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Tips On Using The Emotional Scale


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@Phil it is felt. I feel numb from substances right now 🤤. I will be going on a family trip in 2 days so ill be forced to stop taking the substance which is good. 


I want to feel joy, but I am joy.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@Phil It really is.....


On the other hand im applying to a bunch of jobs and feeling great about it!

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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Hopefulness. 👍🏼 


18 minutes ago, Orb said:

I will be going on a family trip in 2 days so ill be forced to stop taking the substance which is good

Forced implies asserted upon, against your will, unwanted. Nothing prevents you from taking the substances right in front of them without a care. 

Perhaps what you’re wanting is manifesting? 

What are three specific things you’ll do (on your dreamboard) other than the substances (and roping anyone into a thought story)?


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@Phil Cycling and Calisthenics, Reading fiction. 


No, I want to stop taking the substance and being around family will help with quitting. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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Will they know you’re quitting / experiencing withdrawal? 


How would you rephrase ‘I want to stop’ / ‘quitting’… in terms of what you do want, will do?

(Pre-game-momentum… aka positive expectation, positive beliefs, optimism. Enthusiasm. Eagerness.)


Put another way - what is your why / what are you creating? 

Dream BIG. 


Dreamboard’s also great for visually seeing ‘big’ things are ‘small’ increments… seeing this seems to have a lo to do with enjoying the journey / now / presence. 



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@Phil I am creating a peaceful lifestyle! 


I gotta get a bigger board, once I move out Ill invest money in a really big board.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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What’s the point of considering, or acknowledging emotions as guidance for thoughts? 

What’s the relevance, the usefulness?


The other perspective or interpretation is that emotion is not how thoughts feel… but is how assertion feels. I feel this way because of… what someone said, what someone did, the way the world is, what happened, etc. 


Want promotions offered to you?

Want opportunities to come to you? 

Deep, sincere, lasting relationships? 

Passion, enjoyment & development in a hobby, pursuit, endeavor? 

Want peace of mind?

Interested in the truth?


Aware emotion is how thoughts or interpretations feel… what would it be like for everyone around to essentially be short fused, reactive, freaking out… while you remain cool as a cucumber, aware emotions are how thoughts feel, and therein careful with alignment in your interpretations. 




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Suppressed emotion can be a mysterious concept.

If there isn’t a separate self in time, how could there be suppressed emotion?

Wouldn’t that require a self in time?


Yes, it would. 



The lens, or so called finite mind, filters (if at all). Allows this memory, and not that memory. Allows this emotion, and not that emotion. 


In proximity with each other, which in truth is the same lens, emotions which are not technically per se suppressed, but are not allowed - resonate like tuning forks. 


If you’re experiencing anger for example, there might be two people in your proximity and one might experience the tuning fork of anger as it is not allowed to be felt or expressed, and the other might very well allow and express anger and therefore they as a ‘tuning fork’ won’t resonate - won’t experience anger. 


Memories might be of a past, but of course are experienced presently if at all and not actually in a past. Within a memory, or alongside a memory, is an interpretation. Alongside the interpretation presently experienced, is emotion. What’s longed for is not the changing of a past, but rather the alignment of interpretation. To see clearly, which means to liberate of the separate self aspect of the interpretation. To be free. To be clear. To be as yourself - without the discord of the memory, interpretation, and discordant emotion. 


To do so, allow the memory. Allow the discord. Allow the emotion(s). Non-aversion. What’s clarified is that these phenomenon arise within you - that you are infinitely greater. Bigger or larger, so to speak. 


The Wholeness that Is. 

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What role does the expression have in acknowledging emotions?


Like for example, one might be sitting, allowing feeling to be noticed and acknowledging that insecurity is felt.


One might be doing that same thing, but also writing "I am experiencing the emotion insecurity" on a paper.


What's the expression about?



Also, any more practical tips as to how to express emotions?


There must be an effortless way.

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2 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

What role does the expression have in acknowledging emotions?

Might be clarifying to draw out the opposite of expression: suppression, repression, control, constraint, stifling, restriction, blocking, holding back, hiding, concealment. These antonyms don’t exactly paint a resonating picture of well-being & happiness. Why is that?


