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How to deliberately change your vibrations?

Isagi Yoichi

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how can you focus on something you want to create and experience? 


what if I don't have anything that I want to have or experience that is aligned with feeling and my true nature?


what if I am imagining and convincing myself that I want to experience and create things bec I do not have any real and aligned wants and creations thus creating more discord?



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Psychedelics (As a personal note, even though nowadays I don't fucc with psychedelics anymore, a couple of psylocibin trips last year were a massive game changer in discovering some high energies that were dormant in me.)

Spiritual Practice (Especial mention to Energy Kriyas, especially focused to alter your energy system out of the default-karma conditionings-blockages. There are also some simple Asanas (postures), that absolutely can un-block this knots in just a few minutes each day)

Clean Diet


Getting enough sun, walking in nature at least once a week. 

Socialising and talking-networking with High consciousness people. 


Btw, I´m assuming you want to change them for the better of course. 



Edited by ConsciousDreamer666
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43 minutes ago, Omar Osama said:


what to do instead of the dreamboard?

Buy a large dry erase board and across the very top in large letters (larger than the rest of what will be on the board) write something like:

“Plan of Success: Education, Financial Independence, Marriage, Personal Development.”


12 hours ago, Omar Osama said:

what is focus and how does it work?

Awareness, which ‘works’ by being, or, appearing as. 


12 hours ago, Omar Osama said:

how to deliberately focus on what you want to experience?

The mindbender (not really) is that this is not something one can start because it is always already the case. There is something to be said for the self-admittance, the willingness to recognize whatever one is focusing on, one is because that’s what one wants to be focusing on. Another word for this recognition perhaps, is maturity. That might be writing what’s wanted on a dry erase board. That might be visualizing, fantasizing, about what’s manifesting (‘what you want’). 


12 hours ago, Omar Osama said:

how to know what I am focusing upon on daily basis?

Overlooking the phrasing of the question… write it down. Keep a log of time spent & activities, similar to one might with calories eaten per day. 

(I say ‘overlooking the phrasing of the question’ because the implication is that there is knowing prior to the / an I.)


12 hours ago, Omar Osama said:

what if I don't feel anything about what I want to experience and desire?

Then focus is and has been on what is not wanted. Write a list of unwanted, step away, return, write the opposites. 

That will be a list of wanted. 

Focus on that. 


12 hours ago, Omar Osama said:


how long should I focus to shift my default vibrations?


You don’t have vibrations, you (person, human, body, etc) are a vibration. But of course, the only reality of an appearance, is that which is appearing. Similarly, the only reality of a nighttime dream is that of the dreamer dreaming. The nighttime dream is essentially a residual echo of the truth, that all experience is a vibrational appearance. Consider lucid dreaming, in that you are not in the dream, knowing or understanding that the true nature of experience is a dream, but rather, are the dreamer and therefore are not ‘in’ the dream at all. All experience, all which can be pointed (even with thought) is experience. Knowing and understanding can be pointed to, and therein are apparent and not actual. ‘Dream stuff’, if you will. 


When you say ‘shift my default vibrations’, what’s felt is the belief (that there is a my default vibration). The vibrational resonance is that of the thought with feeling. Most likely, this is a change of terminology from ‘baselines consciousness’ to ‘default vibrations’. The conceptualization of the actuality of thought, emotion, and love, is egocentric manipulative deception. So the way to ‘shift your default vibrations’, is the self-admittance that in fact, you’ve been manipulated & deceived. The self-admittance, this recognition, is the liberation. 

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12 hours ago, Omar Osama said:

how can you focus on something you want to create and experience? 

Visualizing, and or pictures, drawing it, painting, talking about it, etc. Any wanted focus / focus upon wanted, will do. 

Ideally, the more connective in terms of feeling the better. 

Best case scenario is feeling that it is already the case. 

Not a thing in a future, but rather, This (experience) is already becoming. You, that which is appearing, never actually become (any thing). 

So look around the room, and imagine whatever it is you’d like to experience being the case, the actuality, already. 

Feel the awesomeness of. 


12 hours ago, Omar Osama said:

what if I don't have anything that I want to have or experience that is aligned with feeling and my true nature?

Focus is on unwanted. Seemingly habitually. Write the tool lists. 

Snapping out of it is called for. 

Contemplate your death. Google statistics, and write down the most likely day. Then how many years until that day. Then how many hours. Write that number of hours really big on the palm of your hand, then reach back as far as is possible with that hand, and then bring it around with as much speed, force and inertia as you can possibly muster, and slap yourself across the face and wake up to life, and that you are creating, and all is possible for you. 

In other words, get real and recognize rumination as pointless. Focus on unwanted is pointless. 


12 hours ago, Omar Osama said:


what if I am imagining and convincing myself that I want to experience and create things bec I do not have any real and aligned wants and creations thus creating more discord?

Write the two lists. 

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4 hours ago, Phil said:


Contemplate your death. Google statistics, and write down the most likely day. Then how many years until that day. Then how many hours. Write that number of hours really big on the palm of your hand, then reach back as far as is possible with that hand, and then bring it around with as much speed, force and inertia as you can possibly muster, and slap yourself across the face and wake up to life, and that you are creating, and all is possible for you. 

