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Hurt °°° Silence°°°stolen°°° Valley Girl


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I have no plans to ever have may worldview or any related beliefs challenged or questioned in any way. I'm only putting it out there so as to show the internet exactly how I think and feel. Unironically. I'll actively attempt to discredit anyone who tries to challenge the way I think. I will do this by either discrediting the person who presents an idea I disagree with, or by discrediting the idea itself through associating it with an ideology or group of people who I personally find distasteful. If you're a woman who disagrees with me, I'll simply dismiss you on the grounds of being a woman. If you're a man who disagrees with me, I'll dismiss you on the grounds of being a white knight, beta male, cuck, soy boy, or any combination of those. 


First: Women should be seen, not heard. 

Their shrill and annoying voices and their smug entitlement are deeply disturbing to the senses. They rarely have anything intelligent to say. All that ever comes out of their mouths is an awful combination of nagging, complaining, self victimization, and self aggrandizement. I'm not interested in a word they say, and I really wish they would just shut the fuck up more often. The only times I really ever want to hear their voices are when they tell me what they made me for dinner, or when they tell me how much they love sucking my cock. 


Second: Women who don't prioritize their appearance are worthless.

This should be obvious following from the last. Since women have nothing of value to contribute intellectually, their only source of value is in their appearance. It's reasonable to assume that women who don't put an adequate amount of effort into this are inherently lacking in self respect. It's completely acceptable for anyone to give such women a loving nudge in the direction of better self care. 


Third: Women are naturally subservient to men.

This is dictated simply by the way evolution designed us. Men are strong and dominant. Capable of defending the home from saber tooth tigers, and other common predators. Women on the other hand are delicate and fragile. They need men to be constantly looking out for them or else they will naturally get themselves into trouble. Their intellectual weakness too demands men help them with their worldview so as to make sure they don't end up bamboozling themselves with their incompetent minds. Their incompetent minds are only capable of processing simple things such as makeup, clothes, and what they'll make me for dinner. 


Fourth: Smart women have a healthy level of fear towards men. 

Women who don't fear men will naturally get themselves into trouble. Foolish women who don't realize this are overly confident in their own ability to manage themselves and therefore they will create chaos in their own lives as well as the lives of those around them. Women who are left to their own devises will naturally create this chaos. Smart women know this and so they will regulate their chaotic potential by placing themselves under the control of a man. Failure to do this is deeply irresponsible of women and should be met ideally with public shaming. 





They only use their intelligence selfishly. They're just a bunch of snakes. I don't even think they're capable of love. They'll pretend to love, but only if it gets them what they want. It's completely manipulative and lacking in any form of genuine feeling. Everything about women is naturally manipulative. Their appearance, their voices, the way they dress, the faces the make, the words they use, their body language. It's all a strategically designed act. Everything they are and everything they do is only for the sake of manipulating the world around them. They'll make you think they're innocent and then they'll take you for all you're worth. Completely two faced, but their evil side is one they'll never let show until it's too late and you're already under their spell.


Never trust a woman. Their nature is to backstab you. 





Women don't understand loyalty at all. Their only loyalty is to themselves, so men be warned. She'll make you think she cares about you, but she doesn't. And she never will. She'll prove as much in the divorce courts. Mark my words!



A man in love is nothing more than a fool chasing his own tail. Or perhaps a chicken with it's head chopped off. He'll do absolutely anything to gain the attention of the woman he admires. And he'll deny to himself in the process that he's making an ass out of himself. Then finally when his own idiocy caves in on itself enough to snap him awake, he'll blame the woman for his own foolishness. This is the folly of men. He loses any and all self awareness in the pursuit. His brain melts like butter under the spell of the seductress. 


Yeah, when I look into a woman's eyes, I can never see anything looking back. I only see a cold dead abyss. A void which can only be filled by my pain.



Edited by Reena

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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I'll refer to husband-wife or girlfriend-boyfriend situations or context as a reference point to describe with examples. 


I've been in multiple narcissistic abusive situations with women where they have weaponized me in toxic ways and I had to put up with that. I observed their behavior and these are my observations of their weaponizing behaviors. 


For example if you told your wife that you're weak, she might bully you by constantly calling you weak. Instead of being a support system for you, she will abandon you when you open up your weaknesses to her. Did you see that she did the exact opposite of what a true friend or a caring partner should do? A caring partner will understand your vulnerability and be protective of you. But she thought that you are no good to her. So she decides to dump you when you need her the most. This wasn't a supportive move but a predatory move, a narcissistic move, a control move, a selfish move, a cold callous move that weaponized your weakness and vulnerability and she actually used the information you provided to make her decision to dump you. 


Next example. If you make a lot of money then she will exploit you for money and use all that money to her advantage instead of saving it or letting you some mental peace. Again she weaponized your financial resources against you. 


