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Expression is healthy 🙂 Lets hear more about you and less of these videos of what others are saying and playing out their shadows.

Exposed / Debunked - Be Cautious of these titles.

Edited by Pluto

If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, then the meal was cooked a long time ago.

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On 5/19/2023 at 7:24 AM, Alexander said:





Each time he pauses the video he’s reviewing, he adds words that weren’t said, and changes the context of what was said. What he’s not doing, is having a conversation with the person. If he was, this could be pointed out and clarified, which is of course why he isn’t, and why you aren’t engaging in any discussions. Just want to say you’re free to and it’s clarifying. 

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Different philosophical and spiritual traditions have explored the concept of nonduality in various ways, such as Advaita Vedanta in Hinduism, Zen Buddhism, and certain interpretations of mystic traditions. These perspectives propose that the dualistic perception of reality, which separates things into categories of "self" and "other," is ultimately an illusion.


However, not everyone subscribes to or resonates with the idea of nonduality. There are diverse philosophical, religious, and scientific viewpoints that challenge or reject the notion of a fundamentally unified reality.


Some reasons why someone might disagree with or find fault in the concept of nonduality include:


Dualistic Experience: Critics argue that our everyday experience seems to demonstrate a clear distinction between self and other, subject and object. They question whether it is valid to dismiss this apparent duality as an illusion.


Epistemological Challenges: Nonduality can present challenges in terms of how we understand knowledge and meaning. Critics argue that language and thought, which are inherently dualistic, make it difficult to express or comprehend nondual concepts.


Scientific Perspective: From a scientific standpoint, the idea of nonduality can conflict with certain empirical observations and theories. Some scientific disciplines focus on the study of distinctions, patterns, and cause-and-effect relationships, which may not align with the notion of an undifferentiated reality.


Personal Beliefs: Nonduality may clash with personal beliefs or religious convictions that emphasize the importance of individuality, moral responsibility, or distinct spiritual realms.


It's important to recognize that the assessment of whether nonduality is true or false is subjective and depends on individual perspectives, philosophical frameworks, cultural backgrounds, and personal experiences. Different individuals will have their own interpretations and understandings of reality, and it's through respectful dialogue and open-mindedness that we can engage in discussions about these complex philosophical concepts.

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The question of why life is worth living is deeply personal and can vary from person to person. While I can't provide a definitive answer that applies to everyone, I can offer some common reasons why many people find life meaningful and worth living:


Personal Relationships: Meaningful connections with family, friends, and loved ones can bring immense joy, support, and a sense of belonging. The bonds we form and the experiences we share with others can give life purpose and fulfillment.


Personal Growth and Achievement: Life offers endless opportunities for growth, learning, and self-improvement. Setting and pursuing goals, whether they are related to education, career, hobbies, or personal development, can give a sense of purpose and satisfaction.


Beauty and Wonder: Life is full of beauty and awe-inspiring moments. From the natural world's wonders, such as sunsets, mountains, and oceans, to the creativity and artistry of human expression, finding and appreciating beauty can bring immense joy and inspiration.


Making a Difference: Many people find meaning in making a positive impact on the world around them. Contributing to their communities, helping others, or advocating for causes they care about can give a sense of purpose and fulfillment.


Personal Values and Beliefs: Living in alignment with our values and beliefs can bring a deep sense of satisfaction and meaning to life. Whether it's living a life of integrity, practicing kindness, or striving for social justice, having a sense of purpose derived from our core principles can make life worthwhile.


Personal Enjoyment: Life offers a multitude of experiences and opportunities for joy, pleasure, and happiness. Engaging in activities that bring you joy, pursuing hobbies, exploring new interests, and appreciating the simple pleasures of life can make it worth living.


It's important to remember that everyone's perspective on the value of life is unique, and what gives life meaning and purpose can vary. Ultimately, finding your own reasons and what resonates with you personally is essential in determining why life is worth living. If you find yourself struggling with this question, it may be helpful to seek support from trusted friends, family, or mental health professionals who can provide guidance and understanding.





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