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So I just read an interesting book which talked about "true happiness".


In short, it stated that happiness is actually not "only the good emotions" and "not feeling bad emotions", but that it's the full range of emotions, and that there isn't actually good and bad emotions, or pleasurable or painful emotions. It said that good and bad, or pleasurable or painful emotions are actually an illusion created by thoughts. And experiencing emotions directly without the thought story / judgement (good, bad, pleasurable, painful) is "true happiness".


At first I was sceptical about that, because it seems so obvious that there are good feeling emotions and bad feeling emotions.


But now I'm no longer quite sure about that. What if it's an illusion?


What do you guys think?


There must be an effortless way.

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It's because the True Nature is happiness. 


Yesterday during the day I was chatting with gf and she said something and a trigger came up and I was experiencing frustration and overwhelment. 


But instead of believing thoughts I remained in sensation and still recognized that really nothing is wrong.


It was pretty nice! 


Also, when thoughts aren't believed it's pretty clear there isn't any problem whatsoever.

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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How can you feel an emotion without the thought story? 

Emotions carry a lot of weight realistically. They will occur due to real thoughts. 


You can't manufacture emotions at will. 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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The illusion is the believing of thoughts that there is a separate self, a knower of good and bad.

Good is nondual. 


Bad is judgement, belief, thoughts, based on, illusory misidentification. 

Good is nondual. 


Anxiety, depression, social anxiety, etc, etc, etc… are thoughts. Concepts. Conceptualizations of Happiness.  

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22 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

So I just read an interesting book which talked about "true happiness".


In short, it stated that happiness is actually not "only the good emotions" and "not feeling bad emotions", but that it's the full range of emotions, and that there isn't actually good and bad emotions, or pleasurable or painful emotions. It said that good and bad, or pleasurable or painful emotions are actually an illusion created by thoughts. And experiencing emotions directly without the thought story / judgement (good, bad, pleasurable, painful) is "true happiness".


At first I was sceptical about that, because it seems so obvious that there are good feeling emotions and bad feeling emotions.


But now I'm no longer quite sure about that. What if it's an illusion?


What do you guys think?

This is how I taught myself to think about emotions, they are a brain's way to make the body aware of their situation currently evolvinging forward evolving  uniquely alive.  There is no language within a body having all its organs functioning simultaneously here and be able to navigate between everyone and natural conditions one's body is adapting to outside its own skin.


There was a need to bodies to communicate being alive sharing time between birth and dead.  That is why humanity exists on the intellectual plane while occupying time as inhabiting space uniquely here.


How many ancestors except genetics eternally separates each lifetime of the food chain native to this atmosphere or any other in any other solar system or galaxies existing in this time space is specifically divided as universally here, evolving spontaneously present simultaneously since either combined molecular content or compounded chromosomes results as ancestrally positioned now?


Trust me when I say, I haven't talked to another brain navigating time like now is eternity.  The irony of life in plain sight. Everyone needs a sense of humor.

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23 hours ago, Reena said:

How can you feel an emotion without the thought story? 

Meditate to slow the story down, and change the story. Self-love. With daily meditation honesty the story changes itself.  ♥️ There’s nothing but change to the story already. Just shift the orientation, or allow it to rather, by not telling the same discordant story. 


23 hours ago, Reena said:

Emotions carry a lot of weight realistically. They will occur due to real thoughts. 

Less & less with each meditative day until it’s seen emotional guidance was there all along for the story about, emotions. 


23 hours ago, Reena said:


You can't manufacture emotions at will. 


You’re being the entirety of reality already, which is why there’s emotion, why some thoughts don’t quite resonate, and empowering thoughts very much do. 

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