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1 hour ago, Jane said:

👍Yes! very good.


The pointer and the point is the  POINTING that cannot be pointed to.


The seer and the seen is the SEEING that cannot be seen.


The knower and the known is the KNOWING that cannot be known.




"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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1 hour ago, Jane said:

👍Yes! very good.


The pointer and the point is the  POINTING that cannot be pointed to.


The seer and the seen is the SEEING that cannot be seen.


The knower and the known is the KNOWING that cannot be known.



Moreover, what is seeing, knowing or pointing? These all stuff is knowledge/thought. Which is an illusion in the first place.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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The Self knows itself through a non-pointing direct knowing.  We might call that realization.  The Self realizes itself.  I want to say realizes itself from within, but that's a pointer too.  The Self can know itself directly.  You don't need a subject-object duality to know the Self.  The Self doesn't need a thought to know the Self.  It's the "I Am" that is not a thought. 

This is just a pointer obviously: It's the mirror realizing -- I ain't anything in the mirror, nor do I need anything in the mirror to realize that I am the mirror.  The mirror is a part of everything reflected in the mirror but none of those reflections affect or impact the mirror.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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12 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

The Self knows itself through a non-pointing direct knowing.  We might call that realization.  The Self realizes itself.  I want to say realizes itself from within, but that's a pointer too.  The Self can know itself directly.  You don't need a subject-object duality to know the Self.  The Self doesn't need a thought to know the Self.  It's the "I Am" that is not a thought. 

This is just a pointer obviously: It's the mirror realizing -- I ain't anything in the mirror, nor do I need anything in the mirror to realize that I am the mirror.  The mirror is a part of everything reflected in the mirror but none of those reflections affect or impact the mirror.  

Very well said! 👍


The subject/object duality is within the illusory dream of separation where there is none. 


The ''I AM'' is the direct experience of empty space between the fullness of thought.  Here; there is no middle man.

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@Joseph Maynor @Jane


You also aren't the mirror. 😳

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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Posted (edited)
On 4/22/2024 at 2:22 PM, Phil said:

Self is obscured by its own appearance of knowing.

Self knowing itself, knowing, self-knowing, direct-knowing, knowledge, self-knowledge, etc are appearance. 

If Self could know - birth, death, sleep & other would all be known. 


Therefore knowledge can only point to the illusory nature of reality; the realisation by no one that there is no known knower, except as “thought” thinks so.

What attends to “thought” what answers it, what identifies with it? The answer is more thought.


Thoughts about thoughts will eventually reveal to themselves that given no attention they will literally cease to exist. If we let a thought be nothing, then that's what it will be ... nothing.




Edited by Jane
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Posted (edited)
On 2/28/2024 at 11:40 AM, Robed Mystic said:


all this community is coming to life ...once i have the URL i will post it here..


Leo's shit forum is done for - its down and he runs it from his basement.  So we will continue to honor the spirit of Actualized.Org through my community.

Edited by Robed Mystic
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25 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

all this community is coming to life ...once i have the URL i will post it here..


Leo's shit forum is done for - its down and he runs it from his basement.  So we will continue to honor the spirit of Actualized.Org through my community.

I have created my community..it will be known as spiritualityunmasked.com coming to a theater near you.

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4 hours ago, Robed Mystic said:

I have created my community..it will be known as spiritualityunmasked.com coming to a theater near you.

Ok great. 👍


Will keep an eye open for it. 
🙏 Thanks.

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