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Bodily ailments and chakras

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So I've come to understand that chakras connect to certain areas in the body and thus certain bodily ailments. And that certain bodily problems are connected to certain beliefs / interpretations that are held "in the mind".


What would be 'basic level' examples of those interpretations that connect to each chakra / body area?


Like for example, lately I have experienced lots of trouble in stomach area, mainly gas. This would be the solar plexus, yes? What sort of interpretations ("in the mind") would appear as problems in the stomach area? What's similar to all interpretations that connect to the stomach area?


How about the throat area, or third eye? I'd like to hear examples for each main seven chakras.


What sort of interpretations relate to the problems in regard to root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown?


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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Those tools can be helpful for insights at time but are certainly not meant for blaming self or others for your/their problems, (cause that would just be the guidance of blame) nor are they cut and dried. 

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Root chakra - deals with survival needs, blocked by not getting needs met and repressing certain needs

Sacral chakra - deals with sexuality and creativity, blocked by repressing sexuality and guilt

Solar plexus chakra- deals with self esteem and empowerment, blocked by shame and self doubt

Heart chakra - deals with love, blocked by grief and hatred, and also walls you put up to keep others out

Throat chakra - deals with communication, blocked by inauthenticity, fear of expressing your true feelings

Third eye chakra - deals with insight, blocked by illusions, especially of a separate self, time, control etc.

Crown chakra - deals with cosmic energy, blocked by material attachment, fear of ego death, and doubt of spirituality

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On 9/24/2023 at 5:55 PM, Blessed2 said:

Like for example, lately I have experienced lots of trouble in stomach area, mainly gas. This would be the solar plexus, yes?

Yes. Also, ‘the stomach’ in the solar plexus sense means the nervous system, kidneys, liver and adrenal glands too. 


On 9/24/2023 at 5:55 PM, Blessed2 said:

What sort of interpretations ("in the mind") would appear as problems in the stomach area?

What's similar to all interpretations that connect to the stomach area?

The stomach is of course digestion, so stomach issues are indigestible interpretations (beliefs). This relates to what’s believed to be known, but which is actually only believed. Beliefs, discord & alignment & all aspects and organs of the body ‘play out’ to the extent of literally holistic, actual Wholeness, or, “all the way back to” the spheres / that there isn’t even per se “Mind”. All organs are apparent and thus representative, not actual as in separate things. ‘They’ give only loving guidance, same as emotion & pain. 


The chief role of the nervous system is interpretation and deciphering of the ‘inner & outer’ (the simultaneous experience of being both spheres). The nervous system acts as a bridge connecting & making sense of experience (ultimately, that you are being the spheres). 


The kidneys are very related to interpretation & deciphering along the way as well but their chief role is filtration & cleansing, experienced & referred to as inner equanimity and outer balance (balance as it pertains to the different aspects of one’s life). 


The liver is like a powerhouse or superhero. It cleans up the big messes and the left over messes. It’s directly related to the sense of worthwhileness of life and attitude & outlook therein. The liver gets unneeded, unnecessary ‘stuff’ out of the way, just like letting discordant thoughts go is a ‘getting out of your own way’. It’s like the body’s garbageman. Pretty much just like skin heals or repairs cuts, the liver heals & repairs the body of experiences like sadness, discontent, bitterness, resentment, animosity, shame, etc. Probably the most loving and yet most under-appreciated organ. 


Gas denotes slow or blocked energy in the solar plexus chakra system. Beliefs & the discord and alignment of interpretations function just like food. Some foods are aligned, and pass through the entire bodily system without a hiccup and there is little or no ‘loss of energy’. Some food makes the body have to ‘grind’ a bit to get it done, experienced as lethargy. Gas is the result of the bodymind having to do a little grinding to process certain interpretations, perspectives or outlooks. This is why there’s an experience of lethargy and then ‘higher energy’ after certain foods are completely through the whole system. It’s really the same with experiencing relief when a discordant or limiting belief is seen through or dispelled. It’s very literally all the same. 


