine.


I don’t think I could do that though lol.

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33 minutes ago, Phil said:


No, you can’t. It sucks and I’m sorry to be telling you this but you’re infinite happiness already. It’s not achievable, earn-able or obtainable. It’s unconditional. You just as you are. (Don’t shoot the messenger). 


The most frustrating thing is I can’t do anything to fix it. That was the first thought. But that’s the guidance. Of course believing I have to fix things doesn’t feel good when things are already all good.


33 minutes ago, Phil said:

I hear ya. I’m at the ‘it’s drastic’ end of the spectrum. But the frame here is… relative to what? What you want. What’s on the dreamboard. If it’s a relationship, how conducive is drugs? really, whatever it is - how conducive is drugs? Not just the one night or weekend aspect, but the withdrawal and all related side effects. Let’s get some momentum going in terms of well-being, clarity, enthusiasm, inspiration, right? 



Yes the drugs are not conducive at all. Its a relief temporarily but also a complete momentum stopper. Like running into a brick wall emotionally speaking.


I did tell my mom about the crack use the other day. I mainly told her because I’m so certain I’m done with it.

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3 hours ago, Kevin said:

I’ve definitely felt that before. Periods where I worked out a lot and meditated and didn’t do drugs. You build a lot of momentum and it feels great.


On the moderation thing I think everyone’s different. For example some people break their leg and get perscribed opiates then they get hooked and start getting street stuff cuz there script runs out and they OD. Then there’s some people that take opiates and are fine. There’s a professor named Carl hart who is very public about how he uses heroin recreationally and he seems to be doing fine.


I don’t think I could do that though lol.

Yea same, I've heard about Dr. Carl Hart and while he's very brave for admitting his lifestyle, he has that moderation thing that I've never experienced before lol. 


Any substance I've used I always want to take more and more. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@Kevin but people like us shouldn't be the reason that other people with moderation can't enjoy them. It's up to us to know what closes our own gaps so to speak 🙂.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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I drink matcha latte, it has caffeine in it, but less, and it releases it more slowly giving you more energy throughout the day (no afternoon crash). It doesn’t make you jittery as well and helps with focus.

I was able weave off coffee by switching to matcha latte. I still have coffee some days though, when I have serious meetings in the morning. 

Not sleeping does make me less motivated, moody and doomsday oriented. It’s crazy how much difference it makes.

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It's the Little Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly again. The first thought/belief (the fly) might be that my worth is found in productivity, and that caffeine makes me more productive. Or switch out productive with focused.  Or switch caffeine with any other drug. Maybe I believe I need this to make me relaxed and to enjoy social interactions. You are ok as you are without adding more, believing more.


Cocaine/coke is pretty far away from having swallowed a fly, a spider, past cat and dog. That's why rehab is being suggested. 



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