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Can God/conciousness be lonely?

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On 3/30/2022 at 3:32 PM, Forza21 said:

Oh that's right. Sometimes i really need longer time to get what you say, but it's always at point.  Loneliness is a thought, what is felt is rather fear/panic/despair. Now going to the emotional scale. 🙂 


I wonder if this is insightful & helpful in regard to the panic…

… calmness, composure, peace, tranquility, coolness, encouragement, confidence, peacefulness, courage, bravery, peace of mind, presence of mind, happiness, joy & contentment… are all immeasurable… and (definition wise) opposites of panic


That probably seems straightforward & simple. Like, it’s obvious panic feels discordant, and all of those antonyms, opposites, feel very aligned.


But I wonder, what if one were to hold the belief one is “the knower of states of consciousness”, “the knower of measurements of consciousness”… while consciousness is infinite. Hearing that conjecture would feel very discordant. It would be spiritually, in terms of discord & alignment… indigestible… yet in terms of speaking - one could essentially - fake it. 




Without accompaniment; solitary.

Being the only one; sole.

Situated by itself.


Li: A measurement. 


Ness: …a state of being. 


For there to be the discordant experience of loneliness, one must believe comparative and self referential thoughts. Thus one must believe one is finite and separate of, whatever one is comparing an idea of oneself, to. 


So, in short, I wonder if what felt or feels discordant to you is someone’s dishonesty in deceivingly speaking with conviction, convincing in that they know measured and comparative things about what is immeasurable, incomparable, and thus, unknowable. Just to put that as simply as possible… maybe grandiose separate self indulgent egomaniacal deception feels off… while The Truth doesn’t feel off… at all. Even shorter said, maybe delusion feels off to you, as it should. Just a ‘food for thought’ kind of comment… kind of a ‘for those with two good ears’. 😌


Maybe you attempted to internalize a discord which wasn’t yours to align per se in the first place. 

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Consciousness can't be lonely.  The infinite is not lonely.  The finite is lonely.  And both the finite and infinite are here.  So loneliness is not to be repressed.  The absolute doesn't trounce the relative.  It's ok to be an ego.   To say otherwise would be repressing part of what's here.   God is not lonely, but Man is.  And Man is part of what's here.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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3 hours ago, Phil said:


I wonder if this is insightful & helpful in regard to the panic…

… calmness, composure, peace, tranquility, coolness, encouragement, confidence, peacefulness, courage, bravery, peace of mind, presence of mind, happiness, joy & contentment… are all immeasurable… and (definition wise) opposites of panic


That probably seems straightforward & simple. Like, it’s obvious panic feels discordant, and all of those antonyms, opposites, feel very aligned.


But I wonder, what if one were to hold the belief one is “the knower of states of consciousness”, “the knower of measurements of consciousness”… while consciousness is infinite. Hearing that conjecture would feel very discordant. It would be spiritually, in terms of discord & alignment… indigestible… yet in terms of speaking - one could essentially - fake it. 




Without accompaniment; solitary.

Being the only one; sole.

Situated by itself.


Li: A measurement. 


Ness: …a state of being. 


For there to be the discordant experience of loneliness, one must believe comparative and self referential thoughts. Thus one must believe one is finite and separate of, whatever one is comparing an idea of oneself, to. 


So, in short, I wonder if what felt or feels discordant to you is someone’s dishonesty in deceivingly speaking with conviction, convincing in that they know measured and comparative things about what is immeasurable, incomparable, and thus, unknowable. Just to put that as simply as possible… maybe grandiose separate self indulgent egomaniacal deception feels off… while The Truth doesn’t feel off… at all. Even shorter said, maybe delusion feels off to you, as it should. Just a ‘food for thought’ kind of comment… kind of a ‘for those with two good ears’. 😌


Maybe you attempted to internalize a discord which wasn’t yours to align per se in the first place. 

Yes ❤️

Phil it really started to work out.

Emotion guidance is SO REAL, and SO TRUE.

Now, when negative emotion/ discord comes, i simply notice it and i say short mantra:

"It's not who i am. I'm love. I'm light". 

And... it goes away! 

It helpeeees a looooot!  ❤️

Thank you Phil so much ❤️ ❤️

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2 hours ago, Forza21 said:


Yes ❤️

Phil it really started to work out.

Emotion guidance is SO REAL, and SO TRUE.

Now, when negative emotion/ discord comes, i simply notice it and i say short mantra:

"It's not who i am. I'm love. I'm light". 

And... it goes away! 

It helpeeees a looooot!  ❤️

Thank you Phil so much ❤️ ❤️

Make sure you're the boss as to what you trust and believe.  You can't get someone to do your pushups for you nor your growth.  It's on you to rise up and take responsibility for who you trust and what you believe.  You can't defer this to someone else.  That amounts to taking hearsay over truth.  Be careful with how you attach to teachers.   Every teacher is once removed from you.  You're the teacher.  You're the teacher.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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On 3/28/2022 at 8:10 PM, Forza21 said:

Consciousness is everything there is, so it's one.  We can call it energy, God, Brahman, or whatever fits better to you.

Reports from that state (from example during psychedelic trip) are mostly terrifying, and described as cosmic absolute loneliness. I've been in this place too.

But i wonder - is loneliness a human thing,  the product of undissolved ego?  isn't consciousness before ANY feelings? 

If consciousness is SELFLESS, and PURE LOVE,  can it feel loneliness?

For example, many Vedanta guru's describes God's realization ONLY as pure bliss. ( as opposed to those on psychedelic trip, which are mostly rapid). If one's take time to be on spiritual path for DECADES, when there's also helping others, rituals, devotion, it all dissolve ego,  and you become more selfless. Maybe that's why? 

What do you think?

There is no human thing, everything belongs to one thing which is no-thing, and everything 😄

Feelings is Consciousness, there is no before or after, only in believing the thinking it seems so.

"Dissolving ego for Decades" is a belief, there is no ego in actuality, checking the direct experience helps.

I think you are right, the more you are into this work the more you see the cosmic joke or dreamer dreams a dream so to speak 😄


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On 3/28/2022 at 2:10 PM, Forza21 said:

Consciousness is everything there is, so it's one.  We can call it energy, God, Brahman, or whatever fits better to you.

Reports from that state (from example during psychedelic trip) are mostly terrifying, and described as cosmic absolute loneliness. I've been in this place too.

But i wonder - is loneliness a human thing,  the product of undissolved ego?  isn't consciousness before ANY feelings? 

If consciousness is SELFLESS, and PURE LOVE,  can it feel loneliness?

For example, many Vedanta guru's describes God's realization ONLY as pure bliss. ( as opposed to those on psychedelic trip, which are mostly rapid). If one's take time to be on spiritual path for DECADES, when there's also helping others, rituals, devotion, it all dissolve ego,  and you become more selfless. Maybe that's why? 

What do you think?

God is everything.  It can feel loneliness because it is One.  And it can feel together because it is all things.   It is how God wants to look at things.  It is in God's perspective.

Edited by Robed Mystic
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