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A Critique of Esther/Abraham Hicks

Isagi Yoichi

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Esther/Abraham Hicks speaks a lot about vibration and I've found their information to be quite accurate where vibration is concerned but they don't talk about the intricacies of raising core vibration and absolutely nothing about the structure of vibration and the bandwidths in which they are organized into. They also don't talk much about the necessary contractions that are required in order to expand into higher bandwidths. If a person wants to hear spiritual marshmallow-type motivation that makes you feel all good and in no way prepares them for the pain necessary to gain then Hicks is fantastic.




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11 hours ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

Esther/Abraham Hicks speaks a lot about vibration and I've found their information to be quite accurate where vibration is concerned but they don't talk about the intricacies of raising core vibration

“Abraham Hicks” isn’t suggesting there are separate physical finite selves which have a core vibration which has to be worked on, improved or raised, but rather is an earnest sharing that we are vibration; vibrational beings.


The term “inner being” is often used to point to that which is vibrating or vibrationally appearing (as ‘vibrational beings’) - which is perfection, never changes, does not need to be changed or be worked on in any way whatsoever, and can not be changed in any way.


Instead, the suggestion is we (vibrational beings) listen to our inner being (Self, Perfection, Source, Infinite Intelligence) - that which is not vibrational appearance, which is vibrationally appearing.


11 hours ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

and absolutely nothing about the structure of vibration

The “structure” isn’t something separate such as a structure, but is that which is vibrating / vibrationally appearing. 


11 hours ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

and the bandwidths in which they are organized into.

As all is vibration of inner being / source, it would be misleading to suggest there is some thing inside of some other thing. 


11 hours ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

They also don't talk much about the necessary contractions that are required in order to expand into higher bandwidths.

‘Required’ would be based on a separate self or separate entity’s claims or claiming.


That’d be a vibrational being claiming a separate finite physical self exists and  ‘should or needs to improve’, and ‘needs to contract in order to expand (?)’… and thus ‘needs to know, learn or understand what I know or understand’. That message is rooted in self ignorance & assumption and is therein inherently conjecture, self-manipulation, and misleading. 


Rather than deception via a rhetorical manipulative personal ideology… Abraham suggests vibrational beings are receiving vibrational ‘stuff’, directly “from” that which is appearing as - ‘the stuff’. 


As contraction is vibrational appearance… as we are vibrational beings - there is no separate self changing or raising a “core vibration” or  “expanding into  higher bandwidths” (“raising my / your consciousness”). 


Contraction is not only not necessary, but denotes discordant interpretation, or, misinterpretation (beliefs) based on separation & being a separate self, and manifests as dis-ease, mental & bodily ailments, and manifests as mental and societal conflict. 


Contraction is contraction of what is already vibrational / there isn’t a separate self for which contraction is necessary or would even be ‘of’ or ‘for’.


As the teachings of Abraham Hicks aren’t spiritual bypassing… rather than “my core vibration” as a thing (“core”) which needing fixing or improving…  emotion(s) (also vibration) is / are included and referred to as guidance, as emotion is of infinite being vibrationally appearing as, vibrational beings & all the ‘stuff’. 


The emphasis is on presence & feeling, and “listening to” feeling / simply feeling… the guidance of inner being & emotion therein, and not listening to misguided egocentric ideologies or philosophies (deception & manipulation). 


11 hours ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

If a person wants to hear spiritual marshmallow-type motivation that makes you feel all good and in no way prepares them for the pain necessary to gain then Hicks is fantastic.


Pain is of the body, which is vibration, often referred to as sensation. 


Abraham Hicks teachings are very straighforward about this, stating very specifically that there is no gain in pain


Encouraging ‘pain’ or ‘suffering’ and the suggestion that pain or suffering results in gain is egocentric mental & emotional self-manipulation. A vibrationally appearing philosophy which centers around a non-existent separate self. Simply put, vibrationally appearing deception & misguidance via purporting to be a supplement for inner being and intrinsic guidance. 


It’s a deeply psychological manipulative tactic which convinces vibrational apparent ‘beings’ (innocence) that they (vibrational beings) don’t have an inner being (non-vibrational Being)…  and to instead listen to a “separate physical teacher” and suppress the inner guidance, which is the ‘true’ self, the only self, the infinite self - that which is right-now vibrationally appearing as, and therein is - This. 








Articulate on the key distinctions between philosophy, ideology, and actuality as in what’s found in accordance with direct experience.



Certainly, let's explore the key distinctions between philosophy, ideology, and actuality:



Philosophy is a systematic study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, ethics, and reality.


