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What's the role of meditation in conscious creating?


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So an idea has passed through my mind a couple of times, which is that what would it be like to meditate in a lucid dream? What would happen? Would you wake up? Or would the dream become "more lucid"?! 😂


I've seen lucid dreams every now and then, but haven't meditated per se yet. That would probably happen if/when a meditation practice is first firmly actualized in "waking life".


Assuming / being open to the idea that "this waking life" is actually the same as our "life" in dreams... What role does meditation play in this?


What's the "connection" between expressing dreams and desires on a dreamboard and a meditation practice?


What's the connection between that the reality of a dream is the dreamer dreaming (and not the character in the dream) and meditation?



Let this be my dreamboard now, and "meditation in a lucid dream" be written here. 😁


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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18 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

this be my dreamboard now


18 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

my mind



Meditation as a doing could have a role of quieting the mind / activity of thinking coming to rest / fizzling out… which is / is the same as saying unfettering clarity and focus, and that is what ‘consciously creating’ points to. But that implication could seem to be meditation as a doing is needed or necessary to consciously create, overlooking what is always already the case. The “connection” (quotations denote there isn’t actually any connection) would be that there is neither a meditator nor a character in a dream which dreams or could become lucid. That would imply the dream as in desires are already within you, while there is no you… and therein consciously creating could never be a doing and is always a matter of releasing the resistance of there being a you. 

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21 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

So an idea has passed through my mind a couple of times, which is that what would it be like to meditate in a lucid dream? What would happen? Would you wake up? Or would the dream become "more lucid"?! 😂


I've seen lucid dreams every now and then, but haven't meditated per se yet. That would probably happen if/when a meditation practice is first firmly actualized in "waking life".


Assuming / being open to the idea that "this waking life" is actually the same as our "life" in dreams... What role does meditation play in this?


What's the "connection" between expressing dreams and desires on a dreamboard and a meditation practice?


What's the connection between that the reality of a dream is the dreamer dreaming (and not the character in the dream) and meditation?



Let this be my dreamboard now, and "meditation in a lucid dream" be written here. 😁


Empty mind is the kmbest key for road shower 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Nonetheless, there is an experience of being lucid in an infinite dream… in which you dream a nighttime dream… in which you dream… and are lucid in that tertiary dream. It’s mind boggling but ‘I’ have actually experienced ‘that’. I didn’t meditate in it though. Just hung around trippy balls in the thrice-removed-ness. Noteworthy maybe… all people were half & half; recognizable person (family, friends) and recognizable celebrity. Also I lived in a house that wasn’t mine but was in the same city I grew up in, and it was the holidays yet not a known holiday. Some other holiday that was just like other holidays like Thanksgiving or Christmas. Family coming & going. Wife’s family coming & going. All “half & halves”. The whole time lucidity wise I was aware I’m the ineffable, and (as Phil) was sitting in a recliner in my house (body asleep, mind awake if you will), and (as Phil) was sitting in a different recliner in not-my-house. Lasted about an hour. Ended with literally saying out loud wow what the absolute fuck. Wasn’t anything I did, just happened out of the blue.




Feel free to offer dream analysis. 




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As someone who meditates for 3 hours a day it seems meditation is like a vitamin that keeps me grounded and at peace. It's one vitamin among many. You don't need to know why to appreciate what it does in your life and what happens when you don't do it. You just do it and you get the results. It's like physical exercise or clean eating in that way. It's health-engendering behavior. If you started a jogging habit every day, that's health-engendering behavior. If you get off the shit-sauce that distracts you from minding your own business and being unreasonably distracted, that's health-engendering behavior. So meditation is just one more of these health-engendering things that a person can train themselves to do consistently. It requires habit formation though and discipline at first. I do it without effort now because my being knows its worth deeply and goes for it automatically. I used to think meditating 2 hours a day was a lot. I've been meditating consistently since 2014 so keep that in mind. Meditation is a relationship that you have in your life that over time you learn to appreciate and allow an important chunk of your precious time with great results.  You don't need to overthink meditation.  Just do it.  Similarly, you don't need to overthink jogging, etc.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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On 10/17/2023 at 9:55 PM, Blessed2 said:

Let this be my dreamboard now, and "meditation in a lucid dream" be written here. 😁


I just saw a lucid dream and tried meditating. Didn't seem like anything very interested happened.


It (the meditation) didn't last very long. It was pretty hard to focus for some reason. Constantly forgot the mantra. Then the dream was forgotten too, and it continued as not lucid. 🤔

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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What meditation does is it blocks away the whole story of your past and the whole story about your future.  And makes you 100% grounded in the present moment.  And there is no anxiety to be found in the present. Anxiety is always about what's gone and what's coming.  So when you block away every single thought about your history and your future and just stay with what's present...you will feel safe and secure. 

but that's about it .

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@Someone here

Is meditation really a thing… which therein could be rightfully said to do… and therein block - anything?


What if it’s more of a pure allowing, an unblocking or unlocking…. without resistance (such as ‘blocking’)?


