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Anyone who struggles with English learning, what resources do you depend on.

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(I'm looking for viable resources to fast track my English learning. I'm still not good at it.) 


There's a flow in my writing these days. I have come far with my English writing skills.. When I first came to Actualized org in 2018, I could barely write one word. Whenever someone mentioned me, I could only reply with single words. I didn't know how to properly string ideas into sentences and I struggled a lot with articulation due to my intellectual disabilities. Yet over the years I have significantly improved my writing. It's still not top notch. There are a few phrases in English that only locals and natives of white countries understand. Like some American slang. I won't fully grasp the meaning of such local slangs. But everyday I put effort to learn a new phrase that I might not have heard before. This is how I weave my vocabulary bit by bit. I'm learning. The curve is slow. But I have made humongous progress. These days I can write a wall of text. My greatest insecurity was that I'll fumble and not be able to make a coherent sentence let alone a wall of text.

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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