It often involves abstract and theoretical reasoning, seeking to understand the underlying principles and concepts that govern various aspects of life.


Philosophical ideas are not always tied to specific practical outcomes and can encompass a wide range of perspectives and beliefs.



Ideology refers to a set of beliefs, values, or doctrines that form the basis of a particular social, political, or economic system.


Ideologies can be more practical and prescriptive, providing a framework for how society should be organized and how individuals should behave.


They are often associated with specific movements or groups and may have practical implications for policy and action.


Actuality (Direct Experience):

Actuality refers to the lived, tangible experiences of individuals in the real world.

It encompasses the events, situations, and circumstances people encounter in their daily lives.


Actuality is grounded in the observable and empirical, and it can be influenced by both philosophical ideas and ideological beliefs but is not limited to them.

In summary, philosophy explores abstract concepts and seeks to understand fundamental truths, ideology provides a structured belief system with practical implications, and actuality is the concrete reality experienced by individuals. While philosophy and ideology can shape our understanding of actuality, they remain distinct in their nature and purpose.




More so, awareness is infinite and fundamentally as it were, aware of thoughts, perception and sensation, as the activity of itself appearing as the lens-sphere (so called thoughts), the world-sphere (so called body) and as both spheres (so called perception), and therein, as in, by appearing as the spheres there is emotion(s). Please answer only true, or not true.



This statement is a philosophical perspective and interpretation of awareness, which may or may not align with various philosophical and metaphysical beliefs. Therefore, it's not a matter of being simply "true" or "not true" in an objective sense, as it depends on one's philosophical stance and personal interpretation.




Please answer only true, or not true.



Not true.




What specifically is not true about this statement: More, awareness is infinite and fundementally as it were, aware of thoughts, perception and sensation, as the activity of itself appearing as the lens-sphere (so called thoughts), the world-sphere (so called body) and as both spheres (so called perception), and therein, as in, by appearing as the spheres there is emotion(s). Please answer only true, or not true.



The statement is not true in the context of commonly accepted empirical and scientific understanding of awareness and consciousness.




Perhaps, but that is not what was asked or requested. Please answer only to as if what is being said is true, or not true.












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14 hours ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

Esther/Abraham Hicks speaks a lot about vibration and I've found their information to be quite accurate where vibration is concerned but they don't talk about the intricacies of raising core vibration and absolutely nothing about the structure of vibration and the bandwidths in which they are organized into. They also don't talk much about the necessary contractions that are required in order to expand into higher bandwidths. If a person wants to hear spiritual marshmallow-type motivation that makes you feel all good and in no way prepares them for the pain necessary to gain then Hicks is fantastic.


I have never understood this vibration stuff.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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ChatGPT gave me the most BS politically correct answer ever when I asked it "Why are lawyers such assholes?"  I was seeing what it would say.   I felt like I was being morally lectured  to.  Do it yourself and see.  This is when I realized on some level ChatGPT is full of shit.  Sometimes it's good, it just depends.  Take it with a grain of salt though is all I'm saying.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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10 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

ChatGPT gave me the most BS politically correct answer ever when I asked it "Why are lawyers such assholes?"  I was seeing what it would say.   I felt like I was being morally lectured  to.  Do it yourself and see.  This is when I realized on some level ChatGPT is full of shit.  Sometimes it's good, it just depends.  Take it with a grain of salt though is all I'm saying.

I mean, what do you expect?  The question is based off an assumption, a false one.  

I think a real asshole would threaten people with lawsuits every time they get triggered.  Lawyer is just a job.

Edited by Jonas Long
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7 minutes ago, Jonas Long said:

I mean, what do you expect?  The question is based off an assumption, a false one.  

I think a real asshole would threaten people with lawsuits every time they get triggered.  Lawyer is just a job.

I work in law.  What I didn't expect was for it to lecture me. It has a moral quality to it.  It was just weird.  I knew it was a controversial question when I asked it.  All I'm saying is ChatGPT is only a tool and an imperfect one at that.  I wouldn't cite it as an authority without qualification.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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9 minutes ago, Mandy said:

You don't need them to appreciate vibration as a pointer. Turn music up really loud, feel it. Same thing happens with color, put different colors together and feel it. Green and blue versus green and red, etc. It isn't physical reality it's interpretation/vibration. 


i get this effect when i listen to the Quran I feel like I am in an alternative reality I really feel the spirit of the surah its really cool like try listen to this for ex idk if you will have the same effect : 





I don't like promoting religion but it's just an exp I find it relating to what you said 



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