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@Agape Try this. After writing any and each post on this journal, press "quote" from under the text section and bold & underline each self-referential word. The I's, the me's, the my's etc.


Like this:


3 hours ago, Agape said:

Sometimes I see things. I get glimmers of what I presume are truth. But the feelings are much the same. There is no separation. The totality of what is, is, paradoxically, this. I know nothing of a world or others, apart from what I know of myself. Projection is seeing myself in others. I don't like what I see. I see a barren, desolate, lost, muddy, grey world filled with lies and power games of domination. I guess I have a dense Shadow. I guess the kind, considerate, sensitive and generally pleasant person I present as has the opposite in me. There must be a part of me that is evil. Because I see evil everywhere. The best solution I have is to sit with emotions. It's difficult. Meister Eckhart (not Eckhart Tolle) said that it is a terrible thing to suffer, but it is a beautiful thing to have suffered. Sometimes with medication, caffeine, vaping and music I breach the surface. I get glimpses of what beauty is like. Before I leave this world, I would very much like to wake up. I'd very much like to feel the presence of God. 


Then go through the text slowly, line by line, and inquire into and inspect the "me" those thoughts are about. Pay mindful attention to every single bold and underlined word.


Then take a look at the emotional scale and write a list of every emotion those thoughts feel like.


Then ask yourself: "who would I be without these thoughts?" and write a list of what comes to mind. Like for example, "liberated, happy, excited, kind, optimistic" etc.


Then hit "submit reply".


And read what you wrote again after a day or two.



I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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