After all the processing and balancing, the adrenal glands function as energy managers. When experience calls for it, it’s the adrenal glands that give a little extra boost. When unappreciated this is stress, tension and emphasis on worry & uncertainty. When appreciated this is courage, bravery and empowerment. The adrenal glands are also protective oriented in function, the body as intelligence, alerting the rest of the body to potential harm for the sake of safety and continued overall continuity of health & well-being. In a word, the adrenal glands are the ground floor of inner-strength. When not ‘listened to’, just like when emotions are sometimes ‘not listened to’ resulting is depression, the adrenal glands can ‘shut down’, often referred to as adrenal insufficiency or more generally speaking, fatigue. 


On 9/24/2023 at 5:55 PM, Blessed2 said:


How about the throat area, or third eye? I'd like to hear examples for each main seven chakras.


What sort of interpretations relate to the problems in regard to root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown?

The overall is law of attraction and the rest of the universal laws. Just as one example, consider the experience of going against law of attraction to label someone as ‘toxic’ rather than taking onus for the labeling, projection or judgement. The discord of doing so is felt emotionally and bodily as discordant, but, thought can make it seem so. Thought can ‘hijack’ the interpretation and it can seem like the interpretation feels off because it’s true, when in fact it’s the interpretation ‘itself’ which the off-ness points to. 


In specifics that’s a big request, a lot to explain. What can be done about any such ‘issues’ is simpler and easier to say. As is always the case, that points back to fundamentals, the significance of which might be & are apparently most often under appreciated and easily overlooked due to an experience of thought attachment, or, thoughts as definitive of separate physical things. For that, there is mindfulness, or, the experience of thoughts without the aspect of believing thoughts define perception. There is also embracing uncertainty, or, being comfortable with not knowing and even relishing in the beauty, freedom & wonder of ‘these’ creator-creating-creation wise. 


Challenging assumptions is also very dispelling and aligning. Considering alternative better feeling perspectives results in alignment, insight, wisdom & integrity as in clarity, wholeness and a holistic view of creation and all the little processes therein seemingly making this all possible.


Selflessness is thought detachment and contributes to mental liquidity, ease and flexibility. For most it seems it’s a break from separate self referential thoughts, like how anesthesia is a (perhaps puzzling) break from thoughts about time passing. 


Therapy is often most beneficial as well. One of the most self-introspective activities is talking with a new-to-you person. Much is more readily seen about interpretations and beliefs in comparison with a familiar person. Let alone, someone who can gently ‘steer’ someone towards dispelling & the insights and epiphanies that naturally follow or arise. 


Last but not least, mushrooms. It’s with great intelligence & reason and not coincidental at all that psilocybin is naturally appearing in experience / on the earth. 

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59 minutes ago, Phil said:

Yes. Also, ‘the stomach’ in the solar plexus sense means the nervous system, kidneys, liver and adrenal glands too. 


The stomach is of course digestion, so stomach issues are indigestible interpretations (beliefs). This relates to what’s believed to be known, but which is actually only believed. Beliefs, discord & alignment & all aspects and organs of the body ‘play out’ to the extent of literally holistic, actual Wholeness, or, “all the way back to” the spheres / that there isn’t even per se “Mind”. All organs are apparent and thus representative, not actual as in separate things. ‘They’ give only loving guidance, same as emotion & pain. 


The chief role of the nervous system is interpretation and deciphering of the ‘inner & outer’ (the simultaneous experience of being both spheres). The nervous system acts as a bridge connecting & making sense of experience (ultimately, that you are being the spheres). 


The kidneys are very related to interpretation & deciphering along the way as well but their chief role is filtration & cleansing, experienced & referred to as inner equanimity and outer balance (balance as it pertains to the different aspects of one’s life). 