In the ‘big picture’, first there is expression (universe / experience / creation)… then thoughts arise and emotions are experienced… and there seems to be suffering and a separate self. 


Going backwards, back Home…

Emotions are experienced… as thoughts are arising… as this place is an expression of Me. 


So in short; self-realization, enlightenment, the truth. Liberation of / from ignorance and suffering. The separate self is (so to speak) unified with, dissolved into, the true nature of Being. 


2 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


Like for example, one might be sitting, allowing feeling to be noticed and acknowledging that insecurity is felt.


One might be doing that same thing, but also writing "I am experiencing the emotion insecurity" on a paper.


What's the expression about?

To unclog a hose (unfetter and be ‘in the Flow’) one could get the pebbles out of the hose. But one can also turn up the faucet (create). One eager enough might even call the city water department and see if they can turn it up a bit at their end too (draw upon source / full bore allowing). 


The self of self-realization or enlightenment is The Creator. Paper was not, and Is, via you’re being. Creation is the expression of The Creator. 


“I am experiencing insecurity” was not on the paper, and now it is. You have created it to be so. What influence, power or ‘hold’ has insecurity upon The Creator of reality?


2 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

Also, any more practical tips as to how to express emotions?

If a specific means or medium isn’t already felt as most effective, try a few and go with what resonates. 


Therapy, expressing with someone who isn’t involved and listens can be helpful, but also isn’t everyone’s most effective means. Generally speaking it’s pretty effective. 


A most-simple method might be filling in the blanks:

I feel ________ (emotion) when ___________ (thought or situation) is experienced because ___________ (whatever reason comes to mind). 


When there’s discord, the aim would the ‘turnaround’, or, the interpretation changing, or seeing it differently such that there isn’t discord, reframing, seeing it in a new way from a ‘bigger’ or more whole or inclusive perspective. 


That new way would most likely be backed by or the infusing of appreciation, gratitude, putting oneself in another’s shoes / empathy / compassion, forgiveness of yourself or another, and or a resonating plan of action. That might look like writing down some steps one plans to take in the light of the new interpretation or reframing. This is transmutation. Turning discord into alignment, negative into positive, pain into beauty. The recognition that we can do this, that we have that power to change our lives, or fortune, or destiny is imo in & of itself evoking of gratitude, appreciation and empowerment. 


I for one am certainly not above using the scale & doing turnarounds, or asking my wife to hold some space for me so I can express what’s on my mind and experience more clarity around it. But just as one reference or example, I found my specific or most effective means to be playing guitar and singing, and maybe more so writing a song which captures the emotions experienced and the transmutation that occurs. The process of writing the song and what it’s about are one & the same. I’ve found it’s double beneficial because I can also return to and play that song. 


As other examples, I know some people for whom it’s wood carving, crafting, and one who’s rebuilding an old car in the garage a little bit at a time. 


Last but certainly not at all least - because, what’s on your dreamboard. 

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In terms of happiness consciously creating and the manifestation of the dream, the most insightful aspect is the acknowledgement and recognition of the guidance of emotion in the creative process as a flawless & infallible compass within. If you’re seeking certainty, that’s it.


Appreciation, gratitude and the allowing of natural curiosity, interest and the inevitable enthusiasm & eagerness that arises is simply magnetic. So to speak, it’s no mystery this is what you want, and as well, what everyone else wants and wants to be around.


It could rightfully be said to all be a matter of unfettering of focus, which might otherwise seem to be a thing or possession, or in some way of this world. In truth focus is the very magic of how there’s an experience of a world at all. 


The more there is an allowing of this unfettering of yourself, the more what’s desired manifests, and the more of yourself is infused into this world you are being. 


Truly, there is no stopping betterment. It’s intrinsic and inseparable of being, of your very nature as the creator.

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Why the emotional scale?

Why the ‘model’ of awareness is aware of; thought, perception & sensation?

Why awareness is aware of awareness - awareness is aware that it is aware?

Why the focus on that there is no separate, second, finite self?

Why the dreamboard? 

Why the expression, emptying, untangling & dispelling? 



The Truth. 

That’s why. 



But what good is The Truth when I don’t have the relationship I want, the money I want, the friends I want, the house I want, the car I want!!??

What good is this spiritual mumbo-jumbo when it doesn’t help me with any of life’s practical matters!!!???


