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So I randomly stumbled upon the Communist Manifesto for whatever reason while browsing online and started reading it a bit. Right after reading only a few lines something weird dawned on me:


Communism is very simple. This whole communism vs. capitalism thing is very, very simple.


I hope this thread isn't seen as ideological or overly intellectual, cause it isn't. Just sharing a weirdly simple insight and wanting to hear your thoughts.



So first of all, communism isn't an economical theory per se. For me it seems to be more about power. It seems that as of today, the debate around communism, socialism and capitalism revolves around this sort of "but what about economy, growth, money" etc. This isn't really at all what the thing is about. Communism is a way to equalize power, just like democracy.


Today we got democracy, which is great. It's one form of equalized power. But we gotta acknowledge how big corporations and wealth hold power. I'm talking businesses like medical, energy, food, banking etc. These are (often) more or less private businesses. And they DO hold power. Healthcare, drugs, energy and food IS power. And today these powers are privately owned and controlled.


Communism says that these powers should be publicly run and owned. Isn't this as fundamental for equality as democracy?


It's a pretty common argument to say that these companies would not function as effectively if they were public and not competing with other businesses. But now I'm starting to wonder, why not? What is it about privately owned companies and competition we think is so vital? I intuit this might have something to do with subject-object beliefs.



There must be an effortless way.

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I think a blend of capitalism and communism is key. 


Essentially finding a way to equalize power so that everyone's on the same level, but still giving them the space to run their own businesses and stuff. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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In the long run, I think anarchy is the best "system" but I don't think we're ready for that lol. 


A communist/capitalist society seems like a step in the right direction.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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On 5/27/2023 at 7:46 AM, Blessed2 said:

What is it about privately owned companies and competition we think is so vital? I intuit this might have something to do with subject-object beliefs.


Rather than a job the government must fulfill to meet the needs of the people, someone is allowed to turn their passion into a business, and that passion and inspiration ends up serving and creating change and wellbeing much better than a governmental "to-do" list, carried out by uninspired employees.  Belief in need is how need is created, then it gets harder and harder to see that need is illusory. With that said, if greed and profit is the motive behind business without anyone's voice allowed that has an unbiased, big picture, long term focus of wellbeing in mind, things can spiral out of control quite quickly like they did in 2008. 


Like everything in politics, the big misunderstanding is that it's an either/or choice. Either the government gets control, or it's a free market. But it's really not an either or scenario. 

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36 minutes ago, Mandy said:

Rather than a job the government must fulfill to meet the needs of the people, someone is allowed to turn their passion into a business, and that passion and inspiration ends up serving and creating change and wellbeing much better than a governmental "to-do" list, carried out by uninspired employees.  Belief in need is how need is created, then it gets harder and harder to see that need is illusory.


Makes sense. 🤔


There must be an effortless way.

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On 5/28/2023 at 2:54 PM, Mandy said:

Rather than a job the government must fulfill to meet the needs of the people, someone is allowed to turn their passion into a business, and that passion and inspiration ends up serving and creating change and wellbeing much better than a governmental "to-do" list, carried out by uninspired employees.  Belief in need is how need is created, then it gets harder and harder to see that need is illusory. With that said, if greed and profit is the motive behind business without anyone's voice allowed that has an unbiased, big picture, long term focus of wellbeing in mind, things can spiral out of control quite quickly like they did in 2008. 


Like everything in politics, the big misunderstanding is that it's an either/or choice. Either the government gets control, or it's a free market. But it's really not an either or scenario. 


This was actually very insightful. 🙏 Been contemplating on it.


Brings in mind the petrified wood we talked about some time ago. How the organic matter of wood is replaced with quartz crystal. Yet, the structure and shape of the wood remains.


There must be an effortless way.

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