The liver is like a powerhouse or superhero. It cleans up the big messes and the left over messes. It’s directly related to the sense of worthwhileness of life and attitude & outlook therein. The liver gets unneeded, unnecessary ‘stuff’ out of the way, just like letting discordant thoughts go is a ‘getting out of your own way’. It’s like the body’s garbageman. Pretty much just like skin heals or repairs cuts, the liver heals & repairs the body of experiences like sadness, discontent, bitterness, resentment, animosity, shame, etc. Probably the most loving and yet most under-appreciated organ. 


Gas denotes slow or blocked energy in the solar plexus chakra system. Beliefs & the discord and alignment of interpretations function just like food. Some foods are aligned, and pass through the entire bodily system without a hiccup and there is little or no ‘loss of energy’. Some food makes the body have to ‘grind’ a bit to get it done, experienced as lethargy. Gas is the result of the bodymind having to do a little grinding to process certain interpretations, perspectives or outlooks. This is why there’s an experience of lethargy and then ‘higher energy’ after certain foods are completely through the whole system. It’s really the same with experiencing relief when a discordant or limiting belief is seen through or dispelled. It’s very literally all the same. 


After all the processing and balancing, the adrenal glands function as energy managers. When experience calls for it, it’s the adrenal glands that give a little extra boost. When unappreciated this is stress, tension and emphasis on worry & uncertainty. When appreciated this is courage, bravery and empowerment. The adrenal glands are also protective oriented in function, the body as intelligence, alerting the rest of the body to potential harm for the sake of safety and continued overall continuity of health & well-being. In a word, the adrenal glands are the ground floor of inner-strength. When not ‘listened to’, just like when emotions are sometimes ‘not listened to’ resulting is depression, the adrenal glands can ‘shut down’, often referred to as adrenal insufficiency or more generally speaking, fatigue. 


The overall is law of attraction and the rest of the universal laws. Just as one example, consider the experience of going against law of attraction to label someone as ‘toxic’ rather than taking onus for the labeling, projection or judgement. The discord of doing so is felt emotionally and bodily as discordant, but, thought can make it seem so. Thought can ‘hijack’ the interpretation and it can seem like the interpretation feels off because it’s true, when in fact it’s the interpretation ‘itself’ which the off-ness points to. 


In specifics that’s a big request, a lot to explain. What can be done about any such ‘issues’ is simpler and easier to say. As is always the case, that points back to fundamentals, the significance of which might be & are apparently most often under appreciated and easily overlooked due to an experience of thought attachment, or, thoughts as definitive of separate physical things. For that, there is mindfulness, or, the experience of thoughts without the aspect of believing thoughts define perception. There is also embracing uncertainty, or, being comfortable with not knowing and even relishing in the beauty, freedom & wonder of ‘these’ creator-creating-creation wise. 


Challenging assumptions is also very dispelling and aligning. Considering alternative better feeling perspectives results in alignment, insight, wisdom & integrity as in clarity, wholeness and a holistic view of creation and all the little processes therein seemingly making this all possible.


Selflessness is thought detachment and contributes to mental liquidity, ease and flexibility. For most it seems it’s a break from separate self referential thoughts, like how anesthesia is a (perhaps puzzling) break from thoughts about time passing. 


Therapy is often most beneficial as well. One of the most self-introspective activities is talking with a new-to-you person. Much is more readily seen about interpretations and beliefs in comparison with a familiar person. Let alone, someone who can gently ‘steer’ someone towards dispelling & the insights and epiphanies that naturally follow or arise. 


Last but not least, mushrooms. It’s with great intelligence & reason and not coincidental at all that psilocybin is naturally appearing in experience / on the earth. 


Thanks, I'll contemplate on this.