This is a mental paradigm. 



What is!?


This - “life” - nonsense.



The hell it is. You try living my life. It’s a train wreck! If you were me you wouldn’t be so God damn lovey dovey and happy!!!


Listen to what’s being said: there is no life. That is a mental construct. A paradigm. A belief. Hell it is indeed. 



If you weren’t so seemingly happy and occasionally insightful I’d outright tell you that you’re insane. 


Insanity is this “life” paradigm. It is a mental prison. 



And now I bet you’re gonna tell me what to do about it, how to break out of this prison, right?


It’s all that has been said and is being said: 

Why the emotional scale.

Why the ‘model’ of awareness is aware of; thought, perception & sensation.

Why awareness is aware of awareness - awareness is aware that it is aware.

Why the focus on that there is no separate, second, finite self.

Why the dreamboard. 

Why the expression, emptying, untangling & dispelling.


You do not have to experience worry, doubt, fear, stress, anxiety, anger, nervousness, effort, uncertainty, shame or the like. 


You are Grand Central Station. By believing thoughts, it is as if you are getting in trains. 

You are Grand Central Station. As these beliefs are dispelled, as these bubbles are burst, it is clear you are not in any trains. 

You are Grand Central Station. 

You are awareness, dreaming. 



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Stubbornness & emotion.


When you are sure you are experiencing X emotion - that’s the stubbornness. 

It’s isn’t true, it’s stubbornness.



Fear, grief, despair, powerless, insecurity, guilt and or unworthiness is felt.

No. That’s just stubbornness. 

It isn’t true, it’s a false claim. 

A lie. 

Jealousy is actually felt. 


Jealousy is felt.

There’s no denying it anymore. 

That’s actually stubbornness, and I’m allowing it to be felt.

But that isn’t actually true.  

In truth, hatred / rage is felt. 


Hatred / rage felt? If yes, that’s the stubborness. 

That isn’t actually what’s felt at all. 

It’s just another story 

Anger / revenge is what’s actually felt. 


Anger / revenge is felt you say? 

No it isn’t. It really actually isn’t. 

Stubbornness is experienced, but denied. 

Discouragement is actually what’s felt. 


Experiencing discouragement you say? 

Feels so good to recognize the truth huh. 

Well, that’s just another lie actually.

That’s still the very same egocentric stubbornness.

Blame is truly what’s felt. 


Oh, so you, awareness, are experiencing the emotional guidance of blame?

Finally admitting there’s no it. 

And so it’s not someone else’s fault. 

And it’s not my fault either. 

This is an emotion, blame. 

Ok, I’m starting to get it now. 

No, you actually aren’t.

You’re venturing into delusion. 

That’s still stubbornness. 

You’re actually experiencing the guidance of worry. 

Worry is what’s felt. 


So now you know worry is felt. 

Feels good to acknowledge. 

To put the weight down in doing so. 

But you don’t actually know that.

You’re fooling yourself. 

It’s a belief about emotional guidance. 

What’s actually felt, is doubt. 


So doubt is felt?

Only in accordance with the ego mind, or, stubborness. 

The knower knows doubt is felt. 

The knower is pure ego. 

Pure falsity. 

Literal insanity. 

Disappointment is what’s actually felt. 


You, awareness, are recognizing & acknowledging disappointment is felt.

It feels so good to be true to yourself. 

So liberating. 

Except it isn’t really.

That’s just another belief.

It’s still the very same stubbornness.

In truth, overwhelment is felt.

Yeah. It’s true. It is.

It’s overwhelment. 


Overwhelment is felt?

The assumed ego mind is so stubborn!

Overwhelment isn’t felt at all. 

Matter of fact, overwhelment isn’t even an emotion. 

It’s patently psychological denial. 

In truth frustration, irritation & impatience are actually felt.

There’s no denying this, for the body tells you so. 

This is what’s felt & there’s no mistaking it. 


Feels good to finally acknowledge what is.

To admit to the frustration, irritation & impatience.

The relief feels nice.

Not really though.

This is still ego mind.

Intellectual dishonesty. 

This is actually a hijack. 

The devil has your soul. 

You don’t know it because you’re the devil. 

Believing in nonsense like frustration, irritation & impatience. 