Maybe the past and future stories are a presently appearing activity of thinking, and meditation is a word for not-feeding the activity of thinking with attention… and the activity of thinking, and the stories therein, just fizzle out basically.


Put another way, the ‘ego mind’, which is only the apparent activity of thinking… via the activity of thinking can seemingly hijack even meditation to suppress emotion, putting assumption in place of direct experience (of meditation). 


Seemingly, yet not actually, obviously. 


Conjecture could work the same way, in that it arises of the same “symptoms” suppression and conceptualizing wise. 


This could be why meditation can rightfully be said to be so wonderful & amazing feeling. Could also be exactly why some ”egos” and more so “spiritual egos” as it were would seem to demean and undermine meditation, via believing they know or have the answers, sharing convincing via a facade of authoritative conjecture and exclusion or, elitism. 


To check, there might only be for one to look. That might look like… what are the outlets & sharing of the true nature, relationships, passion fueled creative endeavors, friendships, etc. As opposed to maybe isolation, bitterness, immaturity, animosity & denial, using substances to suppress emotion, offering misleading information based not on direct experience, but from the illusory perspective of a separate self, and conjecture therein. 


What if safe & secure was always actually already the case, the actuality… and conjecture has seemed to become, be weaved into, the very activity of thinking, about - meditation? 


That’d be very weird and twisted, but could be possible. 

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10 hours ago, Phil said:

@Someone here

Is meditation really a thing… which therein could be rightfully said to do… and therein block - anything?

Define  "thing ".

10 hours ago, Phil said:

What if it’s more of a pure allowing, an unblocking or unlocking…. without resistance (such as ‘blocking’)?

Different ways to frame  it . But the same meaning. 

10 hours ago, Phil said:

Maybe the past and future stories are a presently appearing activity of thinking, and meditation is a word for not-feeding the activity of thinking with attention… and the activity of thinking, and the stories therein, just fizzle out basically

Yea that's exactly what I'm saying rehashed. 

10 hours ago, Phil said:

Put another way, the ‘ego mind’, which is only the apparent activity of thinking… via the activity of thinking can seemingly hijack even meditation to suppress emotion, putting assumption in place of direct experience (of meditation). 


Seemingly, yet not actually, obviously. 

Ego mind is a thought. 

I like to distinguish  between the false ego self and the true Self. The ego self  is a construction of mind. Even the tree you see is a construction .

It is not so far fetched that this elaborate mind construction of a self is nothing more than delusion. It is however very necessary and useful . Without a sense of self you wouldn't know who's shoes to put on in the morning, as Alan Watts puts it lol.

10 hours ago, Phil said:

This could be why meditation can rightfully be said to be so wonderful & amazing feeling. Could also be exactly why some ”egos” and more so “spiritual egos” as it were would seem to demean and undermine meditation, via believing they know or have the answers, sharing convincing via a facade of authoritative conjecture and exclusion or, elitism. 

No idea what the heck you're spouting..

10 hours ago, Phil said:

What if safe & secure was always actually already the case, the actuality… and conjecture has seemed to become, be weaved into, the very activity of thinking, about - meditation? 


No .safe and secure are obviously not the default.  Stop talking nonsense. I would love to see you safe and secure if there is a lion attacking you in the jungle and you're gunless

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6 hours ago, Someone here said:

Define  "thing ".

That meditation block thoughts etc is intense ignore-ance & suppression. Very discordant (obviously) in terms of mental health & well-being. Utter denial to be honest. Frankly it sounds like a cry for help and if helps needed, please seek it out properly. Take advantage of all resources available. 🙏🏼 


6 hours ago, Someone here said:

Different ways to frame  it . But the same meaning. 

Suppression & suffering vs expression & liberation.

Happiness -> desires vs desires ->.happiness.

Ignore-ance vs wakefulness. Pointings vs non. 

Conscious creating vs contraction, defensiveness, deflection, projection, etc. 


6 hours ago, Someone here said:

Yea that's exactly what I'm saying rehashed. 

Ego mind is a thought. 


I like to distinguish  between the false ego self and the true Self. The ego self  is a construction of mind. Even the tree you see is a construction .

It is not so far fetched that this elaborate mind construction of a self is nothing more than delusion. It is however very necessary and useful . Without a sense of self you wouldn't know whose shoes to put on in the morning, as Alan Watts puts it lol.

See the conflict in thought there?  

Appearance is effortless. 


Unthinkable. Unbelievable. 



6 hours ago, Someone here said:

No idea what the heck you're spouting..

No .safe and secure are obviously not the default.  Stop talking nonsense. I would love to see you safe and secure if there is a lion attacking you in the jungle and you're gunless

Safe & secure is actually so the ‘default’… there’s no one spouting. 

Formless; infinite can not know finite.

A real sword won’t do for a dream lion. 






If practical help is needed, please get practical help my man. None of this philosophical debating nonsense is healthy or conscious creating. Attitude can rule out opportunities, and even the resolve of, such as with meditation apparently. 

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