Just expressing. The stomach / digestion issue has been going on for a long time, and I remember it all started quite suddenly, like literally one day years ago I diarrhea or something and after that it has been like I can't "trust" my stomach. Deppressive / anxiety symptoms also started at that time too, maybe literally that same day. Couldn't really go to school for months, felt so out of touch with the digestion. The word "trust" and "security" really stands out here. As well as excitement / optimism (or the lack of) for the future.


I started taking antidepressants and that actually helped the digestion for some reason. Been kind of hesitant to quit the pills because I worry that the stomach problems would become worse.


Just generally... Trust, security and optimism / excitement for the future. It wouldn't be nice to have any job or carreer really, when the digestion is messed up. You reaaally don't feel like waking up and going to work / school when the stomach isn't with you.


The connection between the stomach / digestion and all this depression that has seemed to go on for years... It's too clear to sweep under the rug. Though often I feel like I would rather just dig my head to sand. Wouldn't I have to try all sorts of diets, quit this and that, never eat this or that etc.


Leo from Actualized has been having stomach problems too, and I remember him talking about how he's tried countless diets and changes and this and that, like it takes years to figure out how to make the stomach work. Ugh, I'm too tired, fatigued and pessimistic for that. 😀



Though, I wonder... You wrote:

Beliefs, discord & alignment & all aspects and organs of the body ‘play out’ to the extent of literally holistic, actual Wholeness, or, “all the way back to” the spheres / that there isn’t even per se “Mind”. All organs are apparent and thus representative, not actual as in separate things. ‘They’ give only loving guidance, same as emotion & pain. 


Organs always eventually fail though. The body borns and dies. That doesn't sound like Truth, right? What would stop the body from being eternal? Nothing! But it's not. It seems more like a machine that's meant to break down in about a hundred years.


Some (maybe even most) Christians believe that when the time is up, people will literally be lifted to heaven as bodies. Like if you've been good enough for god or whatever, you'll be risen from the dead from your physical grave in the earth and lifted to heaven as an immortal body.


Would there really be bodies in Heaven though? What is the body, really? Is the body not what you would see if you closed your eyes from Heaven? Isn't the body really just quite literally a limitation / separation / borders?


I kinda get what you mean, there's an intuitive feel "outward" in saying the body is unconditional love and I like that... Just wondering though. I'd rather like us all be not bodies, but literally limitless. "Not here nor there."


Edited by Blessed2

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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@Blessed2 I had stomach issues and did the countless diet thing too. Avoiding gluten, dairy, especially eggs, and all meat except salmon and sardines, and occasional other local seafood made my stomach issues go away for the most part. Still felt a bit off until I discovered Medical Medium. I don't enjoy his talks or the culture that's forming around him but the book Cleanse to Heal is awesome and I use the 3-6-9 cleanse in it as a tool to kick anything, like when I had tiredness after covid or flu, or just feel sluggish, unfocused, have gained weight or feel off, it's like it washes it away. The tools I've found through that like celery juice, unlimited bananas (lol) and papaya and focus on lots of fresh fruits and vegetables has made all the stomach issues a distant memory. I eat what I like except the stuff listed above, and if I start to feel off again, I just start having celery juice and more fruit again or do the whole cleanse. Highly recommend. Looking at it as not a new diet, but just learning some tools and doing a cleanse for 9 days made it much easier than "this is how I must eat forever". I suspect that the main thing the cleanse does is make sure you're hydrated for sustained period of time, which is huge. 


As for thought patterns affecting stomach issues, not being an asshole to yourself in your own thinking is the most powerful thing you can do in my experience, and what it all boils down to. Of course everyone, everything is myself, but the being kind and loving to those that are "not myself" comes easy to some, harder to others. 

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2 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


Thanks, I'll contemplate on this.


Just expressing. The stomach / digestion issue has been going on for a long time, and I remember it all started quite suddenly, like literally one day years ago I diarrhea or something and after that it has been like I can't "trust" my stomach. Deppressive / anxiety symptoms also started at that time too, maybe literally that same day. Couldn't really go to school for months, felt so out of touch with the digestion. The word "trust" and "security" really stands out here. As well as excitement / optimism (or the lack of) for the future.