Next example. 

If you showed her kindness and did all the tasks and help she needed, let's say you helped her with something she wanted, she will be quickly back with an entire laundry list of things and tell you to do things that she can easily do herself. This is because she is weaponizing your emotion or gesture of kindness against her. 


Next example. 

If you bought her a gift, she would want to know the monetary or financial value of the gift. Because only that matters to more, not the gesture of gifting. If it's not a very expensive gift, you'll most likely find her belittling it or it might be spotted in the garbage bin the next day. 


Next example. 

Weaponized incompetence. You can google this term"weaponized incompetence. " 

They will purposely mess up tasks you tell them to do so that you don't bother them again. Just a way to avoid being asked. They will ruin it on purpose. 

Just that they engage in it to avoid having to be asked to do things. 


Their turn to do the laundry? Kiss your white shirt goodbye. It will be carelessly dumped in with the orange towels and pink dishrags. If you say anything, anything at all, even, "wow, my shirt, oh well..." you're in for a tirade. 


Next example. 

If you showed anger during an argument, let's say you were provoked enough to hit her, she won't try to understand or process your emotion of anger. She'll call the cops on you, exaggerate the whole story and get you arrested on false charges. She is trying to punish your anger and use it against you rather than try to understand your anger. This is weaponizing your anger against you. Now you will be scared to express your anger next time and bottle it up. Since she weaponized that emotion and threatened you. 


Next example. 

You're sweet to her. She'll begin to take your sweetness for granted. She will deliberately act non chalant and cold rather than appreciated your sweetness. She might also perceive it as weakness. 


Next example. 

If you had a lazy day and you couldn't pick her up at the airport, she will call you a coward and resent you. Instead of understanding your situation she will use that against you. 


Next example. If you showed her deep levels of trust. She cheats on you secretly. Or sometimes openly. She makes it sound like it doesn't matter if she cheats on you as long as you trust her, she assumes that you won't leave her. Thus she weaponizes your trust against you. 


Next example. If you feel insecure about the relationship, she doesn't try to calm your insecurity. If you invite a male friend over, she flirts with him right away and then looks at you to see your reaction. If you object to her behavior, she feeds on your insecurity and calls you jealous and insecure.. 


Next example. If you have problems with your family members and you are unable to trust them, she uses this information to manipulate you and make herself look better. She tells you that she is so much better than your family thus alienating you further from them.


Next example. If things don't go her way, she threatens to dump you. She always makes you feel like you're walking on thin ice, removing your basic emotional safety. 


Next example - Pretending to Have Allies

She will often form alliances with others to attack and discredit a person, or just pretend that others agree with them even when they don’t. This  triangulation tactic is designed to make you feel more isolated, while also causing you to question yourself. Examples of how narcissists use pretend alliances to gaslight others are claiming that “everyone” or certain people have said negative things behind your back.



Next example - she will compare you to others all the time. Another tactic she will use is to compare you to other people in ways that make you feel inadequate. This tactic is designed to undermine your confidence and self-esteem while pitting you against others.Examples include gaslighting phrases like “You should ask ____ for help since they’re a lot better at it than you” or, “I wish you were more like ____.”



Next example - she will use your own words against you. Another gaslighting trick used by her is to use your own words against you, often by taking them out of context or twisting their meaning. Weaponizing things you’ve said in the past is a way to suggest you’re contradicting yourself or being hypocritical. Gaslighting phrases like, “Like you always say…,” “I thought you said….” or, “You were the one who suggested…” are examples of this.


Next example - she will invert the truth. 

Inverting (or reversing) the truth is another form of gaslighting. Inversion states the opposite of the truth, like accusing someone else of saying or doing the things they said or did. They may also refer to abusive or controlling behavior as acts of love. Because it’s so blatant, inverting the truth can make people doubt and question themselves more than subtler forms of gaslighting.


Next example. She will play play Devil’s Advocate. Another  example is playing the devil’s advocate to challenge your opinions, actions, or beliefs. This tactic allows the her to challenge you indirectly and claim they’re “just playing devil’s advocate” if you get upset. This  gaslighting phrase undermines your views without making them accountable for the things they say or tactics they use during the debate.



Next example. Stonewalling to end a conversation she can't win with you. 

When she is “losing” in a conversation, she will often stonewall and shut down, refusing to continue the conversation. This is a frustrating pattern that keeps the other person from ever being able to be right, make a point, or resolve a misunderstanding. Examples of stonewalling are declaring “This conversation is over,” or saying, “I won’t discuss this with you anymore.”


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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another thing I noticed with the weaponization thing is that they even weaponize marriage against you. In the divorce court. She will completely strip you naked of your assets and give you a hard time in divorce. 


Next example of weaponization. If you disagree with her and talk about divorce, she will say something like, "you'll never get to see your kids again." 

