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The path... to What?


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What is the Path? What is actually the journey? Is it the journey from thinking to feeling? Is it the journey to feeling alive in this world, rather than thought stories? Is it to tap into unknown dimensions of experience what the person who overthinks all the time doesn't understand yet?




P.S. I like how chatgpt is talking about the ambiguity I've been concerned about. It tells me that over time it basically gets less ambiguous - a dimension of experience that is currently unknown to me how it feels like. I guess it would be a matter of letting go more to see better.


P.P.S. Here is the link to the full conversation with chatgpt about the topic:


I believe it's an interesting conversation.





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Which path?  


What common journey?


Living is adapting as displaced occupying space since conceived to replace previous generations that combined one's unique DNA never duplicated twice in all the lifetimes ever existed since inception of this species reproductively sustaining the numbers evolving forward here in the atmosphere now.


Direct transition of positions occupying time as displaced conceived in the womb, born to adapt to life never same total sum again.


First natural sign the universe is already perpetually balancing out what arrives individually formed changing shape until eroded or decomposed since arrival.


That cycles within cycles to the whole is equal to total sum of all its parts occupying the moment here as specifically as existing now.  No exceptions.


Humanity doesn't allow ancestors free will to understand how why, what, where, when, which, whom they have been unique here.  Everyone is morally trapped, legally bound, ethically trained, socially compliant to power of suggesting life cannot be limited to genetics eternally separating each reproduction living as currently here and as performing on the world stage humans pretend anything else is possible.


Tough being instinctively honest in one's own ancestry divided by hope, faith, charity, means, motives, methods, power, wealth, fame hoping there is intellectual life after one's body dies.


Immortality or eternal life in pure thought keeping ideas traveling through generation gaps every exchange of people populating time as living currently alive.


Regardless which reality they are in.


Creating better tomorrows is cultivating ideas used every generation forward to keep all 5 generation gaps following a intellectual standardize time table to manage outcomes of 5th generation gap  is always the latest great great grandchild born to great grandchildren of their previous 4th generation lived so far. dding ancestry backwards from one self and siblings of the same lineage, 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 16 great great grandparents.


This scenario is what is called compounding interest.  This is what my brain recognizes as real time is stationary and intellectual time is just comparing parts of the whole against the whole itself manifesting statistical averages used against each ancestor alive to comply with reality or else.


Absolute power of suggestion corrupts absolutely everyone believing life exceeds personal time adapting as displaced ancestrally here now.

Edited by solereproduction
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1 hour ago, fopylo said:

What is the Path?

For the body to run a few miles or so and or put on muscle requires conditioning. For the body to be able to play an instrument, paint well, etc requires practice. 


‘The path’ is precisely backwards. It’s essentially finding out what this is, what I am, what a body is, what people are, and how I even got here. Answers are readily provided; this is earth, you’re a person, matter, humans, and you were born. One can settle for these common answers, or one can discover the absolute truth, and that is where ‘the path’ comes in. 


The backwardness of the path is that of de-conditioning such as emptying & non-practice such as meditation. These are essentially non-reaction and non-thinking and therein non-believing.


Of course it’s not a one or the other situation. 


1 hour ago, fopylo said:

What is actually the journey?



1 hour ago, fopylo said:

Is it the journey from thinking to feeling?

It’s discovering what thinking & feeling actually are, thus dispelling thinking & feeling. 


1 hour ago, fopylo said:

Is it the journey to feeling alive in this world, rather than thought stories?

A self-discovery journey revealing the truth of feeling, life, death, this world & the actuality of aliveness. 


1 hour ago, fopylo said:

Is it to tap into unknown dimensions of experience what the person who overthinks all the time doesn't understand yet?

More of a discovering of the actuality of what dimensions, spacetime, a person or people, thought, thinking, and understanding actually are.


You are the only one which can discover the truth of self-realization, and the journey is already afoot. 


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1 hour ago, Phil said:

For the body to run a few miles or so and or put on muscle requires conditioning. For the body to be able to play an instrument, paint well, etc requires practice. 

Damn you for real hit a mark on my lifestyle... Well almost - I try to condition my body mainly for strength and endurance (mostly aerobic but also anaerobic) so I can be like Goku or some super human😂.

I'd also like to get back into music and piano.


Hmm.. when it's done onto itself it's conditioning, and when used for some other craft then it's practice.

Doesn't matter I'm getting distracted...

1 hour ago, Phil said:

One can settle for these common answers, or one can discover the absolute truth, and that is where ‘the path’ comes in. 

Not to come across as arrogant, but how can we decide that feeling holds the truth and not thinking? Why is the truth monopolized by feeling? Of course I am interested in understanding the truth, but why does it need be via feeling and not by thinking my way through it with my own common sense and questioning reality?


1 hour ago, Phil said:

The backwardness of the path is that of de-conditioning such as emptying & non-practice such as meditation. These are essentially non-reaction and non-thinking and therein non-believing.

What is the difference between de-conditioning and non-practice?


1 hour ago, Phil said:

It’s discovering what thinking & feeling actually are, thus dispelling thinking & feeling. 

But you do that through practicing feeling... don't you?

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@fopylo the path is often thought of as a progression. This (imo) is a misunderstanding. The path is actually more of a regression or moving backwards. 


The progression is the striving of the separate self thought activity. 


Then theres a regession or moving back into feeling aka presence aka awareness.


Also, it's as if reality naturally became curious about itself and there's just an exploration for its own sake.

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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One is experiencing discord & suffering and has not yet acknowledged one is denying this. One is believing thoughts are true, and is unaware of this, due to believing thoughts are true. One has no direct experience, no reference point, of an emptied & quieted mind. Creation is objectified via conditioning; Self is subjectified.


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On 12/30/2023 at 10:27 PM, fopylo said:

What is the Path? What is actually the journey? Is it the journey from thinking to feeling? Is it the journey to feeling alive in this world, rather than thought stories? Is it to tap into unknown dimensions of experience what the person who overthinks all the time doesn't understand yet?

Going back to birth. Since birth, you have gained, in path you will lose what you gain since birth. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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On 12/30/2023 at 5:28 PM, fopylo said:

Not to come across as arrogant, but how can we decide that feeling holds the truth and not thinking?

Thoughts appear like steam or mist arising from the surface of the ocean. The steam or mist is of the ocean, yet not about the ocean. ‘We decide’, ‘feeling holds the truth’ are thoughts (steam, mist).

‘Thinking’ is an assumption, as in a thought, as this is overlooked the thought is believed and identified with. Inspection wise, a thinker thinking is never found. 


On 12/30/2023 at 5:28 PM, fopylo said:

Why is the truth monopolized by feeling?

Truth is synonymous with feeling, not separate and monopolized or not.


On 12/30/2023 at 5:28 PM, fopylo said:

Of course I am interested in understanding the truth, but why does it need be via feeling and not by thinking my way through it with my own common sense and questioning reality?

There’s a presumption of separation, that there is an I and the truth, and that I can understand the truth. In feeling there is no separation found. This would be like presuming all there is to the ocean is the steam or mist arising of it. 

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