What about it being source that isn’t trusted? Source in the universe / experience sense. That which is being and will be your future experiences as well?

A contemplative question might be do I trust that source can in fact be / manifest as what / who I want?


Some call it faith. I’ve never been a fan of believing. I prefer self-realization and that’s an aspect of it. 


Same source being the body. How much love is there for the body on a daily active basis? Like, I mentioned my hand being smashed in an accident. That’s made it really easy to love & appreciate these hands. That they work. I’ve had over 30 stitches which put my eyes back together. I’m not near sighted or far sighted. Never been quite the same. But that they work is easy to appreciate. My spine is curved and it ain’t getting straighter with age. One of my legs is dislocated from my hip bone. But, boy, that it works. I can walk. I have a deviated septum I could do without, but man, that it breathes. I have a bone spur and a neck situation from whiplash but again, that it works. I’ve broken both collar bones twice and they’re kinda crooked honestly. But they work. So easy to appreciate. I love this body every single day. These thoughts don’t come up. Never a gripe. So much love & appreciation. 


2 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


I started taking antidepressants and that actually helped the digestion for some reason. Been kind of hesitant to quit the pills because I worry that the stomach problems would become worse.


Just generally... Trust, security and optimism / excitement for the future. It wouldn't be nice to have any job or carreer really, when the digestion is messed up. You reaaally don't feel like waking up and going to work / school when the stomach isn't with you.


The connection between the stomach / digestion and all this depression that has seemed to go on for years... It's too clear to sweep under the rug. Though often I feel like I would rather just dig my head to sand. Wouldn't I have to try all sorts of diets, quit this and that, never eat this or that etc.

I would go with whatever diet etc feels good but I don’t think that’s the key here. I think actively loving the body daily is the key to everything mentioned. 10 minutes three times a day. Actively as in setting time aside and being on purpose and intentional with loving & appreciating the body. There wont be any depression, anxiety, digestion issues or diarrhea. The body responds to alignment with alignment and there will be happiness, eagerness and ease in digestion.


For aspects already manifested of course, see a doctor. If you already have, even many - you are indeed the creator of your reality. A change of heart can and does manifest as a doctor that ‘just knows’ something the others didn’t, or doesn’t overlook something, or sends you to s a specialist or nutritionist who has an inside scoop, or some new treatment just ‘suddenly’ comes about. Who knows what or how that change of heart manifests, but it does. You are the creator. 


2 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


Leo from Actualized has been having stomach problems too, and I remember him talking about how he's tried countless diets and changes and this and that, like it takes years to figure out how to make the stomach work. Ugh, I'm too tired, fatigued and pessimistic for that. 😀

He also says it takes 40 years of meditation to wake up. It’s easier to just humbly acknowledge thought attachment and contemplate time & people waking up are beliefs. I wouldn’t look for connecting any dots there. His issue is very different. The only similarly is the most fundamental aspect, innocence, or, how the the body (innocence) responds to beliefs. That’s exactly the same. The thoughts / beliefs the ‘bodies’ are responding to (having to bear) are very different. 


2 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


Though, I wonder... You wrote:

Beliefs, discord & alignment & all aspects and organs of the body ‘play out’ to the extent of literally holistic, actual Wholeness, or, “all the way back to” the spheres / that there isn’t even per se “Mind”. All organs are apparent and thus representative, not actual as in separate things. ‘They’ give only loving guidance, same as emotion & pain. 


Organs always eventually fail though. The body borns and dies. That doesn't sound like Truth, right? What would stop the body from being eternal? Nothing! But it's not. It seems more like a machine that's meant to break down in about a hundred years.

When you see there is no body you will be amazed by an inexplicable miracle. Start with loving the body everyday. You will experience first hand how it responds and you will be very happy and things will start mysteriously working out for you. No joke.