Pessimism is actually what’s felt. 


Pessimism is felt. 

And that’s egocentric horseshit. 




Just more lying. Same exact stubbornness.

Ruling your mind like an infection.

Dictating your entire life right under your nose.  

What’s actually felt - is boredom. 


Yep. Boredom. Not “I’m bored”. Not even “this is boring”. 

Pure boredom. 

Finally ‘allowed in’. 


Oh the relief! 

And yet this is still ego mind. 

Feeling on behalf of a nonexistent separate self. 

Stubbornly denying this is the case. 

Utter wastefulness of aliveness. 

Complete denial. 

Contentment is actually what’s felt. 


Contentment is actually felt. 

Yep. It is crazy. 

It just happens to be true. 

Stubbornness claims otherwise. 

Yet contentment is actually felt. 


And this is just how relentless the ego is. 

Putrid & disgusting in its “contentment” fakery. 

Smoke & mirrors. 

The ego, or knower, knows contentment is felt, and this is Home. 

Peace; the ego’s Home. 

The comfy peace of contentment. 

Let’s all be content everybody. Peace on earth! 

Finally emotional guidance makes some sense! 


Except, it’s still the ego mind running the show. 

It’s actually hopefulness that’s felt. 

For God’s sake please don’t say this is a lie. 

Don’t undermine my hopefulness! 

Hopefulness feels so good!

Feels so much better than I did before. 


And this is an utter denial of reality. 

Stubbornness at its very best. 

At its very worst. 

You know it is. 

Complete and utter dishonesty, dictating all behaviors.

Sincerity never had a chance. 

Authenticity’s a cruel joke. 

All-pervading denial playing out in all endeavors. All relationships. 

Asleep in a dream of positive expectation, belief and optimism. 

Destroying the body’s health & well-being. 

Infecting everyone & everything with the toxicity of optimism. 

Ruining your experience. 

Drama. Tantrums. Childishness.

Sheer arrogance. 

Still the same old stubbornness. 


Oh, ok, I see what’s going on here, I’m starting to get it. 

So really, enthusiasm, eagerness, happiness is felt.

It was ‘covered up’, and this is “unfettering” - Ok, I get it. 

Neat! This is really resonating! 


No. Stubbornness is experienced. 

Denial. Spiritual bypassing. 


How could anyone be this stupid?

There’s no “enthusiasm”, “eagerness”, “happiness”. 

It’s all egocentric refusal. 





Passion is actually felt.

It’s ’why you came’.

To love. To create.  

It’s so obvious by how it resonates so deeply & profoundly. 


Oh ok. Now I really get it. That really does resonate!

I came to love! To create!

So what I’m really feeling is passion!

This makes perfect sense!

There are actually things I’m passionate about! 

I’m starting to feel like a kid again!

Desires are clearer, insight are arising, things seem possible!

Man, you’re crazy, but some of things you write are actually pretty good & help me see through my ego. 


No. God no.

No, no, no, no, no!

Still stubbornness!

Unchecked denial

False claims.


Phony as hell. 

Complete emotional suppression. 

Passion isn’t felt at all. 


Joy is felt. Appreciation is felt. Empowerment is felt.

Real Freedom.


Wow. Ok. Now I really get it. Like, really, really get it. 

So all I have to do is think or focus on positive thoughts. 

These thoughts resonate with my true nature! 

This makes so much sense!!


Nope. That’s stubbornness.

It’s the same God damn stubbornness.  

‘Ego’s’ “got you by the balls”. 

Leading you around like a monkey. 

Sound asleep in the matrix. 

A non-lived life, chalked full of resentment, regret and denial of truth. 

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23 minutes ago, Phil said:

Stubbornness & emotion.


When you are sure you are experiencing X emotion - that’s the stubbornness. 

It’s isn’t true, it’s stubbornness.



Fear, grief, despair, powerless, insecurity, guilt and or unworthiness is felt.

No. That’s just stubbornness. 

It isn’t true, it’s a false claim. 

A lie. 

Jealousy is actually felt. 


Jealousy is felt.

There’s no denying it anymore. 

That’s actually stubbornness, and I’m allowing it to be felt.

But that isn’t actually true.  

In truth, hatred / rage is felt. 