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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You're often at the mercy of a woman's behaviour if she is your girlfriend. And she will weaponize this to see how much you put up with. She will deliberately piss you off to see if you still want her around as your girlfriend. 

If you try to leave, she will make you feel guilty, play victim or act like you're losing out on too much. 

I swear the toxic behavior of women in family situations is so blatant and brutal that it's unthinkable what these women get away with. 

I saw this with my own family. I had a scant presence of a male in my life and he lost his life owing to the abuse of the female members of the family. Sadly I couldn't protect him as I was very small and I felt powerless in protecting him. So I suffered intense trauma as a result. It was devastating. 

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Women don't go to jail for their behavior. For example women who I came across that were directly responsible for murder never had to go to jail or prison. 

I remember my ex being hit by a coffee pot by his roommate who was a woman and she attacked him physically during an argument and he was bleeding. They arrested her but released her in just 3 hours. No punishment for the violence she committed. 

The system does not give the same punishment to women as it does for men. It's only on TV and media that you see women in prison especially if it's a high profile case. 

But if you look around in your neighborhood, a lot of women who might have committed some form of violence simply get away with it. They never suffer punishment. So feminists want equality which is a joke because these same feminists do not talk about the inequality in sentencing in court. The man usually is sentenced longer than the woman for the same crime. Nobody talks about it. It's awful. Nobody talks about maternal abuse. 

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Also I noticed that women doing violence get away with it. Especially during my stay in the USA. It's a harsh reality. Western women, especially white women get away with a lot in comparison to women all around the world. I experienced many kinds of women in my life, especially of different ethnicities from the places I lived and interactions I had and so far western white women were the worst when it came to bullying and mean dominating behavior, it's almost like they are not even women. I hate to say it but I used to interact with white women and I had huge expectations especially seeing how feminism started and flourished in the west, but to my disappointment they are the worst kind of women I had the misfortune to come across, they play the worst games and really use power to their utmost privilege. Most women including black, hispanic, minority, Arab, indian, chinese they weren't this way, these women were much kinder, gentler,softer and not racist and treated me much better and never played too many games or backstabbing shit, so ethnicity of the women plays a role. 

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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There's a part of my rape dream where I tend to gain more power over the rapist. Like I get financially more successful and get ahead in life. I become a very influential person and enjoy fame, success and money. The rapist is a homeless pauper living paycheck to paycheck. 


Then one day he comes at my door and the dialogues in the dream are as follows - 


"Reena, now you're rich, so you forgot me?" 


I'm like, what do you want nasty pig. 


As I'm doing my makeup in the mirror, he stands behind me lecturing me about how the world is so fake and that I'm a doll stuck in this brutal world. 



The Rapist -

"all this is temporary nonsense. You'll soon come to me. You silly girl. They give you all these luxuries and you forget me. you forget me. I was like a father to you. I cared for you. Fed you. Saved you from savages who wanted to kill you. And you, you Sit there and ignore me. I know you aren't heartless. "


Me (in front of the mirror adjusting my necklace) 


" so you're dirt poor now. What do you want? By the way how are you doing? "


The Rapist - 

" I'm not doing good. "


Me - 

" I think you want money. And that's why you come to me now. "

I pull out a drawer and grab my purse and take a wad of cash out of it and throw it at him. 

" take this money. That's what you wanted right. Now leave me alone. "



The Rapist - 

He stands really close to me and then whispers into my ears - " I wanted you." 



Then I soften a bit. I thought he is just a superficial person who wants to use me for his needs. 

But then I see some genuineness in him. He probably really wants me. He probably does care about me. It's just that his love could not be as pure as I wanted it to be. His love is warped. His love is dysfunctional. Yet it's still love. My heart is not big enough to accept such love. 



So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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In the rape dream, he tells me that I betrayed him. 

That does mellow me a bit. 

He holds me close and then tells me that I didn't do right. I betrayed him. 

I suddenly feel overcome by emotion. What have I done that has made him so upset? 

Have I really done something that is deeply wrong or unfair to him? 

He clothed me. He fed me. He protected me from savages. 

Then how could I forget what he did for me? 

Can I still trust him? 

I spent years with him thinking that I will be free some day. Or that I won't live buried in past trauma. 

Is his concern valid?

Then he holds me close as im drifting between my thoughts, he tells me that I'm his baby, a strong baby, that I was always a strong child. 

He touches my breasts. He feels them. 

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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I feel a deep sense of vulnerability. Like he knows me. He didn't just rape my body. He raped my soul. 

He owned me. He took me. He made me his. And now if I'm separated from him, how would he feel?


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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5 hours ago, Reena said:

My rape dreams are a caveman Neanderthal instinct. 

The caveman Neanderthal instinct is an extremely deep masculine energy. DME. 

DME is the stage red factor.


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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