2 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


Some (maybe even most) Christians believe that when the time is up, people will literally be lifted to heaven as bodies. Like if you've been good enough for god or whatever, you'll be risen from the dead from your physical grave in the earth and lifted to heaven as an immortal body.

Yeah. Christians really seem to struggle with the ‘what is already the case’ situation. Probably comes from the whole heaven or hell after this life & being a good person misunderstanding of Jesus & the Bible. They seem to know so much about good & evil. 


2 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


Would there really be bodies in Heaven though? What is the body, really? Is the body not what you would see if you closed your eyes from Heaven? Isn't the body really just quite literally a limitation / separation / borders?

The body is the temple. A temple is a place of worship and admiration. For those who do, the inevitable result is involuntary prostration at the face of God. 

Love. The. Body. Only heaven is heaven. There is no thing nor no one in heaven. The kingdom is within the temple. The wise go directly. 


2 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


I kinda get what you mean, there's an intuitive feel "outward" in saying the body is unconditional love and I like that... Just wondering though. I'd rather like us all be not bodies, but literally limitless. "Not here nor there."


What you’re wanting is already the case. 

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1 hour ago, Mandy said:

 I had stomach issues and did the countless diet thing too. Avoiding gluten, dairy, especially eggs, and all meat except salmon and sardines, and occasional other local seafood made my stomach issues go away for the most part. Still felt a bit off until I discovered Medical Medium. I don't enjoy his talks or the culture that's forming around him but the book Cleanse to Heal is awesome and I use the 3-6-9 cleanse in it as a tool to kick anything, like when I had tiredness after covid or flu, or just feel sluggish, unfocused, have gained weight or feel off, it's like it washes it away. The tools I've found through that like celery juice, unlimited bananas (lol) and papaya and focus on lots of fresh fruits and vegetables has made all the stomach issues a distant memory. I eat what I like except the stuff listed above, and if I start to feel off again, I just start having celery juice and more fruit again or do the whole cleanse. Highly recommend. Looking at it as not a new diet, but just learning some tools and doing a cleanse for 9 days made it much easier than "this is how I must eat forever". I suspect that the main thing the cleanse does is make sure you're hydrated for sustained period of time, which is huge. 


Everyone seems to have stomach issues more or less. 😂


Fasting is a message I've heard from other sources too. 🤔 Not cellery necessarily, but juice fasting in general. I've heard one day a month with nothing else than water and juice. I gotta try it. Intuitively I kind of already feel it's going to be great. Though I worry about the hunger.


Ever had any trouble with fasting like that?


1 hour ago, Mandy said:

As for thought patterns affecting stomach issues, not being an asshole to yourself in your own thinking is the most powerful thing you can do in my experience, and what it all boils down to. Of course everyone, everything is myself, but the being kind and loving to those that are "not myself" comes easy to some, harder to others. 




Who is the "other"? 🤔

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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50 minutes ago, Phil said:




What about it being source that isn’t trusted? Source in the universe / experience sense. That which is being and will be your future experiences as well?

A contemplative question might be do I trust that source can in fact be / manifest as what / who I want?



The diaphgram randomly contracted a few times while reading this, as in tears almost came up. You probably hit a spot. Kind of makes sense. Thank you.



I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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2 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

Fasting is a message I've heard from other sources too. 🤔 Not cellery necessarily, but juice fasting in general. I've heard one day a month with nothing else than water and juice. I gotta try it. Intuitively I kind of already feel it's going to be great. Though I worry about the hunger.


Ever had any trouble with fasting like that?

The 3-6-9 cleanse shifts your body gently into the cleanse which is why it works so well. It's a much gentler transition. Each three days you eat less, and eat more clean, working towards liquids at the end. You do not go hungry, you can function, although some times I do get pretty hungry during the cleanse. It is a shit ton of prep and work though, that's the main drawback. 