Hatred / rage felt? If yes, that’s the stubborness. 

That isn’t actually what’s felt at all. 

It’s just another story 

Anger / revenge is what’s actually felt. 


Anger / revenge is felt you say? 

No it isn’t. It really actually isn’t. 

Stubbornness is experienced, but denied. 

Discouragement is actually what’s felt. 


Experiencing discouragement you say? 

Feels so good to recognize the truth huh. 

Well, that’s just another lie actually.

That’s still the very same egocentric stubbornness.

Blame is truly what’s felt. 


Oh, so you, awareness, are experiencing the emotional guidance of blame?

Finally admitting there’s no it. 

And so it’s not someone else’s fault. 

And it’s not my fault either. 

This is an emotion, blame. 

Ok, I’m starting to get it now. 

No, you actually aren’t.

You’re venturing into delusion. 

That’s still stubbornness. 

You’re actually experiencing the guidance of worry. 

Worry is what’s felt. 


So now you know worry is felt. 

Feels good to acknowledge. 

To put the weight down in doing so. 

But you don’t actually know that.

You’re fooling yourself. 

It’s a belief about emotional guidance. 

What’s actually felt, is doubt. 


So doubt is felt?

Only in accordance with the ego mind, or, stubborness. 

The knower knows doubt is felt. 

The knower is pure ego. 

Pure falsity. 

Literal insanity. 

Disappointment is what’s actually felt. 


You, awareness, are recognizing & acknowledging disappointment is felt.

It feels so good to be true to yourself. 

So liberating. 

Except it isn’t really.

That’s just another belief.

It’s still the very same stubbornness.

In truth, overwhelment is felt.

Yeah. It’s true. It is.

It’s overwhelment. 


Overwhelment is felt?

The assumed ego mind is so stubborn!

Overwhelment isn’t felt at all. 

Matter of fact, overwhelment isn’t even an emotion. 

It’s patently psychological denial. 

In truth frustration, irritation & impatience are actually felt.

There’s no denying this, for the body tells you so. 

This is what’s felt & there’s no mistaking it. 


Feels good to finally acknowledge what is.

To admit to the frustration, irritation & impatience.

The relief feels nice.

Not really though.

This is still ego mind.

Intellectual dishonesty. 

This is actually a hijack. 

The devil has your soul. 

You don’t know it because you’re the devil. 

Believing in nonsense like frustration, irritation & impatience. 

Pessimism is actually what’s felt. 


Pessimism is felt. 

And that’s egocentric horseshit. 




Just more lying. Same exact stubbornness.

Ruling your mind like an infection.

Dictating your entire life right under your nose.  

What’s actually felt - is boredom. 


Yep. Boredom. Not “I’m bored”. Not even “this is boring”. 

Pure boredom. 

Finally ‘allowed in’. 


Oh the relief! 

And yet this is still ego mind. 

Feeling on behalf of a nonexistent separate self. 

Stubbornly denying this is the case. 

Utter wastefulness of aliveness. 

Complete denial. 

Contentment is actually what’s felt. 


Contentment is actually felt. 

Yep. It is crazy. 

It just happens to be true. 

Stubbornness claims otherwise. 

Yet contentment is actually felt. 


And this is just how relentless the ego is. 

Putrid & disgusting in its “contentment” fakery. 

Smoke & mirrors. 

The ego, or knower, knows contentment is felt, and this is Home. 

Peace; the ego’s Home. 

The comfy peace of contentment. 

Let’s all be content everybody. Peace on earth! 

Finally emotional guidance makes some sense! 


Except, it’s still the ego mind running the show. 

It’s actually hopefulness that’s felt. 

For God’s sake please don’t say this is a lie. 

Don’t undermine my hopefulness! 

Hopefulness feels so good!

Feels so much better than I did before. 


And this is an utter denial of reality. 

Stubbornness at its very best. 

At its very worst. 

You know it is. 

Complete and utter dishonesty, dictating all behaviors.

Sincerity never had a chance. 

Authenticity’s a cruel joke. 

All-pervading denial playing out in all endeavors. All relationships. 

Asleep in a dream of positive expectation, belief and optimism. 

Destroying the body’s health & well-being. 

Infecting everyone & everything with the toxicity of optimism. 