In other words, get real and recognize rumination as pointless. Focus on unwanted is pointless. 


This is cool i will try it lmao



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Just now, Omar Osama said:



why should it always be something I imagine first why isn't everything coming without me thinking about it?

Should & shouldn’t are what is, but are contextually (about) other than what is. There is no reality or actuality to should & shouldn’t, because there is no one separate of what is, which could rightfully discern or distinguish what should or shouldn’t be, from what is. What is is what is, and is already ample, present & enough, infinite. What is is an indivisible whole, or more specifically not two.


What will what is be though? 


There is no separate component such as ‘a thinker’. So there is no actual answer to ‘why isn’t everything coming without me thinking about it’, other than to say that is precisely already the case, and there is an assumption that there is separation, and a separate self called the thinker. There’s a famous statue called the thinker you can google. It’s a guy just sitting there, not manifesting. It’s quite famous as a symbolic reminder.  


Try to notice all the (so to speak) things which are happening without any thought. The sun shines, the body moves, the fingers type… without any thought. What’s suggested here is unexceptional. Thoughts just appear. Thinking never occurs. If there were a you which was separate from the universe, surely we could say the universe is being done for you. The suggestion is really just for no one to enjoy it and ride the wave. 


Just now, Omar Osama said:


I want to feel good always I do not want to be always thinking about my desires.

Well, you’re in luck because that is actually already the case. Thoughts arise to the contrary, and like clouds to the sun, seem to obscure. But just like the sun, that which is aware of the thoughts (clouds) doesn’t come & go, and is the most wonderful feeling that could ever be. Unthinkably, unbelievably, mysteriously & magically wonderful. 

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16 minutes ago, Phil said:

No, it’s visualizing and feeling as if what’s visualized is already the case

Yes. You imagine that what you want Is already the case. The key word here being "imagine" or "visualize". So by defintion it's not the reality. It's just you fantasizing about what you want. 

I prefer to repeat to myself what I want. It actually works wonders. So I wanted to thank you for introducing me to LoA. I heard about it before you obviously but with you I got more clarity on how it works. My only objection being the point I mentioned above. That it is better to visualize what you want as a goal that you going to achieve in the future no matter what,rather than fooling yourself into thinking that you have what you want but actually don't. What do you think? 

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1 minute ago, Someone here said:

So by defintion it's not the reality

Definitions are, and are not separate from, and therein don’t define, reality. 

It only seems so to the knower, which is not reality, but is illusory. 


2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

It's just you fantasizing about what you want. 

20 minutes ago, Phil said:

No, it’s visualizing and feeling as if what’s visualized is already the case. 


4 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I prefer to repeat to myself what I want. It actually works wonders. So I wanted to thank you for introducing me to LoA. I heard about it before you obviously but with you I got more clarity on how it works. My only objection being the point I mentioned above. That it is better to visualize what you want as a goal that you going to achieve in the future no matter what,rather than fooling yourself into thinking that you have what you want but actually don't. What do you think? 

This is the separate self in time paradigm. It’s dispelled via inspecting direct experience / actually attempting to find what’s claimed to be. Loa is as direct experience as is possible, and even dispels ‘direct experience’. In direct experience, I could never repeat myself, because there is no I or myself found in direct experience.  No achiever or future is found in direct experience. No self fooled or otherwise is actually found in direct experience, nor is a thinker. 


Visual goal; manifest goal, experience is; goal. 

Visual wanted; manifest wanted, experience is; wanted. 

As a simple example, a chocolate shake tastes better than a goal. 







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13 minutes ago, Phil said:

Definitions are, and are not separate from, and therein don’t define, reality

I'm not talking about 'reality' as in existence or the universe. I mean it's not the living condition(that you already have what you want but don't). That's not the reality or not the case. 

15 minutes ago, Phil said:

This is the separate self in time paradigm. It’s dispelled via inspecting direct experience / actually attempting to find what’s claimed to be. Loa is as direct experience as is possible, and even dispels ‘direct experience’. In direct experience, I could never repeat myself, because there is no I or myself found in direct experience.  No achiever or future is found in direct experience. No self fooled or otherwise is actually found in direct

The problem is that you are so precise with inspection. So you can't see that expressions like "fooling yourself" isn't really found as a perception but as thought. And so therefore it has a meaning from one angle and doesn't from another. 

17 minutes ago, Phil said:

Visual goal; manifest goal, experience is; goal. 

Visual wanted; manifest wanted, experience is; wanted. 


You make it seem like you press a button and then the sky will rain candy. You forget the taking action part. 


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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

I'm not talking about 'reality' as in existence or the universe. I mean it's not the living condition(that you already have what you want but don't). That's not the reality or not the case. 

It’s the same reality. 


1 hour ago, Someone here said:

The problem is that you are so precise with inspection. So you can't see that expressions like "fooling yourself" isn't really found as a perception but as thought. And so therefore it has a meaning from one angle and doesn't from another. 

Yes, belief about reality & reality. 


1 hour ago, Someone here said:

You make it seem like you press a button and then the sky will rain candy. You forget the taking action part. 

Direct experience does dictate there is no experience at all of a Phil forgetting nor of a self taking action. 

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