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Are there 'boundaries' in Reality'?

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Just finished a meditation session, for some seconds it felt like they weren´t any boundaries between me and rest of reality.


If I´m nothing and this nothing expands infinitely in all directions and creates forms and colours that means that I´m not separated from a human body that is 3000km from here? Because is all a field of nothingness.

Is that non duality? Probably not because I´m trying to grasp it with the mind/conceptualizing 😅 But I thought in asking 😊

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While nonduality ultimately can not be grasped with the finite mind, this and much more can be. There’s certainly nothing wrong with talking about nonduality. Self-realization is the whole point of this forum and the most worthwhile ‘thing’ to talk about. Questioning & inspecting is not per se conceptualizing. 


Would it be accurate to say, that in the meditative fizzling out & absence of thought, the reality of feeling was unobscured & self-evident… and then in hindsight, thoughts arose (about boundaries, bodies, etc)?

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Are there boundaries in reality?  What is a boundary?  I think the answer is probably yes and no just to keep things practical in the first instance.  It depends on what perspective we're considering.  We're a multiplicity just as much as we're a unity.

Great question!  Sometimes the question is better than the answer.  That's a trip to realize.  Questions last, answers usually don't.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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13 hours ago, Phil said:

While nonduality ultimately can not be grasped with the finite mind, this and much more can be. There’s certainly nothing wrong with talking about nonduality. Self-realization is the whole point of this forum and the most worthwhile ‘thing’ to talk about. Questioning & inspecting is not per se conceptualizing. 


Would it be accurate to say, that in the meditative fizzling out & absence of thought, the reality of feeling was unobscured & self-evident… and then in hindsight, thoughts arose (about boundaries, bodies, etc)?

@Phil Yes 😊 



13 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Are there boundaries in reality?  What is a boundary?  

Well, when I was meditating I got to a point where I was breathing so consciously, the air of 'outside' became 'my air', and 'my body' became and 'outside' body. 

The feeling of my body existing 'outside' material reality stopped, and I felt like my body was completely One with 'Material Reality'. It was a very deep feeling of unity. 

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5 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

Well, when I was meditating I got to a point where I was breathing so consciously, the air of 'outside' became 'my air', and 'my body' became and 'outside' body. 

The feeling of my body existing 'outside' material reality stopped, and I felt like my body was completely One with 'Material Reality'. It was a very deep feeling of unity. 

There is a unity.  There's also separateness.  And also we don't need to get hung up on the issue too.  It's like node A, node B, the link or relation between node A and B, and also Transcendence.  That's the blah blah that I prefer.

💬 🗯️🤍

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If there were no boundaries, you would be able to walk through the concrete wall. You know that if you run into the concrete wall in your room, you will get hurt. So you know how to interact with a concrete wall, and therefore that concrete wall does not cause you any issues. It does not cause you any issues, because you have learnt to deal with it. When you meditate, you are better able to correctly deal with the walls inside your mind, that makes you feel claustrophobic. Hence, you feel a sense of liberation which you perceive as boundless. But, there are boundaries in this universe, everywhere. Your job is to deal with them. With lots of meditation, you might feel like you can levitate away, or fly away, beyond this universe. This does not mean your body can do the same. It also does not mean you don't have a body.

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On 1/4/2024 at 9:49 PM, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

Just finished a meditation session, for some seconds it felt like they weren´t any boundaries between me and rest of reality.


If I´m nothing and this nothing expands infinitely in all directions and creates forms and colours that means that I´m not separated from a human body that is 3000km from here? Because is all a field of nothingness.

Is that non duality? Probably not because I´m trying to grasp it with the mind/conceptualizing 😅 But I thought in asking 😊

Non duality is literally completely genuinely NOT KNOWING. FORGETTING EVERYTHING. BEING A UNBORN BABY.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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