Ruining your experience. 

Drama. Tantrums. Childishness.

Sheer arrogance. 

Still the same old stubbornness. 


Oh, ok, I see what’s going on here, I’m starting to get it. 

So really, enthusiasm, eagerness, happiness is felt.

It was ‘covered up’, and this is “unfettering” - Ok, I get it. 

Neat! This is really resonating! 


No. Stubbornness is experienced. 

Denial. Spiritual bypassing. 


How could anyone be this stupid?

There’s no “enthusiasm”, “eagerness”, “happiness”. 

It’s all egocentric refusal. 





Passion is actually felt.

It’s ’why you came’.

To love. To create.  

It’s so obvious by how it resonates so deeply & profoundly. 


Oh ok. Now I really get it. That really does resonate!

I came to love! To create!

So what I’m really feeling is passion!

This makes perfect sense!

There are actually things I’m passionate about! 

I’m starting to feel like a kid again!

Desires are clearer, insight are arising, things seem possible!

Man, you’re crazy, but some of things you write are actually pretty good & help me see through my ego. 


No. God no.

No, no, no, no, no!

Still stubbornness!

Unchecked denial

False claims.


Phony as hell. 

Complete emotional suppression. 

Passion isn’t felt at all. 


Joy is felt. Appreciation is felt. Empowerment is felt.

Real Freedom.


Wow. Ok. Now I really get it. Like, really, really get it. 

So all I have to do is think or focus on positive thoughts. 

These thoughts resonate with my true nature! 

This makes so much sense!!


Nope. That’s stubbornness.

It’s the same God damn stubbornness.  

‘Ego’s’ “got you by the balls”. 

Leading you around like a monkey. 

Sound asleep in the matrix. 

A non-lived life, chalked full of resentment, regret and denial of truth. 


Thank you.


Appreciation is felt. Same old ego. Hopeless loser.


There must be an effortless way.

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As emotional twists & turns of reality go, jealousy is arguably the dooziest. How weird it is to be formless goodness, appear as form, overlook you’re appearing, and believe in a duality of form; right & wrong, good & bad, positive & negative.


Jealousy, and the vulnerability allowed by acknowledging jealousy might initially seem as if it doesn’t resonate and isn’t insightful. It could even seem to not be indicative of yourself or of the truth that you are appearing and therein, creating.


Vulnerability & openness could be believed to be about separate finite form, and translucency could be entirely overlooked. These aspects might even be believedly accredited to a separate physical self, and therein jealousy as well, while in truth what’s felt is that you are indeed the creator of your reality.


Though your own unlimited infinite potentiality is all that’s ever actually experienced, this might be obscured by the very activity of appearing as thoughts or thinking, about separation or even separate selves. But this mental wall of belief, and all the bitterness, animosity, resentment, undeservedness, stress, tension & dis-ease that comes with an unwillingness to be vulnerable, to be formless, transparent - in truth doesn’t resonate at all. Hence fear, powerlessness, insecurity, grief, despair, guilt & unworthiness - guidance. While jealousy may not quite be passion, enthusiasm & eagerness (yet)… it certainly resonates more than the alternatives. 


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Perhaps the greatest tip with using the emotional scale are the conceptualizations, rationalizations & justifications which aren’t on the scale. 


To name a few… bitterness, animosity, resentment, anxiety, loneliness, desolation, nervousness, disgust, discontent, apathy, confusion, sorrow, regret, panic, betrayal, agony, wrath, agitation, mistrust, disillusionment, paranoia, tension, discomfort, neglect, suspicion, repulsion, heartache, annoyance, displeasure, isolation, unease, defensiveness, inferiority, shame, hopelessness, antipathy, defeat, vexation, aversion, embarrassment, resignation, cynicism, restlessness, fury, futility, mortification, unhappiness, self-pity, discord, exasperation, loathing, affliction, depression, trepidation, torment, apprehension, irritability, chagrin, dissatisfaction, disgruntlement, misgiving, repugnance, animus, dysphoria, choler, indignation, upset, turmoil, perturbation, agitation, discontentment, disapproval, paranoia, spitefulness, malevolence, vindictiveness, sourness, grumpiness, miff, crossness, wretchedness, malaise, alienation.

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