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Share stuff that transformed your life

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Please share with me every single thing that has improved the quality of your life tremendously.  I'm in a rock bottom mode ..I've hit a dead end in my life with smoking addiction.  I must take 100%responsibility for crafting and designing my dream life .

I know some of you will definitely suggest meditation or other manual spiritual practice like Yoga ..gratitude..prayer etc. Also journaling . Using dreamboard etc 

But what else has helped you transform your life downside up?  Perhaps a certain book ? A spiritual teacher etc 

Thanks 😊 

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-Leaving my parents and past life, if you want a spiritual teacher for this I would say Abraham or Siddhartha Gautama


-Listening to what I want to do right now, and doing it. The power of now Tolle? maybe. Jesus, FIRST seek the kingdom of heaven, THEN.


-Deconditioning beliefs that entrap you into 'the system'/society. Leo Gura, Jesus, does God not feed the sparrows or clothe the fields!?


-Trying things I'm interested in even if I'm unsure or doubtful. Jesus, be as little children. Riley Whitelum, Sailing La Vagabonde first couple years, lol.

Edited by Devin
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-Psychedelics: After my 2nd LSD trip (200ug) I experienced a permanent loss of something that I honestly dont know what it was lol, it was like a weight inside my head was lifted and sensation began to increase in intensity. 


-Rock Bottom: Probably the greatest thing ever, this is what Siddhartha meant when he said the 1st noble truth is suffering, its to experience just how fucked up life is when you live under the illusion of self hood is so important for letting go. It's taught me the power of equanimity and caring about how I feel, its also showed me my resourcefulness. 


-Integration of Other Spiral Colors: I ended up moving to a more conservative state in USA and it forced me to "jump into" the spiral colors I had suppressed and actually become open minded to their values, its made me "wiser" and I feel like I can have fun with any kind of person nowadays.


Also, for the cigarette use that's nothing man. Im saying this for your sake, there are people addicted to drugs that are so intense that if they quit they can have a seizure and die. Youre in good hands bro, all you have to do is stop. This is coming from an "ex smoker/vaper", just stop, experience the withdrawals, and you'll feel better sooner than you think. Yes you might be lazy for a few days and eat more food, yes you might experience irritability. During that time stick to working out and stretching and you'll feel better than you think. 


Cancer and damaged lungs vs. Experiencing minor withdrawals for a few days and being healthy for the rest of your life. 


You got this. 

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

I've hit a dead end in my life with smoking addiction


Allen Carr's Easyway To Stop Smoking. It's literally the easy way like the name suggests. No motivation needed, and no fighting urges. It's God's light talking to smokers.


2 hours ago, Someone here said:

I know some of you will definitely suggest meditation or other manual spiritual practice like Yoga ..gratitude..prayer etc. Also journaling . Using dreamboard etc 




The why ease and well-being is not "allowed" is due to unconscious guilt.


There's a belief in separation and it directly manifests as guilt. (And unworthiness. What does the guilty deserve, but punishment?) It's the un-allowing ease, happiness and well-being. You're sentencing yourself.


Though the burden of the belief in guilt is so enormous it's denied, and what's denied cannot but be projected.


That's what grievances, judgement and blame is. It's projection of guilt.


Your unconscious mind knows there's really only one illusion. So all thoughts you have about "other people" are really messages from yourself, to yourself.


If you judge, you are really being judged yourself.


If you deem another to be unworthy, you deem yourself to be unworthy.


And hence there seems to be an experience of lack etc.


This sickness can be healed by reversing the process of the projection. AKA forgiveness.


Forgive everyone unconditionally. It does not matter who they are or what form the "sin" you project takes. Forgive unconditionally, without evaluating the seriousness of whatever it is or whoever it is you forgive. Deem everyone eternally and perfectly innocent. "You are always innocent, pure, holy and deserving, and you can't change my mind, even if you tried." In fact, go as far as to not see "others" as a body with an individual mind, but as literally boundless everything. "The Face of Christ".


When that is the message you send to yourself, what can there be other than the experience of being perfectly worthy? Can life be anything less than easy and abundant for the perfectly innocent and deserving and unlimited?


There is no function whatsoever to any relationship other than this. With every encounter ever with anyone you either condemn yourself, or liberate yourself.


2 hours ago, Someone here said:

Perhaps a certain book ? A spiritual teacher etc 

Thanks 😊 


Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard. That book hit so deep I got physically sick for a couple of days.


The book How To Win Friends And Influence People. It's a self-help classic from the 30s. There's a good reason why it's still so popular. Timeless practical advice.


Also ACIM, and doing the Workbook section. It holds a lesson for every day of an entire year. A great way to train your mind to allow Goodness in. When you do the Workbook, you're in the right place in the right time.


ACIM is probably one of the most comprehensive and practical book there is to non-duality. 



Also physical exercise. Do not look over it. Get yourself a subsription to a local gym and hit the weights. Scientific research states that when you actively use your muscles, they release natural "anti-depressants", and exercise in general is connected to the endocannabinoid system. Regular physical exercise might IMO be even more fundamental than diet or quitting smoking. It's like the #1 habit of well-being.


Exercise in a way that feels good and easy. Don't make it into a chore.


Get inspired by watching videos from Arnold Schwarzenegger etc. That guy got something right.


Honestly, just leave Actualized behind and start lifting weights and listening to Arnold. 😂 Might sound totally nuts but you'll feel a lot better. You'll also do a lot better with gals that way. 😉 



I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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On 9/15/2023 at 11:06 AM, Someone here said:

Please share with me every single thing that has improved the quality of your life tremendously.  I'm in a rock bottom mode ..I've hit a dead end in my life with smoking addiction.  I must take 100%responsibility for crafting and designing my dream life .

I know some of you will definitely suggest meditation or other manual spiritual practice like Yoga ..gratitude..prayer etc. Also journaling . Using dreamboard etc 

But what else has helped you transform your life downside up?  Perhaps a certain book ? A spiritual teacher etc 

Thanks 😊 


The single most effective thing was letting go of the self referential story. Just starting from here now. 


Alignment of thought with feeling has equaled the manifestation of change or changes desired. 

Daily meditation, exercise & loophole shake / whole foods diet as foundational.

Mushroom retreats in nature. Dispelled beliefs. 

Reiki classes.

Expression, namely song writing, poetry and conversations with wife & friends. 

Seeing my own bs, excuses, justifications, rationalizations, etc. Acknowledging emotions instead / putting feeling (peace, happiness, love - self) first. 

Honestly, or, acknowledging what I know is really just what I believe, specifically as it related to a future or thoughts about vs the actual experience of. 

Doing my best at whatever work I was doing resulted in promotions & higher income, which resulted in money to invest in passive incomes. 

Overall I would say the theme was being honest.

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