I don't fast because I think fasting requires the ability to really rest to be most beneficial. That's just my current opinion, it's worth what you paid for it.😆 I have kids to care for, a busy life, and fasting or going too low in calorie intake disrupts my cycle. I also think the fasting/ caffeine use as it is popularly practiced is taxing for the adrenals, but men get away with it a lot better than women. It's really hard to have a monthly cycle and not know exactly what's going on with your body, and how what you do affects you, it's like the canary in the coal mine. 😆I think one day a week as you mentioned with juice would be totally fine though and potentially really help with the stomach stuff, I think it's just much less jarring if you ease into it with the cleanse. 


2 hours ago, Blessed2 said:




Who is the "other"? 🤔


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Just came in mind how judging the body, thoughts like "no-one would love and be attracted to me because of how ugly and unattractive my body is" kind of makes no sense.


No-one would feel good holding thoughts like that. Not even a supermodel.


If the energy you put out is unconditional love for the body, that's obviously more attractive, that's what everyone wants.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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11 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

Just came in mind how judging the body, thoughts like "no-one would love and be attracted to me because of how ugly and unattractive my body is" kind of makes no sense.


No-one would feel good holding thoughts like that. Not even a supermodel.


If the energy you put out is unconditional love for the body, that's obviously more attractive, that's what everyone wants.




Yes, yes and yes. A thousand times yes. Infinite YES. ♥️


Good for you sir! Good for you. 

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Really felt the power and alignment of body positivity this morning. Haven't really paid much attention to that "movement" before, but now I get it. I literally just walked back and forth the living room in excitement, couldn't stay still. My GF laughed her ass off.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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On 9/27/2023 at 8:02 PM, Blessed2 said:

Just expressing. The stomach / digestion issue has been going on for a long time, and I remember it all started quite suddenly, like literally one day years ago I diarrhea or something and after that it has been like I can't "trust" my stomach. Deppressive / anxiety symptoms also started at that time too, maybe literally that same day. Couldn't really go to school for months, felt so out of touch with the digestion. The word "trust" and "security" really stands out here. As well as excitement / optimism (or the lack of) for the future.


I started taking antidepressants and that actually helped the digestion for some reason. Been kind of hesitant to quit the pills because I worry that the stomach problems would become worse.


Kind of funny, I had crazy diarrhea today at school as if Source was making a sick joke or something. Makes sense though. Seems a bit like a "going full circle" kind of a thing.


As if that's not enough, I also had a chat with my classmate, a bit older woman who's really interested in & seems to have some expertise in the process of quitting antidepressants safely. She's basically studying massage therapy because she has an intuition that it could be helpful in the withdrawal period.


I just told that I've been wanting to quit the pills and asked for some advice / insight. It was awesome, she basically offered herself for support for the quitting and I feel good because she seems very kind and intelligent. She told it would be best to reduce the dose 10% every month or so.


I feel a bit excited to quit because I've been on them for about five years now. I've basically grown up from late teens to young adult while on the pill. That's not ideal perhaps, but it's exciting to see who I am without them & how emotions etc. might me experienced with more clarity. We talked about how antidepressants basically suppress emotions, which can be useful in the worst moments but not for long run. I really want to be in concord with the emotional guidance and the clarity which will probably uncover as I quit the pills.


It's a beautiful thing to really feel.


Edited by Blessed2

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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I went to a nearby forest today to just lie down on a rock and appreciate the body, feel the feelings and go through the scale.


It has been helpful to repeat: "I only feel right now, and this is what I feel. Just be honest of what you really do feel right now."


Only when I got up and started heading back home, I noticed this graffiti right under the spot I had been lying on.



I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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24 minutes ago, Mandy said:

What does it say?


The graffiti?


It doesn't mean anything in finnish. It's probably english. So literally just "honest" for whatever reason. Maybe I live in the territory of a very aligned gang. 😂

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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